Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
Since I'm EII I have supervision ITR with ILE, and much of the time the supervision is ILE saying something they shouldn't have or doing something I thought was unfair or even physically hitting me(which happened alot) and me getting mad. Yelling back, telling them what they did was wrong, or even trying to get them back to see how it feels to do what they did to me has never ever worked, it just fuels the fire, they LOVE the reaction they get, good/bad doesn't matter, as long as it's a big reaction it excites them and that's pissed me off to no end(I punched an ILE in the back of the head thinking that would put an end to his shit and he still didn't get it and kept f*cking with me days later).

With my first ILE friend he was too much, he acted like a f*cking child and pissed me off and our other friends, like he existed to annoy people, not before you were friends of course, to new people he was nice, but once he saw you as a friend boom it's on, throwing shit at you, hitting you, using sensitive info against you, the works. I got so exhausted being around him I just started avoiding him. And guess what happened, after about 3 weeks of avoiding him he started "behaving", he almost acted scared to piss me off in anyway when he was around me, he even sounded nervous talking to me like I would "abandon" him again. I was conflicted at first because, yay finally he respects my boundaries but it's unfortunate I have to treat him like this to get what I want instead of behaving like a normal person. This worked over me punching him in the back of the f*cking head.

My 2nd ILE friend, sameshit, pissed me off to no end because he would use sensitive things to cut me deep, had a slapping-me-in-the-face phase, slapping him back just caused it to keep going back and forth, and he did all this all for his pleasure, just for a laugh, so I gave him the silent treatment, and whatta ya know he also started "behaving", no more offensive jokes no more trolling hitting nada, when he talked to me I could tell he felt nervous also, like he had to watch what he said or I was gone again. With him I've had 2 do it a number of times and it's worked over and over again, its like I have to nuke our friendship for a couple weeks before we get comfortable talking again because he does stuff that just pushes me away.

I've also seen ILE make jokes that aren't hurtful on a universal level but did end up hurting the person simply because the ILE could not tell how much value the person placed on whatever the ILE is joking about.
I'm reading this and all I can think is this sounds insufferable