Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
In the new century, people are overall nicer. Crime is down, people are richer (on average), but mostly, they are nicer to each other, with only a few notable exceptions.
Homophobia is no longer the law of the land, and I believe that most people are growing more tolerant.
So, the liberals are winning.

If conservative voices are becoming more radical and strident, it’s because they realize they are in a desperate situation. As they should be.
I'd argue the exact opposite Adam. Well, the last part anyway. First part's spot on. Even the paupers and beggars of today arguably live lives easier than the peasants of old. Even if they cannot afford to buy food the very prospect of stealing and/or attaining some through arguably very shitty begging has never been easier. Case in point? They all seem to be well-fed enough to not look like emaciated skeletons.

Starving peasants (who actually tended to actually look like emaciated skeletons) of old would have seen a vision of a local Whole Foods Market, Starbucks, and Kroger fully-stocked (at least they were until Dementia Victim in Chief was made Secular Pope) all within a block or two and likely wept as if they had just experienced a vision of Heaven. It is not the conservatives who are becoming more radical and strident but rather the so-called liberals and it is they who are beginning to realize how desperate their own position is.

If we take America as an example, well, look at the election map by county. Which counties were "red" vs. "blue". Yeah while those blue dots have, on paper, way more people in them than the red sea surrounding them pray tell me this. Where (and also quite importantly who) produces the friggin' food and maintains modern infrastructure? Piss off the rather "conservative" farmers, plumbers, etc. hard enough and not even a dump truck full of money will convince them to feed and/or otherwise provide for people who are dumb enough to not conceal their abject demonic hatred towards them.

If you tell me you wish I'd die horribly because I disagree with you and then with all the fake BS you can muster "ask" me to fix a given problem you have that'll result in your death if I don't do it, well, you can call a turd a golden nugget but that doesn't mean I'll pay you for it.

You and I would never even consider doing something so utterly stupid as to issue a public death threat/wish towards any individual who is not only willing but eager to help us if push came to shove I'd wager. It'd be like telling someone who offers you a hand as you're about to fall off a friggin' cliff to go fuck themselves. I know I'm not doing that unless they demand I pass the inverse of the witch test. That'd only be done by a demon and no demon would ever try to save anyone who even notionally believes in Jesus so yeah, fuck that entity in particular.

Sadly, to get back on track, we're not talking logic here. We're talking religious so overvalued that it categorically rejects its natural compliment. We're talking literal demonic sentiments. A "feeling" so intent on being realized it rejects the very possibility of being obtainable in any way other than what it sees as optimal. It refuses to compromise in all the worst ways.

It's an X without a Y. A solution to a problem that cannot (or rather should not) ever logically exist. The insano that I plague openly stated that they think suffering detracts from meaning. Detracts. From. Meaning. Suffering for a cause or a lover means less than nothing? Even if (especially if) nobody other than yourself will understand? I've said this many a time and I'm sure you'll agree but I'll state it outright once more. There is no true "meaning" in you or anyone else acting in a "virtuous" way if they literally could not choose freely to act in a viscious way.

The true conservative gets all that far harder than any "enemy" of theirs in the modern world would care to even attempt to understand. Who on the "left"/"liberal" side of this divide would truly weep for their so called enemies? They say they would for they talk a good game but would they really? I doubt it so hard I'd wager both money and body parts I cannot afford to lose...