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Thread: Type Me Before Gulenko!

  1. #81
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Now, finally, a datapoint for a "role smile", lol.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

  2. #82
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Now, finally, a datapoint for a "role smile", lol.
    Here's a second data point for a "role smile".

    I want to sell YOU a car! Or a laser weapon, or whatever you didn't think you need, but believe me, you'll be really happy with this. Just think of what your friends will say when they see you with this. And right now, the cost is low. Low, low, low. You can get in before the price goes up, and it will go up, as soon as more people see this deal. Here. Get it while you can. Make a decision right now. Just sign right where it's marked "X". You won't regret it.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Here's a second data point for a "role smile".

    I want to sell YOU a car! Or a laser weapon, or whatever you didn't think you need, but believe me, you'll be really happy with this. Just think of what your friends will say when they see you with this. And right now, the cost is low. Low, low, low. You can get in before the price goes up, and it will go up, as soon as more people see this deal. Here. Get it while you can. Make a decision right now. Just sign right where it's marked "X". You won't regret it.
    That telescope (?) couldn't have been positioned any better.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellohellohello View Post
    That telescope (?) couldn't have been positioned any better.
    Lol. I thought so, too, when I first posted the picture here, years ago, but you're the first to comment on that.

  5. #85
    not fully certain of my sociotype
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    Default sorry for the very late reply but regardless..

    Quote Originally Posted by hellohellohello View Post
    I've never related to Delta values, and I know for a fact I'm not Fi/Te. I know Ti is my most dominant function.
    I'm wrong then, Gulenko is right, it seems
    Last edited by welcometomania; 12-02-2022 at 02:11 PM.

  6. #86
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    @Adam Strange was such a cute young boy on that pic with the telescope. When is he coming back?
    We should ask this guy :


  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellohellohello View Post
    I've self-typed as either IEI/EIE, and sometimes ILI
    On the video there you look as low emotional. Much of the time you avoid to look to camera and so nonverbal is harder be seen, hence to understand the type. Mostly you associated with beta T.
    If you took psycheactive substance before making that video, then that could influence on nonverbal expression. A quantity of people on psychology forums use meds, drugs, overuse ethanol.

    Among F I'd suspect EIE. IEI seems as too doubtful by nonverbal.
    Your recent behavior on the forum reminded F. But there you may play or be under a substance.
    In this theme your talking is closer to J.

    If you'll want opinions about your type and will place a video, - this should be in clean mind state (min 24h).

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    On the video there you look as low emotional. Much of the time you avoid to look to camera and so nonverbal is harder be seen, hence to understand the type. Mostly you associated with beta T.
    If you took psycheactive substance before making that video, then that could influence on nonverbal expression. A quantity of people on psychology forums use meds, drugs, overuse ethanol.

    Among F I'd suspect EIE. IEI seems as too doubtful by nonverbal.
    Your recent behavior on the forum reminded F. But there you may play or be under a substance.
    In this theme your talking is closer to J.

    If you'll want opinions about your type and will place a video, - this should be in clean mind state (min 24h).
    Already proven IEI time and time again by Jung's writings, Ausra's writings, etc.

    Not a Rational type. Watching my videos back, it's easy to see Irrational and Intuition is leading as any sort of Ethics doesn't present itself readily.

    I could also prove this by transferring my consciousness to you as I tend to only react via impressions and not out of necessity (Irrational > Rational) but as we know we don't have the technology for that... yet

    You would also need to make a case for:

    1) Ne Demonstrative
    2) Si Vulnerable

    Neither of which are present. If you're picking up on any sort of Ti it's because it's Mobilizing and therefore more present than it would be if it were my Suggestive.

    I haven't heard from anyone (besides Gulenko, and he doesn't even make a case for it) that they see Se. If they do it's because they're seeing Ti and pairing that with Se because Ne is not present (Ignoring).

    Even getting to know me IRL, IEI would be extremely apparent.

    Looking away from the camera - Introversion > Extraversion. Can't be shyness as if I was shy I wouldn't have made the video in the first place, or be willing to make another one.

  9. #89
    100% discount theum nathair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Better find a nice ESI-Fi soon, because we don't age well*.
    Some say intuitives look youthful a bit longer. It seems true in some cases but I'm not sure yet whether those cases represent a majority. Anecdotal, but people tend to assume I'm still in my middle twenties. I think this is mainly due to low body weight because I've a significant amount of grey hair and don't use lotions

    Then again my hair started greying when I was twelve

    ESIs tend to be more difficult to deal with because their Se makes them assertive, and an assertive female is not in step with social expectations, which results in them seeming slightly unstable or unbalanced. However, you won't find a better long term match.
    ESI aren't necessarily assertive, they're just not gullible and don't go along with wild plans. But when it comes to expressing reservations they can be laconic or avoidant rather than forceful

    Try to find a middle-kid ESI-Fi with an older brother. For you, that would be ideal.
    lol once the familiy structure is known the engagement process has already begun

    *Plus, after age 30, all the women who are able to be in long term relationships are there, and what is left circulating is not pretty.
    idk that this is really a problem. As you've pointed out, most LTR do eventually end... It's also not unheard of for all sorts (yes, even ESI) to leave a partner if they meet someone more suitable

    When coming out of relationships women seem to find me very attractive for some reason. I plucked up the courage to ask an IEE why on earth she thought dating me seemed a good idea, knowing what she knows about me (we've been friends awhile), and she said essentially she hadn't dated anyone like me before. I made a cringeworthy joke about my relief at discovering I haven't got amnesia I've forgotten about, then reasoned that she's also never tried to thatch her roof nor carted about her life savings instead of depositing it in the bank -- fortunately we don't try everything, because some ideas are rather crap. The truth is I find her attractive but I'm still obsessed with my ex, and have made peace with dying this way without ever dating again lol. Still I wouldn't say there are no options, and while conventional wisdom says 'don't offer yourself for a rebound fling', in gamma there's a pattern of waiting and winnowing, because once the right opportunity has been identified the ordinary rules can be dispensed with

  10. #90
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    IR may help to understand own type. Much of IR influence goes from intuitive impressions from nonverbal behavior as facial mimics.

    EIE: 1 , 2

    LSI: 1 , 2

    SLE: 1 , 2

    IEI: 1 , 2

    Better IR are more comfortable. More differing by functional strenght types are more intriguing. To evaluate is important generalized image of people of same type, - this reduced nontypes factors.
    There is a hypothesis based on Jung ideas and some observations that people with some of disorders (homosexualism, narcissism) may have differing perception of IR (more contradicting). In other cases IR should manifest as expected by theory, even from videos - if you'll tune on personality of those people. Problems may stay with nontypes influences and wrongly supposed types of examples (I try to reduce such chances, but they happen).
    It's better evaluate IR effects during irl informal communicating.
    If have >10 of good irl known people who have behavior and IR effects with some of your types as fiting good to theory - it's good basis to trust that type as yours. As it's low possibly to get such situation accidentally. Types of people you may guess logically, by tests, intuitivelly from nonverbal. It's how I checked own type. Jung's book and Filatova's in English - is good theory to start this checking.

    You posted much of texts. So you seem interested and wish to understand. You mainly need _practice_ which will allow you to notice about what you read, - basic theory. If you'll do positively the described checking of own type - then you'll get minimum level of Socionics. At now you more play by theory, which is badly described and partly wrong. You should trust to theory basics only, - Jung's definitions (dichotomies), IR basics, partly interpretations of e/i sides of functions.

    Mb this will help.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    IR may help to understand own type. Much of IR influence goes from intuitive impressions from nonverbal behavior as facial mimics.

    EIE: 1 , 2

    LSI: 1 , 2

    SLE: 1 , 2

    IEI: 1 , 2

    Better IR are more comfortable. More differing by functional strenght types are more intriguing. To evaluate is important generalized image of people of same type, - this reduced nontypes factors.
    There is a hypothesis based on Jung ideas and some observations that people with some of disorders (homosexualism, narcissism) may have differing perception of IR (more contradicting). In other cases IR should manifest as expected by theory, even from videos - if you'll tune on personality of those people. Problems may stay with nontypes influences and wrongly supposed types of examples (I try to reduce such chances, but they happen).
    It's better evaluate IR effects during irl informal communicating.
    If have >10 of good irl known people who have behavior and IR effects with some of your types as fiting good to theory - it's good basis to trust that type as yours. As it's low possibly to get such situation accidentally. Types of people you may guess logically, by tests, intuitivelly from nonverbal. It's how I checked own type. Jung's book and Filatova's in English - is good theory to start this checking.

    You posted much of texts. So you seem interested and wish to understand. You mainly need _practice_ which will allow you to notice about what you read, - basic theory. If you'll do positively the described checking of own type - then you'll get minimum level of Socionics. At now you more play by theory, which is badly described and partly wrong. You should trust to theory basics only, - Jung's definitions (dichotomies), IR basics, partly interpretations of e/i sides of functions.

    Mb this will help.
    "You posted much of texts." Are you calling Jung on Ausra on their shit even though they're the ones who wrote this? (Aka TEXT?)

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