Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
Yeah let's take away people's rights, that's something we should definitely spend time and effort on
When it's a truly moral issue your "rights" mean jack shit. I had to rebuke my own mother on this front. Rape victims ought to be able to abort the baby she said! I had to remind her that nobody gets to pick their family. None of us got to choose the how and why we got conceived in all meaningful respects. Even if the baby was conceived during a rape that baby had no say in that matter. The unborn are truly and undeniably innocent on any and all logically conceivable counts. Give that child up for adoption if you think that's the best course of action, but for the love of God respect their innocence and at least allow them some chance to live a good and healthy life...

Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
In all this talk about abortion being banned in several states, I barely see any talk on how various birth control methods for women will skyrocket in popularity.
Good! It'd benefit a great deal of ignorant heathens to learn how periods actually work. Turns out you can rather effectively do "Family Planning" once you've figured out when the menstral cycle hits a given woman. You can literally go full libertine for 3 out of the 4 weeks of a month. Having to go "Monk/Nun Mode" for one of them isn't that hard folks.

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Did Democrats do anything to protect abortion by an actual law any time they've had a majority since Roe? No. They've had much more important priorities, like giving $40 billion to Ukraine so more Ukrainians would die in an unwinnable war, and singing God Bless America after the SCOTUS ruling.

So just remember how important it is to vote in November guys. It's super important that we only elect the people who do nothing for their base.
It really is quite refreshing to hear a supposed enemy work my own stance on this issue so agreeably. This must be why my own LII cousin likes me so much. Truly, you took the words right out of my mouth if I just so happened to agree with you on this front. That last sentence in particular. I can taste that sarcasm and I friggin' love it!

Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
If pregnancy was something that happened to men (especially rich, conservative men), there would be an abortion clinic on every street corner. Outside of niche academic philosophy, there wouldn't be any sort of debate about the definition of life.
I'd argue you're rather brainwashed in CRT given this rather... Simplistic view of your opposition. I may have given into fits of passion in the past but the core of my faith remains unshaken. I know I'm right and I'm more than willing to walk the walk on that front.

No violence, no force. You will all come around to my views on truly critical moral issues eventually. Abortion is one such issue. I refuse to acknowledge a sacrifice to Moloch as moral in all cases. Hell, even the extreme case pans out. Ask any mother who isn't fucked up in the head or demonically possessed.

Give her a binary choice. This is, without a shred of doubt, your child. It's either your kid or you. Whom do you choose?

Show me a woman who sacrifices their own child to preserve their life over that of their child and I'll show you a woman that has either major psychological issues or is on the business end of the demonic...