Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
Babies also have no say in the matter if they are born without brains or live a stunted life because of their parents
Ok now this one's a bit personal so forgive my tone here because, well, fuck you. For some reason my mother told me her natal physician recommended her and dad to abort me. She said no (and dad accepted that decision) and thus I now exist to text angrily at you now. They told her I'd be a down-syndrome genetic defect riddled Frankenstein hot mess of a baby and thus it'd be better if she just killed me in her womb to spare everyone the heartache/trouble.

Well, how accurate was that forecast pray tell? I'm not the reincarnation of Brad Pitt in his prime but I am objectively less ugly than 80 percent of the males I see day to day and fucking hell being IQ 130+ is isolating as hell let me tell you.

Also, I'll point out that if the baby literally had no brain they'd fail to be a viable lifeform. Even insects have brains. Perhaps only a cell or two but brains they have. Stunted lives is also not a good excuse to literally murder them in the fucking womb of all things.

Yeah, using my own arguments, you can argue that children who are guaranteed to have major attachment issues may, possibly, be somehow morally murdered given the frighteningly disproportionate chances of them becoming serial killers, rapists, (insert most terrible person you can imagine ever), etc...

Still doesn't change the fact that you/they cannot and did not choose the how and why you now exist as a human being.