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Thread: Criticizing Religions

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lunacy View Post
    I'm living with a landlord who became all judgmental and self-righteous about the amount of internet I use. He called me an idolater and said that the reason I don't believe in God is because I don't want to give up my idolatry (the internet). Mind you, I work from home online, and he was made aware of this before I ever moved in. When he refused to let me use the internet service anymore, he attributed my anger to idolatry (rather than being able to comprehend why someone who uses the internet for income would be angry when it's revoked, when that was part of the package when moving in).

    Honestly, just about every religious person I've ever met was this idiotic.
    Everything you post about this landlord sounds annoying to deal with but also hilarious from a distance. Have you ever tried asking him if he’s been exorcised yet?
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by simpin is pimpin View Post
    Everything you post about this landlord sounds annoying to deal with but also hilarious from a distance. Have you ever tried asking him if he’s been exorcised yet?
    Oh, it's absolutely hilarious, yes. I didn't ask him that, but when he said I was wicked and evil, I responded, "Oh no! Better call an exorcist!"

    He also has some music software and makes Christian rap music. I really enjoyed listening to it. It used to make me smile and laugh, because he sounded like he was trying to perform shamanism over top of a bouncy spring sound, or like he had a cold but he was trying not to cough while talking over an ice cream truck. That shit always made my day. It was like, "oh my god, are you sure you're not the one being crucified right now? You sound like you might have been hanging on a cross with no water for 3 days yourself. Someone help this man, I think he's being persecuted...Idk, this beat sounds like people are throwing stones, and then he's grunting as he gets hit. Thud, thud, thud, OOOUUUUH..."
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 02-01-2023 at 02:16 PM.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lunacy View Post
    Oh, it's absolutely hilarious, yes. I didn't ask him that, but when he said I was wicked and evil, I responded, "Oh no! Better call an exorcist!"

    He also has some music software and makes Christian rap music. I really enjoyed listening to it. It used to make me smile and laugh, because he sounded like he was trying to perform shamanism over top of a bouncy spring sound, or like he had a cold but he was trying not to cough while talking over an ice cream truck. That shit always made my day. It was like, "oh my god, are you sure you're not the one being crucified right now? You sound like you might have been hanging on a cross with no water for 3 days yourself. Someone help this man, I think he's being persecuted...Idk, this beat sounds like people are throwing stones, and then he's grunting as he gets hit. Thud, thud, thud, OOOUUUUH..."
    Yeah, at least Christian rap can be OK even if this guy isn't good at it and sounds like an annoying person. Even if he actually thinks you're evil, he could at least say why, rather than just being like "YOU ARE WICKED." Like the musical Wicked?

    The Worst Worship Songs Ever. The most cringeworthy church songs… | by Dan Foster | Backyard Church | Medium

    This list is really funny. This is the first place I found the full Jesus N-word song after hearing it sampled too. Your landlord probably doesn't sound like an out-of-touch rural 75-year-old but probably raps just as badly.

  4. #44


    100000% THIS.
    This reflects my own personal views SO accurately.

  5. #45

  6. #46
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    I had my militant atheist phase way long ago, these days I don't even view it as something worth wasting my breath on and I just try my best to ignore it.

  7. #47


    People always say psychology only came around 60 years no, it didnt, that shit is fucking ANCIENT...the bible is just a complex web of psychological manipulation.

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Necromorph View Post
    I had my militant atheist phase way long ago, these days I don't even view it as something worth wasting my breath on and I just try my best to ignore it.
    Perhaps someday I'll be on the same page, but for now...I have too much hostility toward religions. It's just so destructive to society and to pisses me off...

    I wonder if it's better that way...where there is passion, there is power to promote thoughts with some degree of power to create a minimum, inciting people to THINK CRITICALLY and AUTONOMOUSLY..."believe whatever you want, but at least come to those conclusions after giving your views a decent amount of thought"...

    I always respect peoples autonomy/free will, its a value of mine...i dont want to CONVERT anyone, i simply want them to believe what they will believe, but with a mind that is ACTUALLY free and autonomous, not just be sheeples/slave-minded...Milgram's experiment should be rendered obsolete by a modern society...
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 03-26-2023 at 02:30 AM.

  9. #49
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    The main criticism against religions is the lack of objective basis for ideas. A part of this, is that there can be hold ideas which are proved to be wrong or just much doubtful.
    But it's not specifics of religions. You may meet the same in other regions of opinions too. A lot in humanitarian knowledge (politics is the example full of such).
    Sometimes even in technical science are met hypotheses which are used and partly useful. But it's not objective knowledge too, when is no objective proof. It lays on subjective trust, and risks of this approach. The example is weather prognoses.

    When you see the criticism against religions, it needs to think about possible task. To what those religions are an obstacle. They may hold useful, but not only harmful.
    As example. In today political situation exists arising contradiction between antihumanistic liberal individualism and humanistic approach of today "christianity". A part of attacks on religions has the task to make the harm to people, by removing moral and other limitations which hold by religions too. Social inequality, making the direct harm and suppressing improving of traits for the majority people, setting interests of a minority above interests of a majority - are against humanism. To reduce quantity of people on Earth, killing of children before birth, robing and making the harm by national traits, some other traits - it's among for what religions are the obstacle.


    Initially and the core of religions is the idea of magical influence on the reality. That people are not passive watchers for what exists. To what they trust and wish - influences on possibility of events. This idea got some support in today science hypotheses.
    Then, what unconsciousness does also depends from the conscious content and there can be means activated by "magical" approach.
    What is irrational (and kind of harmful) approach from ideas of static objectivity and absolute rationalism may to have a rational basis and be supported in objective experiments after a time.

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    Religion is just emotional manipulation that uses metaphysical ideas, concepts, and stories/lessons about the human condition to try and impose some kind of "objective" morality - which is just majority agreed upon rules that everyone can be judged by, especially the people that don't believe in them, follow them, or just think or believe or know they are wrong.

    That's really it. It's used to control and firmly define morality and is often used to justify hate. It's basically a political tool that is essentially nonsense.

  11. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Popcorn View Post
    Religion is just emotional manipulation that uses metaphysical ideas, concepts, and stories/lessons about the human condition to try and impose some kind of "objective" morality - which is just majority agreed upon rules that everyone can be judged by, especially the people that don't believe in them, follow them, or just think or believe or know they are wrong.

    That's really it. It's used to control and firmly define morality and is often used to justify hate. It's basically a political tool that is essentially nonsense.
    It does go deeper than emotional manipulation, in the sense that there is definitely also a component of it which is cognitive manipulation, but otherwise, 1000% this.

  12. #52


    "SiN iS dEsTroyINg dA WuRLd!!!!..1!!!,!1" Lol, not it's not. People are smart enough to have power, but too stupid to know how to wield it. THAT is what's destroying the world. I'm pretty sure the world will survive homosexuals having some buttsex.

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    Yeah sorry to say it but it ain’t real, it’s amazing how much it helps individuals and how much it shapes personality. In a sense it brings intellectualism to the masses. It’s so old and there is so much structured discussion within its communities. But it’s just ideas at the end of the day- ideas about what it means to be human, alive and part of humanity. It also brings a lot of poetry to ordinary life- the language of religion is inspiring. Words are a very human thing, similar to music or literature, the language of religion can stir a wide range of emotions and memories within us, including the cultural/ psychological imprint which is our sociotype. Life is learning how to connect with the other sociotypes, not God.

  14. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Life is learning how to connect with the other sociotypes, not God.
    Wow...that's an awfully strong statement. Do you think Socionics is that accurate?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Maverick View Post
    Wow...that's an awfully strong statement. Do you think Socionics is that accurate?
    I think it can be- yes. The existence of 16 types of's going to change everything one day when it's understood. It just needs to be simplified..and then it can be used to create more nuanced understanding of the different types in different situations and scenarios.

    It needs to be both simplified and more in-depth. Someone like Rebel showed that is possible. Although anyone who studies it long enough seems to get past all the stereotypy stuff which a lot of people struggle with at first. Rebel smashed the stereotypes and that is so fundamentally important. The biggest difference between the forum ten years ago and one year ago...way less stereotypy. That is the potential of smart plus nice. Lol..

    I think socionics can be hard to learn for some people- it's triggering learning how people's minds work most people seem to take a long time to get a deep understanding. Not to say you don't have a good understanding- but you might see its potential more later?

    For people, like me, who discover it after having had problems in their young adult life- it can help them understood what went wrong, it can completely re-wire your brain. That alone, tells me it is something good.

    But I nearly didn't stick with it- it was too much at first.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 03-28-2023 at 09:38 PM.

  16. #56


    Kind of have a half smile on my face because I just realized something...has anyone else ever thought of this?

    Satan rebels against God.
    God condemns Satan and a large portion of humanity to a fiery pit of doom for all eternity.

    Which is actually worse? Lol, I'm glad your average parents aren't like God, because damn...we'd have a lot of teenagers being tortured for the rest of their lives, and innocent bystanders alongside them.

  17. #57


    Stumbled upon some funny religious memes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    It lays on subjective trust, and risks of this approach. The example is weather prognoses.
    Oh no, aeromancy! That is divinatory sorcery!

    Initially and the core of religions is the idea of magical influence on the reality. That people are not passive watchers for what exists. To what they trust and wish - influences on possibility of events. This idea got some support in today science hypotheses.
    Then, what unconsciousness does also depends from the conscious content and there can be means activated by "magical" approach.
    What is irrational (and kind of harmful) approach from ideas of static objectivity and absolute rationalism may to have a rational basis and be supported in objective experiments after a time.
    No no no you're outing the A-Men here! Next people will find out that the purpose of magnetoreception in humans was so the Twelve Disciples could run away from Magneto! However, miracles are not magic. While Pharoah's sorcerer used incantations and embalming to turn his staff into a snake, Moses used pure psychometabolism.

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    Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. Romans 2:1
    The hypocrites who continually say, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" (a misquote of Matt 7:1) are the biggest judges of them all. They are the ones who find errors in the Bible and accuse Christians of being hypocrites.

    If a Christian lives for the Lord, they call him a fanatic; if they don't live for the Lord, they call him a hypocrite.

    They resent being told the truth, so they judge the Christian so they can transfer their guilt.

    The madulin and foppish liberal teaching that we are not to judge whether or not a doctrine is true, according to Divine revelation, is nothing but a satanic snare for lazy and feebleminded dignitaries, who are too dormant or too wicked to "search the Scriptures"

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Yeah sorry to say it but it ain’t real, it’s amazing how much it helps individuals and how much it shapes personality. In a sense it brings intellectualism to the masses. It’s so old and there is so much structured discussion within its communities. But it’s just ideas at the end of the day- ideas about what it means to be human, alive and part of humanity. It also brings a lot of poetry to ordinary life- the language of religion is inspiring. Words are a very human thing, similar to music or literature, the language of religion can stir a wide range of emotions and memories within us, including the cultural/ psychological imprint which is our sociotype. Life is learning how to connect with the other sociotypes, not God.
    Sounds like you have a religion of your own. What the hell does connecting with other socio types have to do with the meaning of life? Does that mean that everyone before the inventions of socionics had a meaningless life? That is YOUR interpenetration of the meaning of life. Thus, your interpenetration is automatically subjective. Socionics is still pseudo-science, so is it really any better to believe in a made up system than a religion that is probably made up? No.

  21. #61
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    The topic of religiosity is interesting.

    Anyway, I actually do not see that religiosity has to come with a dogma. Usually when you get burned by so called religious people you are getting burned by dogmatic people. Then this chain goes further down to coward servants these people humor their dogmatic overlords but may give you a slack when there is a possibility to dodge a bullet.

    The thing is that dogma AFAIK can be found in many places outside of religion and servants too.
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  22. #62
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Virgin Pure View Post
    Sounds like you have a religion of your own. What the hell does connecting with other socio types have to do with the meaning of life? Does that mean that everyone before the inventions of socionics had a meaningless life? That is YOUR interpenetration of the meaning of life. Thus, your interpenetration is automatically subjective. Socionics is still pseudo-science, so is it really any better to believe in a made up system than a religion that is probably made up? No.
    Human connection, u are connecting with the sociotypes without socionics
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr provocateur View Post
    The topic of religiosity is interesting.

    Anyway, I actually do not see that religiosity has to come with a dogma. Usually when you get burned by so called religious people you are getting burned by dogmatic people. Then this chain goes further down to coward servants these people humor their dogmatic overlords but may give you a slack when there is a possibility to dodge a bullet.

    The thing is that dogma AFAIK can be found in many places outside of religion and servants too.
    The main problem with this argument is socionics is indeed a religion.

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    My forever and always problem with religion is not religion itself , but the way it can be used to achieve self-benefits , this appears in various forms: showing specific religious rulings and concealing others because they don't serve the benefits of the clergy, inciting followers of religion against a certain group because they have another opinion that they don't agree with , issuing controversial opinions or arguing with anyone with the aim of gaining fame, etc
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    What's worse is that Churches and organizations should not have any power or influence to effect the lives of people in a nation. Why would I trust the opinion of a priest for safe sex, abortions, birth control, etc.? They don't have the credentials or education, but their opinions are always stated as factual information.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Kind of have a half smile on my face because I just realized something...has anyone else ever thought of this?

    Satan rebels against God.
    God condemns Satan and a large portion of humanity to a fiery pit of doom for all eternity.

    Which is actually worse? Lol, I'm glad your average parents aren't like God, because damn...we'd have a lot of teenagers being tortured for the rest of their lives, and innocent bystanders alongside them.
    I think most of mankind's interpretation of Satan (or how I like to call him - Lucifer) aren't seeing the full picture. He's described as a devilish liar who disobeyed God, but when you remember God is "all powerful, all knowing, and all seeing" you can't act like he wouldn't know Lucifer would tempt Adam and Eve and humanity. He would. In fact, wouldn't he have known before the thought of sin crossed their minds since he's all knowing? And if he's all seeing, he would have saw everything. All powerful - he could have prevented and stopped it from happening.

    I was doing some research and came across some books and articles. I was thinking since Lucifer's name roughly translates to "Light Bearer" - his main role as a character in the Bible would have to be the bearer of truth. He spoke to Eve saying, "You'd be like God, knowing good and evil." Which is true to some degree... their eyes were open to worldly things and they began to cover themselves with leaves. But it also highlights Satan's sin too - pride - and how it was the catalyst to his fall from Heaven.

    Satan was just a catalyst to whatever plan God had intended as most say. I feel like he was just a representation that no matter your bearing or how perfect you can be, you are capable of sin. No matter how much you build your ego up, it will eventually crumble or fall if it's not stable.

    Contrary to popular belief I think the myths aren't meant to be read as if they happened. But I feel like they should be interpretated by your own mind and no one else's.
    Last edited by Metanoia; 04-23-2023 at 12:16 AM.

  28. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by orange juice View Post
    I think most of mankind's interpretation of Satan (or how I like to call him - Lucifer) aren't seeing the full picture. He's described as a devilish liar who disobeyed God, but when you remember God is "all powerful, all knowing, and all seeing" you can't act like he wouldn't know Lucifer would tempt Adam and Eve and humanity. He would. In fact, wouldn't he have known before the thought of sin crossed their minds since he's all knowing? And if he's all seeing, he would have saw everything. All powerful - he could have prevented and stopped it from happening.

    I was doing some research and came across some books and articles. I was thinking since Lucifer's name roughly translates to "Light Bearer" - his main role as a character in the Bible would have to be the bearer of truth. He spoke to Eve saying, "You'd be like God, knowing good and evil." Which is true to some degree... their eyes were open to worldly things and they began to cover themselves with leaves. But it also highlights Satan's sin too - pride - and how it was the catalyst to his fall from Heaven.

    Satan was just a catalyst to whatever plan God had intended as most say. I feel like he was just a representation that no matter your bearing or how perfect you can be, you are capable of sin. No matter how much you build your ego up, it will eventually crumble or fall if it's not stable.

    Contrary to popular belief I think the myths aren't meant to be read as if they happened. But I feel like they should be interpretated by your own mind and no one else's.
    YES, exactly. Now we're getting into the philosophy called, "The Problem of Evil." Like you, I thought of those things prior to learning this philosophy existed. That was ultimately the reason I forsook religion after being raised into it. (My entire family--every single one of them--is religious, with the exception of my brother and me.) It was refreshing to find that there was actually a well known and established philosophy about it.

    I see God/Satan from the Bible through a lense that is combined with a plethora of in-depth psychological research, and because of that, I can't help but to see Satan as a SCAPEGOAT that is used for blame shifting. The entire concept just seems like narcissism: scapegoating; blame shifting; demanding to be placed on a pedestal and even worshipped; being perfect and incapable of doing anything wrong, all wrongdoing is the scapegoat [Lucifer, in this case]; manipulating people to mold them into extensions of [God, in this case] so that they reflect [God's] image, values, and ideals; manipulating people in general to do what [God] wants, without questioning it...the list goes on. Jesus demonstrates this same narcissistic nature, and many Christians do as well. Don't misunderstand; I'm not suggesting that people are Christians because they are narcissistic. I'm proposing the opposite, which is that Christianity causes some people to appear more narcissistic due to the narcissistic nature of the Bible.

    This is especially true of the portion of the population that promotes the flavor of Christianity known as "The Prosperity Gospel," which is more predominant in the US, since it is followed less religiously (kek) in other countries in the world. Americans take it much more seriously. It is indoctrinated to the extent that it actually becomes a part of peoples' identities here. You would not see people wearing hoodies that say "God is awesome" or shirts that say "Jesus" in Europe. (Any Europeans reading this are probably laughing at the fact that Americans do, in fact.) American religious culture is very pretentious. In the USA, the "Prosperity Gospel" promotes this view that if you are a good Christian who adheres to God's word, God will make your life prosperous and amazing. Thus, if your life is falling apart, people are like, "well what did you do wrong?" "You must have sinned." This brand of religion is popular amongst a ton of megachurches, with Joyce Meyers being the prime example that comes to my mind. This popular flavor of Christianity creates this idealistic expectation that good person (which they believe is only possibly by being a good Christian) = a good life. Thus, anything going wrong in a person's life is just their own fault. It also creates a prosperity (aka achievement) based hierarchy in which those who are more prosperous are more pleasing to God and more righteous than others. (That is the narcissistic part: achievements = more love, and prosperity = better than others.)
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 04-23-2023 at 01:48 AM.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    YES, exactly. Now we're getting into the philosophy called, "The Problem of Evil." Like you, I thought of those things prior to learning this philosophy existed. That was ultimately the reason I forsook religion after being raised into it. (My entire family--every single one of them--is religious, with the exception of my brother and me.) It was refreshing to find that there was actually a well known and established philosophy about it.

    I see God/Satan from the Bible through a lense that is combined with a plethora of in-depth psychological research, and because of that, I can't help but to see Satan as a SCAPEGOAT that is used for blame shifting. The entire concept just seems like narcissism: scapegoating; blame shifting; demanding to be placed on a pedestal and even worshipped; being perfect and incapable of doing anything wrong, all wrongdoing is the scapegoat [Lucifer, in this case]; manipulating people to mold them into extensions of [God, in this case] so that they reflect [God's] image, values, and ideals; manipulating people in general to do what [God] wants, without questioning it...the list goes on. Jesus demonstrates this same narcissistic nature, and many Christians do as well. Don't misunderstand; I'm not suggesting that people are Christians because they are narcissistic. I'm proposing the opposite, which is that Christianity causes some people to appear more narcissistic due to the narcissistic nature of the Bible.

    This is especially true of the portion of the population that promotes the flavor of Christianity known as "The Prosperity Gospel," which is more predominant in the US, since it is followed less religiously (kek) in other countries in the world. Americans take it much more seriously. It is indoctrinated to the extent that it actually becomes a part of peoples' identities here. You would not see people wearing hoodies that say "God is awesome" or shirts that say "Jesus" in Europe. (Any Europeans reading this are probably laughing at the fact that Americans do, in fact.) American religious culture is very pretentious. In the USA, the "Prosperity Gospel" promotes this view that if you are a good Christian who adheres to God's word, God will make your life prosperous and amazing. Thus, if your life is falling apart, people are like, "well what did you do wrong?" "You must have sinned." This brand of religion is popular amongst a ton of megachurches, with Joyce Meyers being the prime example that comes to my mind. This popular flavor of Christianity creates this idealistic expectation that good person (which they believe is only possibly by being a good Christian) = a good life. Thus, anything going wrong in a person's life is just their own fault. It also creates a prosperity (aka achievement) based hierarchy in which those who are more prosperous are more pleasing to God and more righteous than others. (That is the narcissistic part: achievements = more love, and prosperity = better than others.)
    It's intentional. When you go back and trace every "sinful" name, face, and person mentioned in the Bible, you'll realize that it's deliberately written in a certain way to spread a smear campaign and kill whatever flickering flame of hope was left after the destruction they caused.

    Most (if not all) of these "demons" were once renowned deities in their respective cultures for their strength, beauty, and served as a pinnacle of hope for years to come. It was their strength during times of need, and what they only knew at the time.

    It wasn't enough to kill the people in these communities, but to also destroy their totems, altars, and statues that honored their beliefs. Demonize their gods and rub their names in shit all at the same time even after death.

    But hey we're doing this in the name of God so it must be holy right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    YES, exactly. Now we're getting into the philosophy called, "The Problem of Evil." Like you, I thought of those things prior to learning this philosophy existed. That was ultimately the reason I forsook religion after being raised into it. It was refreshing to find that there was actually a well known and established philosophy about it.
    Actually, there is already an accepted solution to the logical problem of evil, by Plantinga. But analytical/logical philosophy and all that stuff is out of my depth, so I wouldn't know much about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Faerie Soiree View Post
    It's intentional. When you go back and trace every "sinful" name, face, and person mentioned in the Bible, you'll realize that it's deliberately written in a certain way to spread a smear campaign and kill whatever flickering flame of hope was left after the destruction they caused.

    Most (if not all) of these "demons" were once renowned deities in their respective cultures for their strength, beauty, and served as a pinnacle of hope for years to come. It was their strength during times of need, and what they only knew at the time.

    It wasn't enough to kill the people in these communities, but to also destroy their totems, altars, and statues that honored their beliefs. Demonize their gods and rub their names in shit all at the same time even after death.

    But hey we're doing this in the name of God so it must be holy right?
    I mean, didn't those cultures also sacrifice babies by throwing them into a burning garbage pit? Didn't most polytheists think death was both the ultimate evil, and completely inevitable, so it wasn't a matter of if you were damned, but when? Even if religious fundamentalists seem awful to me and I want nothing to do with Westboro Baptist Church either (the one cult that everyone can agree is worse than ) I think we've made a lot of progress by giving up on those religions. People used to believe things like if there was an eclipse, of course someone would die. Now the Moon and Sun definitely have some kind of influence, but saying eclipses always correlate with deaths is like saying lightning will definitely burn down your house in a thunderstorm, just a lot of superstitious fear-mongering with no basis in reality.

    Also, look at modern Jewish people. Modern Jewish people accomplish way more than ancient or reconstructionist pagan people. Other Abrahamic religions fare pretty well too, as well as modern religions in general. The transition from ancient to modern religions seems like part of the path of advancement in general. People like Plato already believed in the Monad, so it wasn't much of a transition from believing in the Monad to believing in the God of Abraham. Indeed, many religious philosophers heavily cite classical philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle because of the same impression I get, that it was more of a gradual transition than a big revolution when people started believing in modern religions like Christianity and Judaism (Islam in its current form came hundreds of years later and that would be true even if Jesus and Moses are counted as Muslim in some broad sense as Muslims tend to do,) and even Hinduism and Buddhism, rather than believing in pantheons of ancient deities who were basically like superheroes in just being people with powers and longer lifespans.

    When you look at modern paganism and pseudoscientific religions (e.g., Creativity Movement) a lot of it is a death cult where you're considered to not be worthy of life, only of death, and your death is like a sacrifice to the gods or to your race, even though those are considered doome as well, just on a much longer scale than you are. I'm glad we've moved past that way of thinking. Even something like transhumanism never would have taken off without the Abrahamic idea that individual souls really are worthy of eternal life (Abrahamic because of the founders' backgrounds, not because other modern religions like Buddhism all lack this idea,) because people would still consider themselves like animals despite the human intellect clearly showing we are not the same as beasts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loopyclouds View Post
    Actually, there is already an accepted solution to the logical problem of evil, by Plantinga. But analytical/logical philosophy and all that stuff is out of my depth, so I wouldn't know much about it.
    My favorite solution to the problem of evil, which I don't often hear, is you only cause evil to yourself. Even if you try to cause evil to someone else with your intentions, it can't happen unless God allows it. So if you believe in God everything should be good. I've thought that for a long time, but I've only unironically heard someone else say it from Muslim sheikhs actually. Platinga's view seems more like what I generally hear as the Catholic view, "O Happy Fall," Tolkien's idea of the eucatastrophe nad the like, but these two views might not be incompatible, because if you're viewing the Fall and the existence of evil as good on a broader level, well, well. Then, Tolkien is the guy who wrote a fictional book where the original sin was idolatry rather than something like seeking knowledge in general which it's often interpreted as.

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    God doesnt exist because some greek ****** wearing a toga says so, makes sense

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    Why did God create evil?

    To create a good purpose, not a sinful purpose.

    God created Hell so people that sin against Him will go to Hell - this is a GOOD thing not a bad thing.

    God can't have sin contaminate the universe so He creates Hell where sin can be locked up in.

    If you are saying God MADE Adam and Eve sin. If you are saying God MADE Satan fall. Sorry. You are simply retarded. Don't believe me? Read (Jer 19:3-5). God can create evil and still have nothing to do with sin.

    Its like people can't use common sense
    Last edited by Kwame Kilpatrick; 04-23-2023 at 12:08 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    God doesnt exist because some greek ****** wearing a toga says so, makes sense
    ...This is the exact opposite of what everyone's said here, but go ahead, assume everyone who's ever talked philosophy is an atheist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    God doesnt exist because some greek ****** wearing a toga says so, makes sense
    If you think otherwise, produce evidence that we can see.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwame Kilpatrick View Post
    Why did God create evil?

    To create a good purpose, not a sinful purpose.

    God created Hell so people that sin against Him will go to Hell - this is a GOOD thing not a bad thing.

    God can't have Hell contaminate the universe so He creates Hell where sin can be locked up in.

    If you are saying God MADE Adam and Eve sin. If you are saying God MADE Satan fall. Sorry. You are simply retarded. Don't believe me? Read (Jer 19:3-5). God can create evil and still have nothing to do with sin.

    Its like people can't use common sense
    Who made people have no common sense, in your view?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    If you think otherwise, produce evidence that we can see.
    This guy thinks the problem of evil being solved means God doesn't exist rather than it being a defense of God's existence, because he assumes everything intellectual ever is from Satan or something. You're being disingenuous pretending otherwise and trying to take advantage of his lack of knowledge, even if it was self-imposed by him. Two wrongs don't make a right.
    @End @Tallmo @Emily @Virgin Pure @Exodus

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    This guy thinks the problem of evil being solved means God doesn't exist rather than it being a defense of God's existence, because he assumes everything intellectual ever is from Satan or something. You're being disingenuous pretending otherwise and trying to take advantage of his lack of knowledge, even if it was self-imposed by him. Two wrongs don't make a right.
    The problem of evil is only a problem for people who believe in a benevolent God.

  40. #80

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