Quote Originally Posted by End View Post

There are graphic and accurate film depictions of how "third-trimester" abortions work. Tell me that's not murder.

Try to formulate a truly coherent argument as to how second-trimester abortions aren't distinctions without differences.

Maybe you could make an effective argument in the first-trimester where at the very beginning it really does look like a mere "clump of cells" as many have argued.

The problem then becomes the exact moment you'd say the "mere clump of cells" becomes a true and viable "human".

I handily avoid this problem by asserting the embryo is a viable human the instant it is fertilized. Trust me I've got a metric fuckton of "intermediate states" I can imagine and they're all BS in the ultimate and final analysis.

This is likely the result of a tension between and The applied vs. the theoretical (and likely why Alphas as a whole will eternally war against Gammas).

For me, it comes down to yet another distinction without an observable and objective difference. results mattering over theoreticals.

Fuck the latter. What matters is the former. Results in objective reality over all else. and considerations can collectively get fucked.
Hey, we might’ve stumbled upon some common ground here. If a pregnant woman asked her doctor for a third trimester abortion for no reason other than she just changed her mind, I wouldn’t be okay with it. In fact, I would be horrified. I’ve seen pictures and videos depicting late term abortion, and it’s deeply upsetting.