Quote Originally Posted by velveteen View Post

ESI here

From my experience, LII's are intelligent, calm and collected people. But somewhere down the line, we clash. In corporate environments, they usually want things done a certain way. I don't take well to this and find their methods extremely unrealistic because they are not applicable to everyone's mode of working or lifestyle. ILI usually want things done in a certain way too, but make for better managers as they are laidback, take people's limitations into consideration and are more open minded to testing various methods.

Recently I had an awful falling out with an LII I have been friends with for over 2 decades. The relationship just hit a point where I felt suffocated despite feeling the most understood by her initially. She was the only person I could talk about more deeper things with growing up. Time passed, and as of a few years ago I have tried to maintain a healthy distance from friends I grew up with as a child in a kind of soul searching effort. But I feel I unnecessarily held onto this relationship despite having so many issues with her inferior Se.

Enter an ESE: When I psychologically distanced myself from our friendship group the LII and ESE did not take well to it, completely dismissing my right to put myself first. I was quite aware I was in some weird loop for a period of time that I was trying to get myself out of, but neither seemed okay with me distancing myself and were demanding more answers from me than I was able to mentally or emotionally deliver. The LII complained that she didn't have time for a "superficial" friendship and she expects more from her friendships. I found this extremely invasive and hypocritical on her part. The argument was horrible and unprecedented, she kept soliciting advice and criticising me, treating me like a child who needed to be warned against the big bad world.

She would put down my initiatives, quarrel, criticise, question my actions and decisions and my Fe did not handle this well. She prioritised her ego over our friendship and I had never felt more betrayed. So I severed ties.

Despite Alpha's generosity and friendliness, I noticed a clique like quality to this specific dynamic I was in with these two individuals. The demand for emotional expression does my head in because it almost feels like they're trying to get a reaction out of you sometimes. There was also a sense of jealousy inherent in the ESE particularly that made it impossible for me to introduce new people to the group.
Quote Originally Posted by CptLandhawk View Post
I'm an SEE

From my point of view Alphas see the world as one big house everyone lives on and plays in the yard and everyone does what they want.

To gammas, the world is several houses and yards with fences around em. You can visit me, but while you're here respect my rules and if you trespass I get to shoot you.

I've learned to understand this as I've gotten older. Alphas see the harmony of the group as the priority, not their autonomy. I have a tendency to put boundaries in place even in the middle of socializing. If everyone is having a good time and I suddenly gaze at someone hard and say "Don't do that"; In the mind of an Alpha Quadra I'm being hostile and causing awkwardness, when to me I'm making it clear there's something I don't want you to do. It's natural as day to me, and if someone was equally direct I wouldn't even be phased. I prefer clarity in that regard, as long as the person is in the right.

I'm Fe demo and Fe- so I have a tendency to "herd" people in groups. This takes the form of calling people out mid event and setting them straight when they act out. Or when i see some sort of passive aggressiveness manipulation, or pettiness happening. I wanna ask Alphas if this looks like bullying to you. I notice when I do it, my alpha acquaintances, even the ones I'm not actively after get uncomfortable.

There is this SEI girl...bless her heart she's sweet, but I've told her 100 times that just cause I may not be as smiley as everyone else doesn't mean I'm not having fun. Sometimes I have nothing to say. To be fair I have a habit of showing what I think on my face instantly; which means if a joke was corny I just raise an eyebrow while everyone fake laughs. Alphas don't always say something but I can tell that makes em uncomfortable.

I would like to hear some alpha perspective on this

Also to Alpha NTs...I don't give a rat's ass if we live in a simulation or not. That's useless info and a waste of time to me.
You know what, I've become convinced that the types are just subjective projections of the human psyche. Like I can totally understand what is being said here, but the crazy part is in realizing these things and being aware of my own and others subjectivity. What do you become then?

I mean if I feel a certain negative way, but I can understand where somebody is coming from and realize it's just my reaction and not what's actually happening, I don't have to have a bad reaction to it. I can expand my mind and have more openness and empathy in a way. Then do I now essentially lose my type to some extent? I could still have certain behavioral patterns, but my type becomes somewhat meaningless. This is the only thing with Jung's types I wish people would understand. It's essentially about our own subjectivity and how that creates neurotic problems with reality. All the interpretations, for as much as people love to say they are all valid, yet still seem to miss this most important critical point. Without it, I don't think the types would exist from the mind of Carl Jung to begin with.

Like there was this poster on typology central, I think called Mole. He would say Carl Jung was mentally ill and the types are just mental illnesses. He's wrong though. Psychosis gives people a chance to question their assumptions about reality. If Carl Jung went through some psychosis like is often said, it seems apparent he saw basic human subjectivity and put that into his types. But we can be more than that. And I wish psychology would at least recognize that even though this might be considered "pseudoscience" it is still very much a real part of existence and there should probably be more consideration for mystical experiences in the mental health field...they are way too "ST" to put it another way...