Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
Well, evidently he's comfortable with Ross' use of Fe, even if he doesn't value it.

I don't think going to the gym, working out, wrestling, or starring in action movies are automatic criteria for Se ego types. What about Arnold Schwarzenegger? He's an LSE, and he works out and stars in action movies to what some would deem as excess. You have to analyse the reasons as to why he goes to the gym to make any claim about how gym and the ego block are related.
yes very true I'm not saying he's ESFp simply because of those things. There's evidently a lot more at work in typing someone. I'd need to study him a bit more before I could provide an adequate response on why I believe he's ESFp as right now I'm operating almost strictly on intuition combined with aligning him to type descriptions.

You mentioned though he's quite "lighthearted" and taking this into consideration, even the action movies that he tends to star in, i.e. "The Rundown" are quite lighthearted.