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Thread: Conservatives are insane

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by None View Post

    'u arent being quite honest or ur fantasizing'
    but I am being honest! my eie friend who i've known my whole life basically said the same thing to me. (very much admires bluntness and directness. and people of great will) assuming my judgement of their EIE-ness is correct though!
    when did that become the same as being destroyed by Se
    why do views have to be intellectual at all?
    bc they are performed by the intellect. if they arent intellectual but garbage then what worth are they? there is good and bad, there is right and wrong. intellectual includes emotional shit but emotions are logical and should be. if someone wants to go against what makes sense then its nonsense and then whats the point. why are u asking me then. what do u care. i can tell u whatever. i can think wahtever u can think wahtever. are u sure u arent an IEE?
    well nietzsche argued for slavery because in society there is always need for manual work to be done and higher peoples such as artists and poets don't like doing that stuff.
    i think every human needs a bit of manual work to be healthy but working manually to keep urself healthy also necessiates u to be healthy which isnt always possible. i guess it depends on context, but slaves were provided shit food and conditions. as i said conservatives wont treat someone properly, they are the ones enslaving others. they dont value art, so even if u are able to work for urself and make art at the same time they will do anything to keep u from doing art or doing good art. for instance a lot of the physical art here is landscapes, christian icons, soldiers, rural/city life, builings - all the most fucking boring and mundane shit bc anything significant is degenerate. the ppl who like to do meaningful art are often the ones suffering from health issues to top it off and so far i really cant deny that its related to having higher sensitivity empahty absorbing ppls negativity that makes u unhealthy. most healthy ppl arent healthy, they are too dull mentally to be affected by those factors. OFFENSIVE:
    N hunter gatherers get raped and used as slaves by dominant Se and Si tribes. this has been consistent throughout history. they were chosen as slaves. even jung said intuition is best suited for nature, and than Ni doms are the most useless kind of person, but also prophets. this is not to say there arent high quality sensors ffs or low quality intuitives. and really a lot of toxic conservative parents want their children to be slaves bc they think doing something for anyone other than their own parents is basically slavery bc they are narcissists. this all goes to what i said about fighting.

    but through suffering we can find meaning,
    meaning is despite suffering. suffering only detracts from it. suffering is there its not the creator of meaning. ppl who idealize suffering are delirious.
    Don't you find it hypocritical to paint such broad strokes over people from a LABEL? What you're saying right now about 'conservatives'. Lets replace that word with 'communist' and what you say can pass off as Mccarthy era propaganda. Or like with nazis lol. the jew...they dont learn or care. u cant make compromises with them. any little thing u give them they will exploit and u cant hope to get treated better by treating them well. wahtever u give them they will take and wahtever they owe u they will also take.

    just bc someone is attacking u, doesnt mean u should submit to them just so u dont fight them'
    but where did I say that? who is attacking you??
    u mean that somehow painting conservatives bad is hypocritical which is the same logic that defending urself against someone attacking u is bad and hypocritical. and yes attacking someone is bad but the context makes it so its not.

    is this the environment you are in! is that awful? if it is I suggest you move!
    i posted the yt comment here bc thats what most ppl are like in most of the world. as i said they only live to reproduce. they destroy others and replace thme with their own children then start wars bc they just keep expanding forever. they think they can just work hard and all their problems are solved, morality is only whats practical for reproducing and killing everyone so that everyone on earth is of ur own genes. war is something they look fowrard to. a lot of them are inseucre about their amsculnity and miss the good old timesi where ppl were brutalizing each other, where ppl couldnt talk shit if they were low on the domination hierarchy.
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    You have summoned thy nemesis yet again @VewyScawwyNawcissist. Mention me and I shall appear much like the devil himself .

    I will start off by needling you once more as @None did by stating yet again that you really need to work on your grammar and formatting. We aren't wrong. Jung, an IEI himself, wrote quite smoothly. Appreciably thorough yet more than a bit dry and overly long winded for my tastes, but that's me nitpicking a genius example of an archetype you only get to see every generation or two. I dug/dig his works and it is thus no surprise I ended up here.

    You truly do have potentially pointed, effective, perhaps even devastating counterarguments to my own. If you could put your points better ya might even get me to question my faith! If you are a demon that's not impossible as the "dumbest" demons are several times smarter than the smartest humans. Yet like a burgeoning author who thinks they know better than an S-Tier editor (metaphorically speaking), you think things like typos and plot holes matter not. Props for valuing so highly it hurts even ILI-Ni's like me but all functions need that balance and are thus linked for damned good reason. needs and all it implies. The wise accept this and adapt to it. You... seem to disregard it entirely. Touch some grass yes? Actually try speaking to some random straight Christian male sometime and do please for the love of God don't insult their religion won't you? Fighting words are fighting words and if you cold approach a Catholic saying the Church is a Satanic Cult don't be surprised if you get slugged in the face.

    As for your assertion that suffering detracts from meaning? First, are you a serious hardcore gnostic? It'd explain a lot if you answer affirmatively for me BTW. Second, how is the true and deep meaning and value of being virtuous valid if it is literally impossible to be vicious? If you really are an IEI than I'd highly recommend you listen/watch the works of a man I'm rather certain is your mirror. Fulton Sheen isn't a universally admired figure here on the "conservative" side but hey, broken clocks are right twice a day and the way an EIE's mind works is quite similar to my own.

    Also, just noticed, that banner you post on the bottom of your posts involves two very prominent ILI's, an IEI, and... Fuck I don't remember what Einstein is usually typed as...

    Point is, you seem to like a lot of people you would publicly say you hate. You knew this was coming so I'll just say it out loud. Are you aware of attachment issues and how they manifest in pretty much everyone? Because at this point I'm sadly willing to bet you're a victim of... Well it starts with an M and I don't think I need to state more in this rather public space.

    I'd challenge you, lastly, to fully prove that I am ultimately and fully insane. I do not and will never decry you or anyone else as truly beyond redemption. Only you/others can and may possibly do that. The one true God offers his grace to all, and only you can and may reject it. If you do than you have levied hell itself upon thyself by thine own volition.

    So now I issue the challenge. Bring up the point any and all "conservatives" will die to defend that you can and will categorically and deductively prove is the literal incarnation of insanity. Unless you are literally Satan himself I doubt you'll prove much of a challenge to any who are even remotely receptive to the truth...
    Last edited by End; 04-23-2022 at 03:42 AM.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Fighting words are fighting words and if you cold approach a Catholic saying the Church is a Satanic Cult don't be surprised if you get slugged in the face.
    THEY ARE FIGHTING ****WORDS*****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Point is, you seem to like a lot of people you would publicly say you hate.
    i can agree with someone about something doesnt mean i like them as a whole, as if they are perfect. i can agree with ppl i hate. i hate myself ffs. u are the one with the attachment issues. @End u are socially inept, hypocritical and self deceptive all of which is interrelated
    do not tell someone they will get slugged in the face, in public, or on the internet
    they all keep doing this shit then complain how violent libtards are
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    Or you can admit I'm right about a rather critical thing @VewyScawwyNawcissist. You have major attachment issues. If I'm a true demon would I be even remotely willing to, say, give you a hug? You are a strident and vehement enemy thus far. You hate me, yet I question why that is as "hatred" is a logical response to an expectation. An expectation that, if given the slightest opportunity, I"ll hurt you as hard and as violently as I can.

    I'll admit that is kinda what Gamma's do if pushed to the limit. We collectively suffer from a complex of "Tied-hands" as it were, but that isn't what we truly want. Fuck, get me in a room with the WEF and the likes of Schwab and yeah, you're gonna get a scene straight out of a horror movie. The mistake will come from assuming I enjoyed that. Like our blessed lord the true pain comes from the unrepentant sinner. Yet unlike him I doubt I'd be able to do what he did. He saw. He felt. He experienced the worst of us...

    And yet he still loved us and he still forgives us. If you can even begin to comprehend the very depths of what that means than perhaps we can stop being enemies in your mind...

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Or you can admit I'm right about a rather critical thing @VewyScawwyNawcissist. You have major attachment issues. If I'm a true demon would I be even remotely willing to, say, give you a hug? You are a strident and vehement enemy thus far. You hate me, yet I question why that is as "hatred" is a logical response to an expectation. An expectation that, if given the slightest opportunity, I"ll hurt you as hard and as violently as I can.
    u said ill get slugged in the face by someone with ur faith. it doesnt need to be as hard as as violent as u can for u to do it. ur mindset is harmful
    And yet he still loved us and he still forgives us. If you can even begin to comprehend the very depths of what that means than perhaps we can stop being enemies in your mind...
    then how about we just be enemies and forgive each other anyway?? who cares who hurts who and wahts fair.
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    'when did that become the same as being destroyed by Se'
    Se is not only punching and beating.

    if they arent intellectual but garbage then what worth are they?'
    intellect is a form of emotion. logic comes from emotion. i don't have to justify my sentiment through logic. why would I have to rationalize my sentiment? If I don't like something I don't like it. If I like something I like it. If I feel something I feel it. End of story.

    emotions are logical and should be'
    do you not see why I find your beta NF-ness dubious?

    are u sure u arent an IEE?'
    I would entertain every type so long as people suggest it except one that leads with an extraverted information element.

    i think every human needs a bit of manual work to be healthy'
    I don't. Nothing makes me more neurotic than having to do 'manual labor'.

    meaning is despite suffering. suffering only detracts from it.'
    good art only comes from suffering.

    u mean that somehow painting conservatives bad is hypocritical which is the same logic that defending urself against someone attacking u is bad and hypocritical. '
    I never said not to defend yourself. In fact I told you to defend yourself. If you are unable to do so leave your environment.

    'and yes attacking someone is bad but the context makes it so its not.'
    No it isn't. Attacking is good. To be on the offensive, to be able to fight- that is what I call 'virtue'

    'morality is only whats practical for reproducing'
    then stop critiquing 'conservatives' from a moral standpoint. feel free to critique their morals, but what you are doing is simply replacing their morals with your own. 'conservatism' is the anti-thesis of my views. you keep calling them the slave owners. they are the slaves! all the virtues 'conservative' morals of hard work and morality is precisely the virtue of slaves. conservative people are deltas enslaved by gammas.

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