Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
You know what I would really like to see? Rapists get punished. Like castrated punished. If a woman (or child!) gets an abortion, get DNA samples from the baby, match it to the dad, and make sure he never reproduces again. "I'm sorry, you don't want to lose that? You shouldn't have stuck it where it wasn't wanted." "You didn't want to be responsible for the life of someone else? You should have thought about that before you had sex. After all, sex (between heteros...) makes babies."

I bet if we made men more responsible, put the weight of the consequences on them, the need and desire for abortions would plummet. Rape might drop off, too.

Are the reproductive abilities of a self-selecting group of men more important than babies' lives?!
I'm more of the opinion that the rapist gets one last chance. Repent of thy sin (in the truest sense of the term) and rape no more, or die. Killing the unrepentant sinner (who is only going to continue sinning and won't ever stop) is actually a mercy you're doling out to them. Those that boil in hell for all eternity in oil can at least be glad someone ended them before their sins piled up even more and landed them boiling in the most vile and foul excrement imaginable instead.

This is a critical part of Christianity that most (even many Christians) don't seem to really understand. God is Love. God is Mercy. God is Truth. God is Justice. People tend to forget about that last one even though it's why Christ had to undergo his passion in the first place.

It's a high bar for a given individual to clear as death isn't something you can just undo if you fuck it up (and if you do you're guilty of the sin of murder and must repent of that yourself) but if you gave them a second chance, told them what would definitely happen if they did it again, and they do it again anyway, well, I don't know about you but my trigger finger just got extremely itchy.

Also, the systems that'd be required to make your utopian flight actually viable and enforceable are dystopian. At that point you got the "1984" panopticon of Big Brother with a searchable universal global DNA database to reinforce it to yet another nightmarish level Orwell didn't think of. A fun personal flight of fancy perhaps, but not a world any sane person would want to live in.

Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
Also pro-life is r-selected and peasantish. The proud K-selected blond beasts of prey suffer only the finest spawn to live to maturity.
Quality shitpost, but we both know that's not how it actually works .