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Thread: How do you deal with self-hatred?

  1. #41
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    This too. It all boils down to internal inconsistency and some kind of clash with external reality. Wishy-washy beliefs and attachment issues are one sure way to end up hating yourself.

    On another note, I'm wondering why types like ESE, LSE, SLE and SEE seem less prone to self-hatred (or are otherwise really good at faking having a good time in life). 4D Se might play a role in that.
    Consciousness is a curse!

    I lowkey think Julian Jaynes was onto something. He thought the way people are able to introspect is a pretty recent development in humanity and it develops out of linguistic constructs/use of metaphors (e.g. how we're able to talk about an "I" vs "me": "I'm beside myself with anger") rather than as anything intrinsic to our biology. He thought that actions we consider "automatic" we always did, but for more complex actions, or situations where the outcome of an action is uncertain, used to require "authorization" for the action, either from a social hierarch, or from the right hemisphere of the brain, which wasn't then so tightly integrated with the left, and would often present its conclusions as the voice of a god (the classic example he uses is from the Iliad, where Achilles is about to strike Agamemnon, but instead of reflecting and considering the outcome of his action were he to fight/kill him, Athena appears and restrains him. It's the same elsewhere in the epic; gods seem to operate "instead" of introspection, which is conspicuously absent).

    Anyway, whether we're biologically suited to consciousness or not, I think it's obvious that the more introspective a person is the more prone they are to depression. Maybe the solution is to just try not to do it.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    On another note, I'm wondering why types like ESE, LSE, SLE and SEE seem less prone to self-hatred (or are otherwise really good at faking having a good time in life). 4D Se might play a role in that.
    1D Ni, less introspective

  3. #43
    Poptart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    This too. It all boils down to internal inconsistency and some kind of clash with external reality. Wishy-washy beliefs and attachment issues are one sure way to end up hating yourself.

    On another note, I'm wondering why types like ESE, LSE, SLE and SEE seem less prone to self-hatred (or are otherwise really good at faking having a good time in life). 4D Se might play a role in that.
    Self-hatred is usually accompanied by poor introspection. People who hate themselves usually don’t deserve to be hated. They have a distorted view of themselves and of reality smh.

    I don’t know if ESxx types are less prone to self-hatred. I think it’s possible that their self-hatred manifests differently from your typical Ip temperament. An IxI might stay at home and whine on the internet about how fucked up they are in the head. A ESxP might deal with self-loathing by engaging in reckless behavior (partying, gambling, w/e) because fuck it, you’re already screwed up, so what difference does it make when you have nothing to lose? I’ve also seen plenty of ESEs with eating disorders (a form of self hatred). It can be easy to miss these things because the ESE looks so put together (happy, bubbly, thin, active) on the surface, and most people don’t really bother to dig below that.

  4. #44
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    Yeah, some types are much better at hiding their self-hatred than other types.

    I have a theory that Beta would be the quadra that could use 'self-hatred' in the most manipulative ways while not being all that hatred to self and Delta probably could hide behind the cloak of Te in the best ways and be filled with genuine self-hatred. Or maybe even Gammas especially. "How can that LIE hate themselves, they are rich and does everything Te Oprah says" etc- but then like ,you hear about millionaires who shoot themselves in the head sometimes. Not that Fe/Ti valuers can't be disgustingly rich either.

    nvm I'm not very confident in the logic of that - but I'm being gripping per usual. /hugs @chriscorey

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Self-hatred is usually accompanied by poor introspection. People who hate themselves usually don’t deserve to be hated. They have a distorted view of themselves and of reality smh.

    I don’t know if ESxx types are less prone to self-hatred. I think it’s possible that their self-hatred manifests differently from your typical Ip temperament. An IxI might stay at home and whine on the internet about how fucked up they are in the head. A ESxP might deal with self-loathing by engaging in reckless behavior (partying, gambling, w/e) because fuck it, you’re already screwed up, so what difference does it make when you have nothing to lose? I’ve also seen plenty of ESEs with eating disorders (a form of self hatred). It can be easy to miss these things because the ESE looks so put together (happy, bubbly, thin, active) on the surface, and most people don’t really bother to dig below that.
    Oh man, you hit the nail on the head with ESE and eating disorders. I never really noticed that. I remember reading that according to Talanov's research, ESE is the type with the greatest appetite (even greater than SEI), however they are apparently more likely to be of below average weight (I believe the thinnest sensor type after ESI).

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