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Thread: Conservatives are insane

  1. #201
    Poptart's Avatar
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    Drag shows are dangerous but kiddie pageants are okay.

  2. #202
    Metanoia's Avatar
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    I can't believe people read anything bigger than a paragraph on this site. You should try it. You keep the little bit of sanity you have left

    She's not acid nor alkaline
    Caught between black and white
    Not quite either day or night
    She's perfectly misaligned
    I'm caught up in her design
    And how it connects to mine.

    Ooh, let's talk about chemistry
    'Cause I'm dying to melt through
    To the heart of her molecules
    'Til the particles part like holy water
    If anything, she's an undiscovered element
    Either born in hell or heaven-sent
    But either way I'm into it

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faerie Soiree View Post
    I can't believe people read anything bigger than a paragraph on this site. You should try it. You keep the little bit of sanity you have left
    How about just not reading the site at all? But as long as people read it, I'd prefer they read what I wrote, then they'd understand why they should stay away from it. Really, this site is seriously dangerous on so many levels. I'm different from most people but it's still dangerous for me.

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    How about just not reading the site at all? But as long as people read it, I'd prefer they read what I wrote, then they'd understand why they should stay away from it. Really, this site is seriously dangerous on so many levels. I'm different from most people but it's still dangerous for me.
    You know what you're right. Nothing's really here for me, except for a few people maybe but it's not like we're super close or anything. Wasted time but atleast I gained some experience of how strange the world can be. This site is a literal cult in all honesty. Imagine thinking a made up concept will be the elixir to all your problems? The literal key to a happy marriage? People are insane. I think it's more so a cope so they don't have to deal with reality

    She's not acid nor alkaline
    Caught between black and white
    Not quite either day or night
    She's perfectly misaligned
    I'm caught up in her design
    And how it connects to mine.

    Ooh, let's talk about chemistry
    'Cause I'm dying to melt through
    To the heart of her molecules
    'Til the particles part like holy water
    If anything, she's an undiscovered element
    Either born in hell or heaven-sent
    But either way I'm into it

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Whatever gives you the results you want is good, and whatever gives you results you don't want is bad.

    What does this have to do with anything? Do you feel like a slave? Also, a master and a slave is a much smaller scale than all of society. As long as you think the whole world has to burn because someone did something mean once, yeah, you're going to feel like a slave. That's kind of what slave morality is, but you seem to have missed the point.



    1. the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.

    Are cures for cancer not natural? Is peace not natural? Societies that don't practice human nature are certainly natural! It's natural for predators to eat prey and it's natural for trees to grow. It's natural for rivers to run and for winds to blow, and it's natural for water to freeze and the air to be still. Lots of things are natural. The key to nature is to understand it and use the laws of nature for your personal benefit, not to emulate nature. I literally used engineering as an example. An engineer learns physics and builds a machine.

    And no, unnatural societies are not part of nature. Unnatural societies die. Feudalism ended, human sacrifice on a social scale ended, chattel slavery ended (though many other forms still exist.) You can force societies to go against what the laws of nature dictate for a time like you can force a square peg into a round hole by hammering it hard enough. Eventually it'll come out, though. So don't force it. Study the world and use your knowledge of its laws.

    No, mostly because the Europeans didn't beat the Natives. Lots of Natives are still around, and some of them are heads of their respective states as well as other highly-accomplished individuals. Some of the natives that aren't around, though... well, back to your point about human sacrifice...

    ...I'm glad that's not around anymore. That is to say, it's no longer a part of nature because it was going against nature, and people were trying to force it into existence.

    How's your so-called authority working for you?

    Hı̇tler was in Russia during the winter. Did he withdraw from Russia in the winter? No, he just let his troops get slaughtered because he didn't know how bad Russian winter was. It doesn't even matter when he began the invasion, he still thought meteorology was a social construct and the world was made of ice.

    The fact there were way more than 300 people from all over Greece, yet the 300 Spartans claimed all the credit might've had a lot to do with that. Also they lost. How is a loser ever more powerful than a winner? That's like saying the Axis were more powerful than the Allies... oh, wait, that's exactly what you do think. I hope you feel so proud of being powerful enough to get banned, among all the other things that seem to be working out so well for you.

    “I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying. I don't want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment.”
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    “I now go alone, my disciples! You too go now, alone! Thus I want it. I advise you: depart from me, and guard yourselves against Zarathustra! And better still: be ashamed of him! Perhaps he has deceived you.” — Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

    I would reply but I am banned.

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    I will never vote Tory.

  7. #207
    sp874 Muira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Drag shows are dangerous but kiddie pageants are okay.

    Oof, both are not okay for kids. Grown men who are more than willing to judge little kids on their attractiveness and curves are kinda pedophiles, don't you think? Men in costume who are willing to perform sexual or even sexually suggestive acts in front of kids for money are not good people either, sounds like great potential for groomers to exploit such a system!
    Last edited by Muira; 06-12-2023 at 07:27 PM.

  8. #208


    I mean...I don't understand how anyone could even disagree with this, with the exception of "not knowing about sex until age 18," which is both unrealistic and consequential. There should be sex education so that kids understand that holding hands with someone isn't going to get them pregnant. It should be strictly educational about how the human body works, without any sensualizing or sexualized indoctrination being a part of it. "When the penis ejaculates into the vagina, sperm are released and they travel to the egg. Once the egg is fertilized, it forms into a baby." Not kids watching adults dance in their BDSM and underwear.

    Anyone who sees the grooming as acceptable is sick. This is all setting things up so that pedos will become a part of the LGBTQIA+ and then sexually abuse these children.

    Teens themselves are telling people that adults should never have allowed them to transition at such a young age.

  9. #209
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Adults must not bring their world into that of prepubescent children. We live in societies without super-ego. Taboos that should be repressed are coming from the shadow to the surface of consciousness and they are bringing about the ferment of a dissociated society.

  10. #210
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post

    I mean...I don't understand how anyone could even disagree with this, with the exception of "not knowing about sex until age 18," which is both unrealistic and consequential. There should be sex education so that kids understand that holding hands with someone isn't going to get them pregnant. It should be strictly educational about how the human body works, without any sensualizing or sexualized indoctrination being a part of it. "When the penis ejaculates into the vagina, sperm are released and they travel to the egg. Once the egg is fertilized, it forms into a baby."
    what about knowing ur orgasms doesnt mean the devil is possessing you, don't mean u are getting pregnant, that ur partner should care about u as u them, that if u are too vigorous u may cause an injury, that some ppl are manipulators who only care about getting themselves off. they should also know the difference between internal ejaculation and actually getting pregnant., they should know getting pregnant is not a crime, that anyone who chastizes them for it is severely mentally handicapped and potentially dangerous, that there are other people they can ask for help, that its not wrong to discuss and express their sexuality, that they shouldn't repress it but they also shouldn't impose it - know what borders are and how to communicate them which already involves "sexualizing" the conversation, and idk what else i havent thought of for now, but i definietly don't generally recall experiencing the use of the word "sexualize" as anything meaningful.
    this drag doesn't do anything for me, i suspect won't do anything negative for most children until their reactionary parents start hysterically seething, which would cause a child who doesn't understand react like their parent does internally if not externally, but not because they themselves have a problem, but because the parent does.
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  11. #211

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    The conservative solution to every problem is just arresting/executing all of the bad people

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