Hi, I will be answering SOME of the new questionnaire. I am curious to see how much I have changed since 2018, and feeling particularly introspective today. I hope the answers give enough info, I can answer additional ones if asked.

What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
I am graduating this July (hopefully) for Biomedical Science Honours degree. Now I am hoping to be a support for biomedical scientists so I can learn from the qualified scientists and work towards becoming a Biomed Scientist myself. It will take a lot of work, learning lots of new skills such as the techniques they use, communication skills, health and safety and so on. I am nervous about it but I hope I can work towards it while the odds are against me like I did with my degree. My school made it seem impossible to do my dream degree course. Eventually I figured out how to do it my own way. Once I have a goal I set my sights on it and never change my mind. I am really stubborn that way. I love the problem solving aspect of the field, the attentiveness to human health, the ever improving technology and the idea of mastering something so meticulous. As for dislikes, people in STEM come off as a bit...robotic sometimes. And do not have a good sense of humour, they say awful jokes. It's quite repetitive but I actually don't mind this. when I told my mum I wanted to study Biomed/Sciences, she said "oh that fits you because you have small hands that are good for handling tiny items" or something along the lines. I almost did art and design, but i would really rather do it as a hobby not for a living. Why make a career out of something you can do at home right?

What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
People are kind, have strong values and know the right thing to do. In romantic partners, I need someone who has a calming presence. Think of it where I am the sea, it needs calm winds to remain still and peaceful. Anyone who is more neurotic, angry or stressed easily has that same effect on me. Someone who is more extroverted than me would be a good fit too, who encourages me to put myself out there and makes it seem enjoyable. Probably someone with a lot of charisma and a sense of humour (that actually makes me laugh, not someone who thinks they are hilarious while saying mildly annoying jokes). I am a straight woman, so naturally I also want a partner (man) who takes the initiative, someone who pursues me and will never stop. and makes me their priority always. I know that going after a man is a pointless pursuit. It took me a while to understand the opposite sex and learn this though. I also need someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, which i know is uncommon for men to do, but I admire the ones who do, even if its just in privacy. I cannot deal with someone who expects me to be a mind reader, to "know" what they're thinking, it really important for them to say things upfront without awkwardness or shame. I'm pretty simple that way, I just like a partner who talks openly about whats on their mind for the most part - what are they thinking about, whats been making then stressed lately, appreciation, things like that. Someone who does not make me have to ask whats going on, skip the BS and just say it.
For friendships, the criteria is way less specific, basically someone whos nice, easy to talk to and shares my interests. someone whos responsive and is available regularly.

In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
I need help with finding work for sure, like physically going out there and doing the work. I really liked people in the past who helped me with that, told me what employers want, the important things to know and so on. Anyone who helps me with the social etiquette part too, like writing cover letters. The areas i manage well on my own are creating a comfortable living space, and my finances. Despite being a poor student, I have always managed to pay my bills when it was tricky. Only beginning to struggle with that now because of the UKs horrendous inflation rates (Utility bills cost over 100% more now), but yeah I like to think I'm somewhat smart with money. I am good at living independently, paying for myself, taking care of my house, while being as healthy as I possibly can. I like collectibles too because I see them as investments - I can imagine it being worth a lot of money in about 50 yrs time so I take care of it. It has been incredibly hard living on my own as a student but I have managed. So i need help with finding new friends, and finding actual work. When i do find these its pure luck honestly. but i am good with money, taking care of myself, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I am also good at knowing how to get what I want career wise when ive been left in the dark about it or dont get help - I went out there and found all the information myself. I'm good at researching information that may be hard to find.

What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
I like people who are confrontational and cut to the chase. I don't like excessive chatting, long introductions and rambling. I like someone who just cuts past that and gets to the point. In my country at least, people are very chatty. Nice chit chat is pleasant, I appreciate polite people who know social courtesy, but not someone who tries to have long conversations. I respect people who call others out - I do this do too, i know people don't like it about me. what's the point of just letting someone do something wrong or incorrectly, whats the point of staying silent for the sake of conflict avoidance? It is possible to respectfully call people out if they're behaving poorly. I don't like passivity, indifference and people pleasing - these kind of behaviours are considered polite and positive, but i think its just harmful to be like that sometimes. I don't always have the balls to do this in public though, like calling out someone who is queue barging for example, but I appreciate that one person who calls them out even if it seems rude. Some people have complained that im so...direct? I will admit i have a habit of assuming things though, im trying to stop lol. be aware im not talking about the typical keyboard warrior, I mean people doing this in person in real life circumstances.
Another trait that is considered positive that I dont like, is talking loudly and abrasively. Thats very common where Im from, I like when people are willing to stand up for themselves and others or call someone out, but I dislike people who talk very loud. It seems common in british and american culture, to be chatty, loud and even abrasive.

What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)?
A mixture of decorative and useful stuff honestly. I like decorative lighting, I love book shelves for some reason, soft fabrics and cushioning so the house is comfortable. I like to ensure colours match but its not a dealbreaker if they dont. I like to purchase useful things that look aesthetically pleasing - spice shelves, coffee makers, diffusers, things like that. I dont often get things that are purely decorative, they usually have to have some function.

How do you behave around strangers?
i'm very quiet spoken and polite.

How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
Not very well honestly. At home I will stand my ground and not back down, with strangers however I usually respond by being speechless then walking away. then just silently rage about it. When I have been sexually harassed I just stared at them like "wtf did you just say?" and it made them start to walk away at least. I dont like to cause a scene in public places when its not worth it. It would be nice to have a person with me to stand up for me though.

How do you dress or manage your appearance?
I try my best to dress according to the weather. I dress somewhat conservatively. I don't like to tie my hair up, I know that can look attractive but my hair is very heavy so tying it hurts my scalp. In an interview, I'd wear trousers and a patterned shirt. In a special occasion i'e wedding id wear a long slightly figure hugging dress. I wear minimal makeup, I like to put eyeliner around my eyes, only use lipsticks rarely, I don't put foundation or anything on my skin because I think that's unhealthy for the skin and gross. Everyday wear I go for comfortable yet fashionable. I pick colours that suit my hair colour and complexation. I'm honestly starting to care less though, I use to make sure I looked nice to go grocery shopping, now I really don't care I just go for what is practical. I'm not that good at make up so i keep it simple, but I think the beauty industry is a load of crap anyway. Half the creams and lotions they market to women do not work, its very reliant on placebo and people trying out different brands. I style my hair straight because it suits me way better. Oh and perfume is important too, its crazy how much of a difference it makes to have a perfume/cologne.

Your friend bursts into tears. What do you do? How does it make you feel?
This would be incredibly awkward. I would not really know what do to especially if neither of us talk about feelings much. If they are more of a touchy feely person I would probably wrap my arm around them or hug them. I would reassure them based on the context. I would try to think of something that makes them happy, and do that thing to take their mind of it. Maybe they have a favourate tv show, a favourate cafe, or some subject they find really funny. Sometimes a random joke can make someone go from crying to laughing. It depends on the severity of the situation. I am much more touchy feely with a romantic partner than a platonic friend.

What are your spiritual or religious beliefs and why do you hold them?
I am an atheist but I enjoy tarot reading just for fun. It's not about what the cards mean so much as how you interpret it, I find that really interesting (I find psychology interesting in general, I like to understand the various ways people react to things, cope with things etc).

What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
I prefer to leave the house for work for sure, otherwise it does not feel like work. I could not work remotely, it just feels lazy and not really like a job. I want to do something hands on where I am always moving around. I enjoy some pressure because if a job is too easy, we don't learn anything or become stronger for next time. In one of the amazing Spiderman movies, the father has a secret lab built in a train at an abandoned train station - I would love this honestly. going to a secluded place everyday, with high tech equipment where I could do experiments and work independently, on my own initiative. I like the idea of working in a somewhat quiet environment with a small team too - this would be ideal. I want to be constantly learning new things, figuring out new ways of doing things, slowly mastering a technique, looking at results and interpreting them. I want to come to work facing a puzzle I have to solve.

What is or was your favourite school subject and why?
I always liked art class as a kid. I was not very good at school or academic at all. I couldn't understand what teachers were saying, what they were wanting us to do. Then nearing about 10-12, I started to enjoy writing fiction and got really into reading fiction, so I enjoyed assignments for that. Then in my teens, something changed around 13-14 where I took a sudden interest in life sciences. I fascinated me to learn how things work, and I suddenly had this aptitude for it. So then my favourite subjects became science and art. I literally despised everything else.

What is one common misconception that people have about life? Explain why it is wrong.
I'm still in my early twenties, you tell me! I will say one of the BIGGEST lies we are told when we are young is that school is the best years of your life. No they are really just the worst. Does it suck adulting? Sure, it does and its really hard. But Id choose that any day over asking permission to go to the bathroom.

How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
I think people struggle with open mindedness a lot - many would rather come to conclusions based on preconceived notions.
I believe us regular people are nothing but bugs under elite people of power (congress). I Imagine them all like spiders on a giant web above us, negotiating how they want to make the most money, how they want society to work in ways that profits them. Us regular people are nothing to them, we are completely beneath them but have to pay the price for their decisions. That's why democracy exists though right? Not really, we hardly have any control over what they do. We may get to chose our country leaders (or not depending on the country), we still don't get a say in what the big corporations do. I would say that's an extremely prevalent problem. The most wealthy control everything, we exist and have to go along with it. Most things we do not have control over, we don't make the rules, we only decide how we live our lives in the world. I do believe the system in many ways is rigged for us.