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Thread: Conservatives are insane

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    DogOfDanger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    You are mocking the compassion but didn't provide any evidence that it was wrong
    The evidence is in the insane rants you and others compulsively have, looking for convenient targets to pin every problem in the world on... this is apparently driven by compassion. I just don't buy it, I really don't.
    The government gave the citizens of Ukraine aid for strategic purposes, the same government (and same people) also funded a proxy war in Syria that killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions. They also toppled Libya randomly... Compassion is just a convenient narrative, but it doesn't matter at all.
    For authoritarians compassion is just the necessary pretense that justifies their sadism, every authoritarian regime in history has had some big compassionate cause that they waved their flag about.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    Creating a dystopia for many and a utopia for only a select few
    If we were voting just on economic and foreign policy I'd probably lean a little left to be honest. Though you don't seem to understand at all that the economy has to be kept afloat for the benefit of all, gears of society have to keep turning - your opinions are very one dimensional on this, tbh. They're bad, cliche generalizations that show you have very little real understanding of the way republicans feel about the economy and its long term outlook. Also... while your policies benefit people now they actually have consequences long term - you give yourself the "utopia" and leave the grandkids with the dystopia. Do you really want to pretend that your medicare and social security policies are sustainable over the next 60 years? Anyway, I think republicans at the top are greedy idiots, they spent 600 billion on the military, so I probably would prefer dems... at least they blow our money and things that are more worth it (but it's a bad choice between two shit parties)... but then when it comes to social policy you people are completely out of your minds, the greed and dogmatic stupidity of the republicans far pales in comparison to the pure insanity and resentment of you power hungry, vicious little bastards, so...
    As I say I'm independent but I sympathize more with republicans based on the social policies and the fact I can actually have a rational discussion with a republican.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    from what I've seen liberals do a pretty good enough job of being honest about their dark sides
    At some point you have to move on. This is something you've never understood - it's great progress to be honest about your dark side. It is a horrible mistake to allow your dark side to become your identity, to normalize it and pretend that there isn't a problem with it, stop working to change it while insisting you never could (that's a self-fulfilling attitude). And there probably is a point, after years of not caring or making any effort, or being too miserable to notice, that you are no longer able to reign in your dark side. At that point (when / whether that occurs is really for you to decide) I suppose we can just be open about it and accept it, but that's just toleration given no other option - it is different than normalization, indulgence, celebration, and promotion.
    Also... human beings are not living in a natural environment... the environment is actually totally toxic, the 'dark side' is a repressed sickness. It is dark, it is not a happy, light hearted smiley thing to celebrate about. It's also fucking miserable to deal with - do you want your misery to never end? I really don't understand the whole attitude..
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 09-13-2022 at 01:46 PM.

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