Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
On Reddit and Twitter, there are communities of women coming out against porn and casual sex (against unwanted casual sex, at any rate, which they say they feel coerced into doing due to the fact that it has been fully normalized).

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy is a famous example by now. A lot of them call themselves radical feminists, which, as far as I'm aware, is a broadly leftist designation. I didn't get the impression that many of them are traditionalist Christian women (I could be wrong—I get tired listening to other people's relationship problems, so I only skimmed some threads and don't have the full picture).

Anyway, it does seem like there's a backlash against the sexual revolution coming from the left.
You are wrong in this case. I just did a quick search in /r/FemaleDatingStrategy and sorted the posts from most popular to least. No thread in sight that supports abortion. The first one warns Polish women who are about to be hit with an abortion ban. The second one titled "US-based women who are actively dating/in relationships: Protect your womb" then goes to say "With what’s going on today in the Supreme Court, it appears more and more that abortion access is going to be reduced to 15 weeks, if not being overturned altogether." Third one: "Wish I found this sub before being baby trapped." And so on. Female Incel communities in general are less traditional than male ones. In fact being a traditional woman, who mainly cares for the house and children, is still a desirable trait and I doubt that would ever change.

I didn't see the video but I can guess what your argument is going to be. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Christianity had to come from somewhere too, so it's possible to hold those beliefs without being a Christian. And I doubt there is any significant backlash. It seems to me that you are exaggerating. If you are not, source your claims.