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Thread: Why the Conflicting Partners Get Married - Bukalov(2003)

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    Lycantrope's Avatar
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    Default Why the Conflicting Partners Get Married - Bukalov(2003)

    I found a couple of Bukalov's articles that were in Russian and put on google translate, I thought it was interesting to bring. In these articles, whenever you see OR it means ILI and whenever you see another strange other strange pair of letters it means LSE. This is probably because the engine sometimes translates literally without context. But those are usually more cohesive than Aushra translations, so 98% of it is readable.

    "About the Primary Channels if the Informational Perception, or Why the Conflicting Partners Get Married conflictors often marry or are attracted to each other.

    The observed phenomena of the mutual attractiveness between the partners who are in the intertypical relations of conflict or revision is explanted through the formation in the individuals the primary non-differentiated perceptional channels according to the blocks Super-Ego - Super-Id and Ego-Id in the model A. For this reason the intertypical relations mentioned above can be originally taken for dualistic or halfdualistic.

    As observations of socionic relations in society show, socionic conflictors often marry or are attracted to each other. The reason for this, in our opinion, lies in the nature of the formation in childhood of primary information channels of perception of the surrounding world.

    Studies of identical twins show that there are two opposite tendencies in their interaction with each other. One of them appears in the distance from a partner, alienation, striving for independence from him, in the struggle for self-assertion; the other is in rapprochement with a partner, in leadership and responsibility for the twin, in equality of the members of the couple. In line with these trends, four forms of sociodynamics of twin couples. First, bilateral or unilateral rivalry leading to divergence of partners. Secondly, complementary subordination, the establishment of a socially meaningful distribution of functions, leading to convergence couple members. Thirdly, the equality and reciprocity of intra-pair relations, leading to a balanced partnership. Fourth, bilateral alignment relations or the conformal nature of the attitudes of twin partners [2]. The form the interaction of twins with each other is largely determined by the attitudes of parents on towards the couple and towards each twin.

    When correlating the relationship of twins with socionic relationships, it follows take into account that such features as cyclothymic-schizotyme or irrationality rationality are, as a rule, inherited. This is consistent with the fact that the twins both are either cyclothymes or schizotymes.

    Of the eight cyclothymic relationships in socionics, we single out four relationships comparable to those of twins. At the same time, two opposite tendencies interactions are comparable to the ratios of two quadras in an octave: ˙ and ˙, ˙ and ˙. Then two relations of cooperation are socionic relations of identity (equality relations) and duality (subordination and distribution of functions). Two relationships — they are subjectively perceived as dual. This attitude is formed in childhood, in evolutionarily earlier classes or channels of information perception and forms opposite trend - the struggle for self-affirmation - are relationships with orthogonal quadra, namely: the ratio of the superego (divergence of partners) and the complete opposites (conformal nature of partners' attitudes). It should be noted that the nature of the relationship of twins, to a large extent, is predetermined by the history of their intrauterine development - their four relationships correspond to four mutual positions of embryos of future twins [3]. This fact is consistent with the provision on the formation of the functions of information metabolism in perinatal period of development of the individual [1].

    It is natural to assume that the noted regularity in the formation of four information channels of interaction is typical not only for twins, but also for any child for whom the world around is a partner. Then all 16 socionic relations are divided into four classes, with 4 relations per class. In the classes, the blocks of Ego and Id, SuperEgo and SuperId are combined. In addition, the relations included in one class are all either extrathymic or introthymic.

    It follows from these conditions that the class of identity relations includes the relations identities, quasi-identities, kinship and social order (subject-receiver). The class of relations perceived as duality includes the relations of duality (full complement), semi-complement, conflict and revision (subject - sub-revision). The class of relations perceived as superego relations includes relations superego, business, activation and social order (subject - transmitter). The class of relationships perceived as complete opposites includes relationships of complete opposite, mirage, mirror and social control (subject - auditor).

    Now it becomes clear why the relationship of conflict and revision is attractive. — they are subjectively perceived as dual. This attitude is formed in childhood, in situations when the mental and vital levels, blocks of Ego and SuperId, SuperEgo and Id still not differentiated. The nature of the initial childish attitude remains in the psyche and initially makes a person unconsciously adjust any of the 16 socionic relations to one of the 4 primary classes of perception. These classes are combined in twos, in accordance with two opposite tendencies in the relationship of twins, and from the point of view of socionics, this is the perception of relationships with its own and opposite quadra.

    In connection with the common origin and subsequent differentiation of the mental and vital levels, for example, the impact of conflictors on the SuperEgo level, and not on SuperId is initially perceived as a dualization. Changing the impact on the Ego and SuperEgo blocks instead of the Id and SuperId blocks according to evolutionarily earlier classes or channels of information perception and forms initial “false” and deceptive relationships in the socion.


    1. Bukalov A. V. On the mechanism of formation of informational metabolism functions in the process birth of an individual // Socionics, mentology and personality psychology. - 1996. - Nos. 1-2.

    2. The role of the environment and heredity in the formation of human individuality / Ed. I. V. Ravich Shcherbo. - M .: Pedagogy, 1988. - 336 p.

    3. Erman L., Parsons R. Genetics of behavior and evolution. - M., 1984."

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    sorry that was tldr for me- its because clearly quasi-identicials are very superficially similar and ppl can get confused. Depth and true values takes time and interaction, and in a base way ppl are kinda just buzzing magnets with each other regardless of the depth. Then as we get to know and talk with somebody, naturally triggers different psychological responses.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NarcOprahGayStr8 View Post
    quasi-identicials are very superficially similar and ppl can get confused
    close "superficially similar" are all types differing on 1 dichotomy and mirror
    marriage - is not about superficial, people know themselves good

    Reasons are general for why people make pairs with the ones who are not easy as personality for them, with who is hard to make good friendship. It's sexual passion, social and material profit.

    From the point of nature it's not so important to have good long friendship in a pair. Sexual passion holds up to 3 years what is enough to born a kid and to rise him in most vulnerable time. From the point of same nature to change pairs means to make more genes variants, what is useful too. And that today we don't live in big groups which woud give emotional support outside of parrents pair - the nature has not adopted still. So such choices, where people are blind and naive about personal traits of each other and friednship possibility in a pair, - is not rare case.
    Sometimes this may lead to marriages with conflictors or other not good IR. Conflictors/superego may inspire expectations appropriate for duals/activators as those types are close (by possibilities they are so indeed, more do not want to behave as would be liked). On a distance the degree of problems with conflictors should be harder to understand than with any other type.

    It's useful to note, that it's not known experimentally how much IR influence on emotional state and behavior in pairs. Is IR important - many to say 'yes'. But it's only guess for the degree how this affects a practice. How good/bad is average pair with concrete IR. What can be done to improve relations and reduce complications.
    It's also not known stats about % of different IR in marriages and short pairs.

    From the point of types. It's useful to know a human not badly to allow feelings develop, when it's possibly to control. If communications establish good friendship, then it's good sign of personality which is good for you. Including higher chance of good IR.
    Feelings which appear in other situation have high risk of relations with personally hard case.
    In Internet times the problem is higher. As it's better to have IRL 1:1 contact to understand personal traits of each other, to evaluate the degree people accept each other, what effects they inspire in each other.

    "TIM EII-Fi"
    more for IEI at you

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