Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
If pregnancy was something that happened to men (especially rich, conservative men), there would be an abortion clinic on every street corner. Outside of niche academic philosophy, there wouldn't be any sort of debate about the definition of life.
I agree with this, which is why I feel this is more an issue of indifference than genuine bad intentions in the sense Adam mentions (though maybe I am naive). It kinda gets to me when American liberals act like the "other side" is acting out of ill will (well, to be precise, they do sometimes, ie gerrymandering but that's more partisanship gone way too far than about any kind of political positions). I feel like liberals are always confused by the positions of conservatives, and in turn accuse them of acting out of evil, which is odd to me. That said, I'm not defending the ruling, but I also feel uncomfortable with the way political discourse has become so toxic due to these growing misunderstandings.