
'when did that become the same as being destroyed by Se'
Se is not only punching and beating.

if they arent intellectual but garbage then what worth are they?'
intellect is a form of emotion. logic comes from emotion. i don't have to justify my sentiment through logic. why would I have to rationalize my sentiment? If I don't like something I don't like it. If I like something I like it. If I feel something I feel it. End of story.

emotions are logical and should be'
do you not see why I find your beta NF-ness dubious?

are u sure u arent an IEE?'
I would entertain every type so long as people suggest it except one that leads with an extraverted information element.

i think every human needs a bit of manual work to be healthy'
I don't. Nothing makes me more neurotic than having to do 'manual labor'.

meaning is despite suffering. suffering only detracts from it.'
good art only comes from suffering.

u mean that somehow painting conservatives bad is hypocritical which is the same logic that defending urself against someone attacking u is bad and hypocritical. '
I never said not to defend yourself. In fact I told you to defend yourself. If you are unable to do so leave your environment.

'and yes attacking someone is bad but the context makes it so its not.'
No it isn't. Attacking is good. To be on the offensive, to be able to fight- that is what I call 'virtue'

'morality is only whats practical for reproducing'
then stop critiquing 'conservatives' from a moral standpoint. feel free to critique their morals, but what you are doing is simply replacing their morals with your own. 'conservatism' is the anti-thesis of my views. you keep calling them the slave owners. they are the slaves! all the virtues 'conservative' morals of hard work and morality is precisely the virtue of slaves. conservative people are deltas enslaved by gammas.