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Thread: Criticizing Religions

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    This guy thinks the problem of evil being solved means God doesn't exist rather than it being a defense of God's existence, because he assumes everything intellectual ever is from Satan or something. You're being disingenuous pretending otherwise and trying to take advantage of his lack of knowledge, even if it was self-imposed by him. Two wrongs don't make a right.
    @End @Tallmo @Emily @Virgin Pure @Exodus
    Didn't mean to burst your toga party.

    No major philosopher in the history of man could understand the first chapter in the Bible with any amount of education or linguistic ability, any more than any major twentieth century philosopher or scientist can understand it now (See 1 Cor 2:14-16)

    because he assumes everything intellectual ever is from Satan or something.
    It's a black and white issue Ms Dewey Decimal System

    When it came to "knowledge of God" (theology) and the immortality of the soul, the Greek philosophers slammed around like two dozen blind men playing ping-pong in an unlighted basement.

    Heraclitus, Thales, and Anximander were atheists.

    Zenophanes was a pantheist; the whole living nature was God.

    God, to Aristotle, was "pure intelligence," the "unmoved mover" of nature.

    The epicureans were polytheists (they believed in many gods: see 1 Cor 8:5).

    The stoics were pantheistic. According to Anaximenes, the soul was some "thinned out air" that was part of the universe.

    Heraclitus said it was "rarified fire," and that the best souls were "warm and dirty" (see Yin and Yang etc)

    Empedocles had souls migrating from one body to another.

    Leucippus and Democritus said that souls were made of "purified atoms," and

    Plato believed in the pre-existence of souls (leading to the sprinkling of babies to regenerate them in the catholic church)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

    This stupid cartoon actually supports what I said

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    Speaking of cartoons, I got some better ones

    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue
    because he assumes everything intellectual ever is from Satan or something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    If you think otherwise, produce evidence that we can see.

  4. #84

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Didn't mean to burst your toga party.

    No major philosopher in the history of man could understand the first chapter in the Bible with any amount of education or linguistic ability, any more than any major twentieth century philosopher or scientist can understand it now (See 1 Cor 2:14-16)
    You're saying that God is the author of confusion now?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Speaking of cartoons, I got some better ones

    Seems that the Devil has the best tunes.

    Doesn't change the fact you don't have any tangible evidence of God. If you want to live in the Iron Age, be my guest.

  8. #88

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    You're saying that God is the author of confusion now?
    No I'm saying we can take all these "philosophers" and place them in a sewer in San Francisco where they belong. All attempts of early Greek philosophers were to "overthrow" God and the Bible, exactly as scores of scientists and scholars do today.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Seems that the Devil has the best tunes.

    Doesn't change the fact you don't have any tangible evidence of God. If you want to live in the Iron Age, be my guest.
    "Evidence" is always demanded by degenerate schmucks who are mentally deranged, who end up dying in their coffins with no certainty (hence the cartoon)

    It's a heart issue. Not a logical one.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    No I'm saying we can take all these "philosophers" and place them in a sewer in San Francisco where they belong. All attempts of early Greek philosophers were to overthrow the God and the Bible, exactly as scores of scientists and scholars do today.
    Most of them probably never even read or heard the Bible, and very few spent any time doubting the gods existed, at least according to their works.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    "Evidence" is always demanded by degenerate schmucks who are mentally deranged, who end up dying in their coffins with no certainty (hence the cartoon)

    It's a heart issue. Not a logical one.
    So, why are you a Christian then, if you could have followed some other equally irrational ideology?

    It is clear to me now that you're not interested in facts or logic, and you're an unpleasant person who thinks people should be tortured for not following your totalitarian ideology. If it's a heart issue for you, it seems you mean purely one of anger rather than love.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    So, why are you a Christian then, if you could have followed some other equally irrational ideology?

    It is clear to me now that you're not interested in facts or logic, and you're an unpleasant person who thinks people should be tortured for not following your totalitarian ideology. If it's a heart issue for you, it seems you mean purely one of anger rather than love.
    If I were you, I'd start getting rid of that effeminate hipster Jesus imagery you've been brain-washed with. This ******, "lovey dovey" Jesus is one of the stupidest (misleading) depictions of Jesus thats just a major face palm.

    When Jesus comes back, he'll be back as a military dictator and throwing you (along with other reprobates and infidels) into Hell, and within 24 hours, solve the problems in the government that science, philosophy, and psychiatry could not solve in 24 centuries with 4,000 textbooks, 4,000,000 people, and $5,000,000,000,000.

    The future is absolutely fixed and no stupid hairy armed feminists ranting and raving in internet forums will change anything. He doesn't care about your retarded "problems of evil" philosophical rants and will simply trample over you like winepress.

    The problem has been solved; it merely awaits the appearing of THE RULER (Rev 19:1-21)
    Last edited by Kwame Kilpatrick; 04-23-2023 at 02:23 PM.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    If I were you, I'd start getting rid of the effeminate Jesus hipster imagery the-secular-bible-illiterate-world has impregnated you with because when Jesus comes back, he'll be back as a military dictator and throwing you (along with other reprobates and infidels) into Hell, and within 24 hours, solve the problems in the government that science, philosophy, and psychiatry could not solve in 24 centuries with 4,000 textbooks, 4,000,000 people, and $5,000,000,000,000.

    The future is absolutely fixed and no stupid vatican or united government will change anything. The problem has been solved; it merely awaits the appearing of THE RULER (Rev 19:1-21)
    I wouldn't trust you to tell me the present, nevermind the future.

    I don't see any admirable qualities in you. I'm glad I'm better than Christ.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I wouldn't trust you to tell me the present, nevermind the future.

    I don't see any admirable qualities in you. I'm glad I'm better than Christ.
    Good. Burn in Hell, you heretic

  16. #96

  17. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    My favorite solution to the problem of evil, which I don't often hear, is you only cause evil to yourself. Even if you try to cause evil to someone else with your intentions, it can't happen unless God allows it.
    Hmm. I hear that one a lot in Christianity, actually--at least in USA (not sure where you live or whether it is the most common Christian view in your culture, the way it is here in USA). "We are at fault for the sins in the world." That is the most common Christian perspective there is. It doesn't really solve the problem of evil, though, nor does it make sense when thinking of everyday realities.

    1) It doesn't solve the problem of evil, as the "Problem of Evil" philosophy is addressing the fact that (the Biblical concept of) "evil" exists. If humans can do (the Biblical concept of)"evil," it's because God created evil; God is supposed to be all good, all knowing, and all powerful. Thus, God created/caused it, knew it would come into existence, and could've prevented it from existing.

    2) It doesn't make sense when thinking of everyday realities. I'll use psychopathy as an extreme example, since the extremes are the easiest to examine when trying to make a point clearly. Psychopathy has been proven by neurological scans and other evidence to be entirely genetic with no relation whatsoever to environment. (Sociopathy is the type of ASPD that is epigenetic, meaning it's partially caused by the environment.) Psychopaths will clearly do "evil" as defined by the Bible. They are born that way, and they lack the empathy that is required for them to feel genuine remorse, guilt, or repentance of their "sins." The fact that they are born like this means it's not their who is to blame? The control would lie in God's hands according to the Biblical concept, which means God would be to blame for the existence of the psychopath's (Biblical concept of) evil. Taking it a step further, it would also mean these people were born destined to go to hell, which negates the "equal opportunity" that the Bible claims Judaism offers.

    Some extra (but still relevant) thoughts:
    The part that makes me chuckle is how nobody religious can even agree on what the Bible considers to be evil. You'd think that a God who demands that people obey would leave clear instructions as to what exactly obeying entails.

  18. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Good. Burn in Hell, you heretic
    Interesting sentence--simultaneously committing heresy and calling someone else a heretic.

    Matthew 7:1-5
    1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
    2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
    3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
    4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
    5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

    16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
    21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    In other words, according to your Bible (it's not me saying it, it's your own Jesus saying it), these kinds of behaviors/words/attitudes you're demonstrating make you one of those in the part I italicized (if you don't repent).

    OT addressed peoples' actions, but Jesus addressed peoples' heart attitudes. So, in that sense, you could say Jesus actually amplified the Bible. Things went from being about actions, to being about peoples' thoughts, motives, and attitudes.

    Jesus ate with sinners, you fucking self-righteous Pharisee.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 04-23-2023 at 05:58 PM.

  19. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Matthew 7:
    16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
    God, it's so fucking black and white. "Nobody evil can do good, and nobody good does evil." Yeah, alright. I guess the politicians and celebrities who donate millions of dollars to charities have done nothing good. I guess sinners who love their families and do everything in their power to raise their kids as well as they can, have done nothing good. I guess sinners who put others before themselves to a fault, and live their entire lives being generous, kind, warm-hearted, and loving, to others--have done no good. No good exists apart from God/Jesus.

    Fucking brainwashing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    You'd got: There are beings on Heaven which would not wish to use free will for evil. So there is no evil as there are only "saints".

    P.S. There is doubtful to exist "free will". At least, it's not needed to explain the existing. While good/evil is only an aspect of limited reality perception as all consequences are not known.

  21. #101


    I simultaneously love and hate arguing with Christians. 99.99999% of the time, I know the Bible better than they do, thanks to the fact that I was once VERY strongly committed to, invested in, and actively practicing Christianity. I guess it's also the fact that I have a strong memory. I love arguing with them because I can very easily demolish their arguments by using their own Bible against them, but I hate it because the shit character that is religious hypocrisy, and their blatant denial of what is in a book they revolve their entire lives and identity around, irritates the fucking shit out of me. It's like...Christians almost always without exception will only acknowledge whatever they think is convenient to, while justifying and rationalizing away anything that should be convicting them and compelling them to change their own ways. I'm like...goddamn, if you're going to claim you're following Christ/the Bible, then fucking follow Christ/the Bible. If you're going to just do whatever you want anyway, then do whatever you want and don't claim you're following the Bible. It all goes back to a value I've held strongly and firmly since childhood (I found it written in this exact same phrasing in a journal from when I was 11 years old): "If you're going to do something wrong, at least be honest about it." Although I haven't believed in the Bible for about 5 years, I do also know that this is also a value the Bible commands everywhere, all throughout it. That value is what the existence of Pharisees and Sadducees hinge upon: they are dishonest with themselves, and that is why they deviate from the moral teachings of Judaism.

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    I twerk for Jesus and he loves it

  23. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I'll add to this from another angle. The Bible actually says people DO NOT have free will.

    Proverbs 21:1
    The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

    Exodus 7:13-14
    13 And he hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said.
    14 And the Lord said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, he refuseth to let the people go. other words, God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that Pharaoh would disobey God? What the fuck? It literally says in the Bible that God made someone sin against himself. RIP "Free Will."

    Which meeaaans...da-da-daaaa! God is, once again, the origin of God's own definition of evil. Ever met someone who creates their own problems and then constantly complains about them without actually solving them? Yeah, pretty annoying, but that is the Biblical version of God.

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    Jesus loves me. He whispers it into my ear every night after I get on my knees for him ツ
    Last edited by Poptart; 04-23-2023 at 07:47 PM.

  25. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    After (John 3:16) this is the most misquoted verse in the Bible from preaching against sin. This is what happens when reprobates like you infiltrate the church and perverse everything (but good, I hope more of you filthy pigs infiltrate the church so we get to the end faster, I'll be smilin' more and more)
    Yeah, I predicted you'd reply in this way.

    Proverbs 21:4
    An high look, and a proud heart, And the plowing of the wicked, is sin.

    Let's see what your mind's rationalizations and justifications for this one are. I'm curious, I want to use this experience to educate myself about the patterns of Christians by probing your thoughts and observing your psychological mapping.

    Also, please do tell me what "reprobate" means. I know what it means, but let's see if you really do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Re: John 3:16 misused
    100% agree there. By the way, the real translation of the ancient Greek is not, "whosoever believes," it is "whosoever obeys."

    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Its used to justify socialism, riots, suicide bombings, sodomy, drunkenness, pedophilia, the drug traffic and drug abuse, adultery, filthy music, cussing, beastality, abortion, and removing the Bible from every facet of life.

    It's called "tolerance" today, meaning you don't only put up with a person's wickedness, you have to "accept it" and "embrace it" and "promote it"
    I never implied that it means accepting, embracing, and promoting sins. I agree with you about those verses being commonly misused in that way, but that's not what the tolerance described in those verses is meant to entail, which can be deduced from reading other parts of the Bible that make it very clear. Tolerance means "don't condemn, but don't condone." That is what that scripture is saying.

    One example (although there are many) of a part of the Bible that makes it clear the permission/acceptance/embracing of sin is not the Biblical definition of tolerance:

    Matthew 10:34
    Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

    What Jesus is saying there is that He did not come to do away with sin or make sin permissible, which is what a lot of Christians believe. They often think all they have to do is believe Jesus is their savior, and then it's "anything goes" (this is the misuse of John 3:16). "I'm covered by the blood," they will often say. Those are usually the same people who misuse that scripture and take it out of context in the same way you described. That isn't how I'm using it, nor is it what I believe the Bible is saying when it says "don't judge."

    What Jesus means when He says "...but a sword"
    He is saying here that the words of Christ are to be used--by way of obedience--as a weapon against sin. He is saying that He did not come to permit sin, but to administer guidance for how to fight against your own sins. In essence, this scripture is Jesus declaring, "I am the messiah and I am bringing you an amplified set of laws to obey." The OT was about actions, but Jesus amplified everything by making it about motives, attitudes, words, and thoughts. There is an entire list of verses that make this very clear. For example:

    Matthew 5:21-22
    21 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
    22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

    That is yet one more scripture that means Jesus declared that the way you're going around disparaging and trolling others is sinful. You're being angry without (what the Bible defines as) a just cause, and you're saying things that are along the same vein as calling people fools.

    Jesus addressed that which is in the heart, which Jesus perceived is the core/origin of the sinful actions.

    A lot of the issue stems from people using varying definitions of words like "judging" and "tolerance." If you ask a crowd of different people what those words consist of, you will hear a variety of interpretations. Instead of considering and searching for what the Bible defines those words as, people apply their own personal interpretations of those words. The Bible says "judge righteously." When you search through the Bible, what that basically means is that you should discern (judge), but not condemn (judge). Someone who doesn't look through context and applies their same understanding of the definition of "judging" to both the "don't judge" and the "judge righteously" verses would mistake this for a contradiction in the Bible, but it actually is telling Christians to be balanced in their judgment. (When I say "balanced," I'm picturing "judging" as a spectrum, in replacement of a hard and fast definition.) In the Bible, balance is "don't condemn, but don't condone." After all, the ultimate Christian goal is to "love thy neighbor as thyself," which also entails having enough compassion and empathy for sinners, and caring about their souls, enough to try to convert them so that they, like you, will reach salvation and go to heaven. A Christian who is adhering to what the Bible says is supposed to think, "If I was in their shoes..." I mean, being a Christian means to be Christ-like. Do you see any examples of Jesus going around disparaging sinners in the Bible?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Freedom from tolerance and forgiveness does not come through tolerance and forgiveness of others; it comes through Jesus Christ
    Then what are your thoughts about these scriptures?

    Ephesians 4:32
    And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

    Matthew 6:15
    But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 04-23-2023 at 07:53 PM. Reason: Formatting the post to organize it neatly + clarifying anything that is vulnerable to misinterpretation + adding points

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    I mean, didn't those cultures also sacrifice babies by throwing them into a burning garbage pit? Didn't most polytheists think death was both the ultimate evil, and completely inevitable, so it wasn't a matter of if you were damned, but when? Even if religious fundamentalists seem awful to me and I want nothing to do with Westboro Baptist Church either (the one cult that everyone can agree is worse than ) I think we've made a lot of progress by giving up on those religions. People used to believe things like if there was an eclipse, of course someone would die. Now the Moon and Sun definitely have some kind of influence, but saying eclipses always correlate with deaths is like saying lightning will definitely burn down your house in a thunderstorm, just a lot of superstitious fear-mongering with no basis in reality.

    Also, look at modern Jewish people. Modern Jewish people accomplish way more than ancient or reconstructionist pagan people. Other Abrahamic religions fare pretty well too, as well as modern religions in general. The transition from ancient to modern religions seems like part of the path of advancement in general. People like Plato already believed in the Monad, so it wasn't much of a transition from believing in the Monad to believing in the God of Abraham. Indeed, many religious philosophers heavily cite classical philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle because of the same impression I get, that it was more of a gradual transition than a big revolution when people started believing in modern religions like Christianity and Judaism (Islam in its current form came hundreds of years later and that would be true even if Jesus and Moses are counted as Muslim in some broad sense as Muslims tend to do,) and even Hinduism and Buddhism, rather than believing in pantheons of ancient deities who were basically like superheroes in just being people with powers and longer lifespans.

    When you look at modern paganism and pseudoscientific religions (e.g., Creativity Movement) a lot of it is a death cult where you're considered to not be worthy of life, only of death, and your death is like a sacrifice to the gods or to your race, even though those are considered doome as well, just on a much longer scale than you are. I'm glad we've moved past that way of thinking. Even something like transhumanism never would have taken off without the Abrahamic idea that individual souls really are worthy of eternal life (Abrahamic because of the founders' backgrounds, not because other modern religions like Buddhism all lack this idea,) because people would still consider themselves like animals despite the human intellect clearly showing we are not the same as beasts.
    .... the entire point was to point how hypocritical they were/still are. "Thou shall not kill." Except in the name of God right? It's not even about God at this point. It's just pointing fingers at each others while doing the same thing.

    And you can't tell me that's the only reason why they killed. And if it is, then they're the "beasts" you so call say since any human with rationale wouldn't commit a crime of passion. But it's okay for them since they're Godly, they're pure right?

    Bullshit. We're humans, we're not perfect and pure no matter how hard we try. Your pride will be the end of you

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    I mean, didn't those cultures also sacrifice babies by throwing them into a burning garbage pit? Didn't most polytheists think death was both the ultimate evil, and completely inevitable, so it wasn't a matter of if you were damned, but when? Even if religious fundamentalists seem awful to me and I want nothing to do with Westboro Baptist Church either (the one cult that everyone can agree is worse than ) I think we've made a lot of progress by giving up on those religions. People used to believe things like if there was an eclipse, of course someone would die. Now the Moon and Sun definitely have some kind of influence, but saying eclipses always correlate with deaths is like saying lightning will definitely burn down your house in a thunderstorm, just a lot of superstitious fear-mongering with no basis in reality.

    Also, look at modern Jewish people. Modern Jewish people accomplish way more than ancient or reconstructionist pagan people. Other Abrahamic religions fare pretty well too, as well as modern religions in general. The transition from ancient to modern religions seems like part of the path of advancement in general. People like Plato already believed in the Monad, so it wasn't much of a transition from believing in the Monad to believing in the God of Abraham. Indeed, many religious philosophers heavily cite classical philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle because of the same impression I get, that it was more of a gradual transition than a big revolution when people started believing in modern religions like Christianity and Judaism (Islam in its current form came hundreds of years later and that would be true even if Jesus and Moses are counted as Muslim in some broad sense as Muslims tend to do,) and even Hinduism and Buddhism, rather than believing in pantheons of ancient deities who were basically like superheroes in just being people with powers and longer lifespans.

    When you look at modern paganism and pseudoscientific religions (e.g., Creativity Movement) a lot of it is a death cult where you're considered to not be worthy of life, only of death, and your death is like a sacrifice to the gods or to your race, even though those are considered doome as well, just on a much longer scale than you are. I'm glad we've moved past that way of thinking. Even something like transhumanism never would have taken off without the Abrahamic idea that individual souls really are worthy of eternal life (Abrahamic because of the founders' backgrounds, not because other modern religions like Buddhism all lack this idea,) because people would still consider themselves like animals despite the human intellect clearly showing we are not the same as beasts.
    .... the entire point was to point how hypocritical they were/still are. "Thou shall not kill." Except in the name of God right? It's not even about God at this point. It's just pointing fingers at each other while doing the same thing.

    And you can't tell me that's the only reason why they killed. And if it is, then they're the "beasts" you so call say since any human with rationale wouldn't commit a crime of passion. But it's okay for them since they're Godly, they're pure right?

    Bullshit. We're humans, we're not perfect and pure no matter how hard we try. Your pride will be the end of you

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    This guy thinks the problem of evil being solved means God doesn't exist rather than it being a defense of God's existence, because he assumes everything intellectual ever is from Satan or something. You're being disingenuous pretending otherwise and trying to take advantage of his lack of knowledge, even if it was self-imposed by him. Two wrongs don't make a right.
    @End @Tallmo @Emily @Virgin Pure @Exodus
    There is no point in arguing with someone who switches up, twists definitions, and down right lies. Life is a trial, a test to test our dignity, not to suffer.
    I recommend you just ignore him/block that idiot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Faerie Soiree View Post
    .... the entire point was to point how hypocritical they were/still are. "Thou shall not kill." Except in the name of God right? It's not even about God at this point. It's just pointing fingers at each other while doing the same thing.

    And you can't tell me that's the only reason why they killed. And if it is, then they're the "beasts" you so call say since any human with rationale wouldn't commit a crime of passion. But it's okay for them since they're Godly, they're pure right?

    Bullshit. We're humans, we're not perfect and pure no matter how hard we try. Your pride will be the end of you
    "Thou shall not kill." In terms of defending one's own family, community, and not allowing others to strip them of their religion, it's reasonable. There is no reason to kill non-believers unless they have intentions of causing harm.

    Of course humans are not perfect, if we were, our societies would have been extremely stable and sin wouldn't cause the suffering of the world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    I'll add to this from another angle. The Bible actually says people DO NOT have free will.

    Proverbs 21:1
    The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

    Exodus 7:13-14
    13 And he hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said.
    14 And the Lord said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, he refuseth to let the people go. other words, God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that Pharaoh would disobey God? What the fuck? It literally says in the Bible that God made someone sin against himself. RIP "Free Will."

    Which meeaaans...da-da-daaaa! God is, once again, the origin of God's own definition of evil. Ever met someone who creates their own problems and then constantly complains about them without actually solving them? Yeah, pretty annoying, but that is the Biblical version of God.
    Keep in mind that the bible was changed so many times by all sorts of people, evil people who want to preserve power, bad translators, people who want to change the original text to fit their ideals, etc. I recommend reading the old testament.

    I mean there are Christians that believe that Jesus is god, yet other Christians that just see Jesus as another prophet that is not to be worshiped. I mean Jesus died for my sins, yet I am still here sinning as a human, yet life is a trial of good/evil? That makes no sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Jesus doesn't care.

    PS: He hates you
    Jesus doesn't hold resentment towards anyone, nor does he care for them. His job was to be a prophet, a human form of a letter logically.
    It's not what Jesus thinks, or Muhammad (PBUH), it's what God thinks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Jesus loves me. He whispers it into my ear every night after I get on my knees for him ツ

  33. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by loopyclouds View Post
    Actually, there is already an accepted solution to the logical problem of evil, by Plantinga. But analytical/logical philosophy and all that stuff is out of my depth, so I wouldn't know much about it.
    "Plantinga claims God and evil could co-exist if God had a morally sufficient reason for allowing evil. He suggests that God's morally sufficient reason might have something to do with humans being granted morally significant free will and with the greater goods this freedom makes possible."

    No, this does not resolve the Problem of Evil at all, as God does not give free will. People perpetually, but mistakenly, think God promotes free will. However, as I said in another post above, that is false according to the Bible. (I'll just copy/paste my other post to make it easier, so you don't have to scroll around trying to find it.)

    Proverbs 21:1
    The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

    Exodus 7:13-14
    13 And he hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said.
    14 And the Lord said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, he refuseth to let the people go. other words, God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that Pharaoh would disobey God? What the fuck? It literally says in the Bible that God made someone sin against himself. RIP "Free Will."

    Which meeaaans...da-da-daaaa! God is, once again, the origin of God's own definition of evil. Ever met someone who creates their own problems and then constantly complains about them without actually solving them? Yeah, pretty annoying, but that is the Biblical version of God.

    "...and with the greater goods this freedom makes possible."

    What in the fuck? So, God's moral justification for creating evil is supposed to be the good that comes from evil; yet, God, allegedly being entirely benevolent, is against evil and says there is no good in it? Lmao, what kind of bullshit is Plantinga trying to sell here? That makes 0 fucking sense whatsoever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Speaking of cartoons, I got some better ones

    Einstein id believe in god, just that he believed that god didn't give a dam if we sinned or prayed. Spinoza's view of God really.

  35. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Virgin Pure View Post
    Keep in mind that the bible was changed so many times by all sorts of people, evil people who want to preserve power, bad translators, people who want to change the original text to fit their ideals, etc. I recommend reading the old testament.
    Yes, I'm aware and I entirely agree. The original (untranslated) versions were also poorly written. They had terrible grammar, etc. It wasn't clear and concise even in its original form. These are yet more reasons Judaism is absolute bullshit.

    When I'm engaging in discussions or debates, I communicate in ways that meet people where they are. That means if someone is following the Bible in its English form, and they are using that version of the Bible to dictate over their own lives, I will communicate with them in a way that addresses their own doctrine and their own point of view. This is part of having effective communication and persuasion skills. Coming directly from your own stance to pit it against the other person's perspectives will usually only result in the escalation of conflict and an ego battle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Virgin Pure View Post
    I mean there are Christians that believe that Jesus is god, yet other Christians that just see Jesus as another prophet that is not to be worshiped. I mean Jesus died for my sins, yet I am still here sinning as a human, yet life is a trial of good/evil? That makes no sense.

    Sorry for being a grammar police, but your Location section is irking me. Hopefully you appreciate it instead of feeling offended, but..."Drowning in a sea of un-describable emptiness" should be written as "Drowning in a sea of indescribable emptiness"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Yes, I'm aware and I entirely agree. The original (untranslated) versions were also poorly written. They had terrible grammar, etc. It wasn't clear and concise even in its original form. These are yet more reasons Judaism is absolute bullshit.

    When I'm engaging in discussions or debates, I communicate in ways that meet people where they are. That means if someone is following the Bible in its English form, and they are using that version of the Bible to dictate over their own lives, I will communicate with them in a way that addresses their own doctrine and their own point of view. This is part of having effective communication and persuasion skills. Coming directly from your own stance to pit it against the other person's perspectives will usually only result in the escalation of conflict and an ego battle.


    Sorry for being a grammar police, but your Location section is irking me. Hopefully you appreciate it instead of feeling offended, but..."Drowning in a sea of un-describable emptiness" should be written as "Drowning in a sea of indescribable emptiness"
    The old ones didn't have poor grammar, just they had a much more different language than us, ours has become more complex, also we may not understand the context of the sayings. There is a reason why Muslims and Jews, plus some Christians don't even think that God sacrificed himself.

    Most religious people are going to be hypocrites and be sinners themselves. I mean I sin a lot, yet I do belong to a religious affiliation. Most people want their way, and defy others and their own religion they claim to be a part of. In turn, they have to bend logic for a flimsy justification.

    Insulting a 'non-believer' in a peaceful debate itself is a sin, as insulting anyone is a sin. [al-Mumtahanah 60:8]

    God created this life to be a trial of good and evil, and to test our dignity. God doesn't seem to interfere with life, it is up to us to handle our fallout. God is not responsible for the evil deeds of us, vice versa. However, God may grant miracles as a sign to help oneself, however God doesn't want us relying too much on him.

    People complain about God "not loving everyone", I just want to go to heaven so I can see my own dead father once more so why cry about such trivial. Maybe God does love us all equally, maybe just God is upset at us like our parents, we can't say for sure.
    Last edited by Muira; 04-23-2023 at 10:17 PM.

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    Churches dying and getting smaller and smaller??? PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

    You walk into a church, and it's just you and the pastor in attendance??? PRAISE THE LORD!!!

    The KJV disregarded as the perfect Word of God, and these corrupted Bibles are seeping throughout the churches??? PRAISE THE LORD!!!

    Look at these pastors, dressed all EFFEMINATE with their tight skinned jeans with heavy necklaces, and this preacher growing out a beard and long hair like some hippie weirdo wearing a T-shirt, he's not preaching out of the book but out of his little I-PAD. PRAISE THE LORD!!!

    Wrong doctrine being preached everywhere. GOOD. PRAISE THE LORD!!!

    Let the churches FALL. Let the apostasy HAPPEN.

    The Millennial Kingdom can only come when the things of THIS WORLD DIE OUT.
    Last edited by Kwame Kilpatrick; 04-23-2023 at 10:33 PM.

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    When I read the degeneracy and misinformation on these forums, I can't help but plaster a huge smile on my face....

    I actually hope theres at least 10000x more @Subteigh and @Midnight Maverick clones running around and enlightening the world more and more. It'd just be a bigger sign. What a beautiful sight that'd be to behold.


    Last edited by Kwame Kilpatrick; 04-23-2023 at 10:37 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Speaking of cartoons, I got some better ones

    Then stop using your computer now. Stop reading books with letters in them. Stop writing. Einstein literally believed in God, but go ahead and lie. Liars like you are worse for religion than the nonbelievers and the Bible says as much. You are why people like Subteigh exist in the first place. No one is allowed to assume another person is for sure in Hell or to hope that they are in Hell in the first place, regardless of who it is, despite the fact this is most likely where most people are going to end up. You seem like you want to lead people into Hell with your lies, but even then I can only say you seem like that, not assume you definitely will or hope you will. Additionally, Plato and Aristotle were around before the Christian Bible and they weren't Jewish. Even Dante doesn't assume all the pre-Christian Pagans are in Hell and he's really conservative.

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    Kwame Kilpatrick is Andy Lee. I have (re-) banned him for ban evasion.

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