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Thread: Conservatives are insane

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    My main issue with Harris is that she wants to force kids to go to school under The Law and make that super strict and Umbridge-like, and I always thought that should be more of a choice- but a lot of people who feel the same way are Republicans and we all know how I tend to feel about Republicunts. She's also like my conflictor in Mayan Astrology. Or maybe they are Libertarians - I get the two confused because they are both too asshole-like socially at times.

    Anyway I'm actually pretty moderate on a lot of things, it just the 'GLBT-ness' in me tends to make rednecks foam at the mouth and call me a commie and panic - but really moderation (I'm a moderator here- and in other places lol) makes the healthiest sense to me usually. Even though that seems really boring and you don't win the game of thrones being in the middle or diplomatic, but I don't care about that because we don't live in Medieval Times. And sitting on the Iron Throne is always just a sad phyrric victory anyway no matter who is up there isn't it. Like Buffy told Glory when she was kicking her ass "Things change" lol

    My dad was more of a pure leftie, my mom is more moderate and I feel moderate but leaning to the left so it makes sense genetically lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    Well I don't think a theistic force would be able to easily take unallied states, considering the White House has the military at their backs. But maybe theistic forces could separate US territories from the main body.

    I think it's fairly likely that a war between theists and the US government would take place in urban areas, where theists would probably successfully use guerilla warfare tactics with their 2nd amendment authorized guns. If those are missing for whatever reason, there would probably be an attempt to use homemade weapons or black market guns.

    I don't really know about the potential for nuclear warfare. It depends on how well the US would look politically if they used it, and whether they could effectively use it against the theists.

    Edit: Actually, I didn't really consider stealth terrorist warfare. That might be effective, if it can avoid friendly fire.
    You're misunderstanding my vision of this possible future. To get a general idea consult the U.S. presidential electoral maps by county of the last few said elections. You got oceans of red surrounding dots of blue by and large. Hell, Orange Man hung such a picture up in the White House as one of his first acts. Why? Well, if I was him and knew all the "red" areas supported me I'd be feeling rather friggin' confident in myself and my own vision of my reign as president.

    Theism figures into this but it's also not entirely necessary. Ya don't have to be Christian to understand how things like discouraging the formation of strong nuclear families and robust local communities of like minded people is going to end badly for any civilization that embarks upon that demonic path. There is a time and place for self-doubt and reflection. There is no place for giving into despair and hating yourself so much you wish to die so badly you commit suicide.

    To set up a contrast: Volunteering for a "Suicide Mission" implies you love your fellows so much that you'd rather take their place upon the altar of sacrifice. That isn't a death of despair. That's going out in a blaze of glory! Hail those with the balls to trust so utterly in others that they'd die for their sake trusting that they won't fail to carry on and succeed in their collective goals!

    I'd also argue that once the "conservatives" purge the glowies and bad faith actors from their ranks with things like a simple Witch Test they'll start to win pretty hard and pretty fast. Once Conservatives actually start to fight in the culture war they'll have a major advantage. Here's a video I will elaborate on if asked but let's just say someone put a lot of my own thoughts down pretty damn well and I salute them for it:

    Gotta dig the visuals he chose there. Necrons. Undead Robots. If that isn't the perfect metaphor for our current managerial elites I don't know what is. A more perfect example of a spineless, soulless, spiritless, corporate little bitch expressed in visual format I've yet to find...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You're misunderstanding my vision of this possible future. To get a general idea consult the U.S. presidential electoral maps by county of the last few said elections. You got oceans of red surrounding dots of blue by and large. Hell, Orange Man hung such a picture up in the White House as one of his first acts. Why? Well, if I was him and knew all the "red" areas supported me I'd be feeling rather friggin' confident in myself and my own vision of my reign as president.
    Except that the red counties aren't as population dense as the blue counties. Though, population might not matter much if the majority of the blue county population doesn't have weapons.

    Of course, you'd need to worry about government weapons. Currently, the red population can't get access to automatic weapons. If the blue counties have warning, they can strategically place machine guns, turrets, and other red-forbidden technologies around the cities. Or, if they're feeling a little politically reckless, they can just bomb the red counties.

    If it weren't for the threat of bombing, I think that the reds would be better off being defensive. It's always harder to take something than it is to defend it.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I'd also argue that once the "conservatives" purge the glowies and bad faith actors from their ranks with things like a simple Witch Test
    I'm curious about this. I understand though that revealing information crucial to movements is generally not a good idea. I'm guessing this would be knowledge based or maybe feeling based, if you have the right people who can sense fakery.

    Edit: So this might cause the thread to get a little attention, but I'm not sure if the average person can make grenades. This might be a fairly important weapon in the battle against the blues, especially if alot of them seem to be crowded in a defensive city area. Blues will certainly have grenades, and I think that Ukraine might've showed that they can be a devastating weapon against an assault. That is, if the reds decide to assault the cities directly instead of using a different tactic.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-01-2022 at 12:02 PM. Reason: Minor edits.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pastor andy lee View Post

    Another one?

    Edit: I'm an idiot. This is Andy Lee.

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    Except that the red counties aren't as population dense as the blue counties. Though, population might not matter much if the majority of the blue county population doesn't have weapons.

    Of course, you'd need to worry about government weapons. Currently, the red population can't get access to automatic weapons. If the blue counties have warning, they can strategically place machine guns, turrets, and other red-forbidden technologies around the cities. Or, if they're feeling a little politically reckless, they can just bomb the red counties.

    If it weren't for the threat of bombing, I think that the reds would be better off being defensive. It's always harder to take something than it is to defend it.
    I'd ask the rather pertinent question of who exactly will be doing the bombing and, a rather fun consideration from my own thinking and shit I've been thinking about, even if you got the equipment and a fully willing dude/dudette to make the run are they even cognitively and physically capable of doing so?

    Infinite money and resources (I'll indulge a conceit that money=resources here to make my point) matters for exactly dick if you're throwing piles of money at zombies/bears/kittens/etc. who aren't even capable of comprehending how and why that matters! Sub IQ 85 diversity hires can be and are handed 6 figures because they check all the boxes but that won't change the fact they cannot comprehend the finer points of how algorithms and logistics work.

    What you speak of (blue dots effectively opposing the "barbarians" besieging them) requires "hard" men and women and they most certainly are not. Now I don't doubt the xenocidal zeal of the average wokie (demonic in origin as it is and thus actually beyond my visceral ability to comprehend as I've stated in other threads) to have the "will" and "desire" to carry out such an act. I simply and severely doubt their cognitive and physical ability to do so. Sin makes you stupid. And hey, if trig and the statement that 2+2=4 is "Colonial Cis White Male" logic and thus to be opposed on basic principle than hey, I'm not about to interrupt my enemies as they make a monumental fuck up.

    This extends to the PTB as well. They are few. We are many. Their "troops" are of poor quality. Mine/Ours are of the highest. Like that video I posted said. My side has truth and the actuality of human nature on its side...

    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    I'm curious about this. I understand though that revealing information crucial to movements is generally not a good idea. I'm guessing this would be knowledge based or maybe feeling based, if you have the right people who can sense fakery.

    Edit: So this might cause the thread to get a little attention, but I'm not sure if the average person can make grenades. This might be a fairly important weapon in the battle against the blues, especially if alot of them seem to be crowded in a defensive city area. Blues will certainly have grenades, and I think that Ukraine might've showed that they can be a devastating weapon against an assault. That is, if the reds decide to assault the cities directly instead of using a different tactic.
    Hahaha! Dude, aerosol cans are a thing. I mean fucking hell budget gas grenades are already on sale at your local Home Depot/Lowes/Menards! Bug bombs. Fumigators. Ask em' for such at customer service. They'll point ya right to em'.

    A simple match turns them into rather cheap, inefficient, yet effective incendiaries/low level/AOE FAE's instead! I notice you claim to share my type. I do wonder what your formative experiences are and if you are a theist. I myself admire and rather like quite a few points made by the likes of Rand and Nietzche, but I also see their critical failure clearly. They didn't want to admit or accept the fact that God is real. They refused to accept the evidence right before their eyes because, as Kirkegaard so eloquently put it, many a great thinker can, will, and has said unto God "Lord give me my system with but the caveat that I am wrong."

    I can admit that "Pride" is the sin most appealing to our collective type. paired with with a focus on over can and does produce prophecies so accurate you can and often do either become shocked at how right you got it or you pat yourself on the back as you scream "Damn am I Good!"

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I'd ask the rather pertinent question of who exactly will be doing the bombing and, a rather fun consideration from my own thinking and shit I've been thinking about, even if you got the equipment and a fully willing dude/dudette to make the run are they even cognitively and physically capable of doing so?

    Infinite money and resources (I'll indulge a conceit that money=resources here to make my point) matters for exactly dick if you're throwing piles of money at zombies/bears/kittens/etc. who aren't even capable of comprehending how and why that matters! Sub IQ 85 diversity hires can be and are handed 6 figures because they check all the boxes but that won't change the fact they cannot comprehend the finer points of how algorithms and logistics work.

    What you speak of (blue dots effectively opposing the "barbarians" besieging them) requires "hard" men and women and they most certainly are not. Now I don't doubt the xenocidal zeal of the average wokie (demonic in origin as it is and thus actually beyond my visceral ability to comprehend as I've stated in other threads) to have the "will" and "desire" to carry out such an act. I simply and severely doubt their cognitive and physical ability to do so. Sin makes you stupid. And hey, if trig and the statement that 2+2=4 is "Colonial Cis White Male" logic and thus to be opposed on basic principle than hey, I'm not about to interrupt my enemies as they make a monumental fuck up.

    This extends to the PTB as well. They are few. We are many. Their "troops" are of poor quality. Mine/Ours are of the highest. Like that video I posted said. My side has truth and the actuality of human nature on its side...

    Hahaha! Dude, aerosol cans are a thing. I mean fucking hell budget gas grenades are already on sale at your local Home Depot/Lowes/Menards! Bug bombs. Fumigators. Ask em' for such at customer service. They'll point ya right to em'.

    A simple match turns them into rather cheap, inefficient, yet effective incendiaries/low level/AOE FAE's instead! I notice you claim to share my type. I do wonder what your formative experiences are and if you are a theist. I myself admire and rather like quite a few points made by the likes of Rand and Nietzche, but I also see their critical failure clearly. They didn't want to admit or accept the fact that God is real. They refused to accept the evidence right before their eyes because, as Kirkegaard so eloquently put it, many a great thinker can, will, and has said unto God "Lord give me my system with but the caveat that I am wrong."

    I can admit that "Pride" is the sin most appealing to our collective type. paired with with a focus on over can and does produce prophecies so accurate you can and often do either become shocked at how right you got it or you pat yourself on the back as you scream "Damn am I Good!"
    I guess I have the following responses to this:
    -I seem to share your type, but I'm not similar. I seem to be more like the EII. I've only typed myself as this due to what seems like SLI levels of business logic in the past, apparent undervaluing of Si, and the decisive and constructive dichotomies. I'm generally not well read, and I think I might have aristocratic qualities.
    -I'm not a theist. However, I have a background with theists.
    -The demographics of blues aren't just diversity hires. There seem to be sane people in there. This pool has somewhat increased since what I'm guessing is 2020, but is probably definitely due to some set of events that happened between 2016-2020. They might even make up the majority, but on this point, I'm not really sure about demographics.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-03-2022 at 04:56 AM. Reason: Technicalities.

  8. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    I guess I have the following responses to this:
    -I seem to share your type, but I'm not similar. I seem to be more like the EII. I've only typed myself as this due to what seems like SLI levels of business logic in the past, apparent undervaluing of Si, and the decisive and constructive dichotomies. I'm generally not well read, and I think I might have aristocratic qualities.
    -I'm not a theist. However, I have a background with theists.
    -The demographics of blues aren't just diversity hires. There seem to be sane people in there. This pool has somewhat increased since what I'm guessing is 2020, but is probably definitely due to some set of events that happened between 2016-2020. They might even make up the majority, but on this point, I'm not really sure about demographics.
    Won't change the fact that they are surrounded Siege style by the likes of me who aren't at all interested in anything but their unconditional surrender. That's on them BTW.

    I'd also once more point out that while quantity has a quality all its own ya can't really compensate for things like perfect positions, expertly executed ambushes, etc.

    Seriously study any city in the United States. Yeah, the whole damn Highway System is, technically, constructed in such a way as to make it a master class in how to disguise a defensive work. I'll give Eisenhower that one. Hell, I'll give the shitlibs that one.

    One problem on that last one though. Commies (modern commies mind you) aren't exactly the types that'd relish a last stand.

    The big problem the PTB has is that their promises are ultimately beyond empty....

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Won't change the fact that they are surrounded Siege style by the likes of me who aren't at all interested in anything but their unconditional surrender. That's on them BTW.

    I'd also once more point out that while quantity has a quality all its own ya can't really compensate for things like perfect positions, expertly executed ambushes, etc.

    Seriously study any city in the United States. Yeah, the whole damn Highway System is, technically, constructed in such a way as to make it a master class in how to disguise a defensive work. I'll give Eisenhower that one. Hell, I'll give the shitlibs that one.

    One problem on that last one though. Commies (modern commies mind you) aren't exactly the types that'd relish a last stand.

    The big problem the PTB has is that their promises are ultimately beyond empty....
    It's probably true that if anyone has a good understanding of survival tactics, it's not the common blue. The demographic that could have it would live in the gangland I guess, but their ability to coordinate an attack seems to be questionable sometimes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    My main issue with Harris is that she wants to force kids to go to school under The Law and make that super strict and Umbridge-like, and I always thought that should be more of a choice- but a lot of people who feel the same way are Republicans and we all know how I tend to feel about Republicunts. She's also like my conflictor in Mayan Astrology. Or maybe they are Libertarians - I get the two confused because they are both too asshole-like socially at times.
    Ah yes, of all the things she's done, the worst would clearly be forcing kids to have a future. Making them have an opportunity beyond enslavement to flipping burgers 80 hours a week... such a cruel assh0le rEpUbliCuNTZ.

    Imagine how non-existant your understanding of basic survival needs would need to be for you to say this
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 11-07-2022 at 12:23 PM.

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    I look forward to watching some of you people live out your lives playing social games on here, ... as you age, realizing and suppressing thoughts of how much time you've all wasted... but cemented in habit and in circumstances, unable to get away.. the biggest payoff will come at the end. Some of you will learn you have cancer.. then there's that beautiful moment of truth where you have nothing to look back on, but one big giant regret over your worthless existence, just slurping mountain dews and laughing at the memes. Masturbating... complaining about republicans publicly, and trading accolades... rinse and repeat. Ending in nothing but regret, the only comfort remaining is the end of the pain. Giving in to the end... Such a beautiful moment of justice.
    Ah, I can't wait to see it.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 11-08-2022 at 02:11 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    I look forward to watching some of you people live out your lives playing social games on here, ... as you age, realizing and suppressing thoughts of how much time you've all wasted... but cemented in habit and in circumstances, unable to get away.. the biggest payoff will come at the end. Some of you will learn you have cancer.. then there's that beautiful moment of truth where you have nothing to look back on, but one big giant regret over your worthless existence, just slurping mountain dews and laughing at the memes. Masturbating... complaining about republicans publicly, and trading accolades... rinse and repeat. Ending in nothing but regret, the only comfort remaining is the end of the pain. Giving in to the end... Such a beautiful moment of justice.
    Ah, I can't wait to see it.
    The only person you'll see that for is yourself. This forum is dead. No one posts here anymore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    The only person you'll see that for is yourself. This forum is dead. No one posts here anymore.
    This forum dying would be a great outcome too, but has not happened yet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    I look forward to watching some of you people live out your lives playing social games on here, ... as you age, realizing and suppressing thoughts of how much time you've all wasted... but cemented in habit and in circumstances, unable to get away.. the biggest payoff will come at the end. Some of you will learn you have cancer.. then there's that beautiful moment of truth where you have nothing to look back on, but one big giant regret over your worthless existence, just slurping mountain dews and laughing at the memes. Masturbating... complaining about republicans publicly, and trading accolades... rinse and repeat. Ending in nothing but regret, the only comfort remaining is the end of the pain. Giving in to the end... Such a beautiful moment of justice.
    Ah, I can't wait to see it.
    You could be doing the same instead of wasting your time here too, you know.

    At least everyone else on the forum seems to be enjoying themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    I look forward to watching some of you people live out your lives playing social games on here, ... as you age, realizing and suppressing thoughts of how much time you've all wasted... but cemented in habit and in circumstances, unable to get away.. the biggest payoff will come at the end. Some of you will learn you have cancer.. then there's that beautiful moment of truth where you have nothing to look back on, but one big giant regret over your worthless existence, just slurping mountain dews and laughing at the memes. Masturbating... complaining about republicans publicly, and trading accolades... rinse and repeat. Ending in nothing but regret, the only comfort remaining is the end of the pain. Giving in to the end... Such a beautiful moment of justice.
    Ah, I can't wait to see it.
    I mean, it's not really wasted time when you enjoy the memes more than real life most of the time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post

    Gotta dig the visuals he chose there. Necrons. Undead Robots. If that isn't the perfect metaphor for our current managerial elites I don't know what is. A more perfect example of a spineless, soulless, spiritless, corporate little bitch expressed in visual format I've yet to find...
    It's ironic that he used the necrons when he could've just used Games Workshop themselves.

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    So I thought about the possibility of a red uprising and discussed this with some friends that I have that already know about the potential, and I think that ultimately, it's unlikely that it'll happen. It's not necessarily that it's not feasible, but for it to happen, blues have to greatly overstep their boundaries. Otherwise, I think that the average red won't be willing to risk their lives or their families' to take control of the US. I don't think that what the blues have done, or seem to be willing to do currently, is enough to incite the reds.

    2016 was a great opportunity for this kind of thing to happen because at that time, societal corruption was at a high and it was clearly getting worse. However, blues, having been shaken by the election of the former US president, are now more careful about trying to cause social change. Societal corruption now might not necessarily be clearly getting worse. Therefore, the blue threat factor isn't that great. I think in these cases, the masses might generally just go back to their normal lives.

    I live in a sort of political or information bubble, so I might be wrong about this. It does seem like there's a significant population that supports the reds (they seem to be winning the senate). What's relevant is why the population voted for red senators (whether it's due to something practical like inflation and dissatisfaction with Biden, or whether they're angry about the system and societal morality for some reason).

    Edit: Something I didn't consider in my above analysis is charisma. With the right words, a person could motivate the masses to have certain views or take certain actions.

    Here's a breakdown about how I think this will work demographically:
    -18-30 year olds: Soldiers.
    -30-60 year olds: Providers. They house and provide resources to the soldiers.

    Generally, I expect the following actions to happen during the war:
    -Soldiers will hold an area (probably their territory) using guerrilla warfare and weapons that they acquire or have already acquired. For them to be successful here, they basically have to be able to group and maybe organize themselves reliably (at least have good communication and a similar understanding on what to do). Their success basically depends on whether they can group and have military-resistant fortifications before the military squashes them.
    -Soldiers will probably attack a city. I don't know whether this'll happen before or after they hold their territory (it depends on human behavior). Generally, I think that this is the least likely to work. The most feasible plan here is for the soldiers to do hit and run tactics on anything bringing resources to the city (essentially doing a siege to force them to surrender).
    -The US government will try to crack down on the reds. This will likely result in "atrocities" (we could say the bombing of non combatants and children) against the reds.
    -Military operations will probably be unreliable to the US government unless they do some kind of careful political filtering. I believe this because while the head of the military appears to have characteristics that will likely make them blue-allied, the average person might be red leaning (especially in the later stages of the war, due to ethics).
    -There will be an underground media that talks about the atrocities of war. This will convince more people to be soldiers or providers.
    -Providers will negatively be affected by the war. This might cause there to be less providers.

    I think that the reds might have the following flaws:
    -Communicational stupidity. While reds vary in intelligence (some being very smart and others not so smart), January 6 has showed us that some soldier-types are not very good at knowing where they should communicate their plans. If the US decides to do a major crackdown, it might be fairly hard for reds to effectively group. Generally, I think this might be a problem that wasn't present in other forms of guerilla-type warfare (such as the US invasion of Iraq).
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-10-2022 at 06:02 PM.

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    Well the "Red Wave" was more like a red splash. In a wading pool.

    I admit I take complete responsibility for this. I cast one of my powerful magic spells because I am a powerful Jew Sage. I'm not too keen on democrats either, I just find Republicunts too abhorrent and I'm tired of their bullshit lies. I can't pretend to be cool and moderate anymore. Sorry not sorry. If you want to defriend me or view me as your enemy then so be it. I'm not completely left-wing on everything, but I definitely... orient to the left, as it were. I think this is pretty obvious, but I'm just saying.

    Fine. My IEIness + Libra rising is like 'Shazaam you have to be fair!' As much as I want to gloat that the Republicunts lost (esp. compared to usual midterm election results) - I will say I don't like how spineless and cowardly the demoncrats usually are either. They say 'I don't care who you voted for I'm just glad you voted' and other bullshit nicey nice pc things that don't mean anything. They have too bad of a habit of not answering questions directly or with enough force. Rub it in their face. That's what they would do to you. So u say two wrongs don't make a right- but more left wing ppl do. I just wish left-wingers had more of a fighting spirit, but I suppose we're also smart enough to know fighting is kinda stupid and just eventually gets you killed even if in the first battle you are victorious. And also a sign they are not letting power go to their heads but it doesn't seem very honest either.

    I alone cast a spell that changed the entire world- I'm powerful and I let it go to my head.

    I am so glad Tudor Dixon IS NOT MY GOVERNOR. She literally looks like REGINA HURT'S daughter from my adventure comics LOL. Actually funnily enough- Gretchen Whitmer reminds me of Regina Hurt herself in some ways but I'd rather be governed by the real thing than somebody's photo copy.

    Michigan still is overly ambivalent and kinda meh about GLBTQ issues though. I mean in a lot of counties GLBT books got banned in libraries. Let's please stop with the panic. Nobody in their right mind wants to see kids getting hurt, gay and straight alike. I don't think those books are trying to "groom" kids. I think they are just being kinda ultra SJW and trying to teach people that there are gay people in the world. And learning about them from an early age will prevent bullying and suicide and promote inclusion. It makes sense tbh. People are usually a lot less likely to hate and fear what they learn to understand.

    But I'm not sure you should start the dialogue by dressing in drag, going in a trailer park- and then saying 'It's storytime kids.' Naturally a str8 man redneck would get annoyed at that and want to stop u. And it allows Republicunts to try and use u as a scapegoat or easy target. Well, people with brain cells should know that a gay man in drag reading some book to a kid doesn't mean OH MY GOD HE GONNA MOLEST HIM!!!!! - but not many people have that many brain cells.

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    SJWness is annoying tho.

    Like I mean some SJW comes and is like "Look at all the contributions women did for society!" and expect us all to just agree with it like Nazis or something.

    Of course you realize some women have done some amazing things. But naturally your brain goes to the cruel and selfish and evil/vile woman who manipulated events only for herself- and wasn't some do-gooder Whitelighter. Same with gays/blacks/any minority. You are groomed to believe all straight white male assholes are Demons - but then you remember the str8 white man that was just kind to you and fixed your toilet or something. The problem with the way Hollywood handles 'SJW issues' is definitely pretty retarded. No matter how much a white str8 man flogs themselves with a whip, they are never happy or satisfied.

    Hey I'm easy. Flog yourself just once and I'll forgive you. Probably.

    The Point: Being too pushy and 'teach-y' with this stuff doesn't work and backfires. I'm not sure banning books is the way to go though. You can burn a bunch of gay books if it will make you feel better- but can you ban the gay etched in your own heart?

    I am going to be the first openly gay male president!

    j/k. As my IEI celebrity friend says "I would never run a race in politics. I'd be too afraid I'd win."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    The problem with the way Hollywood handles 'SJW issues' is definitely pretty retarded. No matter how much a white str8 man flogs themselves with a whip, they are never happy or satisfied.
    Hollywood in general is retarded. The real issue is it doesn't stop being retarded when it tries to talk about serious things instead of retarded things.

    That being said, the only people who are happy flogging themselves are BDSM people, and that's not exactly Hollywood's niche.

    j/k. As my IEI celebrity friend says "I would never run a race in politics. I'd be too afraid I'd win."
    I mean, probably.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    Well the "Red Wave" was more like a red splash. In a wading pool.

    I admit I take complete responsibility for this. I cast one of my powerful magic spells because I am a powerful Jew Sage. I'm not too keen on democrats either, I just find Republicunts too abhorrent and I'm tired of their bullshit lies. I can't pretend to be cool and moderate anymore. Sorry not sorry. If you want to defriend me or view me as your enemy then so be it. I'm not completely left-wing on everything, but I definitely... orient to the left, as it were. I think this is pretty obvious, but I'm just saying.

    Fine. My IEIness + Libra rising is like 'Shazaam you have to be fair!' As much as I want to gloat that the Republicunts lost (esp. compared to usual midterm election results) - I will say I don't like how spineless and cowardly the demoncrats usually are either. They say 'I don't care who you voted for I'm just glad you voted' and other bullshit nicey nice pc things that don't mean anything. They have too bad of a habit of not answering questions directly or with enough force. Rub it in their face. That's what they would do to you. So u say two wrongs don't make a right- but more left wing ppl do. I just wish left-wingers had more of a fighting spirit, but I suppose we're also smart enough to know fighting is kinda stupid and just eventually gets you killed even if in the first battle you are victorious. And also a sign they are not letting power go to their heads but it doesn't seem very honest either.

    I alone cast a spell that changed the entire world- I'm powerful and I let it go to my head.

    I am so glad Tudor Dixon IS NOT MY GOVERNOR. She literally looks like REGINA HURT'S daughter from my adventure comics LOL. Actually funnily enough- Gretchen Whitmer reminds me of Regina Hurt herself in some ways but I'd rather be governed by the real thing than somebody's photo copy.

    Michigan still is overly ambivalent and kinda meh about GLBTQ issues though. I mean in a lot of counties GLBT books got banned in libraries. Let's please stop with the panic. Nobody in their right mind wants to see kids getting hurt, gay and straight alike. I don't think those books are trying to "groom" kids. I think they are just being kinda ultra SJW and trying to teach people that there are gay people in the world. And learning about them from an early age will prevent bullying and suicide and promote inclusion. It makes sense tbh. People are usually a lot less likely to hate and fear what they learn to understand.

    But I'm not sure you should start the dialogue by dressing in drag, going in a trailer park- and then saying 'It's storytime kids.' Naturally a str8 man redneck would get annoyed at that and want to stop u. And it allows Republicunts to try and use u as a scapegoat or easy target. Well, people with brain cells should know that a gay man in drag reading some book to a kid doesn't mean OH MY GOD HE GONNA MOLEST HIM!!!!! - but not many people have that many brain cells.
    Generally, I'd say that book banning is a bad idea. I think that it's always good to spread the truth, even if it's about topics that disrupt the "manners" or the "cleanness" of the social sphere. I guess I don't always embody this ideal.

    I guess there's a difference between talking about forbidden content in a group and having a book about it on a shelf in the library. In a group, people are forced to listen to it. If it bothers them emotionally somehow, there's nothing they can really do to stop listening to it except leave the group, and they might want to be in the group at that time for some reason. On a shelf, they can basically decide whether they read it or not. It's basically their choice to get offended.

    I guess my philosophy is that everyone should have the freedom to acquire the information that they want to, even if it changes their views in ways that could be potentially bad for society. I guess this philosophy might be based on the idea that information freedom is good for society from a critical thinking standpoint. Ultimately though, I think that I support this viewpoint because I would prefer to live in a society with unrestricted knowledge. Reading this now, I'm aware that I'm basically assuming that everyone should adopt my moral system because of my preference for it.

    Edit: Not to derail the thread too much here, but I had no problem reading your posts, and they were enjoyable to read. If my post here implies that I'm an EII, there might be something wrong with the ITR's (this doesn't fit Quasi-Identical).

    Edit 2: Now the last sentence before the first edit seems too harsh to me. I'm keeping it there for scientific reasons.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-12-2022 at 12:02 AM. Reason: Added more information.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    Well the "Red Wave" was more like a red splash. In a wading pool.

    I admit I take complete responsibility for this. I cast one of my powerful magic spells because I am a powerful Jew Sage. I'm not too keen on democrats either, I just find Republicunts too abhorrent and I'm tired of their bullshit lies. I can't pretend to be cool and moderate anymore. Sorry not sorry. If you want to defriend me or view me as your enemy then so be it. I'm not completely left-wing on everything, but I definitely... orient to the left, as it were. I think this is pretty obvious, but I'm just saying.


    I alone cast a spell that changed the entire world- I'm powerful and I let it go to my head.
    ...But seriously, let's assume that the reason the election was swung is because of people casting spells. Don't you think that, at minimum, there were also other people casting spells, seeing how big the witchcraft section of even mainstream bookstores and libraries tends to be? And if there were other people casting spells, maybe they were also effective, and if they weren't, why was yours uniquely the only one that did anything?

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    Insane? In what way? Just want to hear more before I debate

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    I think the idea of rights inherent in nature is coherent and we do not get rights from the state. Sure, the state can Tianmen Square you, but I don't think that's ever been what "right to life" has meant, for one specific example.
    Rights are a product of the law, the law which is enforced by the state. Without the state, there are no laws, without laws, there are no rights. What 'right to life' is about is irrevelvant. In order to enforce a 'right to life' one would have to use the arm of the state in order to do so.

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    I'll tell you one thing though, the title of this thread is correct.
    No conservative has ever conserved anything in their entire life, [other than their money] did I ever tell you the definition of insanity...?
    What can you possibly hold to conserve in the 'current year'? Traditional values? Those have been destroyed a long time ago. If you want something resembling tradition you're going to have to be a radical, and thus be a reactionary and not a conservative. Time does not travel backwards so you will get a surfeit of resistance. How about though, instead of dealing with ideals, you deal with proper nouns. Problems have solutions, and instead of pussy footing around you address the issue.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    Rights are a product of the law, the law which is enforced by the state. Without the state, there are no laws, without laws, there are no rights. What 'right to life' is about is irrevelvant. In order to enforce a 'right to life' one would have to use the arm of the state in order to do so.
    This is completely missing the point. There are natural laws. I know you're a Julius Evola fan, but acting like you're coming up with these ideas out of thin air and no one has ever made a counterargument against them ever doesn't make you look smarter. Julius Evola wouldn't have agreed with natural law, sure but I do, and if you think might makes right, the US and other republics are still here and hold basically all the global power while fascist countries don't exist at all, and if you don't think might makes right, what are you into fascism for?

  27. #187


    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    There are natural laws.
    Mind/intellect exists out of them?

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    @Coeruleum Blue
    I'm not a fan of Evola or Tradition. I know Evola through Guenon because I had a brief affair with Hindu philosophy some years back. I don't know Evola's thoughts on natural right but I have a feeling they echo de'maistre. I don't care too much for the latter either. As for my thoughts on natural right I will tell you this:

    'Natural Law' is contradictio in adjecto, laws are BY DEFINITION artifical. Pray tell what legal agreement has occured in nature?

    I don't know what might makes right or fascism have to do with anything discussed either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    Mind/intellect exists out of them?
    Yes. I think that's the blessing to humankind the rational animal that puts us above all the beast kinds of animals and, depending on what you believe, all the rest of creation as well. I think that's what rationality is. The idea behind rationality is the idea of a ratio and we can think in terms of relationships between anything, anywhere, anytime rather than just reacting to stimuli because a part of the human mind itself is essentially supernatural in the truest sense. Among all things I possess I am most thankful for my mind, and I cultivate it every day as much as I can. If a large part of humanity were not completely insane, we would be the masters of the entire universe, but even our partial mastery is more impressive than anything else in creation and I am thankful for that as it is, and every day I fight against the tide that seeks to undermine it, that sees humanity as equal to or even worse than the rest of creation, that thinks we know nothing, can know nothing, or ought to know nothing. What humanity's purpose according to natural law is seems quite clear to me, and that's why I say there must be natural laws, and whoever studies and follows the natural laws always ends up with the most power long-term as sort of a reward to them for follow the natural law for humanity. Natural laws aren't just some kind of abstract philosophical or theological thing in my opinion, they are literally the same as the laws of nature, and to a very large extent you really can derive ought from is, if you keep what you want and how you can get it in the front of your mind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    @Coeruleum Blue
    I'm not a fan of Evola or Tradition. I know Evola through Guenon because I had a brief affair with Hindu philosophy some years back. I don't know Evola's thoughts on natural right but I have a feeling they echo de'maistre. I don't care too much for the latter either. As for my thoughts on natural right I will tell you this:

    'Natural Law' is contradictio in adjecto, laws are BY DEFINITION artifical. Pray tell what legal agreement has occured in nature?
    Try jumping off a building and tell me what happens. If the state doesn't need your personal consent to govern you, why should you have to sign the natural contract to be affected by gravity? If Rousseau refuses to sign the social contract or you refuse to sign the natural contract, nothing happens, but there are still natural laws behind interacting with a society (which you can hopefully potentially opt out of if you really want by not actually interacting with society) and natural laws behind physics, chemistry, biology and the like. Both of these together have a lot to do with statecraft, as Hı̇tler learned from invading Russia in the winter.

    I don't know what might makes right or fascism have to do with anything discussed either.
    You shill for authoritarianism and the idea of dying in a war for honor. You are a fascist. You don't have to say "fascism fascism fascism" to be a fascist. Additionally, fascists don't believe in natural law and that's one of the main bases for fascism. It's probably also one the main reasons fascists are consistently defeated, seeing what happens when you think the laws of nature are a social construct and decide to invade Russia in the winter.

  31. #191


    @Coeruleum Blue, your current location makes me think of Douglas Harding

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    but there are still natural laws behind interacting with a society
    There is no such thing as 'Society', each and every group is different and has it's own different standard of behavior. I don't imagine our kind of society to share the kinds of ethics ancient hellenistic society did. When you say there are 'natural laws' you are a claiming there is a universal standard of behavior that can be deduced from nature. This is absolutely absurd and has no basis in reality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    You shill for authoritarianism and the idea of dying in a war for honor.
    I don't shill for 'ism' I shill for authority, MY authority [when expedient] because anyone who is competent at anything does not 'discuss' things democratically; they proclaim and dictate them. Yes, dying for just wars is an honor and most people think this way. I don't know what natural law has to do with fascism. I don't even know what you mean by 'fascism'. I thought ****** was supposed to be a Darwinist or something.
    Last edited by Anonymous; 05-20-2023 at 12:14 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    There is no such thing as 'Society', each and every group is different and has it's own different standard of behavior. I don't imagine our kind of society to share the kinds of ethics ancient hellenistic society did. When you say there are 'natural laws' you are a claiming there is a universal standard of behavior that can be deduced from nature. This is absolutely absurd and has no basis in reality.
    There is a universal standard of behavior that can be deduced from nature: The one that works the best is the natural law. The punishment for trying to break or ignore the natural law is for things not to work. Some societies are clearly functioning better than others, and I think those are the ones that are closer to the natural law than others, even though I still think even they make mistakes and often ones that look really major to me. Just like if you want to engineer a machine you learn how to use the laws of nature to build that machine, if you want to build a society you learn how to follow the laws of nature as they would be applicable to society. The laws of nature as they would be applicable to society are much more abstract than the laws of nature as they would be applicable to a machine, and people are much more frequently blinded by the various kinds of emotional attachments and personal investments they might have into making poor decisions about them, but they still very much exist. The Allies beat the Axis because the Allies were organizing their societies more along the laws of nature than the Axis were.

    I don't shill for 'ism' I shill for authority, MY authority [when expedient] because anyone who is competent at anything does not 'discuss' things democratically; they proclaim and dictate them. Yes, dying for just wars is an honor and most people think this way. I don't know what natural law has to do with fascism. I don't even know what you mean by 'fascism'. I thought ****** was supposed to be a Darwinist or something.
    What exactly are you competent at here? You're on a forum, but it isn't your forum. You're not in charge of it. You're not providing any kind of good or service. What authority do you have whatsoever? The authority to tell other people how to be like you? And then they tell other people how to be like them? But no one in such a chain would ever actually accomplish anything except making themselves feel like the biggest martyr ever. 'Darwinism' is also not really a thing any more than 'Orwellianism' is the philosophy of George Orwell. Now 'Social Darwinism' is a term that has had historical use, but even that's kind of an appropriation, since Darwin never supported 'Social Darwinism,' either.

    Yes, dying for just wars is an honor and most people think this way.
    "I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country." - George Patton

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    The one that works the best is the natural law.
    What is 'best', best for what? By which standard of metric are you measuring 'best'?
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Some societies are clearly functioning better than others
    What does it mean to 'function better'? Why are you in the position to make apriori judgements of value? Surely the slave thinks society is not functioning correctly, surely if it was functioning correctly he would not be a slave! But to his master everything is as it should be, and he pays no attention to the whinings of how things 'ought' to be.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    ' if you want to build a society you learn how to follow the laws of nature as they would be applicable to society.
    There is no such thing as 'SOCIETY'. What is acceptable in one kind of society need not be in another! Is unnatural society not in itself a part of nature? Are birth defects not natural? Is war not natural? Societies that practice human sacrifice are certainly natural! If it was not natural, these societies would not be found in nature!
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    ' The Allies beat the Axis because the Allies were organizing their societies more along the laws of nature than the Axis were.
    What rubbish! Did the Europeans beat the natives because the Europeans were organizing their societies more along the laws of nature than the Natives were?
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    'The authority to tell other people how to be like you?'
    No, the authority to tell you how things actually are in reality. Not in your narrow perspective.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    'Darwinism' is also not really a thing'
    I brought it up because you were speaking in memes: 'isms' and the like, or saying blatantly untrue things like ****** invading in the winter when he invaded in the summer, supposedly ******'s racial ideology was influenced by Darwin, and then you are telling me I am supposedly a ******ite because I don't believe in governing 'society' according to 'laws of nature', just like ****** apparently!

    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    "I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country."
    The 300 spartans lost, yet they are remembered for being far more powerful than the Persians who killed them.

    From Beyond Good and Evil:

    You desire to LIVE "according to Nature"? Oh, you noble Stoics, what fraud of words! Imagine to yourselves a being like Nature, boundlessly extravagant, boundlessly indifferent, without purpose or consideration, without pity or justice, at once fruitful and barren and uncertain: imagine to yourselves INDIFFERENCE as a power—how COULD you live in accordance with such indifference? To live—is not that just endeavouring to be otherwise than this Nature? Is not living valuing, preferring, being unjust, being limited, endeavouring to be different? And granted that your imperative, "living according to Nature," means actually the same as "living according to life"—how could you do DIFFERENTLY? Why should you make a principle out of what you yourselves are, and must be? In reality, however, it is quite otherwise with you: while you pretend to read with rapture the canon of your law in Nature, you want something quite the contrary, you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders! In your pride you wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein; you insist that it shall be Nature "according to the Stoa," and would like everything to be made after your own image, as a vast, eternal glorification and generalism of Stoicism! With all your love for truth, you have forced yourselves so long, so persistently, and with such hypnotic rigidity to see Nature FALSELY, that is to say, Stoically, that you are no longer able to see it otherwise—and to crown all, some unfathomable superciliousness gives you the Bedlamite hope that BECAUSE you are able to tyrannize over yourselves—Stoicism is self-tyranny—Nature will also allow herself to be tyrannized over: is not the Stoic a PART of Nature?... But this is an old and everlasting story: what happened in old times with the Stoics still happens today, as soon as ever a philosophy begins to believe in itself. It always creates the world in its own image; it cannot do otherwise; philosophy is this tyrannical impulse itself, the most spiritual Will to Power, the will to "creation of the world," the will to the causa prima.

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    Conservatives are insane. Democrats are useless. Both sides say one thing but do another.
    e.g. Conservatives are for small government, but they want to encroach further on human rights and thereby increase government overreach. Democrats say they are for human rights, but they barely will lift a finger to do a damned thing to protect human rights. They are for more regulation, but they fail to codify anything meaningful to regulate anything aside from small businesses.

    In the end, they are both for the same thing: corporate rights. Why? Because they represent corporations, not the people.

    Well, corporations are people, but not really. I mean, legally they are people. But really, they are not. And legally, real people don't mean shit.

    The uncertainty principle applies to so many things. Is the system broken? Or is it working just as intended?

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    Conservatives are insane. Democrats are useless. Both sides say one thing but do another.
    e.g. Conservatives are for small government, but they want to encroach further on human rights and thereby increase government overreach. Democrats say they are for human rights, but they barely will lift a finger to do a damned thing to protect human rights. They are for more regulation, but they fail to codify anything meaningful to regulate anything aside from small businesses.

    In the end, they are both for the same thing: corporate rights. Why? Because they represent corporations, not the people.

    Well, corporations are people, but not really. I mean, legally they are people. But really, they are not. And legally, real people don't mean shit.

    The uncertainty principle applies to so many things. Is the system broken? Or is it working just as intended?
    Legally corporations aren't people, that's actually the big difference. Legally they are assets (or let's say a conglomerate of assets) which produce income or loss, owned by either other companies or by private citizens.

    So yeah, they're not necessarily supposed to be human, they're more like a rock, or a tree, or a house.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Legally corporations aren't people, that's actually the big difference. Legally they are assets (or let's say a conglomerate of assets) which produce income or loss, owned by either other companies or by private citizens.

    So yeah, they're not necessarily supposed to be human, they're more like a rock, or a tree, or a house.
    Legally, corporations are often people, sadly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    What is 'best', best for what? By which standard of metric are you measuring 'best'?
    Whatever gives you the results you want is good, and whatever gives you results you don't want is bad.

    What does it mean to 'function better'? Why are you in the position to make apriori judgements of value? Surely the slave thinks society is not functioning correctly, surely if it was functioning correctly he would not be a slave! But to his master everything is as it should be, and he pays no attention to the whinings of how things 'ought' to be.
    What does this have to do with anything? Do you feel like a slave? Also, a master and a slave is a much smaller scale than all of society. As long as you think the whole world has to burn because someone did something mean once, yeah, you're going to feel like a slave. That's kind of what slave morality is, but you seem to have missed the point.

    There is no such thing as 'SOCIETY'. What is acceptable in one kind of society need not be in another!


    1. the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.

    Is unnatural society not in itself a part of nature? Are birth defects not natural? Is war not natural? Societies that practice human sacrifice are certainly natural! If it was not natural, these societies would not be found in nature!
    Are cures for cancer not natural? Is peace not natural? Societies that don't practice human nature are certainly natural! It's natural for predators to eat prey and it's natural for trees to grow. It's natural for rivers to run and for winds to blow, and it's natural for water to freeze and the air to be still. Lots of things are natural. The key to nature is to understand it and use the laws of nature for your personal benefit, not to emulate nature. I literally used engineering as an example. An engineer learns physics and builds a machine.

    And no, unnatural societies are not part of nature. Unnatural societies die. Feudalism ended, human sacrifice on a social scale ended, chattel slavery ended (though many other forms still exist.) You can force societies to go against what the laws of nature dictate for a time like you can force a square peg into a round hole by hammering it hard enough. Eventually it'll come out, though. So don't force it. Study the world and use your knowledge of its laws.

    What rubbish! Did the Europeans beat the natives because the Europeans were organizing their societies more along the laws of nature than the Natives were?
    No, mostly because the Europeans didn't beat the Natives. Lots of Natives are still around, and some of them are heads of their respective states as well as other highly-accomplished individuals. Some of the natives that aren't around, though... well, back to your point about human sacrifice...

    ...I'm glad that's not around anymore. That is to say, it's no longer a part of nature because it was going against nature, and people were trying to force it into existence.

    No, the authority to tell you how things actually are in reality. Not in your narrow perspective.
    How's your so-called authority working for you?

    I brought it up because you were speaking in memes: 'isms' and the like, or saying blatantly untrue things like ****** invading in the winter when he invaded in the summer, supposedly ******'s racial ideology was influenced by Darwin, and then you are telling me I am supposedly a ******ite because I don't believe in governing 'society' according to 'laws of nature', just like ****** apparently!
    Hı̇tler was in Russia during the winter. Did he withdraw from Russia in the winter? No, he just let his troops get slaughtered because he didn't know how bad Russian winter was. It doesn't even matter when he began the invasion, he still thought meteorology was a social construct and the world was made of ice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pseudoscience in Naziland
    When things get so tough that there seems to be no way out, the Russian embraces the vodka bottle, the Frenchman a woman and the American the Bible.

    The German tends to resort to magic, to some nonsensical belief which he tries to validate by way of hysterics and physical force. Not every German, of course. Not even a majority, but it seems to me that the percentage of people so inclined is higher in Germany than in other countries. It was the willingness of a noticeable proportion of the Germans to rate rhetoric above research, and intuition above knowledge, that brought to power a political party which was frankly and loudly anti-intellectual.

    The Nazis not only burned books they disliked, they also classified theoretical physicists with "Jews and Marxists."

    The 300 spartans lost, yet they are remembered for being far more powerful than the Persians who killed them.
    The fact there were way more than 300 people from all over Greece, yet the 300 Spartans claimed all the credit might've had a lot to do with that. Also they lost. How is a loser ever more powerful than a winner? That's like saying the Axis were more powerful than the Allies... oh, wait, that's exactly what you do think. I hope you feel so proud of being powerful enough to get banned, among all the other things that seem to be working out so well for you.

    “I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying. I don't want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment.”
    ― Woody Allen

    From Beyond Good and Evil:

    You desire to LIVE "according to Nature"? Oh, you noble Stoics, what fraud of words! Imagine to yourselves a being like Nature, boundlessly extravagant, boundlessly indifferent, without purpose or consideration, without pity or justice, at once fruitful and barren and uncertain: imagine to yourselves INDIFFERENCE as a power—how COULD you live in accordance with such indifference? To live—is not that just endeavouring to be otherwise than this Nature? Is not living valuing, preferring, being unjust, being limited, endeavouring to be different? And granted that your imperative, "living according to Nature," means actually the same as "living according to life"—how could you do DIFFERENTLY? Why should you make a principle out of what you yourselves are, and must be? In reality, however, it is quite otherwise with you: while you pretend to read with rapture the canon of your law in Nature, you want something quite the contrary, you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders! In your pride you wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein; you insist that it shall be Nature "according to the Stoa," and would like everything to be made after your own image, as a vast, eternal glorification and generalism of Stoicism! With all your love for truth, you have forced yourselves so long, so persistently, and with such hypnotic rigidity to see Nature FALSELY, that is to say, Stoically, that you are no longer able to see it otherwise—and to crown all, some unfathomable superciliousness gives you the Bedlamite hope that BECAUSE you are able to tyrannize over yourselves—Stoicism is self-tyranny—Nature will also allow herself to be tyrannized over: is not the Stoic a PART of Nature?... But this is an old and everlasting story: what happened in old times with the Stoics still happens today, as soon as ever a philosophy begins to believe in itself. It always creates the world in its own image; it cannot do otherwise; philosophy is this tyrannical impulse itself, the most spiritual Will to Power, the will to "creation of the world," the will to the causa prima.
    “I now go alone, my disciples! You too go now, alone! Thus I want it. I advise you: depart from me, and guard yourselves against Zarathustra! And better still: be ashamed of him! Perhaps he has deceived you.” — Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

  39. #199
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    We should all be more nicer and compassionate to the feelings of Wal-Mart. Making fun of the people of Wal-Mart is okay, but what really hurts Wal-Mart's feelings is if you shop somewhere else.

  40. #200


    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    This thread to me just confirms that 95% of people should stay the fuck away from politics and have their political opinions suppressed. It's just 'LOL'. everything in this thread is nonsense. No communication whatsoever. No discussion. Words words words but nothing is actually being said. Anyone who sees politics in terms of 'left' and 'right' is a fucking retard.
    Yeah, well...look who the thread was started by. Expected it to be bat shit crazy the instant I saw the title, and even more so once I saw the author. I wasn't wrong.

    Btw, the title gave it away not because it's anti conservative and I'm a conservative or whatever. I'm actually not even conservative, I'll happily call "both sides" out on their shit. The title gave it away because it was an extreme statement about a category that entails a whole lot of shit all at once.

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