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Thread: Leaked draft says that Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe v Wade

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    Poptart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Oh boy, just got around to reading this thread in earnest and this... well I can't find a way to put this nicely so PolR it is. This hot mess of blatant projection and/or malicious misunderstandings is something only a Death Cultist could come up with.

    I've often said it is likely a literal grace from God that I simply cannot get "the demonic perspective" on a visceral level. From a cold, academic aspect I can and do get it. They hate God. Children (especially the unborn) are innocent. God loves and values innocence. Destroying innocence angers and thus "hurts" God. Ergo, to hurt God as much as you can (i.e. to get the most efficiency out of any given action on this front) kill and corrupt the innocent. Killing a random adult is banal. Killing a random child is so much better from the perspective of the demonic.

    Flawless logic, but as I also often say, things "on paper" are vastly different from things "in practice". Yeah, if you want to rebel against/hurt God that's how you do it. Kill kids instead of adults. Then there's the actual doing of that shit and feeling good about doing so as you do it.

    To draw what is, from my own perspective, a literal equivalence. Could you feel good about pulping the head of some random infant? Stomp on a baby's head really good and hard. Make sure it died a quick though gruesome death? If you could choose between pulping the random adult's head over the infant's head which would you choose? Because if you are pro-choice and honest about it you'd pulp the infant's head to remain logically/ideologically consistent.
    That is not the grace of god. That is an inability or unwillingness to understand the feelings and experiences of others. The only perspective you can see is your own. You have an apparent lack of empathy and a total disregard for human life outside the womb. You 'love' the unborn because they aren't here. You don't have to deal with them, see them, or listen to them.

    You like the idea of playing god--deciding who gets to live and die--and you see no problem with sentencing an innocent person to death:

    Or as H.L. Mencken put it: "Democracy is the theory that the people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard". He is also, funnily enough, popularly thought of as an ILI (his ardent and damn near fanatical admiration of Nietzche speaks to this fact as well).

    I do (personally) absolutely adore his "utopian flight" of how any and all political office holders who just so happen to get assassinated likely have it coming and we should all welcome such a world. The assassin in this "utopia" is tried not on the grounds of whether or not they personally actually killed the fucker but, rather, whether the fucker they allegedly terminated
    deserved it!

    That is, it is not "malum in se" to kill a politician. The real question is, instead, whether or not that given politician had it coming. If they did the assassin not only walks but gets a heartfelt pat on the back. If not the assassin gets unceremoniously killed for being the equivalent of a dumbass wokie.
    You think of women in dehumanizing terms.
    The thunder cunt is now so submissive and breedable it'll make your head spin if you are ignorant of what I've come to learn.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    When it's a truly moral issue your "rights" mean jack shit. I had to rebuke my own mother on this front. Rape victims ought to be able to abort the baby she said! I had to remind her that nobody gets to pick their family. None of us got to choose the how and why we got conceived in all meaningful respects. Even if the baby was conceived during a rape that baby had no say in that matter. The unborn are truly and undeniably innocent on any and all logically conceivable counts. Give that child up for adoption if you think that's the best course of action, but for the love of God respect their innocence and at least allow them some chance to live a good and healthy life...
    If a teenage girl is raped by a male relative and becomes pregnant, then how is she not innocent? She must sacrifice herself and her future because life means nothing to you once its actually here. Also, you would benefit from trying to see your mom's perspective here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    That is not the grace of god. That is an inability or unwillingness to understand the feelings and experiences of others. The only perspective you can see is your own. You have an apparent lack of empathy and a total disregard for human life outside the womb. You 'love' the unborn because they aren't here. You don't have to deal with them, see them, or listen to them.
    I was referring to the demonic perspective. Those angels who know who God is, have been in his direct presence, and then choose to oppose him anyway. It's incomprehensible to me on the visceral level why one would oppose what they know to be an omnibenevolent being.

    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    You like the idea of playing god--deciding who gets to live and die--and you see no problem with sentencing an innocent person to death:
    It is exactly because I don't want innocents to die that I am pro-life. Children don't get to choose the circumstances of their conception. They do deserve the chance to live. Further discussion on this is unlikely to bear any fruit. You have your stance and I have mine. Both of us regard the other's stance in the worst moral terms. This is essentially a religious "debate" and once one has made up their mind on that front no amount of "reason" will convince the other side.

    You'll have to reach a "crisis of faith" moment before you'll listen sadly. Those are harrowing and hard to induce. Hell, look into the circumstances regarding the author John C. Wright and why he renounced his atheism and converted to Catholicism. There are prayers God will answer if done with an earnest heart and in good faith. Careful though, the divine sense of humor is a hell of a thing.

    Interesting thought experiment. What do you think it'd take to cause me to suffer a true crisis of faith? This may be a rather relevant data point. I'm currently juggling several models that so far feed into each other so far as I can tell. You may be able to cause a rather sever hiccup in my overall system if you name something I've glaringly failed to account for...

    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    You think of women in dehumanizing terms.
    I could have worded that one better but I stand by the general point. As a male, if you want to fix your relationship with a woman who has kids, first fix your relationship with her kids. They are her kids no doubt and (if she's not utterly fucked in the head) she values their happiness and safety over all other considerations. Make them happy and safe and you become what amounts to the ideal partner.

    At least, that's what her brain will be telling her. Once you've done that she'll allow herself (again, if she's not fucked in the head) to get emotionally intimate with you. Emotional intimacy is the cornerstone of the female sex drive. IF she's not desiring sex it's probably because she doesn't feel like you're being intimate with/emotionally bonding to her.

    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    If a teenage girl is raped by a male relative and becomes pregnant, then how is she not innocent? She must sacrifice herself and her future because life means nothing to you once its actually here. Also, you would benefit from trying to see your mom's perspective here.
    Again, the unborn baby is innocent. The relative is not and ought to be persecuted to the full extent of the law (rapists, especially ones of that type, don't last long in the general population of U.S. State prisons if you catch my drift). Further, she need not sacrifice herself or her future. If she truly does not want to raise the kid it can and should be put up for adoption. Plenty of loving families out there who would like to be great parents for it.

    Also, my mom's perspective was that even so I was her baby and she thought the doc was incorrect in his dire prognosis and thus decided to carry me to term. She turned out to be 100 percent correct BTW. I would also point out that Ad Hominem attacks weaken your arguments from a philosophical standpoint. They were also rather poorly done rhetorically. You won't be convincing anyone outside your own choir that I'm a sociopathic misogynistic monster with those. Step up your game!
    Last edited by End; 07-01-2022 at 04:48 AM.

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