What made me think of this is recently I have criticized religious Judaism and the aspects of Jewish culture which I consider equivalent to religious Judaism. To some people this just makes me seem horribly Antisemitic, and that is entirely predictable to me, I am just out of curse words to give at this point. I think religious Judaism and its cultural aspects are just horribly bad for Jews and basically a complete slaughterhouse for ethnic Jews, but that is not why anyone is criticizing me. There is always this subtext, that people of a certain ethnicity must have a certain religion and that is the right way for them. Certainly, a lot of people think that way, probably most Jews and most Gentiles at this point, but I think that is a complete fallacy. The Earth is not round for the British and flat for people in Somalia. 2 + 2 does not equal 4 in Japan and 5 in Korea. The moon is not made of rock for Americans and green cheese for the French. People can have distinct cultures without having to adopt some set of propositions about reality that might be actually harmful, which I think almost all religions definitionally are since they are almost all mutually exclusive to each other, and I am aware that the most controversial thing I could do is say that about Judaism in particular. You can call out Scientology every moment, Mormons every day, Christianity quite often whether Catholic or Protestant, Islam starts getting controversial, atheism and agnosticism are up for criticism now that they are popular enough, but apparently saying that maybe religious Judaism is kind of bad for Jews because supporting "the tribe" unconditionally seems to often lead to decisions that benefit not a single individual, and additionally, constantly viewing the world as this irredeemably broken place where the only options are defeatism or forcing people to take "help" they do not want in the form of e.g. social justice activism and (un)popular culture are not good things, especially when the majority of what is called modern Jewish religion does not involve any kind of belief in God whatsoever and is mostly Jews trying to feel more Jewish. I think my own culture and every native religion that tends to be associated with it equally bad, which is literally infinitely bad when one is speaking of the infinite, I do not want to chauvinistically impose on the Jews (or anyone else) at all. But I am not going to treat Judaism as this sacred cow when I think it is harmful to its practioners as well as others. There can absolutely be a distinctly Jewish culture with a correct set of beliefs that isn't this nihilistic "I am going to synagogue even though I don't believe in God because I am Jewish" thing, just as much as there can be an American culture that is not based on evangelical Protestantism, mainline Protestantism, Mormonism, or anything that is dumbly and stereotypically considered an "American religion," and there can be an India that is not based on Hinduism, and an England that is not based on Anglicanism or New Atheism. If there is one ultimate truth, the most racist thing anyone can do would be to deny it to anyone based on race, and I, personally, cannot see religion in relativistic or nihilistic terms. Attempting to believe falsehoods out of some kind of perverted pragmatism does not make you feel good, no matter how much anyone might like to claim otherwise.