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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Xerx, people tend to get more conservative as they get older.

    Maybe you’re just seeing your friends change.

  2. #2
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Xerx, people tend to get more conservative as they get older.
    I can't speak for Xerx but I have noticed the same thing, American liberals have become quiet moralistic. This is obvious over media. I'm not really thinking too much of people I know. My American friends aeren't very political anyways. American liberalism being a mass movement for free thought has gone the way of the dinosaurs, though, wake up and smell the current century, Adam.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardware Punk View Post
    I can't speak for Xerx but I have noticed the same thing, American liberals have become quiet moralistic. This is obvious over media. I'm not really thinking too much of people I know. My American friends aeren't very political anyways. American liberalism being a mass movement for free thought has gone the way of the dinosaurs, though, wake up and smell the current century, Adam.
    In the new century, people are overall nicer. Crime is down, people are richer (on average), but mostly, they are nicer to each other, with only a few notable exceptions.
    Homophobia is no longer the law of the land, and I believe that most people are growing more tolerant.
    So, the liberals are winning.

    If conservative voices are becoming more radical and strident, it’s because they realize they are in a desperate situation. As they should be.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-24-2022 at 04:42 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    In the new century, people are overall nicer. Crime is down, people are richer (on average), but mostly, they are nicer to each other, with only a few notable exceptions.
    Homophobia is no longer the law of the land, and I believe that most people are growing more tolerant.
    So, the liberals are winning.

    If conservative voices are becoming more radical and strident, it’s because they realize they are in a desperate situation. As they should be.
    I'd argue the exact opposite Adam. Well, the last part anyway. First part's spot on. Even the paupers and beggars of today arguably live lives easier than the peasants of old. Even if they cannot afford to buy food the very prospect of stealing and/or attaining some through arguably very shitty begging has never been easier. Case in point? They all seem to be well-fed enough to not look like emaciated skeletons.

    Starving peasants (who actually tended to actually look like emaciated skeletons) of old would have seen a vision of a local Whole Foods Market, Starbucks, and Kroger fully-stocked (at least they were until Dementia Victim in Chief was made Secular Pope) all within a block or two and likely wept as if they had just experienced a vision of Heaven. It is not the conservatives who are becoming more radical and strident but rather the so-called liberals and it is they who are beginning to realize how desperate their own position is.

    If we take America as an example, well, look at the election map by county. Which counties were "red" vs. "blue". Yeah while those blue dots have, on paper, way more people in them than the red sea surrounding them pray tell me this. Where (and also quite importantly who) produces the friggin' food and maintains modern infrastructure? Piss off the rather "conservative" farmers, plumbers, etc. hard enough and not even a dump truck full of money will convince them to feed and/or otherwise provide for people who are dumb enough to not conceal their abject demonic hatred towards them.

    If you tell me you wish I'd die horribly because I disagree with you and then with all the fake BS you can muster "ask" me to fix a given problem you have that'll result in your death if I don't do it, well, you can call a turd a golden nugget but that doesn't mean I'll pay you for it.

    You and I would never even consider doing something so utterly stupid as to issue a public death threat/wish towards any individual who is not only willing but eager to help us if push came to shove I'd wager. It'd be like telling someone who offers you a hand as you're about to fall off a friggin' cliff to go fuck themselves. I know I'm not doing that unless they demand I pass the inverse of the witch test. That'd only be done by a demon and no demon would ever try to save anyone who even notionally believes in Jesus so yeah, fuck that entity in particular.

    Sadly, to get back on track, we're not talking logic here. We're talking religious so overvalued that it categorically rejects its natural compliment. We're talking literal demonic sentiments. A "feeling" so intent on being realized it rejects the very possibility of being obtainable in any way other than what it sees as optimal. It refuses to compromise in all the worst ways.

    It's an X without a Y. A solution to a problem that cannot (or rather should not) ever logically exist. The insano that I plague openly stated that they think suffering detracts from meaning. Detracts. From. Meaning. Suffering for a cause or a lover means less than nothing? Even if (especially if) nobody other than yourself will understand? I've said this many a time and I'm sure you'll agree but I'll state it outright once more. There is no true "meaning" in you or anyone else acting in a "virtuous" way if they literally could not choose freely to act in a viscious way.

    The true conservative gets all that far harder than any "enemy" of theirs in the modern world would care to even attempt to understand. Who on the "left"/"liberal" side of this divide would truly weep for their so called enemies? They say they would for they talk a good game but would they really? I doubt it so hard I'd wager both money and body parts I cannot afford to lose...

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    In the new century, people are overall nicer. Crime is down, people are richer (on average), but mostly, they are nicer to each other, with only a few notable exceptions.
    Homophobia is no longer the law of the land, and I believe that most people are growing more tolerant.
    So, the liberals are winning.

    If conservative voices are becoming more radical and strident, it’s because they realize they are in a desperate situation. As they should be.
    Actually, I was arguing that liberal voices are becoming more radical and strident. You didn't address any of what I wrote lol.

    I don't think conservative voices are becoming more radical or strident than before, as they always have been somewhat radical and strident. But the nature of the radicality has changed somewhat. In the 90s, conservatism was the dominant moral voice (abstinence is key, Marilyn Manson is bad, and Jesus died for your sins), now it feels like conservatives are being replaced by traditionalists, which to a liberal may appear the same but is actually very different. The hardcore Trump surpporters are traditionalists not classic American conservatives.

    I'm not sure I agree with the first part either. I agree that people are becoming more tolerant towards certain things, but they are also fairly intolerant towards some others, if you look carefully. What was seen as humor in the 90s is, in 2022, almost censured. I find that concerning, personally, though I suspect this is a social media trend and hopefully it doesn't become institutionalized.

    It's not about whether or not conservatives or liberals win, both have to work together if anything is to be achieved. But some folks have such resentment towards the "other side" that their side "winning" becomes more important than the big picture.
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    The OP is quite retarded so I'm not responding to it, but this claim that the culture is improving got my attention-
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    In the new century, people are overall nicer. Crime is down, people are richer (on average), but mostly, they are nicer to each other, with only a few notable exceptions.
    The youth spend an average of 8 hours a day on electronic devices, hardly ever go outside, and there's more mental illness amongst the youth today by an order of magnitude. They youth are also dating much less... it takes the average person 10 more years to become financially independent. During the Vietnam war people weren't at one anothers throats the way they are now... I don't see how you could believe the culture is improving and everything is fine and good, you must live in some well insulated bubble. My guess is you're probably quite wealthy. Crime is down because of the improvements in policing, it's much easier to get caught nowdays with cameras everywhere... people know this so they are more careful. People are also disengaged... This is no barometer for the health of the culture.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 08-17-2022 at 03:31 PM.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    The OP is quite retarded so I'm not responding to it, but this claim that the culture is improving got my attention-

    The youth spend an average of 8 hours a day on electronic devices, hardly ever go outside, and there's more mental illness amongst the youth today by an order of magnitude. They youth are also dating much less... it takes the average person 10 more years to become financially independent. During the Vietnam war people weren't at one anothers throats the way they are now... I don't see how you could believe the culture is improving and everything is fine and good, you must live in some well insulated bubble. My guess is you're probably quite wealthy. Crime is down because of the improvements in policing, it's much easier to get caught nowdays with cameras everywhere... people know this so they are more careful. People are also disengaged... This is no barometer for the health of the culture.
    people are at each other's throats bc they have free speech now and women and minorities can defened themsleves more, and since crimes are more easily tracked that also comes with it. u disgusting filth
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    The OP is quite retarded so I'm not responding to it, but this claim that the culture is improving got my attention-

    The youth spend an average of 8 hours a day on electronic devices, hardly ever go outside, and there's more mental illness amongst the youth today by an order of magnitude. They youth are also dating much less... it takes the average person 10 more years to become financially independent. During the Vietnam war people weren't at one anothers throats the way they are now... I don't see how you could believe the culture is improving and everything is fine and good, you must live in some well insulated bubble. My guess is you're probably quite wealthy. Crime is down because of the improvements in policing, it's much easier to get caught nowdays with cameras everywhere... people know this so they are more careful. People are also disengaged... This is no barometer for the health of the culture.
    That's a rather big problem if we figure in how Edward Bernays figured out how if a given rando only needed about 3 "independent" people to tell them a certain thing was "correct" and they'd believe it so hard you'd honestly mistake them for a fanatical cultist.

    "Narrative Warfare" is essentially the only warfare that ultimately matters in the end. I just wish my side would realize that and act accordingly as we'd easily win given how we stand on the side of truth over lies.

    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    people are at each other's throats bc they have free speech now and women and minorities can defened themsleves more, and since crimes are more easily tracked that also comes with it. u disgusting filth
    That last part defeats your entire rhetorical structure. Women and Minorities aren't able to defend themselves? (Insert most insulting term here in an accent that just makes it all the more obvious that the insult was absolutely intentional) You dumb ass toadie who literally and eagerly does vid related:

    Would explain how you still can't format for shit. Sin makes you stupid after all...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    "Narrative Warfare" is essentially the only warfare that ultimately matters in the end. I just wish my side would realize that and act accordingly as we'd easily win given how we stand on the side of truth over lies.
    You have to learn to choose your battles. You could spend the remainder of your life debating with the rambling schizoids you run into online... you'll end up sounding as insane as they are by the end of it, make no progress as people just hear what they want to hear anyway, and you're sacrificing your own self interests in the process... Live your life and enjoy it, don't let these little shits drag you down and destroy it. Also recognize that arm-flailing mentally deranged brats are more of an embarrassment to their cause than they are the spearheads of it.

    Besides... I've become less interested in narratives and more interested in individualism. The individual doesn't need a political narrative to guide them, they can rely on their inner voice and apply reason appropriately wherever it's needed. If anything what we need is to pierce through narrative and get people thinking for themselves again.

    You could consider religion to be the ultimate narrative, but I don't think I've ever seen a person converted as a result of debate. People who've never been exposed to the topic, sure, but otherwise the conclusion has been made before the conversation begins. That conclusion is based on inherent attitudes. It's something you really cannot effect. The same is true for political narratives... You might occasionally be able to snap people out of narrative by forcing them to reason... this might work in certain contexts. It's a long shot though, even otherwise intelligent people lose their ability to reason about these things, it's kind of amazing.

    TBH I recommend you just live your life and enjoy it, and try to avoid the lobotomized political zealots as much as possible. One of the big lies is this idea that the only game to be played is the political game, but you can play your own game by living your own life to the maximum.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 08-18-2022 at 05:21 AM.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    The OP is quite retarded so I'm not responding to it, but this claim that the culture is improving got my attention-

    The youth spend an average of 8 hours a day on electronic devices, hardly ever go outside, and there's more mental illness amongst the youth today by an order of magnitude. They youth are also dating much less... it takes the average person 10 more years to become financially independent. During the Vietnam war people weren't at one anothers throats the way they are now... I don't see how you could believe the culture is improving and everything is fine and good, you must live in some well insulated bubble. My guess is you're probably quite wealthy. Crime is down because of the improvements in policing, it's much easier to get caught nowdays with cameras everywhere... people know this so they are more careful. People are also disengaged... This is no barometer for the health of the culture.
    DogOfDanger, I haven't seen any of your other posts sinced I haven't been reading her for a time, but I just want to give this a *like*.

    All these things I see in this generation of young people, and it makes my heart break, for the unfairness of what they had to grow up in. But thing are going to change, God says, in a big way, and we will see a major flip to it ALL - government, culture, education, health - everything! And this generation really will be so very very blessed. God is going to bless us to live in this world the wonderul way He intended, with peace, abundance, freedom, and many blessings. We ALL will be blessed, except for the very evil, who will be judged severely and agressively, and will lose all.

    We will see many things flip in a big way before the year is out, and the world will know it was the hand of God.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    DogOfDanger, I haven't seen any of your other posts sinced I haven't been reading her for a time, but I just want to give this a *like*.

    All these things I see in this generation of young people, and it makes my heart break, for the unfairness of what they had to grow up in. But thing are going to change, God says, in a big way, and we will see a major flip to it ALL - government, culture, education, health - everything! And this generation really will be so very very blessed. God is going to bless us to live in this world the wonderul way He intended, with peace, abundance, freedom, and many blessings. We ALL will be blessed, except for the very evil, who will be judged severely and agressively, and will lose all.

    We will see many things flip in a big way before the year is out, and the world will know it was the hand of God.
    It would feel good to believe this.. but I really don't see it. Humanity is screwed on much deeper levels than people understand.
    There is no hope for humanity or this planet, Eliza.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    DogOfDanger, I haven't seen any of your other posts sinced I haven't been reading her for a time, but I just want to give this a *like*.

    All these things I see in this generation of young people, and it makes my heart break, for the unfairness of what they had to grow up in. But thing are going to change, God says, in a big way, and we will see a major flip to it ALL - government, culture, education, health - everything! And this generation really will be so very very blessed. God is going to bless us to live in this world the wonderul way He intended, with peace, abundance, freedom, and many blessings. We ALL will be blessed, except for the very evil, who will be judged severely and agressively, and will lose all.

    We will see many things flip in a big way before the year is out, and the world will know it was the hand of God.
    I wouldn't put it like that. Within the next year? I wish but probably not gonna happen. Within our collective lifetimes? Totally agree. There's an EIE I follow and I agree with him that we'll live to see the end of the great schism between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic. The last "Pope" won't be the one foretold of at the end of days but instead the last "Pope" as we currently understand it. We will live to see the day that the pontiff will reign over a truly united and universal Church. He probably won't be called pontiff or pope however. Something like "Supreme Patriarch" or something like that in either Greek, Roman, or a combination of the two will likely be the title given to such a now more fully accepted and realized by even the then-unbelievers Vicar of Christ.

    If the protestants still refuse to reconcile with and enter into communion with the truly united and manifested Holy Church after that well, I can already guess at the types that'll stubbornly refuse to accept the truth and we'll all see who was either a wolf in sheep's clothing or a lukewarm adherent to the faith. Both meet a rather terrible end at the final judgement.

    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    It would feel good to believe this.. but I really don't see it. Humanity is screwed on much deeper levels than people understand.
    There is no hope for humanity or this planet, Eliza.
    I've been reading a pretty good fiction series where a ton of people (mostly the PTB and those who got deluded by them) actually bought into that nihilistic viewpoint of yours and acted accordingly. They all took off on Colony Ships and left the rest of the "inferior" humans to die upon a Dying Earth.

    Minor Spoiler: They kinda fucked up. See, those who remained/were left behind accomplished something even they (i.e. The PTB who hated them so much they didn't even bother to glass the planet behind them because that'd be too fast and easy a death for them despite their ability to do so) thought impossible to the point of never even considering the possibility of it actually happening. Pressure makes a diamond, Necessity is the mother of invention, etc.

    You may write us all off and hell, as hindsight is 20/20 and neither of us have that you may be right. I bet you're wrong and I'll double down and bet you my currently non-existent farm that if you do decide to jump onboard some colony ship bound for Tau Ceti at .1 to 99.87% of lightspeed or whatnot you may live to directly regret that decision. I won't live to see the look on your eyes when ya do, but my descendants will. Possibly. I'm a consummate pragmatist and a firm believer in reading and following the "Evil Overlord List".

    There is the fact that few people consider. Immortality can be a curse and boy oh boy do I hope my genetic line makes some wannabe "god" learn that one in the most hardest of ways. One cannot exactly win an argument against the laws of physics after all .
    Last edited by End; 09-13-2022 at 02:28 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    It would feel good to believe this.. but I really don't see it. Humanity is screwed on much deeper levels than people understand.
    There is no hope for humanity or this planet, Eliza.
    How dreadful. It must feel for you like that poor dog must feel in your picture.

    We have been fooled into believeing lies after so long and in so many ways being told that we are in for a terrible time. it looks bad, but I don't believe it, because God has siad: Do NOT believe the lies you are hearing. Believe Me.

    I am not afraid. Every day I listen to prophecies, and I don't miss any of Julie Green's, usually every M-F. These started for Julie when she asked God to share words with her which would be "exactly what Your people need to hear for today". And God told her to get a youtube channel (she is now on Rumble instead), and He begn to tell her fresh new words daily. I discovered her in December, (she started last September maybe) and now her following is much bigger than CNN (which is not saying a great deal, because CNN, as He has said as much since last September, is about to close it's doors forever.

    Also this year I began to read Psalms regularly, slowly and carefully, and also listening to them in song from The Psalm Project. I was amazed at how all the prophecies of God are just like the Psalms! He is saying the same things! He truly is the God who is the same yesterday, today and always.

    Sometime in January Julie started with not just the videos but writing out the prophecies she gives in them. I copy them and re-read them daily in my prayer time and always feel so uplifted because of it. Sometimes I go to her search engine to search for what God has said on various specific topics, like, i.e., recently, "families" - God is going to restore families! Wow! It is the root of so much depression adn mental illness in our world.

    Tonight I looked up "2022", because even though we are into September, God says this is a year of HUGE CHANGE, far, far huge than what we have seen, which is going to be massive and wonderful in 2022. I knoqw it will happen! What you describe today of how you see things? It will be 100% better about the same things by the end of December. Even though things may look worse just before then. God says our enemies are telling lies about how things are. No matter how they look, they will soon be GREAT, and we will be dancing in the streets! because of all the reasonbs below! Truly, a reason to dance and sing praise to God!

    Tonight I searched "2022" on Julie's sight and found TWENTY prophecies with 2022 in them, too much to read now, but here are some favorite bits below, about what God says He will do for us in 2022. The title of each prophecy is God's chosen title, and the words in them are right from the mouth of God, and every one will come true. The ones before February don't always have the dates, but more recent ones do:


    "Great joy will spread throughout this Earth. A perfecting of My body. A time is coming when you will be without spot or wrinkle. So get excited, My children. Your days of overwhelming joy, blessings and glory are about to hit your houses. I am reversing the damage that was done to your bodies. Yes, I am restoring all which your adversary has done to destroy you physically, mentally and financially. I am filling up your bank accounts, especially the tithers of Almighty God. Get ready for the Blessing Explosion in this hour in the year of 2022. Get ready to celebrate as deliverance is here, and it is yours, saith the Lord.[/B]


    "I, the Lord, am moving across this nation now to restore all, yes, restore all that has been destroyed, lost or stolen. I am giving back all that has been stolen from My people, the people of Almighty God. And I mean everything stolen will be reversed and given back in the year of 2022. Every person in power now, not called by Me, will be removed by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts....

    ...I will leave nothing, not anything, your adversaries designed to destroy you. There will be no evidence in your life of their existence. I am wiping it all away. I am standing guard, will overthrow, will reverse and will give back all that is owed to My children because this world is Mine, and it belongs to you for you are joint-heirs with Me, saith the Lord. Everything belongs to Me, and I am giving it back in the year of 2022 to its rightful owners. Yes, everything, My children.

    Watch as the world hands over power, houses, lands and businesses. You never thought it was possible. Yes, I am handing it all over to you for free. It will not cost you anything because it already belongs to you. Receive debt freedoms. Yes, debt is being cancelled. Debt your enemies planned to use to enslave you. I am destroying that killer on your behalf. My children, don't limit My freedom, the freedom which I have for you. During this year of 2022, I will restore all that belongs to you, saith the Lord of Hosts."

    From: "2022, A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER":

    "Great changes are coming. The winds of change are here. Your victories are now. This year of 2022 will be like no other: the great Exodus, the great wealth transfer, the great changing of the guard, and great celebrations. These signs mark your freedoms, so rejoice now and sing praises unto Me, My children, for I am here now, saith the Lord your Redeemer."
    From: "2022 YEAR OF FULFILLMENT":

    "What I have is far greater in this Exodus. So far greater than that of Egypt. I have spoken those words again: “Let My people go”. Nothing can stop those Words from coming to pass. I have heard the cries of My people, and I have promised to deliver them out of it all.

    This will all come to pass in the year of 2022, the Year the New: new freedoms, new governments, new economies, new leaders, new businesses, new news stations and new schools. Yes, new where I am in the midst of it all. What I have for you, My children is so great. It is beyond human understanding what I am about to do for you.

    So, rejoice, stand and believe In the Great I AM once again to move, to deliver and to completely set you free. That is what I have for thee, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

    I am not limited to your own understanding or man's ways of thinking. Get up higher, My children. Think bigger. Think no limits. All is about to be handed over to you. Yes, all that is in this earth that the world’s system stole from you and used to enslave you, I will be giving back and handing over in a day. One day enslaved and one day free for I am the Great I AM. Nothing is impossible, and, no, I am not too late.

    That is what your enemies wanted you to believe so you would give up on Me. I will show you, along with the world, that it is never too late for the Great I AM to move. I am your Father, and I have you here for such a time as this. Watch Me and focus on My Word. Sing praises unto Me, My children. Your great celebration is at hand. This is a year of such greatness, such joy and such celebration. So stand on My Word and stand with Me, saith the Lord of Hosts."

    From: "2022 YEAR OF VENGEANCE":

    "I, the Lord, this day tell My children this year of 2022 is a year for you. Everything that has been done to you through your adversaries, I will restore. Concerning your health, your peace, your families, your finances, your jobs and property, all restoration belongs with Me. I am restoring and reversing all damages....

    ...For I, the Lord, am moving to give back everything to you that was taken from you by them and their plans. In My Word, I used the Red Sea to save My children so they could walk through to their freedoms. Just watch what I do in these days to save you. It will be far greater than the Red Sea. Yes, far greater. Continue to watch the weather as unusual weather patterns hit this Earth. This is just to get your attention on Me. These signs I am giving you are to keep your faith and trust in Me that I am in control and not your enemies....

    ...Wall Street, the same goes for you. I am the Great I AM, and I will destroy everything you stand for. This Babylonian system, I am tearing apart as I speak these Words and am putting a new system in place for My children in the world. As the stock market implodes, My children, do not fear as this is not for you. I will destroy all the finances the world once had and hand it over to you like I did My children leaving Egypt. It will ALL be turned over to you. I am your Provider, and I will not leave this earth nor this system the way it is anymore to enslave My children.

    So shout as great reversals are coming to this earth, great restorations and an overflow the world has never seen. I will show My children where there is more gold, silver and precious stones that I have kept hidden until now. This Earth belongs to Me and the fullness thereof, and I have given it to you, My children, to richly enjoy. So stand firm and stand with Me. All will be okay for the ones in the house of the Lord, saith the Lord your Redeemer!"

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    It would feel good to believe this.. but I really don't see it. Humanity is screwed on much deeper levels than people understand.
    There is no hope for humanity or this planet, Eliza.
    Only if you think humanity is the highest value, but is humanity, or is God?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Xerx, people tend to get more conservative as they get older.

    Maybe you’re just seeing your friends change.
    You could be right about that. People do change.

    But it "feels" like there might be more going on WRT sex negativism. I can't corroborate that feeling, though.

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