Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
Blah, allow me to backtrack if you will because you've made me realize that I poorly articulated my point and misrepresented my beliefs here (as I believe depriving a woman of control over that bodily decision is the right course of action, not an evil, if it is necessary to save an innocent life).

I should've phrased it this way:
"People use their sense of morality, which is oft influenced by religion, to determine what the wrong course of action is if a woman desires an abortion: killing an innocent person or depriving a woman of complete bodily autonomy (for nine months, give or take)."

And I also could've phrased it in the reverse manner:
"People use their sense of morality, which is oft influenced by religion, to determine what the right course of action is if a woman desires an abortion: saving the life an innocent person or preserving a woman's complete bodily autonomy."

Sorry for the confusion. I failed in articulating my point by declaring both options evil when I was merely trying to present the two choices that a person must use their morality to decide between when considering that situation. All I was trying to argue is that abortion raises a moral question since answering it involves people's sense of right/wrong and good/evil.
Nah I just speed read your post. I got it the second time. I agree with you.

I don't think I'm wrong in thinking the way forward is for Christians in particular to ease their stance on abortions, but that is a whole different deal and is merely a political/policy question.