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Thread: Leaked draft says that Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe v Wade

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    If men get a free rape pass, then let’s give women the right to one abortion each*. Fair compromise.

    *contingent upon repentance (for rape or abortion)
    Obvious counter you saw coming from a mile away: The rapist hasn't actually killed anyone (hopefully).

    The woman who gets an abortion has. Well, to be more precise the person who performed the abortion has but she let them do it so she's complicit in that particular sin. She could have stopped them, and she didn't. The prayer of penance is quite clear on this one. "In what I have done, and what I have failed to do" is in there for good reason.

    God will forgive even murderers however if they truly repent. Again, this is a key aspect of Christianity that the left critically lacks. There is no true concept of "redemption" or "forgiveness" in their ideology.

    You'd think that'd be a major red flag for anyone with a modicum of sense and self-awareness but apparently not...

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Republican activists and legislators want to pre-empt abortion-seekers from getting it out-of-state:
    I'm going to take my own side to task on this one. Yeah, that was going to be the obvious outcome of this decision and while we may not like it it's not our place to stop it by force. Instead, there should be a pro-life family planning center at the border doing all it can to convince the likely abortion seeking woman to reconsider.

    Brute force ups the tensions at a time where they need to be reduced. Sadly (or thankfully depending on the context and which side you're on), sin makes you stupid and boy oh boy are we currently being ruled over by the most unrepentant sinners since the moments right before God said "fuck it" and hit the flood button.

    He promised to never again flood the world. There are, however, more ways than one to do the same thing without the previous method. I'd ask most residents living in "blue" cities how to grow crops or even possibly construct a workable garden. Here in red "rural" or hell even "suburb" town that's easy to answer. In a place like New York or LA I'd honestly be surprised if they even thought to remove the plastic container from around the tomato plant before putting it into the ground. If they even thought to rent a roto-tiller and tilled it before digging in and transplanting it I'd actually start to get a little worried about how my side might lose somehow.

    Thankfully for me, they tended to put a mere 2 inches of dirt over a bed of cardboard and not even bother with taking the plastic pot off. There's good reason I'm rather certain I'm on the winning side of Civil War 2 Electric Boogaloo.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    And what about the dystopianism inherent to taking away people's bodily autonomy? End, how do you feel about mask & vaccine mandates?
    Another obvious counter: What about the baby's body eh? You may not hold as I do that a mere "clump of cells" is a human but it is undeniable that it can and will become one if left alone to gestate within the womb and be born. Are Third Trimester abortions (where they basically suck the almost fully viable baby's brain out through a straw, systematically break the poor dead thing apart, and extract it piecemeal through the vagina) not infanticide in all but semantics? The fertilized embryo is a human in any logical sense of the term I'd care to argue for. That is all that matters from a moral standpoint in my eyes.

    I'm also against mask and vaccine mandates because the former only really make a difference if we're talking N-95 masks being worn properly by the vast majority of the population (and I can argue how that "cure" is far worse than the disease it may well prevent). The truly destitute and poor couldn't hope to afford them if society got serious about that nor could the society hope to provide them unless we're talking what amounts to a theocracy everyone actually believed in root and branch that wasn't somehow corrupted by fallen human nature. As human nature is fallen, well, yeah. Won't work.

    Neither will Vaccine mandates. This one however is actually hilariously easy to debunk on pure Darwinian grounds. If the vaccines are good and effective with zero negative side effects than this amounts to a major selection event. Those who get the vaccine will live long and prosper, have many children, and become the true ancestors of the next generation. Those who fail to do so will (or if they don't their offspring will) die of COVID-X and thus fail to reproduce.

    I'm currently betting on a repeat of the British "Peppered Moth" event during the industrial revolution. Here's a brief summary:

    Many a tree in Great Britain had white bark "peppered" with black dots. The average "peppered moth" was likewise. Mostly white with a bit of peppering. There was the literal "black sheep" of the species however. They were all black and thus stood out like a sore thumb against the otherwise mostly white bark. Life was good for the "normal" peppered moths (especially since the trait that made them "all black" was recessive).

    Then the industrial revolution hits and the smokestacks start pumping out offensive levels of soot turning all those trees fully black due to pollution. Well, who is laughing now? The "black" peppered moths that's who. This did eventually get reversed and the previous order was restored once the soot stopped being such a big problem but, well, this example is why I argue against any and all forms of "eugenics" as I'd define it.

    The "vaccine" is the smokestacks. Those of us who didn't get them are the all-black peppered moths. Time will tell (I am confident) that I am right about this. Don't fret however. For the "doctor" who robbed you of your fertility will answer for their crimes against humanity once the likes of me achieve our fated victory .

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Another obvious counter: What about the baby's body eh? You may not hold as I do that a mere "clump of cells" is a human but it is undeniable that it can and will become one if left alone to gestate within the womb and be born. Are Third Trimester abortions (where they basically suck the almost fully viable baby's brain out through a straw, systematically break the poor dead thing apart, and extract it piecemeal through the vagina) not infanticide in all but semantics? The fertilized embryo is a human in any logical sense of the term I'd care to argue for. That is all that matters from a moral standpoint in my eyes.

    I'm also against mask and vaccine mandates because the former only really make a difference if we're talking N-95 masks being worn properly by the vast majority of the population (and I can argue how that "cure" is far worse than the disease it may well prevent). The truly destitute and poor couldn't hope to afford them if society got serious about that nor could the society hope to provide them unless we're talking what amounts to a theocracy everyone actually believed in root and branch that wasn't somehow corrupted by fallen human nature. As human nature is fallen, well, yeah. Won't work.
    Pregnant women can die thanks to not having taken the vaccine, killing their fetus along with them, their fetus not having had any say so in the matter. Would you support vaccine mandates in that case, seeing as how the fetus deserves a chance to live, irrespective of the mother's bodily autonomy?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @End would you say that infanticide is wrong for any other reason than that God forbade it?
    Yes! In case it wasn't obvious my position is that you literally cannot be more "innocent" than the freshly conceived/unborn. If you'd kill a truly innocent person merely because they may potentially inconvenience you somehow you're damn right I got a major issue here. If you'd argue that's a "moral" choice to be celebrated somehow (i.e. you'd truly celebrate a woman getting an abortion after having 100 percent consensual sex with her boyfriend) than you're among the truly lost full on Moloch worshiping Death Cultists.

    I may value freedom almost obsessively (as most Gamma's/Americans do), but unlike libertines and rather insane ancaps (I'm a sane one of those BTW), the question is not freedom to do whatever I feel like doing. Rather, it is being free to do what is objectively and eternally good. The ultimate freedom is the freedom to actually be a saint.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Pregnant women can die thanks to not having taken the vaccine, killing their fetus along with them, their fetus not having had any say so in the matter. Would you support vaccine mandates in that case, seeing as how the fetus deserves a chance to live, irrespective of the mother's bodily autonomy?
    Oh man you really aren't paying attention to the data the PTB are absolutely desperately hoping you fail to pay attention to. See, they've learned that "cover ups" are counter-productive in the age of the internet. It's why they let the meetings and speeches at the WEF hit youtube. Go watch a few of them. Claus Schwab is literally a fist shaking Bond Villian that in a sane and functional world would be targeted for assassination. Said assassin would likely be an American BTW. Such is our actually existent national character.

    This is why they pulled out all the stops in murdering the pulps, westerns, and superhero comics. They succeeded, but at the cost they only are now beginning to realize. Pressure makes a diamond folks...

    Or, to spell it out for you, the Vax is a sterilization agent (especially among women). It's a great tragedy that I learned about how right I was about things like attachment so late in this probably final iteration of the "great game" as it were.

    Everyone(the Japanese most especially) knows what a true American looks like. Even when (or one could argue especially when) they're taking the piss out of us you simply cannot fail to see the affection there. Makes sense in the sense of a gamma relating to a beta. The "samurai" is an LSI/SLE while the "Cowboy" is a "LIE/ILI"

    Kindred/beneficent relations seem to be the common theme in regards to us and them. Hell, in film you see how those genres literally fed off each other. Samurai films copied westerns and westerns copied samurai films. I need a bit more sleep to fully articulate this in more objective terms.

    For now sleep on this chain of reasoning...
    Last edited by End; 07-05-2022 at 04:57 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Yes! In case it wasn't obvious my position is that you literally cannot be more "innocent" than the freshly conceived/unborn. If you'd kill a truly innocent person merely because they may potentially inconvenience you somehow you're damn right I got a major issue here. If you'd argue that's a "moral" choice to be celebrated somehow (i.e. you'd truly celebrate a woman getting an abortion after having 100 percent consensual sex with her boyfriend) than you're among the truly lost full on Moloch worshiping Death Cultists.

    I may value freedom almost obsessively (as most Gamma's/Americans do), but unlike libertines and rather insane ancaps (I'm a sane one of those BTW), the question is not freedom to do whatever I feel like doing. Rather, it is being free to do what is objectively and eternally good. The ultimate freedom is the freedom to actually be a saint.
    So what I'm asking is, without a god, what the problem with murder in general is. When you kill an adult that obviously has political consequences. You have to worry about their friends and family taking vengeance, you've weakened your community and sown distrust; you have these sorts of problems to deal with, and maybe or maybe not you'll be able to do it. But with an infant, no one besides the parents is tied to them; no one else is going to personally care about the infant or come to avenge it. So if a couple decide to kill their child, who's too young to have developed social/political ties -- who's to tell them they're wrong?

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Oh man you really aren't paying attention to the data the PTB are absolutely desperately hoping you fail to pay attention to. See, they've learned that "cover ups" are counter-productive in the age of the internet. It's why they let the meetings and speeches at the WEF hit youtube. Go watch a few of them. Claus Schwab is literally a fist shaking Bond Villian that in a sane and functional world would be targeted for assassination. Said assassin would likely be an American BTW. Such is our actually existent national character.

    This is why they pulled out all the stops in murdering the pulps, westerns, and superhero comics. They succeeded, but at the cost they only are now beginning to realize. Pressure makes a diamond folks...

    Or, to spell it out for you, the Vax is a sterilization agent (especially among women). It's a great tragedy that I learned about how right I was about things like attachment so late in this probably final iteration of the "great game" as it were.

    Everyone(the Japanese most especially) knows what a true American looks like. Even when (or one could argue especially when) they're taking the piss out of us you simply cannot fail to see the affection there. Makes sense in the sense of a gamma relating to a beta. The "samurai" is an LSI/SLE while the "Cowboy" is a "LIE/ILI"

    Kindred/beneficent relations seem to be the common theme in regards to us and them. Hell, in film you see how those genres literally fed off each other. Samurai films copied westerns and westerns copied samurai films. I need a bit more sleep to fully articulate this in more objective terms.

    For now sleep on this chain of reasoning...
    Why would the WEF want to sterilize women?

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Obvious counter you saw coming from a mile away: The rapist hasn't actually killed anyone (hopefully).

    The woman who gets an abortion has. Well, to be more precise the person who performed the abortion has but she let them do it so she's complicit in that particular sin. She could have stopped them, and she didn't. The prayer of penance is quite clear on this one. "In what I have done, and what I have failed to do" is in there for good reason.

    God will forgive even murderers however if they truly repent. Again, this is a key aspect of Christianity that the left critically lacks. There is no true concept of "redemption" or "forgiveness" in their ideology.

    You'd think that'd be a major red flag for anyone with a modicum of sense and self-awareness but apparently not...
    Homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women.

    Yes, I did see it coming, I just disagree with your belief that abortion is equivalent to murder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    So what I'm asking is, without a god, what the problem with murder in general is. When you kill an adult that obviously has political consequences. You have to worry about their friends and family taking vengeance, you've weakened your community and sown distrust; you have these sorts of problems to deal with, and maybe or maybe not you'll be able to do it. But with an infant, no one besides the parents is tied to them; no one else is going to personally care about the infant or come to avenge it. So if a couple decide to kill their child, who's too young to have developed social/political ties -- who's to tell them they're wrong?
    I didn't take you for a nihilist Freelance. For that's the kind of response I'd expect out of one. The given couple might think nothing of it, but you can bet your ass if I saw them do that even as an absolute foreigner/alient outsider with no context whatsoever. I'd (and you'd hopefully as well if you're being honest with yourself) wretch on the Collective Unconscious level.

    It's just... wrong damnit! Like selling your own children into slavery or sacrificing them to some so-called deity for another pull in a gatcha game as it were (channeling maximum nihilist energy here on my part).

    I mean fuck. This kind of shit is exactly why the "Cosmic Horror" genre got off the ground.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Why would the WEF want to sterilize women?
    This is why the atheists and secular minded people simply can't compute what's going on in the world today. They real question you ought to be asking is why Demons would want to sterilize women. Rephrased in that context, the answer becomes "why wouldn't they?"

    You may not believe in the Devil, but the Devil sure as shit believes in you...

    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women.

    Yes, I did see it coming, I just disagree with your belief that abortion is equivalent to murder.
    There are graphic and accurate film depictions of how "third-trimester" abortions work. Tell me that's not murder.

    Try to formulate a truly coherent argument as to how second-trimester abortions aren't distinctions without differences.

    Maybe you could make an effective argument in the first-trimester where at the very beginning it really does look like a mere "clump of cells" as many have argued.

    The problem then becomes the exact moment you'd say the "mere clump of cells" becomes a true and viable "human".

    I handily avoid this problem by asserting the embryo is a viable human the instant it is fertilized. Trust me I've got a metric fuckton of "intermediate states" I can imagine and they're all BS in the ultimate and final analysis.

    This is likely the result of a tension between and The applied vs. the theoretical (and likely why Alphas as a whole will eternally war against Gammas).

    For me, it comes down to yet another distinction without an observable and objective difference. results mattering over theoreticals.

    Fuck the latter. What matters is the former. Results in objective reality over all else. and considerations can collectively get fucked.
    Last edited by End; 07-07-2022 at 05:18 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post

    There are graphic and accurate film depictions of how "third-trimester" abortions work. Tell me that's not murder.

    Try to formulate a truly coherent argument as to how second-trimester abortions aren't distinctions without differences.

    Maybe you could make an effective argument in the first-trimester where at the very beginning it really does look like a mere "clump of cells" as many have argued.

    The problem then becomes the exact moment you'd say the "mere clump of cells" becomes a true and viable "human".

    I handily avoid this problem by asserting the embryo is a viable human the instant it is fertilized. Trust me I've got a metric fuckton of "intermediate states" I can imagine and they're all BS in the ultimate and final analysis.

    This is likely the result of a tension between and The applied vs. the theoretical (and likely why Alphas as a whole will eternally war against Gammas).

    For me, it comes down to yet another distinction without an observable and objective difference. results mattering over theoreticals.

    Fuck the latter. What matters is the former. Results in objective reality over all else. and considerations can collectively get fucked.
    Hey, we might’ve stumbled upon some common ground here. If a pregnant woman asked her doctor for a third trimester abortion for no reason other than she just changed her mind, I wouldn’t be okay with it. In fact, I would be horrified. I’ve seen pictures and videos depicting late term abortion, and it’s deeply upsetting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    This is why the atheists and secular minded people simply can't compute what's going on in the world today. They real question you ought to be asking is why Demons would want to sterilize women. Rephrased in that context, the answer becomes "why wouldn't they?"

    You may not believe in the Devil, but the Devil sure as shit believes in you...
    But why would demons / Satan want to specifically sterilize women? Why is sterilization the only form of evil (as opposed to, say, having babies that are born with opioid addiction)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Hey, we might’ve stumbled upon some common ground here. If a pregnant woman asked her doctor for a third trimester abortion for no reason other than she just changed her mind, I wouldn’t be okay with it. In fact, I would be horrified. I’ve seen pictures and videos depicting late term abortion, and it’s deeply upsetting.
    Good! Then you may not be truly lost after all. After carrying a baby within herself for so long that her belly had swollen to such a state and given what data I've gathered about how the female mind works, well, if you're a girl you've just given me another valuable datapoint that confirms all my theories.

    I suppose this is what the "demonstrative" function feels like in practice. I may outwardly disdain as bullshit focus on theoretics and meaningless semantics over applicability and what is "good enough" yet my entire worldview seems to depend on it paradoxically. I've always been trying to "make it all fit" from what is arguably a perspective but I always work backwards from that standpoint.

    Find what works, do it, and be happy. Then the nagging question of "why" it always works comes into mind. I gather more data, and it tends to confirm my theories but I was trying to disprove myself damnit!

    I wonder if this is an dominant thing. You get so sick of even your own half-baked prophecies working out IRL that you actually start to crave experiencing an anomaly that proves you wrong. Perhaps that's why we're so enamored by types. If anyone stands a good chance of delivering that experience, it's them.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    But why would demons / Satan want to specifically sterilize women? Why is sterilization the only form of evil (as opposed to, say, having babies that are born with opioid addiction)?
    You are, sadly, limited in your imagination apparently. A sterile woman is the saddest creature one might care to imagine. I know you're not going to like this description so I'll preface it with its mirror.

    Imagine a truly sterile male. A male doomed to never leave a legacy nor ever impregnate a woman. He is doomed to never create even a stick-figure drawing let alone a fully independent and sentient life.

    Many an "incel" are essentially that kind of male lifeform yet the crucial difference is that they could stop being an evolutionary dead end if they really wanted to try. I've mentioned attachment issues time and again but the key takeaway in regards to those issues is that they can be fixed if you believe they can.

    I digress however. Contemplate the long-term consequences of the majority of women being sterile. I'll give you a further hint as to why the demons hate fertile women who willingly bear children so very much. Demons hate humans, and I mean hate humans. The filthy fuckers tend to accept God and his salvation more often than not in the grand scheme of it all.

    For every WEF member/Bilderburg Group/Death Cultist/etc. that is forged in the fires of hell a dozen children of Christ are born. The answer to that problem is obvious. Stop babies from being born unless they are born into those bloodlines (and the horrors they're subjected to is another thread in and of itself).

    As for that last part you mentioned? Well, addictions can be cured. You cannot ever undo a sacrifice to Moloch however and I can and will always refer to the ghastly practice of abortion as "The Moloch Ritual" for the plain and simple reason that it is exactly what it is if pushed.

    Again, look at what the results of a third-trimester abortion are and tell me just throwing the pregnant woman into the bronze statue to literally bake in the oven is somehow better than that from a moral standpoint. No, how "quick" the death is doesn't count. Distinctions without differences in most cases...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You are, sadly, limited in your imagination apparently. A sterile woman is the saddest creature one might care to imagine. I know you're not going to like this description so I'll preface it with its mirror.

    Imagine a truly sterile male. A male doomed to never leave a legacy nor ever impregnate a woman. He is doomed to never create even a stick-figure drawing let alone a fully independent and sentient life.

    Many an "incel" are essentially that kind of male lifeform yet the crucial difference is that they could stop being an evolutionary dead end if they really wanted to try. I've mentioned attachment issues time and again but the key takeaway in regards to those issues is that they can be fixed if you believe they can.

    I digress however. Contemplate the long-term consequences of the majority of women being sterile. I'll give you a further hint as to why the demons hate fertile women who willingly bear children so very much. Demons hate humans, and I mean hate humans. The filthy fuckers tend to accept God and his salvation more often than not in the grand scheme of it all.

    For every WEF member/Bilderburg Group/Death Cultist/etc. that is forged in the fires of hell a dozen children of Christ are born. The answer to that problem is obvious. Stop babies from being born unless they are born into those bloodlines (and the horrors they're subjected to is another thread in and of itself).

    As for that last part you mentioned? Well, addictions can be cured. You cannot ever undo a sacrifice to Moloch however and I can and will always refer to the ghastly practice of abortion as "The Moloch Ritual" for the plain and simple reason that it is exactly what it is if pushed.

    Again, look at what the results of a third-trimester abortion are and tell me just throwing the pregnant woman into the bronze statue to literally bake in the oven is somehow better than that from a moral standpoint. No, how "quick" the death is doesn't count. Distinctions without differences in most cases...
    Indeed, I'm not as imaginative as you are (clearly). I'm sorry, but I don't believe your theory about a demonic / WEF plot to sterilize women.

    Look, if bodily autonomy is worth preserving in the event of a pandemic, it follows that certain personal liberties, even radical liberties, supersede others. The same slippery slope argument that's applied to lockdowns and vaccine mandates (that mandates, temporary or not, open the door for other liberties to be taken away) can be applied to laws that criminalize abortion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sudo View Post
    Despite the fact that I ultimately agree with your conclusions, this isn't really compelling. The justification for a sense of morality must ultimately rest on teleology; that is, religion. Freelance's point isn't exactly wrong; there isn't a distinct material reason to give a fuck if some couple kills their child. And yet at the same time it's not worth arguing particularly strongly for or against because this proposed world with no God or religion or whatever is simply not the one we inhabit.
    That's where my own view comes into play most blatantly. At the end of the day it is patently obvious that the "Christain" God exists. Trust me I've tried to disprove his existence from all angles and failed utterly. Thus I had to begrudgingly accept his existence and all it entailed.

    Question the ultimate fate of a civilization that cares not for their own unborn. What would that look like? If it's anything "good" in your eyes, well, more data points that yet further reinforce my own major conclusions...

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Indeed, I'm not as imaginative as you are (clearly). I'm sorry, but I don't believe your theory about a demonic / WEF plot to sterilize women.

    Look, if bodily autonomy is worth preserving in the event of a pandemic, it follows that certain personal liberties, even radical liberties, supersede others. The same slippery slope argument that's applied to lockdowns and vaccine mandates (that mandates, temporary or not, open the door for other liberties to be taken away) can be applied to laws that criminalize abortion.
    It's one of many angles they can go about in their plans to reduce the global population to a more "manageable" size. The Mass Sterilization route is actually the one I'd take if I were them to be honest. It's way more subtle, insidious, and flat out just more likely to work than "firing up the ovens" or "purging the Untermenschen" if ya catch my drift.

    More than one way to make a woman sterile and unrestricted access to abortion is the kiddie end of this particular and rather dark pool. I can make a given woman sterile with nothing but psychology if I really wanted to try. Convince her she's a man trapped in a woman's body for instance. Hell, with that logic a mascetomy is "gender affirming care" rather than the grotesque mutilation of what would have been an otherwise healthy, well-adjusted, and ultimately happy person who'd also have likely been a member of some form of Christian community.

    Seriously, after a certain point on the highway you'll hit a wall. A wall raw and undiluted logic will not be able to compute. That's when "faith" will come in.

    I take that back. It actually could and is able to, but it requires one to accept the existence of true and pure good and, by extension, the existence of pure and true evil. Once you slot that in it becomes possible to create/comprehend the potential system that actually makes sense of it all. It really can and does "fit" in the ultimate analysis.

    I think it was Kirkegaard that put it into words. I can't exactly remember but it did resonate. It was a reflection about how so many people would gladly utter this prayer: "Lord give me my system even with the sole caveat that I am wrong".

    People would rather society at large accept their opinions and prognostications as correct rather than them being objectively correct even if all of society tells them they're wrong by and large...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    It's just... wrong damnit!
    Despite the fact that I ultimately agree with your conclusions, this isn't really compelling. The justification for a sense of morality must ultimately rest on teleology; that is, religion. Freelance's point isn't exactly wrong; there isn't a distinct material reason to give a fuck if some couple kills their child. And yet at the same time it's not worth arguing particularly strongly for or against because this proposed world with no God or religion or whatever is simply not the one we inhabit.
    >Some disagree with me. They suck.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I didn't take you for a nihilist Freelance. For that's the kind of response I'd expect out of one. The given couple might think nothing of it, but you can bet your ass if I saw them do that even as an absolute foreigner/alient outsider with no context whatsoever. I'd (and you'd hopefully as well if you're being honest with yourself) wretch on the Collective Unconscious level.

    It's just... wrong damnit! Like selling your own children into slavery or sacrificing them to some so-called deity for another pull in a gatcha game as it were (channeling maximum nihilist energy here on my part).

    I mean fuck. This kind of shit is exactly why the "Cosmic Horror" genre got off the ground.
    I think slavery has bad social consequences, so I wouldn't say it's really that similar. But even if you'd be uncomfortable seeing a couple kill their baby in person, what would you have against them killing their baby in private?

    I'll also agree that just saying something is wrong with conviction and passion is great rhetoric in certain circumstances it isn't and will never be particularly compelling philosophically. Making the philosophically sound case involves typing out a wall of text that nobody who isn't obsessively valuing to the point of being cripplingly autistic will ever bother to read however. Thus, better to go with rhetoric on this one. Abortion is wrong and dare I say evil in all circumstances anyone could or would care to mention. The rare cases where I'd say you may have a point in allowing it are in the 0.XX percent territory of occurrences. Lottery odds.

    You don't make laws of the land that depend on Lottery odds to make rational sense. The cases where abortion "makes sense" are in this territory. Better and ultimately more rational to just ban the practice outright. Some people will "hit" the lottery in the worst sense but far better off are those who are born to actually experience life because of it.

    I don't know if I posted it in this thread but I currently exist because my own mother told her abortion-happy doctor to get fucked and bore me to term anyway. He told her I'd be a mishapen retarded mess of a human being and that everyone'd be better off if I was aborted.

    She told him to get fucked. Turns out I ended up as anything but. Yeah, that gives me a rather ardent and unshakable bias against the practice even if I ended up a card-carrying atheist. Yes it's also not entirely "rational" but damnit shit like that can and will influence you pretty damn hard.
    I mean, the world is a chaotic place. Laws can't determine what genes are inherited when a sperm fertilizes an egg, laws can't force someone to develop a certain way, etc. They also can't prevent someone from being struck by lightning or killing themselves or whatever else. Laws can occasionally influence matters of life and death, sure, but they've never been able to fully control them. Why would you try to apply laws here? Even now, you're only able to appreciate life now that you're at your current age. You wouldn't have cared if your mother had killed you when you were an infant, so who exactly would she have hurt by killing you?

    I'm not convinced it isn't a blessing to kill someone anyway. As Ecclesiastes says:

    Again, I observed all the oppression that takes place under the sun. I saw the tears of the oppressed, with no one to comfort them. The oppressors have great power, and their victims are helpless. So I concluded that the dead are better off than the living. But most fortunate of all are those who are not yet born. For they have not seen all the evil that is done under the sun.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 07-11-2022 at 12:32 PM.

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