Below is a test I have devised in light of my article titled:

Socionics - "A Bloody Mess"

Bear in mind my representation of type:

I/E - [Strong block] - [Weak block]

Remember that a block can only contain one rational function and one irrational function. A block cannot contain two rational functions or two irrational functions.

The thing I like about the test is it's simplicity and the inclusion of subtyping.

Put the following sentences in order, starting with the sentence that describes you the best and finishing with the sentence that describes you the worst.

 I am influenced by possibilities. (N)
 I am influenced by my surroundings. (S)
 I am influenced by my emotions. (F)
 I am influenced by logical reasons. (T)

What will happen if a person arranges the functions in such a way that: the first two functions are rational and the last two are irrational; or, the first two functions are irrational and the last two are rational? In those cases the arrangement will be adjusted to fit my representation of type, so that each block contains one rational function and one irrational function. So for example, if a person arranges the functions in such a way so that the first two functions (in the strong block) are rational and the last two functions (in the weak block) are irrational, the strongest rational function (at position 1) will remain in the strong block (in the same position) and the second rational function (in position 2) will be transfered to the weak block (to position 3); the strongest irrational function in the weak block (in position3) will be transfered to the strong block (to position 2) and the weakest function (at position 4) will remain in the weak block (in the same position). Here is an example: a person arranges the functions as: TF-NS. This will be adjusted like so: TN-FS.

Remember that if your weakest function is rational then your type is irrational. If your weakest function is irrational then your type is rational.

Once the order of functions are determined, the next thing to do is to find out if you are an introvert or an extrovert.

If you are xNTj, which word describes you best:
Energetic (ENTj)
Comfort (INTj)

If you are xNTp, which word describes you best:
Energetic (INTp)
Comfort (ENTp)

If you are xSFj, which word describes you best:
Energetic (ISFj)
Comfort (ESFj)

If you are xSFp, which word describes you best:
Energetic (ESFp)
Comfort (ISFp)

If you are xNFp, which word describes you best:
Energetic (INFp)
Comfort (ENFp)

If you are xNFj, which word describes you best:
Energetic (ENFj)
Comfort (INFj)

If you are xSTp, which word describes you best:
Energetic (ESTp)
Comfort (ISTp)

If you are xSTj, which word describes you best:
Energetic (ISTj)
Comfort (ESTj)