Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Another obvious counter: What about the baby's body eh? You may not hold as I do that a mere "clump of cells" is a human but it is undeniable that it can and will become one if left alone to gestate within the womb and be born. Are Third Trimester abortions (where they basically suck the almost fully viable baby's brain out through a straw, systematically break the poor dead thing apart, and extract it piecemeal through the vagina) not infanticide in all but semantics? The fertilized embryo is a human in any logical sense of the term I'd care to argue for. That is all that matters from a moral standpoint in my eyes.

I'm also against mask and vaccine mandates because the former only really make a difference if we're talking N-95 masks being worn properly by the vast majority of the population (and I can argue how that "cure" is far worse than the disease it may well prevent). The truly destitute and poor couldn't hope to afford them if society got serious about that nor could the society hope to provide them unless we're talking what amounts to a theocracy everyone actually believed in root and branch that wasn't somehow corrupted by fallen human nature. As human nature is fallen, well, yeah. Won't work.
Pregnant women can die thanks to not having taken the vaccine, killing their fetus along with them, their fetus not having had any say so in the matter. Would you support vaccine mandates in that case, seeing as how the fetus deserves a chance to live, irrespective of the mother's bodily autonomy?