
'u arent being quite honest or ur fantasizing'
but I am being honest! my eie friend who i've known my whole life basically said the same thing to me. (very much admires bluntness and directness. and people of great will) assuming my judgement of their EIE-ness is correct though!

'just bc there were "intellectuals" with bad views doesnt mean those bad views were intellectual.'
can bad views be intellectual? does it matter whether or not something is bad or good if it's correct? why do views have to be intellectual at all? my 'logic' only acts as rationalization of my sentiment. it always comes after the fact. I don't care much for 'logical consistency'. I do it for others only so that communication can be made easier.

'everything right with someone is "left" and everything wrong is "right".'
not quite sure what you mean here!

am cognitively impaired still ppl have regarded my writing asa very similar to other beta NFs here and other beta NFs have agreed.'
i thought it was a bit 'flat' at first. but that kind of changes when you did some all capsing in your post.

not sure if ur just playing a character to fit in some idea of waht a beta NF is.'
why? am I writing differently now? is it too siiiingy soooongy is that it? well I'm reaaally tired right now. Haven't slept for over 24 hours and did some brain working out today!

'nietszhe was a loser bitch coping with his inferiority. he didnt know how to lose, he didnt know his place so he wanted to drag others down with him. he is a coward too weak to recognize his own weakness. the correct way is the hard way and he wanted'
knowing how to lose is arguably one of the tenants of Nietzsche's philosophy! particularly amor fati and the eternal recurrence of the same! he did not want to drag others down with him! it's funny that you say this because he thought himself as a decadent! the downfall of a culture for nietzsche always coincides with philosophical musings! before plato those noble greeks barely produced written works! to him plato's philosophy was just a coping mechanism for greek defeat in the Peloponnesian War! for nietzsche life was suffering, but through suffering we can find meaning, through splendid visions of art and poetry, cultural achievements that will stand the test of time. philosophy to nietzsche was something you should stay away from! 'know thyself?' nietzsche scoffs. 'will thyself', he affirms.

'if thats the kind of slavery nietzsche advocated for ok. but then hes not a conservative.'
well nietzsche argued for slavery because in society there is always need for manual work to be done and higher peoples such as artists and poets don't like doing that stuff. it's kind of icky! for nietzsche the purpose of life was art and creation. and it is through the institution of slavery which allowed people, such as the greeks and the romans the free time to pursue their cultural achievements!

just bc someone is attacking u, doesnt mean u should submit to them just so u dont fight them'
but where did I say that? who is attacking you??

'bc attacking is bad'
Se PoLR?

thats like one of the fucking earliest things u have to learn'

thats the point of conservatism as a philosphy ideas etc. yeah maybe someone can call themslves conservative but not be that thing as much and maybe every conservative has something else inside of them that goes against that but that'
really? i've never thought of any political groups as monoliths. they never are! to actually get people to form a monolithic body of thought is a task of monumental feat! very very few men have been such talented leaders as to be able to achieve that. The only monolithic thought people really seem to have to me is that they don't think (Ti) very much at all!

those are people who have repeatedly chosen a higher power by submitting to their aprents or work conditions instead of trying to find their own way that avoids hurting others unfairly. its easier to care only about ur parents so u abuse gay ppl, vulnerable whoever minorities at work or whatever to keep urself mentally stable (not killing ur own parents) while claiming to be "self sufficient" and "not needing coddling" '
is this the environment you are in! is that awful? if it is I suggest you move!

Edit: i must sleep! I'll get back to you soon!