
ESI here

From my experience, LII's are intelligent, calm and collected people. But somewhere down the line, we clash. In corporate environments, they usually want things done a certain way. I don't take well to this and find their methods extremely unrealistic because they are not applicable to everyone's mode of working or lifestyle. ILI usually want things done in a certain way too, but make for better managers as they are laidback, take people's limitations into consideration and are more open minded to testing various methods.

Recently I had an awful falling out with an LII I have been friends with for over 2 decades. The relationship just hit a point where I felt suffocated despite feeling the most understood by her initially. She was the only person I could talk about more deeper things with growing up. Time passed, and as of a few years ago I have tried to maintain a healthy distance from friends I grew up with as a child in a kind of soul searching effort. But I feel I unnecessarily held onto this relationship despite having so many issues with her inferior Se.

Enter an ESE: When I psychologically distanced myself from our friendship group the LII and ESE did not take well to it, completely dismissing my right to put myself first. I was quite aware I was in some weird loop for a period of time that I was trying to get myself out of, but neither seemed okay with me distancing myself and were demanding more answers from me than I was able to mentally or emotionally deliver. The LII complained that she didn't have time for a "superficial" friendship and she expects more from her friendships. I found this extremely invasive and hypocritical on her part. The argument was horrible and unprecedented, she kept soliciting advice and criticising me, treating me like a child who needed to be warned against the big bad world.

She would put down my initiatives, quarrel, criticise, question my actions and decisions and my Fe did not handle this well. She prioritised her ego over our friendship and I had never felt more betrayed. So I severed ties.

Despite Alpha's generosity and friendliness, I noticed a clique like quality to this specific dynamic I was in with these two individuals. The demand for emotional expression does my head in because it almost feels like they're trying to get a reaction out of you sometimes. There was also a sense of jealousy inherent in the ESE particularly that made it impossible for me to introduce new people to the group.