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Thread: Identical Twins

  1. #1
    InkBlue's Avatar
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    Default Identical Twins

    Identical twins share 100% of their DNA
    Those of you who have typed a pair, what are their Sociotypes?
    How confident are you in that typing?

    This thread is ONLY about IDENTICAL twins

    Identical twins don't actually share all of their DNA,
    as there is a small number of mutations early on.
    Last edited by InkBlue; 04-02-2022 at 01:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Stray Cat's Avatar
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    In my opinion, the Property Brothers, Jonathan and Drew Scott, are of two different psychological types. One is an IEI, the other is an LII

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    Quote Originally Posted by InkBlue View Post
    Identical twins share 100% of their DNA
    Those of you who have typed a pair, what are their Sociotypes?
    I knew a pair of identical twin boys as a child, both LSI.

  4. #4
    Still Alive's Avatar
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    it seems to me that identical twins have the same sociotype, but their DCNH type can be different depending on their genetics. normal twins can have different types, but they usually are somewhat similar (like kindred, mirror, look-a-like etc.). it's impossible for me to say if that is true on a global scale, just personal observation.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    There were two identical twin pairs in my highschool.
    In both case, I thought one looked rather introverted and the other extroverted.

    One pair was so different that even tho they had the same physical base, they didn't even look related. Think dark emo kid vs popular jock and all the physical choices of clothes, hair, sport, etc, brings. Also posture and confidence, or lack thereof.
    What were their types? I can't tell but identical seems unlikely.

    One thing about the pair that looked more alike, the differences were mostly appearant when they were apart, as if the introverted twin surfed on the more socialy extroverted's extroversion when together.
    It actually took me about three years to recognize the introverted twin when he was alone because of the personality clash, lol.
    We weren't friends so it was k.

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    Quote Originally Posted by InkBlue View Post
    Identical twins share 100% of their DNA
    Those of you who have typed a pair, what are their Sociotypes?
    How confident are you in that typing?

    This thread is ONLY about identical twins, NOT fraternal
    Identical twins don’t share 100% of the same DNA. The egg splits very early in pregnancy—less than 2 weeks after conception—when the baby is a tiny clump of cells. Each twin picks up different genetic mutations as they grow in the womb.

    I knew one set of identical twins in high school who had different personalities. One twin was SEE. I’m not fully confident of the other twin’s type, but I suspect he was some sort of introvert.

    I knew one other set of identical twins who I believe were IxTx, but I didn’t know them well enough to say anything beyond that with confidence.

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    My paternal great grandfather (the one who I shared a few pics of awhile ago) was an identical twin. At least we think identical. His twin outlived him, and from what I remember and have heard of both of them they were both Se-valuing, but I'm afraid it's hard to say much beyond that.

    My sisters are also twins, but not identical. One is EII and the other is LSE. Their duality is incredibly obvious lol

    A set of identical twins I knew in high school were SLE and prooooobably EIE....? They were an exciting duo

    I would guess that the odds of turning out to be identical types are probably higher for identical twins, but I don't think it's any guarantee. My sample size is pretty small, but I feel like there may be some tendency towards being in the same quadra or at least sharing one Ego function
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    A thought about identical twins and their personalities-

    Identical twins inhabit different areas of the womb and don’t always share a placenta. I wonder if this factor could lead to them having different personalities, since some evidence suggests that conditions in the womb can affect a baby’s outcome later in life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    A thought about identical twins and their personalities-

    Identical twins inhabit different areas of the womb and don’t always share a placenta. I wonder if this factor could lead to them having different personalities, since some evidence suggests that conditions in the womb can affect a baby’s outcome later in life.
    That's an interesting question. Do you think they could each get different amount of hormones?
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    Psychology BSc and statistics MSc Armitage's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Diverging twins

    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    A thought about identical twins and their personalities-

    Identical twins inhabit different areas of the womb and don’t always share a placenta. I wonder if this factor could lead to them having different personalities, since some evidence suggests that conditions in the womb can affect a baby’s outcome later in life.
    The regional differences in the womb are much, much smaller than the differences between one woman's womb and another's or the same woman's womb three years later. It is therefore unlikely that these regional differences will cause stark personality differences, except in the case of unequal oxygen and nutrient distribution, but that will cause an entire plethora of differences, including growth and brain development differences.

    I shall address the elephant in the room, the main reason that monozygotic (identical) twins differ in personality is largely due to differing life experiences as they mature. Even something as simple as scoring the winning goal in the end of season football match can result in one twin becoming more self-confident and extroverted, whereas the other feels ignored for not having achieved the same, despite having similar physiques. This experience can stimulate the first sibling to socialize more and to become the popular kid in high school, while the other may be inspired to never let such an opportunity pass himself again and focuses on training his body at the Gym. These different environments will cascade into even more differences between the twins, because it's a butterly effect. The average personality traits of the 5 people we have the most and deepest contact with reflects our own personality very accurately. Birds of a feather flock together, but also our interactions with others changes their perspectives and we change theirs. The two sinblings will increasingly diverge as they interact more with their football and Gym friends respectively.
    Last edited by Armitage; 04-01-2022 at 09:43 AM.

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    Identical twins don't share %100 of DNA due to epigenetics and gene mutation, but ofcourse they share the most.

    Since most of them prone to spend time in the same environment or with each other. They are more prone to adapt different roles, because it is not easy to coexist when claiming the same role. Even if you meet a twin that are similar not only by appearance but mannerisms also, once you get to know them, you can see that they have sharp differences in their approach due to adopted different roles.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    The regional differences in the womb are much, much smaller than the differences between one woman's womb and another's or the same woman's womb three years later. It is therefore unlikely that these regional differences will cause stark personality differences, except in the case of unequal oxygen and nutrient distribution, but that will cause an entire plethora of differences, including growth and brain development differences.

    I shall address the elephant in the room, the main reason that monozygotic (identical) twins differ in personality is largely due to differing life experiences as they mature. Even something as simple as scoring the winning goal in the end of season football match can result in one twin becoming more self-confident and extroverted, whereas the other feels ignored for not having achieved the same, despite having similar physiques. This experience can stimulate the first sibling to socialize more and to become the popular kid in high school, while the other may be inspired to never let such an opportunity pass himself again and focuses on training his body at the Gym. These different environments will cascade into even more differences between the twins, because it's a butterly effect. The average personality traits of the 5 people we have the most and deepest contact with reflects our own personality very accurately. Birds of a feather flock together, but also our interactions with others changes their perspectives and we change theirs. The two sinbling will increasingly diverge as they interact more with their football and Gym friends respectively.
    That might be a better reply than Andy DuFresne would give

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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    That's an interesting question. Do you think they could each get different amount of hormones?
    I’m not sure, but I wonder if that could be the case

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    It's rarely the case ime. In fact the "Identical twins" is a card I use a lot because it has a lot of applications. For instance it's a good argument to point out that VI typing is not a strongly substantiated idea. When it comes to universalities, there is no place for exceptions in my book. I like the Idea though.

    I answered the post here because it is more revelant to this thread.

    I was dead set on identical twins not having the same type for years. Because I observed some and as I wrote above under this thread, to me it seems like if they spend lots of times each other and want to be recognized as similar like the twins that we can see in the video you share, then on surface they seem very similar but there are vast majority of between them.

    At college, some psych students told me that there was some research which indicates that twins who grew apart had similar things going on, they even name their dog the same etc. But those kind of researches are not super valid to me, because their data set cannot be big enough.

    However, spending some time with my identical twin aunts recently made me question. I am not sure if they have the same type and different DCNH or do they have different types.

    Because twin dynamic itself requires twin to wear different roles since they spend most of the time. One has to direct and other has to get more influenced. One has to speak more and other one has to listen more. So even if they have the same type, since they grew up that way, they have to wear different roles so that they can coexist with each other.

    And about VI thing, I know some maybe most known socionists make some correlation between type and biology. But I am fan of using it in terms of expressions and expressions can make same biology appear different and that difference can grew in time. One can see it by loooking at that video or olsen twins.
    Last edited by myresearch; 11-15-2022 at 11:32 PM.

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