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Thread: Post Your Gulenko Report Here

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    Default Post Your Gulenko Report Here

    If You Dare.

    (and just because it’d be nice to have them in one neat little place, thanks )

    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
    ♍︎ 𝓋𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♍︎

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    Aster’ Reverie’s Gulenko Report

    I had to look for mine…..I wasn’t sure where it was.

    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
    ♍︎ 𝓋𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♍︎

  3. #3
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    OK, I'll repost it in here entirely
    Conclusion by the interview
    Date: 4/17/2022
    Respondent: Sanguine Miasma
    Socionist: Viktor Gulenko (SHS)
    Objective: define type and subtype
    Method: content analysis, body language
    Required knowledge: 16 types, 8 functions, temperaments, installations, DCNH subtype
    Type as intersection of temperament and installation
    In order to determine the socionic type of a person, it is necessary to assess his or her
    temperament and installation. 4 temperaments X 4 installations = 16 types.
    In addition, the quadra values of respondent must be confirmed.
    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to define the
    version of a particular person's type - one of four (DCNH system) or in the more
    complex case, a combination of them.
    It is easier in provided videos to define the temperament. Let’s start with it.
    Extraversion is more than introversion

    It's not hard to spot that the respondent changes the tone of voice and gestures a lot. In
    doing so, he draws attention to himself. Apparently, one of the favorite aspects of his job
    is to present his product or findings in a way that surprises everyone. The best live
    presentations to the public are made by extroverts, who are better and faster than
    introverts at making an impact with their active and highly visible facial expressions.
    In addition, Sanguine Miasma feels good on stage, shows the best of him. Openness to the
    outside world and desire to show off is evidence of an extroverted temperament. Also,
    extroverts do not understand what they are inside, because they are more directed to
    the outside world. And the type - this is more of an internal structure of the psyche.
    Sanguine Miasma seems to see something in himself of all the types he has read about in
    typology books. This only confirms the extroverted nature of his psyche.
    Rationality is more than irrationality
    Sanguine Miasma is not prone to spontaneous action or pure improvisation. He is not the
    kind of person who suddenly decides he wants to go to the beach today and drops
    everything for it. He must have a rational reasoned plan for doing something. For
    example, in order to perform well, he must gather his thoughts and focus.
    Sanguine Miasma doesn't have much change in his mood during the day. His mood is mostly
    constant. He reports: I have some variation but no swings. Quite stable. True, he has
    special periods of ups and downs in his productivity, which can be explained by his
    subtype. I will consider this side of his character in the conclusion.
    Extraverted rationals have a linear-assertive temperament.
    People with this temperament are well aware of the image of what they are talking
    about. They can talk for a long time in monologue mode, if they are listened to. They
    remember the information well if they link it to a finished story, and actively use visual
    Installation (activity orientation)
    Intuition is more than sensing

    The intuitive function endows the person with a creative imagination. That is why he
    comes up with original ideas, can suddenly show himself in a new way, and isn’t afraid
    to experiment. Sanguine Miasma clearly has an intuitive type of thinking, based on guessing,
    analogies and quick insight. He says: obviously I seem to have an active fantasy life.
    Coming up with different scenarios, playing with words, sharing them with people for
    laughs is what drives him. Indeed, people are often bored with their lives, so someone
    has to lift their spirits, for example, by giving them a "brain shake”. This is the way
    people behave, whose intuition of opportunities is combined with the ethics of emotions.
    True, not everyone understands this.
    The respondent cannot hide his everyday impracticality, his detachment from everyday
    problems, and his inability to care specifically for others; perhaps he finds it difficult to
    endure physical pain. This is all a direct indication that sensing is his weak function.
    Consequently, he must have good intuition.
    Ethics is more than logic
    It is rather difficult to determine directly. This dichotomy is closer to the middle point at
    first glance, so I rely more on additional not so obvious signs.
    From the self-assessment we learn about his advantages: People say that he is
    positive, easy going, and funny. We can totally agree with that. Without a doubt, he
    knows how to create a mood. And if we look at his lively and agile facial expressions,
    there is no doubt about his ethics. Logic doesn’t possess such a variety of emotional
    Perhaps it seems to Sanguine Miasma himself that he has some kind of "emotional deficit,"
    that makes him somehow indifferent. And this is an argument against ethics. Yes, but
    against introverted ethics, which is responsible for inner feelings and stable
    relationships. Sanguine Miasma's leading function is extroverted ethics, which is poor inward
    and works more outward.
    The installation in which ethics and intuition are combined is called humanitarian.
    What can we say about his subtype? - The most probable subtype in DCNH system is
    the second, i.e. creative (C).
    This is confirmed by his initiality (he is fickle, has no permanent hobby, he is open to
    new things, finishing causes him to have panic attacks) and contact (he is easy to
    approach, feels good in the spotlight, gets excited in a conflict, and needs to argue).
    The contactness combined with the initiality gives a creative subtype.
    The conclusion
    So, the type of respondent is a linear-assertive temperament in the humanitarian
    installation - EIE of creative subtype.
    Characteristic traits of such a personality are intuitive intelligence, artistic giftedness,
    inventiveness, emotional provocation, a combination of playful banter and reasoning, a
    holistic approach, transformation skills.
    Sanguine Miasma reports in the transcript that he is somewhat cyclothymic/schizotypic. This
    is a characteristic of the connection between I and T functions - extroverted and
    introverted intuitions, which are intellectually and psychologically opposite. One of them
    is type, the other is accentuation.
    Therefore, his mental picture looks rather complicated and contradictory. Sanguine Miasma is
    not just a creative subtype, but also has an additional accentuation on the T function.
    This is what makes him weird. Not surprisingly, he has to make extra efforts, such as
    taking stimulant medications, to combine such opposites. His more complete formula in
    the framework of the multilevel psyche concept would be as follows:
    EIE - C - T.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

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  4. #4
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    Conclusion by the interview

    Date: 01/16/2021
    Respondent: Ouronis
    Socionist: Viktor Gulenko (SHS)
    Objective: define type and subtype
    Method: content analysis, body language
    Required knowledge: 16 types, 8 functions, temperaments, installations, DCNH subtype system

    Type as intersection of temperament and installation

    In order to determine the socionic type of a person, it is necessary to assess his or her temperament and installation. 4 temperaments X 4 installations = 16 types.
    In addition, the quadra values of respondent must be confirmed.
    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to define the variant of a particular person's type - one of four (DCNH system).
    In these videos, which were provided by the respondent, the installation is well enough expressed and a little worse temperament, which is explained by his individual differences. Let's start with the first one.

    Installation (activity orientation)

    Intuition is more than sensing
    Ouronis has a great interest in new things. His flow states are triggered by unusual tasks for which he has no ready-made skills. Intuition suggests him solutions to a problem that other specialists do not guess. He thinks through his arguments in advance to be ready to repel the criticism of very realistic sensing types.
    Ouronis is not mechanically inclined and handy. He has poor motion control and isn’t athletic. Although skinny, he has slow reflexes. In addition, Ouronis claims that recognition is more important to him than money. The opposite is usually true for sensing types; they are very materialistic.

    Logic is more than ethics
    Ouronis is smart. He is quite good at learning. His logic helps him to understand complex business processes in order to optimize them. He also tries to solve conflicts logically, not emotionally, by explaining and drawing conclusions, which should be secured by agreement. It is important for him to understand how the system works, what laws it follows and how best to manage it. Of course, this is the position of logic.
    But logical preferences inevitably lead to ethical problems. Indeed, Ouronis has a poor sense of the nuances of relationships as well as the emotional states of those around him. According to him, he is bad about caring for others. He doesn't feel the need to talk to his relatives often. He also finds it difficult to express his own feelings.
    The intuition with the logic gives the research installation.


    Irrationality is more than rationality
    Ouronis has difficulty concentrating on one thing or action for long periods of time. In order to repeat the same action again and again, he needs to have a strong motivation. This is a clear sign of an irrational temperament, which functions better when switching between different tasks or when moving from one interesting task to another.
    The irrational's performance depends largely on his current state and interest in the subject. And he finds it very difficult to manage his state, which tends to be wavy and uneven, with ups and downs.
    As he states, Ouronis internally utters his logical conclusions. Inner speech in various forms, such as scraps of words, unfinished sentences, or even impressions of sounds, is also inherent in irrational types.

    Extraversion is more than introversion
    Although this parameter is not so expressed, by nature Ouronis is more of an extrovert. First, he says straight out what he thinks, the best form of communication for him is open discussion. It is difficult for him to make a decision without advice from other people. This conclusion is also confirmed by a comparison with his friend in character, who is more conformal and more settled in his career, which is better in introverts.
    To be sure, consider the reverse case. If Ouronis were an introvert with irrational preferences, he would necessarily be a dynamic. But judging by his words, he has a static inner world. For example, when he thinks of a cat, he imagines just a static picture of the animal. When memorizing information, it is better for him if it is fixed, for example, written down, rather than set in motion.
    Extroverted irrationals, where Ouronis belongs, have a flexible-maneuvering temperament.
    But why, being an extrovert is he socially anxious? The answer lies in his subtype.


    What can we say about his subtype? - The most probable subtype in DCNH system is the four one, i.e. harmonizing (H). This is evidenced by his initiality - openness to novelties, boredom with monotony, messy environment - and distantness - hard to get close, worried when speaking in public, bad at taking risks.
    The initiality combined with the distantness gives a harmonizing subtype. But to be precise, it should be noted that such an emphasis on logic and honesty in his assessments indicates normative behavior. I conclude that Ouronis's character contains both of these components. That is, his subtype is normalizing-harmonizing.


    So, the type of respondent is a flexible-maneuvering temperament in the research installation - ILE of normalizing-harmonizing subtype (Seeker exploring and adapting). Characteristic features of such a personality: strong logical intellect, finding new solutions, independence and integrity, but at the same time sensory underdevelopment and coldness in personal relationships.

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    Conclusion by the interview

    Respondent: [Rune]
    Socionist: Viktor Gulenko (SHS)
    Objective: define type and subtype
    Method: content analysis, body language
    Required knowledge: 16 types, 8 functions, temperaments, installations, DCNH subtype system
    Type as intersection of temperament and installation
    In order to determine the socionic type of a person, it is necessary to assess his or her temperament and installation. 4 temperaments X 4 installations = 16 types.
    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to define the variant of a particular person's type - one of four (DCNH system).
    Both the installation and the temperament are fairly well expressed in these videos that the respondent provided. Let’s start with installation.
    Installation (main activity orientation)
    Logic is more than ethics
    The respondent is good at making sense of complex information and finding the best solution to a problem. He approaches everything from a logical point of view - he tries to find and eliminate contradictions, and then draw reasonable conclusions. He is deeply interested in scientific systems and classifications, especially in the social and psychological sciences. He has successfully studied programming as well as trigonometry.
    Calculus was difficult for him. Why, since he is a logician? Perhaps because this section of mathematics is not characterized by visibility. This is where his individual characteristics come into play, which will be taken into account in the subtype.
    Judging by his facial expressions, the respondent is a person who doesn’t manage his emotions well. Nor does he have warmth and trust in his relationships, and he
    calculates people rather than feels them. Only a skeptical or ironic smile appears on his face.
    Intuition is more than sensing
    First of all, this follows from [Rune]'s cognitive interests, which deal with very general questions. For example, understanding human nature and driving forces of human psyche. A sensing person would be mostly interested in the specific people around him and their immediate problems. Only the intuitive function of intellect produces such generalizations.
    His disregard for physical appearance also speaks in favor of less sensing. Nor does [Rune]'s lack of physical activity, such as recreational sports, bother him. People with sensing priority pay much more attention to this very important part of their lives.
    Intuition with logic gives a research and expert installation to the activity. Pizza delivery doesn't apply here, so it's not surprising that [Rune] doesn't like his job.
    Introversion is more than extraversion
    The respondent characterizes himself as a reserved and anxious person who finds it difficult to be open and easy to communicate with others. Indeed, his inner world of thoughts and perceptions is much richer than his external activity. The energy of his psyche goes more into mental activity that is not always visible from the outside, which is typical for introverts.
    [Rune] says that he would like to discuss on a very deep level of understanding. Apparently, he lacks like-minded people to keep the conversation going with him. Introverts immerse themselves very deeply in the topic they are interested in. In this, they are superior to the more superficial extroverts.
    Irrationality is more than rationality
    The respondent's intuition precedes logic: a holistic perception of information turns into logical reflection. This is how the psyche of the intuitive-logical types, which belong to the irrational temperament, is organized.
    In addition, [Rune]'s volatile moods, which are not always comprehensible to his coworkers and friends, are evidence in favor of irrationality. Mood swings are ultimately reflected in his ability to work and get along at close range.
    In addition, the symbolic part of [Rune]'s dreams - the sexual themes, as well as water, sewage, and impurities - corresponds to the archetypes of the Gamma Quadra.
    This temperament is called receptiveadaptive.
    What can we say about his subtype? - The most probable subtype in DCNH system is the second one, i.e. creative (C). This is evidenced by his contactness (quick reaction in dangerous situations) and initiality (aversion to conservatism, as well as domestic disorderliness).
    Contacness combined with initiality gives the creative subtype. Characteristic features of such a person: an inquisitive mind, understanding the hidden nature of things, subtle irony, the ability to work with linguistic information, a good response to extreme situations, but nervousness, sharpness, a tendency to argue.
    The conclusion
    So, the type of respondent is a receptiveadaptive temperament in research installation – ILI of creative subtype (Critic ironic).
    From the interview with [Rune] you can learn that he works on his mood swings, tries to keep it under control, strives to bring the things he starts to the end in order to objectively assess the results. This means that his personality development is going in the direction of normalizing subtype. In order for C to N transformation to take place, logic in his character must be supplemented with ethics, which primarily requires a good attitude of his relatives and friends.

  6. #6
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Type as intersection of temperament and installation
    In order to determine the socionic type of a person, it is necessary to assess his or her
    temperament and installation. 4 temperaments X 4 installations = 16 types.
    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to define the
    variant of a particular person's type - one of four (DCNH system).
    Both the installation and the temperament are fairly well expressed in these videos that
    the respondent provided. Let’s start with installation.

    Installation (activity orientation)

    Logic is more than ethics

    The respondent has a well-developed ability to study and comprehend a variety of
    information from different sources. Despite his passion for acting, he still has a logical
    mindset. He approaches everything that happens from a logical point of view - he tries
    to understand the reasons, find regularities and draw conclusions. In addition, he
    remembers the systematized data well. This cognitive function is called structural logic.
    The large amount of music he listens to is not just a mass of musical works. Apparently,
    he can distinguish one performer from another according to specific criteria, to point out
    the difference between styles and genres, to highlight the specific features of each work
    he is interested in. Therefore, it is a field for intelligence and classification, the
    perception of the world of music as a complex system, harmonious organization of
    which gives a sense of perfection.

    Body language and function of structural logic. Structural logic is often manifested in
    communication through the emotion of doubt. When in doubt, a person compares
    different data and draws a conclusion based on the direction in which the bowl of scales
    is leaning. Structural thinking is always dichotomous; it necessarily brings both
    arguments for and against. And in the first and second interviews with [Ave] there are
    many examples where he shows the facial expressions of doubt associated with the
    analysis of all available information about his psyche.

    Sensing is more than intuition

    [Ave] works in a specific technical area, doing work that requires coordination of mind
    and handwork. This means that the logic in his psyche works in conjunction with the
    sensing. The introverted sensing is just responsible for the accumulation of experience
    and knowledge in a particular field, as well as forming a good memory and visual

    Interestingly, there is also an extroverted type of sensing - the power sensing - in his
    character. For example, he can be excitable and even rough. Sometimes he gets
    excited and gets mad if you provoke him. However, the same function allows him to
    stand up for himself. It also manifests itself positively in the fact that he helps people in
    dangerous, health threatening and even life-threatening situations.

    In favor of the sensing is the fact that [Ave] is actively and systematically involved in
    sports, keeps himself in good physical shape. Apparently, he is able to withstand
    significant physical activity. In addition, he is realistic, has specific goals, and does not
    hover in the clouds. And his imagination reflects what he has experienced directly.

    The logic with the sensing together gives the technical and managerial setting for the


    Introversion is more than extraversion

    The respondent describes himself as a usually reserved person who behaves lively and
    emotionally only among his close friends or those whom he trusts. Indeed, his inner
    world of reflections and perceptions is much richer than external activity. This behavior
    is typical for introverts.

    In addition, a couple of mental functions, which are most visible in his preferences (logic
    and sensing), also have an introverted orientation. In the interview, [Ave] compares
    himself with his former girlfriend, who represents his temperamental opposite in
    extroversion. She is really outgoing and sociable, but not serious. According to this
    description, she is not a dual, but a conflict type for him.

    [Ave] needs for a harmonious relationship a variety of emotions that should not be all
    the time positive, but sometimes disturbing and even dramatic. The fact is that such
    emotional recharge helps to reveal his masculine qualities of a good knight and rescuer.

    Rationality is more than irrationality

    The logic of the respondent determines his sensing. Before implementing, he will collect
    information, analyze and plan. This is how the rationality psyche is organized. Irrationals
    act more spontaneously and according to the situation, rather than sequentially and
    step by step. In addition, his mood, though fluctuating to a large extent, is changing
    mainly under the influence of external forces, rather than by itself.

    When asked about his ability to cook, [Ave] gave a negative answer. This question
    was needed to check whether he belonged to irrational sensory and ethical types that
    are good at cooking. Besides, there are certain signs of these types in his appearance.
    However, it turned out that [Ave] is mentally distracted during cooking, so he often
    makes mistakes. So, he has no motivation for it.

    This temperament (introvert rational) is called balanced-stable.

    Nevertheless, [Ave] has elements of irrationality in his psyche (inner irritability, often
    drops what he started without bringing them to the end). How do I explain it? These
    features do not concern a general type anymore, but a specific subtype.


    To sum up, the deep values of [Ave] are the sense of justice, the ability to defend his
    values, the need for a decent inspiration, organization in extreme situations and at the
    same time a sense of humor, the desire to play a role that is attractive to the opposite
    sex. Images of his dreams are often grim and scary (dark medieval city, bridge over the
    abyss, monsters, werewolf etc.). These values and suppressed fears refer to romantic power beta quadra.


    What can we say about his subtype? The most probable subtype in DCNH system is
    the second one, i.e. creative (C).
    This is evidenced by his contactness (boldly meets the danger, the involuntary mobility
    of body parts, the need for physical and emotional contact), as well as interest in
    change and new experiences, the tendency to start more things than bring to the end
    Contactness combined with initiality gives a creative subtype.

    The conclusion

    So, the type of respondent is a balanced-stable temperament in managerial installation -
    LSI of creative subtype (Inspector Rescue). A characteristic feature of this personality:
    the ability to improve various systems, the connection of creativity with technology,
    artistry, sense of humor, but at the same time a serious approach to solving life's
    problems, excitable temperament, help people in critical situations. In addition, creativity
    is often combined with the involuntary mobility of the body, arms and legs, which is
    expressed in fidgeting and spinning.

    I would recommend [Ave] to pay attention to the adjusting the balance of aesthetic
    and fine sensing (S) on the one hand, and the coarser power sensing (F), on the other
    hand. Unbalanced power sensing (F) gives excitability and clumsiness, as well as
    creates difficulties in personal relationships. After all, a long stay in F for the Inspector is
    equivalent to stress. Obviously, [Ave] needs acting to get new sensations and relieve
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  7. #7
    Like think it twice but never, never learn. Vex's Avatar
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    Here it is.
    Date: 11/12/2020
    Respondent: Vex
    Socionist: Victor Gulenko (SHS)
    Objective: define type and subtype
    Method: content analysis, body language
    Required knowledge: 16 types, 8 functions, temperaments, installations, DCNH subtype system

    Type as the intersection of temperament and installation

    In order to determine the socionic type of person, it is necessary to at least assess his temperament and attitude to the type of activity. Four temperaments X four installations = 16 types.

    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to specify the type of a particular person at the moment - one of the four (DCNH system).

    The video data provided by the respondent clearly expresses both attitude and temperament. Let's start with the installation.

    Installation by type of activity

    Ethics is more than logic

    Judging by facial expressions, the respondent experiences a wide range of feelings. She characterizes herself in an interview as a very emotional person. She is very worried if her psychological preferences are not taken into account. He has artistry, knows how to impress others thanks to his diverse emotions.

    Her emotions are positive in themselves. First of all, friendly and peace-loving. He can sympathize with people. It hardly tolerates bad relationships, especially conflicts. Understands and appreciates jokes, she herself has


    A sense of humor. If a person is offended, she immediately apologizes. There is no tendency to aggression, although she has learned to defend herself.

    He hides his inner anxiety behind a smile. Easy and charming in communication. That's why she's loved by young children. He has the talent of a teacher. He can calm capricious children by properly building relationships with them.

    Intuition is more sensory

    The respondent has a developed imagination. When answering, the eyes often rise up, which is often the case in people with visual thinking, able to see vivid images. This is fully consistent with the fact that Vex often dreams of how her life could turn out differently or of events when she saves people from the danger that threatens their lives.

    Her interests are generally humanitarian: passion for old fashion, reading fiction, admiration for nature, humor. There are no sports hobbies. She feels the people around her, knows what can be expected from them, who can be trusted and who can not, and how to influence them.

    She also has intuitive lack of integrity in handling objects and difficulties in everyday practical life. For example, Vex is fond of fashion, but she herself is not given sewing. Of course, it needs support and protection from a person with a sensory-practical type. Vex would appreciate mutual care very much.

    Ethics with intuition gives a humanitarian and artistic attitude to the type of activity.


    Introversion is greater than extraversion

    The respondent is perceived as a rather modest and not prone to publicity person who behaves vividly and emotionally only among his close friends or those people she trusts. Indeed, her inner world of ideas and feelings is much richer than external activity. This organization of the psyche is typical for introverts.

    In addition, a pair of mental functions that are most visible in her preferences (time intuition and relationship ethics) also have an introverted orientation. These are functions of foreseeing danger and avoiding hard collisions, not active pressure to quickly solve problems.

    Introverts are usually inferior in energy to extroverts. True, Vex herself can initiate conflict situations if her opinion is neglected. It's more of a protective reaction that she developed over time. However, in a stressful situation, it is not lost, which indicates


    That it can't be attributed to extreme introverts. These are its individual characteristics, which will be taken into account in the final conclusion.

    Irrationality is more rational

    Vex is characterized by mood fluctuations throughout the day. This happens in psychological types with an unbalanced and irrational nervous system. In a good mood, she entertains people, in a bad mood, she becomes irritable and stubborn.

    Her intuition determines ethics. First, she perceives or imagines an image, and then certain feelings are included, which form her attitude to the perceived. This is how the psyche of irrationals (perceiving types) is organized. In addition, her behavior is flexible and adaptive.

    This temperament is called susceptively adaptive in the GS.


    What can be said about its subtype? - The most likely subtype in the DCNH system is the second, that is, creative (C). This is evidenced by her contact (does not retreat in conflict situations, is not afraid to look bright), as well as curiosity and diversity of hobbies (initiality).

    Contact combined with initiality and gives a creative subtype.

    However, there is also a second component in the character of the respondent, which is related to the firmness of beliefs, the desire for order, mental purity, drawing up lists, attempts to understand themselves and the world around them. This behavior is called normalizing behavior.

    The contradiction between creativity and compliance cannot but generate a certain tension and nervousness in the character of the respondent, which is manifested in particular in sudden changes in facial expressions, as well as in sleep problems and nightmares.

    Conclusions and recommendations

    So, the type of respondent is a receptive-adaptive temperament in the humanitarian installation - IEI of the creative and normal subtype (Amy lyricist). Characteristic features of such a personality: romance and fantasy, emotional outbursts, artistry, artistic understanding of life, the desire for beauty and freedom.

    Vex's individual characteristics include a decrease in optimism and disbelief in her own capabilities, which can be explained by her difficult


    Morale (she takes care of her sick sister) and lack of dual support.

    Recommendations: more good rest, walks in nature, a variety of impressions, expression of your feelings through works of art (creativity), intuition of positive programming, communication with people who understand and support it.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
    Enneagram: 9w8 5w6 2w1
    AP: VELF 4231
    PY: FEVL

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    Date: 5/3/2022
    Respondent: Gabriel
    Socionist: Viktor Gulenko (SHS)
    Objective: define type and subtype
    Method: content analysis, body language
    Required knowledge: 16 types, 8 functions, temperaments, installations, DCNH subtype

    Type as intersection of temperament and installation
    In order to determine the socionic type of a person, it is necessary to assess his or her
    temperament and installation. 4 temperaments X 4 installations = 16 types.
    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to define the
    variant of a particular person's type - one of four (DCNH system).
    Both the installation and the temperament are fairly well expressed in these videos that
    the respondent provided. Let’s start with installation.

    Installation (main activity orientation)
    Intuition is more than sensing
    First of all, this follows from Gabriel's cognitive interests, which are concerned with very
    general questions. For example, to understand the nature of creativity, to find new
    techniques in literature. For a sensing type, it would be mainly the specific people
    around him and their immediate problems that would be of interest. Only the intuitive
    function of the intellect produces such generalizations.
    In favor of the lesser sensing also speaks his disregard for the environment around him.
    People with sensory priority pay much more attention to this very important part of their
    lives. Instead, Gabriel dreams of learning to play the guitar or piano, foreign languages
    Intuition finds its fulfillment in a developed imagination. Gabriel states that he has very
    strange dreams, which are difficult to put into words. When he is in a deep sleep, it



    seems to him that he becomes a completely different person. This subconscious
    influence on the psyche is also found predominantly in intuitive types.

    Logic is more than ethics
    Gabriel is good at making sense of complex information and finding the best solution to
    a problem. He approaches everything from a logical point of view - he tries to find and
    eliminate contradictions, and then draw reasonable conclusions. It is clear from the
    interview that Gabriel needs precision in wording; in particular, he clearly highlighted his
    weaknesses - inattention and indiscipline.
    Judging by his facial expressions, Gabriel is a man who does not manage his emotions
    well. Despite his kindness, he cannot be expected to be particularly empathic or
    responsive in relationships; he calculates people rather than feeling them. His face
    displays either a frozen and monotonous, or a skeptical or ironic smile.
    Comparing himself with his wife, Gabriel notes the contrast of their characters: she is
    more reliable, he is less obliging. How, then, do they find common ground? The answer
    is: thanks to the fact that they are both logicians.
    Intuition with logic gives a research and expert installation to the type of activity.

    Irrationality is more than rationality
    The respondent's intuition precedes logic: a figurative representation of information
    turns into logical reflection. This is how the psyche of the intuitive-logical types, which
    belong to the irrational temperament, is organized.
    To this we should add that his mood is constantly changing throughout the day. Such
    internal instability is a clear sign that his nervous system functions irrationally. One
    cannot help but notice that Gabriel has a very relaxed body. Irrational temperaments on
    a physical level often look like this.

    Introversion is more than extraversion
    Indeed, his internal world of thoughts and perceptions is much richer than his external
    activity. The energy of his psyche goes more into the mental activity that is not always
    visible from the outside, which is characteristic of introverts.

    Gabriel is able to discuss at a very deep level of understanding. Perhaps he lacks like-
    minded people to support the conversation with him. Introverts delve very deeply into

    the topic of their interest. In this, they are superior to the more superficial extroverts.



    Also confirming the introversion is the fact that Gabriel is a socially anxious person
    when he communicates in a group. However, one must further explain why he speaks
    confidently in front of a large audience. This situation is common in introverts of the
    contact subtype. This will be discussed below, in the paragraph on the subtype
    This temperament is called receptive‐adaptive.

    What can we say about his subtype? - The most probable subtype in DCNH system is
    the second one, i.e. creative (C).
    This is evidenced by his contactness (he does not get lost in conflicts and other
    unexpected situations, feels confident in front of a large audience) and initiality
    (freedom-loving, aversion to restrictive rules, as well as disorderliness around the
    Contactness combined with initiality gives the creative subtype. That's why Gabriel is
    interested in more creative sciences, not purely logical ones like mathematics or

    The conclusion
    So, the type of respondent is a receptive‐adaptive temperament in research and expert
    installation – ILI of creative subtype.
    Characteristic features of such a personality: an inquisitive mind, understanding the
    hidden nature of things, enthusiasm for new things, a tendency to experiment, writing
    ability, expressive speech, dark humor and irony, the ability to work with diverse
    information, a good reaction to extreme situations, but nervousness, sharpness, a
    tendency to argue, unkempt.

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    What comes into notice right away?

    Judging by appearance of the Mitchell, his mannerism of communication and voice intonation, the Respondent very much resembles a member of the intuitive introverts group. What do we derive from it? In the first part of the interview, information disclosed by the respondent about his family shows that the respondent distinctly opposes himself to the other family relatives exactly by this criteria. Other members of his family lead a much more active lifestyle than he, in particular, play sports, are not interested in abstract topics like philosophy or mathematics, but in real events that occur randomly at the current time at their place of residence or work. Considerably, they treat the respondent with some misunderstanding, or possibly even sympathy. When rational Sensing types see such an appearance as that of Mitchell, they want to make a remark, so respondent have to make an effort to keep himself together and remain silent. It takes time to get used to this kind of freedom in terms of ignoring the material side of life. This is especially true in a case of a messy hairstyle, as well as the stockpiling clutter in a living space or disorderliness in general. The truth may be that he is being forgiven for that, because erudition and ability to delve deeply into the essence of the new information.


    In the typological group of intuitive introverts, there are possibility for only two temperaments - BS (balanced-stable) or RA (receptive adaptive). What is Mitchell's temperament then? First of all, we need to take into consideration pronounced fluctuations in mood (mood swings) throughout the day. This fact argues in favor of a dynamic, unbalanced nervous system. Secondly, if we consider that he is still a very sensitive person (a sign of a weak nervous system), we are coming to a conclusion that he has a receptive-adaptive temperament (RA).We might also observe the peculiarities of the respondent's reactions in moments of thought process. At the same time you can spot a large number of eye movements up. This again confirms the conclusion about the dynamic temperament. Due to closeness of the introverted, Mitchell’s unbalanced temperament shows itself in convergence. At closer distance, even a simple fact which extraneous people will find inconsiderable, can spontaneously cause him a rather nervous reaction.

    Type of occupation

    In the group of intuitive introverts, we can discuss only two settings - ethical humanitarian or logical scientistic. Which of them the respondent can relate to? Setting with ethics can’t be confirmed by the behavior. People turn to the Mitchel for advice on such topics that involves wise, mindful thinking and not for the purpose of comforting or to relief of the emotional state of theirs. Also, the respondent is immanently more critical - he immediately notices deviation from the logic or common sense. Also it’s true that, the area of intellectual interests lies at the intersection of philosophy and mathematical disciplines. Already the individual characteristics of his personality become apparent, which result in the formation of a distinctive subtype, which I will discuss below. Also in favor of the logical type, the fact is that emotions are poorly subordinate to the respondent. It seems that he ignores some circumstances and, on the contrary, can react abruptly to other, which looks to an extraneous observer as uncontrollable emotions. Hence the conclusion: the function of emotions in the type of respondent takes a weak position. Therefore, we conclude that the respondent is a logician. And the last thing to pay attention to, in terms of the “ethics - logic” dichotomy, is facial expressions. It is characterized by expressions of skepticism and negativity. In particular, the corner of the mouth goes to the side, and the mouth itself opens up, which makes a peculiar impression of either disaffection or disgust. Ethics from the group of intuitive-introverts would be a positivist, so an assumption, for example, about Lyrist or Humanist is unlikely.

    The conclusion

    So, the type of respondent is a receptive-adaptive temperament in Scientist setting - ILI (Critic). But what about his subtype? - The most likely subtype by the DCNH system is the fourth (4), i.e. harmonizing (H). This is evidenced by his distantness (fears of reconciliation, he feels safe only at a certain distance from people) and initiality (gustiness, spontaneity, novelty seeking). Distancy combined with initiality gives a harmonizing subtype. The problem of such people is sensitivity, a tendency to pessimism because of the constant comparison of reality to the ideal, unceasingly hunting for a harmonious state of mind, immersion in science (in particular, mathematics is a very shapely and harmonious system) in the hope of finding there answers to the questions that concern him about man and society.
    Also: I've changed a bit in the almost 4 years since this report was made (late 2018), and this was also before he did reports that contained two or more subtypes. As of at least a year and a half ago, Victor types me as a Harmonizing-Creative subtype (HC), so some of what is said about the Creative critics will apply to me as well (i.e. inclined to experiment, argumentative, etc.). Also, I may even have some terminality since I don't think I'm quite as disordered as this report would suggest now, but I was super disordered and T-accentuated before (though I still am to some extent, and maybe I will be again in the future, or maybe not).

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    Conclusion by the interview
    Date: 01/06/2021
    Respondent: Northstar
    Socionist: Viktor Gulenko (SHS)
    Objective: define type and subtype
    Method: content analysis, body language
    Required knowledge: 16 types, 8 functions, temperaments, installations, DCNH subtype system
    Type as intersection of temperament and installation
    In order to determine the socionic type of a person, it is necessary to assess his or her temperament and installation. 4 temperaments X 4 installations = 16 types.
    In addition, the quadra values of respondent must be confirmed.
    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to define the variant of a particular person's type - one of four (DCNH system).
    Both temperament and installation are quite well expressed in these videos provided by the respondent, although with individual differences. Let's start with the first one.


    Irrationality is more than rationality
    Northstar has trouble focusing on one thing or action for a long time. In order to repeat the same action for a long time, he needs to have a strong motivation. This is a clear sign of the irrational temperament, which functions better in switching between different tasks.
    The irrational's performance depends largely on his current state. The ups and downs as a natural rhythm of life are also a sign of an irrational temperament. In addition, as he ponders, Northstar internally spells out his reasoning. Inner speech while pondering is also characteristic of irrational types.

    Extraversion is more than introversion

    First, as an extrovert, Northstar is straightforward in saying what he thinks, does not shy away from conflict and tends to attack rather than retreat. He is good at learning new things, quick to move forward, impatient, hard to hold back. Extroversion is also confirmed by comparing his character with his friend, who is less open and behaves clearly introverted.
    An extrovert is the type that extends his influence. Northstar states that he is not satisfied with what he has. He seeks everything more, from cars to official powers. In addition, Northstar behaves quite actively in company, jokes a lot, involves others and is not afraid to disturb the familiar situation.
    Extroverted irrationals, where Northstar belongs, have a flexible-maneuvering temperament.

    Installation (activity orientation)

    Sensing is more than intuition
    Northstar has good physical fitness. He is active in sports, lifting weights. He's quick to react to changing situation. It's hard to imagine him clumsy, not controlling his body.
    He is good with manual labor, for example, engaged in car tuning. If it is necessary to engage in repair of engine, he turns on with all and puts himself out until the problem is fixed. His manual skills are top-notch. He's a realist and hands-on guy, not an over-the-top theoretician.
    Northstar's good practical skills and his ability to quickly navigate in a particular situation are reliable indicators of a sensing type.

    Logic is more than ethics

    Northstar is very smart. He grasps information quickly if he needs it. He did well in school, although he didn't do his homework. His logic helps him make sense of complex technical and managerial tasks. He also tries to solve conflicts with logic, and only if he fails to do so he exerts power pressure.
    But strong logical preferences inevitably lead to problems in the ethical area. Indeed, Northstar says that he has a poor sense of relationships as well as the emotional states of those around him. He's not paying attention how people feel about him. Therefore, he can offend a person and not immediately notice it. He also has difficulty expressing his own emotional feelings.

    The sensing with logic gives the technical-managerial installation.

    Northstar's quadra values are also clear. He has a well expressed power preferences, desire to win a fair fight. This is consistent with quadra beta. There is also a second side of the beta values: the need for big goals, the awareness of one's mission to govern firmly and to assert justice for all.
    What can we say about Northstar's subtype? - The most likely subtype in the DCNH system is the second, that is, creative (C). This is evidenced by his initiality - disorderliness, scattered things, fascination with new challenges, boredom with monotony, and contactness - well mobilized in case of danger, escalation of conflict situations.
    The initiality combined with the contactness gives a creative subtype.

    So, the type of respondent is a flexible-maneuvering temperament in the technical-managerial installation - SLE of creative subtype (attacking Marshall).
    Characteristic features of such a personality: strength, demanding attitude, decisiveness, excellent manual skills, a sense of humor and generosity, but impulsiveness and rudeness, inattention to detail, poor consideration of the distant consequences of quickly made decisions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Conclusion by the interview
    Date: 01/06/2021
    Respondent: Northstar
    Socionist: Viktor Gulenko (SHS)
    Objective: define type and subtype
    Method: content analysis, body language
    Required knowledge: 16 types, 8 functions, temperaments, installations, DCNH subtype system
    Type as intersection of temperament and installation
    In order to determine the socionic type of a person, it is necessary to assess his or her temperament and installation. 4 temperaments X 4 installations = 16 types.
    In addition, the quadra values of respondent must be confirmed.
    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to define the variant of a particular person's type - one of four (DCNH system).
    Both temperament and installation are quite well expressed in these videos provided by the respondent, although with individual differences. Let's start with the first one.


    Irrationality is more than rationality
    Northstar has trouble focusing on one thing or action for a long time. In order to repeat the same action for a long time, he needs to have a strong motivation. This is a clear sign of the irrational temperament, which functions better in switching between different tasks.
    The irrational's performance depends largely on his current state. The ups and downs as a natural rhythm of life are also a sign of an irrational temperament. In addition, as he ponders, Northstar internally spells out his reasoning. Inner speech while pondering is also characteristic of irrational types.

    Extraversion is more than introversion

    First, as an extrovert, Northstar is straightforward in saying what he thinks, does not shy away from conflict and tends to attack rather than retreat. He is good at learning new things, quick to move forward, impatient, hard to hold back. Extroversion is also confirmed by comparing his character with his friend, who is less open and behaves clearly introverted.
    An extrovert is the type that extends his influence. Northstar states that he is not satisfied with what he has. He seeks everything more, from cars to official powers. In addition, Northstar behaves quite actively in company, jokes a lot, involves others and is not afraid to disturb the familiar situation.
    Extroverted irrationals, where Northstar belongs, have a flexible-maneuvering temperament.

    Installation (activity orientation)

    Sensing is more than intuition
    Northstar has good physical fitness. He is active in sports, lifting weights. He's quick to react to changing situation. It's hard to imagine him clumsy, not controlling his body.
    He is good with manual labor, for example, engaged in car tuning. If it is necessary to engage in repair of engine, he turns on with all and puts himself out until the problem is fixed. His manual skills are top-notch. He's a realist and hands-on guy, not an over-the-top theoretician.
    Northstar's good practical skills and his ability to quickly navigate in a particular situation are reliable indicators of a sensing type.

    Logic is more than ethics

    Northstar is very smart. He grasps information quickly if he needs it. He did well in school, although he didn't do his homework. His logic helps him make sense of complex technical and managerial tasks. He also tries to solve conflicts with logic, and only if he fails to do so he exerts power pressure.
    But strong logical preferences inevitably lead to problems in the ethical area. Indeed, Northstar says that he has a poor sense of relationships as well as the emotional states of those around him. He's not paying attention how people feel about him. Therefore, he can offend a person and not immediately notice it. He also has difficulty expressing his own emotional feelings.

    The sensing with logic gives the technical-managerial installation.

    Northstar's quadra values are also clear. He has a well expressed power preferences, desire to win a fair fight. This is consistent with quadra beta. There is also a second side of the beta values: the need for big goals, the awareness of one's mission to govern firmly and to assert justice for all.
    What can we say about Northstar's subtype? - The most likely subtype in the DCNH system is the second, that is, creative (C). This is evidenced by his initiality - disorderliness, scattered things, fascination with new challenges, boredom with monotony, and contactness - well mobilized in case of danger, escalation of conflict situations.
    The initiality combined with the contactness gives a creative subtype.

    So, the type of respondent is a flexible-maneuvering temperament in the technical-managerial installation - SLE of creative subtype (attacking Marshall).
    Characteristic features of such a personality: strength, demanding attitude, decisiveness, excellent manual skills, a sense of humor and generosity, but impulsiveness and rudeness, inattention to detail, poor consideration of the distant consequences of quickly made decisions.

    You've since disagreed with this report (since you are now self-typing SLI)?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos
    You've since disagreed with this report (since you are now self-typing SLI)?
    I think Northstar doesn’t really put much stock into Gulenko, from what I remember.

  13. #13
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    Conclusion by the interview
    Date: 9/30/2022
    Respondent: Maira
    Socionist: Viktor Gulenko (SHS)
    Objective: define type and subtype
    Method: content analysis, body language
    Required knowledge: 16 types, 8 functions, temperaments, installations, DCNH subtype system
    Type as intersection of temperament and installation
    In order to determine the socionic type of a person, it is necessary to assess his or her temperament and installation. 4 temperaments X 4 installations = 16 types.
    In addition, the quadra values of respondent must be confirmed.
    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to define the variant of a particular person's type - one of four (DCNH system).
    It is easier in provided videos to define the installation. Let’s start with it.
    Installation (activity orientation)

    Ethics is more than logic
    It follows from the interview that Maira is a person who cares a lot. She cares a lot about people's feedback and understanding. If people like it, she will make an effort to do her job the best she can. In a conflict she cannot remain neutral, her feelings are seized to the point that she can even cry.
    Moreover, in addition to sensitivity Maira is also offensive, although she doesn’t show it to outsiders. And she will hardly be able to hide her feelings from the people close to her, even if she just goes away so that no one sees her bad mood and dramatic feelings.

    Intuition is more than sensing
    Maira has an anxious and anticipatory psyche. She thinks a lot about the past and the future. Her fears are not based on logic, but stem more from abstract intuition and images generated by her imagination. She lives in her imagination, so she's not even good at remembering people's names or faces.
    In addition, Maira is notable for her indifference to everyday sensory life. For example, she reports having absolutely no interest in housekeeping and never doing any cleaning. Her cosplay costumes are sewn for her by her grandmother. Such inadequacies in sensory behavior confirm her intuitive preferences.
    The installation that combines ethics and intuition is called humanitarian-artistic.
    Humanitarians are the types of people who create artistic images, conveying deep meanings, rather than simply satisfying material needs. They are also often endowed with abilities in the humanities. So it is not surprising that Maira studies art and languages.

    Rationality is more than irrationality
    First, Maira remembers information through detailed explanation. This means that she is programmed mentally through logic. Her mental process functions in this sequence: talk - see. There must be no external noise, which irritates Maira’s unbalanced nervous system and interferes with internal visualization, without which the rationals cannot fully comprehend information.
    Second, I learn from the interview that Maira is a very bad sleeper. In order to sleep properly, she takes melatonin. This means that her body and psyche are in an elevated state, unable to relax. This is what it takes to fall asleep quickly. However, anxious people are constantly scrolling in their head various disturbing images, and cannot turn aside and break out of the vicious circle. Such rigidity of the psyche happens precisely in rational people who act and think in a straightforward manner.

    Extraversion is more than introversion
    This trait is more difficult to define, as I observe values close to the average.
    However, it turns out that Maira likes to be the center of attention. She is into cosplay, which implies standing out from other people, that is, drawing attention to herself. In addition, she speaks very quickly, which is more common among extroverts.

    Maira is very emotional; she has a hard time holding back, her emotions easily come out. If Maira were a natural introvert, she would have a static balanced and therefore calmer temperament. It is unlikely that she would be the organizer of her friends. But her eye movements clearly show that she has a dynamic, unbalanced temperament. Her body language clearly gives away a rational and dynamic, and thus impetuous, extroverted temperament.
    So why is Maira so anxious and not always confident? The answer lies in her distantness and the strengthening of introverted functions, which belongs to a more specific area of subtype differences.
    Extroverted dynamic rationals have a linear-assertive temperament. Unspoken thoughts and feelings for extroverts require either open discussion or discharge in creativity. Without this, they feel unsatisfied.


    What can we say about her subtype? The most likely subtype in the DCNH system is the fourth, i.e. harmonizing (H).
    In favor of this is evidenced by her initiality (strict routines cause her stress, she is very disorderly in domestic matters) and distantness (it is difficult to get close because of the initial shyness, perceived by others as strange).
    The distantness combined with the initiality gives the harmonizing subtype.

    So, the respondent's type is a linear-assertive temperament in humanitarian installation - EIE of harmonizing subtype.
    Characteristic features of such a personality: a strong imagination, artistic and writing talent, kindness and sympathy, but also anxiety, dramatization of problems, domestic inappropriateness and lack of tolerance at close range.

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    Thanks for adding yours, @beembo.
    Glad you were able to be typed, and I hope that it turned out to your benefit.

    Quote Originally Posted by beembo View Post
    Extraversion is more than introversion
    This trait is more difficult to define, as I observe values close to the average.
    However, it turns out that Maira likes to be the center of attention. She is into cosplay, which implies standing out from other people, that is, drawing attention to herself. In addition, she speaks very quickly, which is more common among extroverts.

    Maira is very emotional; she has a hard time holding back, her emotions easily come out. If Maira were a natural introvert, she would have a static balanced and therefore calmer temperament. It is unlikely that she would be the organizer of her friends. But her eye movements clearly show that she has a dynamic, unbalanced temperament. Her body language clearly gives away a rational and dynamic, and thus impetuous, extroverted temperament.
    So why is Maira so anxious and not always confident? The answer lies in her distantness and the strengthening of introverted functions, which belongs to a more specific area of subtype differences.
    Extroverted dynamic rationals have a linear-assertive temperament. Unspoken thoughts and feelings for extroverts require either open discussion or discharge in creativity. Without this, they feel unsatisfied.
    Something interesting I find about Gulenko's analysis is how very "process of elimination" it is. Once he picks out the most obvious displays of temperament, he hones in on the less obvious traits. If he had deemed that beembo is introverted in temperament, then it follows that the resulting type must be EII/INFj. While there's nothing wrong with that at first glance, it wouldn't at all mesh with anything that is understood about EIIs (they are obviously not 'gusty' in emotionality, they are more stable, and less likely to 'seek attention').
    This is why, I think, DCNH serves such an important role in Model G. Everything else aligns well with how EIEs are typically understood to be, it is just that beembo, among other EIEs, are quite introverted, and maybe even more anxious than usual. Once you apply the Harmonising subtype to her profile, the one outlier to the typical EIE profile is resolved, and her typing becomes crystal clear.

    Granted I'm just saying what a lot of people on this forum know already, so everything I'm saying is probably just super-obvious blather, but I still found it very interesting and wanted to comment on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos
    You've since disagreed with this report (since you are now self-typing SLI)?
    It’s not wrong but it’s only a small facet of personality based on 15 minutes of video with as many questions.
    I have always felt in between of these two types and don’t think type is all that dichotomous. In terms of many values I relate more to SLI/delta than SLE/beta.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    Thanks for adding yours, @beembo.
    Glad you were able to be typed, and I hope that it turned out to your benefit.

    Something interesting I find about Gulenko's analysis is how very "process of elimination" it is. Once he picks out the most obvious displays of temperament, he hones in on the less obvious traits. If he had deemed that beembo is introverted in temperament, then it follows that the resulting type must be EII/INFj. While there's nothing wrong with that at first glance, it wouldn't at all mesh with anything that is understood about EIIs (they are obviously not 'gusty' in emotionality, they are more stable, and less likely to 'seek attention').
    This is why, I think, DCNH serves such an important role in Model G. Everything else aligns well with how EIEs are typically understood to be, it is just that beembo, among other EIEs, are quite introverted, and maybe even more anxious than usual. Once you apply the Harmonising subtype to her profile, the one outlier to the typical EIE profile is resolved, and her typing becomes crystal clear.

    Granted I'm just saying what a lot of people on this forum know already, so everything I'm saying is probably just super-obvious blather, but I still found it very interesting and wanted to comment on it.

    I found it a really interesting read of my personality, as people on the internet and actually sometimes even irl describe me as actually very dramatic and pretty much the opposite of shy; but I always tell them I am way more introversive than I show, as I said in my video I kinda force myself to be bubbly and chatty if that makes sense, and he caught on and focused on certain sides of me no one in the socionics community did before so it was actually positively surprising

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    @Megan Fox & @Fractals

    if you want
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
    ♍︎ 𝓋𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♍︎

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    Date: 5/23/2023
    Respondent: Grace
    Socionist: Viktor Gulenko (SHS)
    Objective: define type and subtype
    Method: content analysis, body language
    Required knowledge: 16 types, 8 functions, temperaments, installations, DCNH subtype

    Type as intersection of temperament and installation
    In order to determine the socionic type of a person, it is necessary to assess his or her
    temperament and installation. 4 temperaments X 4 installations = 16 types.
    Taking into account that people change over time, it is also necessary to define the
    variant of a particular person's type - one of four (DCNH system).
    Both the installation and the temperament are fairly well expressed in these videos that
    the respondent provided. Let's start with temperament.

    Introversion is more than extraversion
    Grace describes herself as a reserved person who finds it difficult to be energetic and to
    communicate freely with others. Indeed, her inner world of thoughts and perceptions is
    much richer than her outer expansion. The energy of her psyche goes more into mental
    activity that is not always visible from the outside, which is characteristic of introverts.
    Introverts delve very deeply into the topic of their interest. In this, they surpass the more
    superficial extroverts. But they lag behind in their vigor and in the speed with which they
    execute their plans. The contrast in vertness can be clearly seen by comparing Grace to
    her ex-husband, who is vastly superior to her in sociability.



    Irrationality is more than rationality
    Grace perceives information through its visualization and subsequent conversation with
    oneself. This means that the holistic representation of information precedes its verbal
    processing. This is how the psyche of irrational types is organized, who first create a
    visual image for themselves and then reason about it. For a rational person it would be
    the opposite, since the discrete representation in the form of grammatical constructions
    determines the images, they produce.
    In addition, the irrationality is supported by the volatility of Grace's mood, which could
    only be stabilized by taking medication. The variability of moods in the form of ups and
    downs is ultimately reflected in her ability to work and get along at close range.
    This temperament is called receptive‐adaptive.

    Installation (main activity orientation)
    Intuition is more than sensing
    Above all, intuitiveness follows from Grace's dreaminess and her ability to come up with
    many unusual ideas. She was bored working as a pharmacy technician. It is precisely
    the intuitive function of the intellect that is responsible for the abstractness and
    singularity of her thinking. For the sensory person would be mostly interested in the
    specific people around him and their current problems.
    In favor of the lesser sensing is her clumsiness as well. Grace's lack of physical
    activity, such as recreational sports, also doesn't bother her very much. People with
    sensing preferences pay much more attention to this very important part of their lives.
    Her manual skills have to be backed up by the intuitive imagery she brings to the
    material. Simply filling out containers with medication doesn't work for her.

    Logic is more than ethics
    The respondent is good at making sense of complex information and finding the best
    solution to a problem. Despite her sensitivity, she approaches everything from a logical
    point of view - she tries to find errors and eliminate contradictions, and then draw valid
    conclusions. She is clearly interested in scientific systems and classifications,
    especially in the social and psychological sciences.
    But she didn't do well in school and is now more interested in art than science. Why,
    after all, is she a logician? Grace explains that her parents didn't really care about
    school, so she wasn't properly motivated to learn. In socionics terms, this could be
    because her initial psyche, which is connected to the right hemisphere of the brain, has



    been amplified. This is where her individual characteristics of her character already
    manifest, which will be taken into account in the subtype.
    There is another argument. Judging by her facial expressions, Grace is a person who
    does not manage her emotions well. She has no ethical ease and trust in relationships;
    she calculates people rather than feels them. Only an asymmetrical smile appears on
    her face. Her emotions are not smooth and natural, like Lyric's, but confused and at
    times not fully adequate to the situation. This leads me to the conclusion that the ethics
    of emotions is a vulnerable function of her psyche (E7).
    Intuition with logic gives a research and expert installation to the type of activity. Such
    people are not just curious, but are endowed by nature with an intelligence that is
    directed toward knowing the laws of the world in which we live. It is not for nothing that
    Grace is interested in philosophy and other fundamental disciplines.

    What can we say about her subtype?
    The most likely subtype in the DCNH system is the fourth, i.e., harmonizing (H). This is
    supported by her distantness (she ignores conflicts or runs away from danger) and
    initiality (she is open minded, and this also includes not bringing many things to
    Distantness in combination with initiality gives the harmonizing subtype.

    The conclusion
    So, the type of respondent is a receptive‐adaptive temperament in research and expert
    installation - ILI of harmonizing subtype.
    Characteristic features of such a personality: rich imagination, understanding of the
    hidden essence of things, cautionary intuition, subtle irony, ability to work with figurative
    and linguistic information, but nervousness, laziness, tendency to depressive states,
    difficulty to express their own complex images and inner feelings outside.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fractals View Post
    She is clearly interested in scientific systems and classifications
    Prevailing themes of paintings - which are factual interests - are about a nature, living beings and not about technics or science. 2nd is chaotic abstract, while T and especially Ti mean some structure.
    The shelf is another fact about interests' direction. Does not look as T related science and technology. Not a single thing in a part which was to tell about yourself.
    upd: I've noticed related to technical and science. A handmade with textile threads robot which smiles(!) and similarly made childish Chubaka from "Star Wars". Other 21 characters objects are not close to technics, but animals of cartoons and alike. Exists table game with "Indiana Jones" associations, - jungles, animals, mysteries. Seems it's all among "techical" and "sci-fi" there.

    Gulenko did not look the contents of the channel, I suppose.

    "Grace is a person who does not manage her emotions well. She has no ethical ease and trust in relationships; she calculates people rather than feels them. Only an asymmetrical smile appears on her face. Her emotions are not smooth and natural, like Lyric's, but confused and at times not fully adequate to the situation."

    She said to have schizoaffective disorder. This disorder may predispos to described problems with communications and emotional expression.
    Plus, psyche meds which she may get regularly, have a possibility to influence on nonverbal behavior. For example, which have sedative effect may suppress nonverbal activity.

    Gulenko knew this? I doubt.
    Last edited by Sol; 05-29-2023 at 05:20 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Prevailing themes of paintings - which are factual interests - are about a nature, living beings and not about technics or science. 2nd is chaotic abstract, while T and especially Ti mean some structure.
    The shelf is another fact about interests' direction. Does not look as T related science and technology. Not a single thing in a part which was to tell about yourself.

    Gulenko did not look the contents of the channel, I suppose.
    So ILI only paint and decorate their homes with science and technology related stuff?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fractals View Post
    So ILI only paint and decorate their homes with science and technology related stuff?
    I agree.

    Ti answer here, btw. Demonstrative Ti.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Abstract builds a soul, a house can never become a home without it

    A little better makes better more>

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    Here @Sol I painted some neurons and a cross section of epithelial cells.


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