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Thread: Wanting People to Be Your Dual

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    The discussion with Subteigh seems to go in a good mood, which is important to me. It's not the kind of discussion in which I try to convince the other as much as that it is a debate for fun. It tickles my NT-ness.
    Yes, I totally understand your point of view, I have the same at home. If I were to take into account only my big 5, it would not represent who I am in all aspects. The big 5 is, in my opinion, complementary. When you're a kid, it's good to see that you're open-minded and conscientious. But the big 5 doesn't tell you why you suck at geometry and why you have to try harder than others. For me, the Big 5 wasn't much help in getting ahead in life, let alone the MBTI which gave me sleepless nights of stress because I couldn't find my type after 2 years of intensive research. It all got better when I looked into Socionics. So no, maybe there is no accepted theory, I don't know, I've never been interested in that aspect to be honest, but, it's the most consistent in my opinion because your type is fixed, when the Big 5 can be subject to change, which is my case. Maybe it's not accepted because it puts people in boxes?

    I must have my Big 5 result somewhere on my computer, in which it is absolutely impossible to see that I am ISFj. If I had done this test before my father's suicide, I would have had a different result. For me the Big 5 is not objective in the long run, it's a bit like the DISC test with the private profile in which I am yellow/blue and the social mask where I am red. Not everyone can be open-minded all the time, or conscientious all the time. Life events shape you. But a function you have in leading will remain in leading.

    For the MBTI I am INFP (INFj - EII). And that's where it all went wrong. There was no way I could identify MY decision-making styles with my aunt's decisions. It was clear that we were not the same type. She is gentle when I am brutal, she is plaintive, when I am resilient.
    We looked alike, our Big 5 looked alike, but we were paradoxically very different, sometimes she'd get on my nerves and I didn't know why, and, when I discovered socionics, it all made sense at once it was just > FiSe vs FiNe. NE. My painful function. So no, again, nothing is proven, nothing is accepted, but for me, it's enough, it's not like reading the horoscope, it's really like reading yourself and you think "oh hell, yes, that's me!" Although I don't agree with some of the details of the ISFj, but I tend to believe that Socionics is still on the path of evolution.

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    @Suonani, it's a very well written post. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your father. The loss of him must have instilled a grave sense of mourning and powerlessness. I can only imagine what you went through, my condoleances.

    @Subteigh, yay for my university account, because otherwise I would still have been unable to access the article. It's a good research article and valid for this subject. As I mentioned previously, I agree that it's nonsensical to use dichotomies for characteristics that are actually continuous and the questionnaire makers are trying to step away from that too by incorporating percentages. It also is correct that it would be better to examine people's behaviour, like @Stray Cat already said, than to overly depend on self-report questionnaires, because people do tend to be biased about themselves. It also is very true that standardizing such tests would enable proper research to be done, instead of having to rely on anecdotal evidence.

    I find the article's attempt at deconstructing introversion problematic, however. Claiming that the reliability of a car or the introversion of a person is not a separate brain structure is akin to kicking in an open door. No-one claims car reliability to be an innate component, nor that the introversion of a person arises from a separate brain structure. But the reliability of a car is certainly a measurable trait, as is introversion. We can operationalize these terms for concrete testing. Instead of emerging from a separate structure, both car reliability and the introversion of a person stem from an overall interplay between processes. With the advent of fMRI scans we discovered brain function to tell far more about personality than separate brain structures.

    I do agree that our personality is not inborn, instead it is shaped by a combination of our genetics, our upbringing, and peer interaction. It is also subject to change with puberty being the most flexible period of our life.

    The extroversion-introversion and judging-perceiving scales are validated by the article, and I would like to add that neurological findings have showed different brain networks being used when thinking critically about something versus believing it. Religious people actually switch from their logical brain network to their believing network when they are exposed to facts that counter their beliefs. This is why it is rarely of any use to try to disprove religion to a believer. It is presumable that some people have preference for accessing their logical brain network, while others prefer using their believing network. They are different ways of perceiving the world and come very close to the thinking-feeling scale of Socionics.

    All in all, this article highlights problems mostly with the classical, Jungian view and with over-relying on any single theory to base one's life decisions on. But even personality type theories can have their merits, the most famous in social sciences is attachment theory. In reality attachment operates on a continuum, instead of distinct categories. But we humans just like putting people in categories, because it makes reality simpler to understand. Nevertheless, most any psychologist agrees with the usefulness of attachment theory, in order to inform which children require intervention and how to best help adults with their relationship problems. Type theories of personality do not best represent reality, but for most people they are simpler models to use than continuous scales.
    Last edited by Armitage; 03-20-2022 at 04:30 PM.

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    Did you try the ipsyght4 test by WSS? Im not a fan of WSS by any means and I would definitely not just rely on this test to type urself but it's a good starting point.

  5. #165
    Psychology BSc and statistics MSc Armitage's Avatar
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    @Lilli98, I have never heard of it before, could you tell more about it, please?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    In a way duality feels more like a natural need than a want. I remember when cute and nice SEE hunk helped me lift something cuz he saw I was having trouble with it and I think I attracted him with my victimy princess charms. I remember SLE friend got annoyed if other people bullied me too much and stopped other people from doing that with Se. With my benefactors, (ESI) we often have interesting social conversations. and of course I naturally attract hot aggressive Chads who know how to be sexually dominant but that's TMI.

    but yeah sometimes like if I'm around a conflicting type this doesn't happen. "Lift that yourself and stop playing victim, u shouldn't have any trouble with that you're a man" with a stern bitch face. and then I'm like "You self righteous Delta cunt- you're nowhere near as moral as you think you are you fucking bitch, I will destroy your pristine reputation by revealing to other people what a worthless soul you really have." *insert Buffy vs Glory cat fight*

    Depends on the social gathering but if you are just 'yourself' more or less, as corny as that sounds- dual seeking functions happen naturally I think. Wanting it is like wanting it to rain, what's the point- it will happen when it's supposed to happen. I mean its the SEI lookalike in me but I kinda believe in balance & moderation. You won't meet everybody that will clash with you and you won't have some ideal super fun party time with everybody and feel completely dualized by the love either but yeah... depends on luck, setting etc. And it's not so simple. I mean yeah, throw me in a prison and I'm sure my cute gay ass will be *very* popular with the 4D Se-ego psychos there but for all the wrong reasons and it isn't love just lust. Too much duality also can enable unhealthy patterns because a person won't challenge you enough to grow. Your dual naturally loves you for who you are with you having to change the least for them but that can have a dark side where they end up enabling objectively bad things you do because they subjectively love you so much. Confliction does indeed suck because it's so heartless and soul draining often but I think you level up from fighting/defeating each other like a video game. This is so Wayne Dyer self help book-y, but you can learn and grow from everybody you meet even if it's not perfect or romantic and even if they don't give you nice fuzzy feelings.

    but aww that SEE dude was so charming. /gay hearts in eyes.
    Just eanted to say totally agree with the enabling part

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    @Lilli98, I have never heard of it before, could you tell more about it, please?
    Sadly I cant copy paste the link on my Phone. But if u type in ipsyght4 on Google u find it on surveymonkey. They test u according to Reinin dichotomies. First it figures out wheather youre from on an SeNi or SiNe Quadra, then if youre "serious" or "merry" (Fi vs Fe), introvert/extrovert, and than the remaining type. But I would always recommend looking into gulenko dcnh subtype descriptions afterwards to further clarify

  8. #168
    Psychology BSc and statistics MSc Armitage's Avatar
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    @Lilli98, I really like this one! Suprise, surpise, I got LIE, but this is definitely one of the best Socionics tests that I did and I did a few of them.

  9. #169
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    I believe that the idea of wanting people to be your dual makes sense from a certain perspective, but uh. No? I've had cases where I've believed people might be my dual and acted accordingly to test inconclusively, because I have no idea how other people think, and have determined it impossible to verify someone else's thoughts using what I have available to me. So the main issue is I am limited to behavior. That being said, my number 2 at my old work was probably my dual, but I can't confirm, he might've been ESFp, which is entirely likely due to his inability to understand anything except verbose language. I think that is the most accurate way of describing his behavior. He was like a computer. And I do not say this lightly. If you say something that does not have correct syntax, it fails. If I say get the thing, he says what thing? If I say that thing, comedy ensues. I can't remember some of the things I asked him to do, but from my perspective, it's entirely reasonable to say can you get that thing I was holding a second ago, I forgot the name of it, and he says I don't remember what you were holding, which is entirely expected for a person who does not put emotional attachment to everything everyone does. And in this way, I do think Fi has a fairly reliable memory compared to me.

    I've watched him literally do the exact same thing for a good 5 minutes, and just simply sat there to see how long it would take for him to figure it out. Nope. I then tried to demonstrate for him, and that was a mild problem, but we worked it out. Absolutely hilarious in hindsight. The question is was it because I failed to communicate or was it because I communicated incorrectly for proper compatibility? We worked exceptionally well, but my (minor) failures in communication with that guy still haunt me. Do note, this was stuff like I misspelled a word or used common slang, or an abbreviation, and it entirely screwed over part of his day (no more than 5-10 minutes) sometimes. We both were incredibly perfectionist, although I was generally half asleep all the time, except for when I was hopped up on excessive amounts of caffeine, in which case I was both hyper and sleep deprived. Good combo, amazed I never got into a car accident.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  10. #170
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    The ipsyght4 test has the same problem as other WSS tests, I don't relate to the Ti/Fe descriptions in those at all. This one gives me LIE, previously some WSS test got me SEE.

  11. #171
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    When you believe that the best possible relationship you can have is with a specific personality and all others are inadequate in comparison, you will want to classify all good relationships as dual relationships.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaemonia View Post
    When you believe that the best possible relationship you can have is with a specific personality and all others are inadequate in comparison, you will want to classify all good relationships as dual relationships.
    All relationships have problems. The only thing you have to decide is which problems you can live with.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaemonia View Post
    When you believe that the best possible relationship you can have is with a specific personality and all others are inadequate in comparison, you will want to classify all good relationships as dual relationships.
    The word "extremists" was spelled wrong in your reply. Instead of "y-o--u", it probably should be "e-x-t-r-e-m-i-s-t-s".

    Each relation in the socion has value. Relying on duality is sorta like begging for human codependency

  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I don't believe in Model A or IM explanations for behaviour anymore. I'm far more influenced by what the Big Five factors represent and what they imply about each type.
    Big. Five. Big. We're in the big leagues. I don't know, this is what people are saying, I don't know, but it is very big.
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  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maromi View Post
    Big. Five. Big. We're in the big leagues. I don't know, this is what people are saying, I don't know, but it is very big.
    More true that it exists than it is big.

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    The psychological concept that's kinda interesting about socionics and duality, in particular, is it's similarly to algebraic equations

    If 3x = 6 is an algebraic equation, then what is the value of x? The value of x is whichever number that will balance both sides of the equation. The theory of socionics is that the strength of one function ought to be balanced by it's psychological counterpart. Socionics, really, isn't about feelings or romance but a certain psychological balance or comfort, if you will.

  17. #177


    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post

    The problem was that we both didn't really want a relationship.
    Did you talk about your relationship expectations?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    Spending time with my dual broke my heart... More than anyone who I have dated. There was an incredible psychological ease and emotional intensity on a visceral level (we could look into each other's eyes and cuddle for hours without much awkwardness).

    The problem was that we both didn't really want a relationship. In addition to deeper personal issues, this made us subconsciously push each other away.

    I am debating on whether or not I want to keep this connection or not. But I am giving myself 3 months of no contact to figure out my emotions. He still responded to nearly everything I texted almost immediately (he repeatedly made it clear that he ignores and cuts out anyone who he doesn't want around) but there's an obvious emotional distance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    Did you talk about your relationship expectations?

  19. #179


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Yes it can be honesty-driven, curiosity-driven, death-drive driven (hi @End). You name it.

  20. #180


    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    Yes. I made sure.
    This adds perspective but you don't really touch base imo, even though the reference to kids and stability could take you there (or you just left out parts of the convo). That bring said, maybe it is for the best not to try and spell everything out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    I think he was honest regarding his feelings in the moment but his emotions are all over the place. Even if he found the "perfect woman", I get the sense that he would end up driving her away because of how much baggage he has.

    Imagine a LSI who's been repeatedly fucked over, traumatized, cheated on, made poor life choices (never hard drugs or criminal though) that he's trying to recover from. No healthy EIE would be able to be there for him.
    My first LSI GF described her life as being bad, although she seemed to be doing pretty well when I met her.

    My second LSI GF seemed to only have had a life where she was traumatized, fucked over, cheated on, and made some poor life choices, maybe as a result of all that.

    Personally, I think that the second LSI would have done a lot better if she had had a healthy EIE around.

    For the record, the second LSI and I talked about Socionics a lot, and she said that the description of EIE's seemed to fit one of her husbands, but she divorced him when she found he was using hard drugs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    Deep down, I really want to be there for him but I am unsure if I have the stamina for it. He makes it sound like he throws people away and doesn't need them but I can tell he desperately wants to feel connection/affirmation. Part of me feels that I might be harassing him if I keep trying to maintain the connection but he always responds back to me. It kinda feels like I am regularly trying to cheer up a grumpy old man. Was your second girlfriend like this?
    Uhhh, not exactly, because she was a hot female. She did spend a huge amount of time talking to me about everyone she knew and the relationships she had with them, which I assume an EIE might be able to respond to better than I could. But she never gave me the impression of a grumpy old man.

    It was more like, she didn't see relationships clearly and was trying to make logical sense of them from the cold facts that she gathered. To that end, she tended to blame herself when things didn't work out, and she was really friendly to almost everyone she knew (that I saw, anyway), and she was really slow when I kidded her with some jokes, but she seemed pretty determined to be optimistic, even in the face of her life falling apart around her.
    I think she just needed someone who was always straight with her, not someone who would try to blow cotton candy up her ass, and since I always told her exactly what I was thinking, she liked me a lot. I didn't even have to tell her "Oh, that dress doesn't make you look fat". In other words, I could tell her anything, as long as it was the truth. And since I didn't see the relationship going anywhere, I didn't try to lie to her about anything.

    What I didn't understand is that a lot of women don't want to be lied to. Especially 2D Ni types. They don't even like spin.

    There is an illuminating convo between Morty and his GF Jacquelyn near the end of this clip about honesty. It's one of my favorites.

    Morty: Jacquelyn, I I-I-I wasn’t who I said I was.
    Jacquelyn: You weren’t a 14-year-old boy from the Midwest who ran away from his family and capitalized on his lack of conscience by becoming a stock broker?
    Morty: Oh. I guess I was pretty up front about that, wasn’t I?
    Jacquelyn: You were up front about everything. You were my soul mate.
    Morty: Well No-Not anymore. I’ll, um Y-You can keep the apartment,

  23. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    Deep down, I really want to be there for him but I am unsure if I have the stamina for it. He makes it sound like he throws people away and doesn't need them but I can tell he desperately wants to feel connection/affirmation. Part of me feels that I might be harassing him if I keep trying to maintain the connection but he always responds back to me. It kinda feels like I am regularly trying to cheer up a grumpy old man. Was your second girlfriend like this? Basically is he trying to test me to see if I will stick around or telling me to fuck off in an indirect way?
    idk if im projecting but maybe he wants a "certain" thing going on but he's trying to adapt to u not labeling the relationship (as in general relationship not lovers or whatever specific (bc u dont label it))
    i remember LSI being angry about his grill "not knowing wtf she wants". so if ur LSI now maybe desperate or humbled so hes trying to "mirror" u?
    i think ppl project their expectations too far and get heartbroken when reality doesnt match them. expectations may be like the relationship situation in ur mind that u imagine. anything u feel is what u "imagine" then hold on to that. if u imagine it and the opposite as possibilities ur mind has a response ready for when ur expecations dont get met so ur ego doesnt get crushed.
    maybe ur identifying with him too much. i think hes trying to keep that middle ground distance bc he's worried about getting crushed by ur not meeting his expectations/needs. so everything must be clearly defined but not in a rigid opressive way. this means u go to him when u can, he responds in kind when he can. u dont try to force it. ppl like that are difficult to manage bc he will feel neglected anytime u dont respond. if ur worried about that it will hold u back from cheering urself up which is supposed to allow u to cheer him up. u cant allow to burn urself out by REGULARLY cheering him up.
    idk if kalinoche is right about not disclosing things. everything should be disclosed but with an open mind that is it can change. ofc ur mental states are fluid. ppl feel one way and then pile up assumptions and expectations out of it its irresponsible but its what also broken ppl tend to do ur starving and u want something more, whenever things go well u get attached make it into a habit then u fall but what this means is u need to try again and appreciate the little things even if its not how u wanted it to be bc little things still matter esp when thats all u have. its important that he learns how to cheer himself up so he doesnt drain u by ur mirroring him.
    he himself may be worried about if ur trying to reject him or see if he will stick around/behave to appeal to u.
    both of u want a relationship that works but neither is confident in providing for the other.
    then thers the betrayal and forgiveness thing that inspires fear. where either thinks the other is messing with them - deserves to be mistreated but if ur sorry u should be forgiven but if u think u did nothing wrong while the other doesnt buy it that;s addressed by willingness of both sides to be aware enough of whats what to know the other has their interests in mind which implies he wouldnt go against u for ur not providing when u cant and the way u figure that is by giving him hypothetical scenarios to ask him how he'd react or wait for things to happen to test it. if u have poor sense of self u may feel guilty for being blamed for something thats not ur fault.
    Deep down, I really want to be there for him but I am unsure if I have the stamina for it.
    that is love for sure
    and weakness. no one can blame u for being weak tho (unless ur making urself weak on purpose and refuse to change but this is often due ot misunderstanding and not soemthing u should force on someone)
    telling him that should mean a lot but bc u feel constipated around him the words may come out in a forum
    sorry /ramble
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    Deep down, I really want to be there for him but I am unsure if I have the stamina for it. He makes it sound like he throws people away and doesn't need them but I can tell he desperately wants to feel connection/affirmation. Part of me feels that I might be harassing him if I keep trying to maintain the connection but he always responds back to me. It kinda feels like I am regularly trying to cheer up a grumpy old man. Was your second girlfriend like this?

    Basically is he trying to test me to see if I will stick around or telling me to fuck off in an indirect way?
    Sorry, @Diametric, I didn't see this last question in your post.

    I seriously doubt if he is testing you to see if you'll stick around. He might test you for lying or cheating, but I honestly don't think that LSIs engage in subterfuge when it comes to relationships.

    One clear sign (and good) that he likes you is that he responds right away to your texts. That is really the foundation stone of a long-term relationship.

  25. #185
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    The fact that you're mentioning it here and how saddened you are about this distance and that he replies quickly to anything you say and keeps you around, while throwing others, show to me that you both want to grow closer to each other, but that you are both waiting for the other to initiate. Take the initiative and ask him out for another date, in order to break this stalemate. The evidence is out, he wants it too, otherwise he would not be this responsive to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    Yes. I made sure. The emotional intensity just caught me off guard and I started to get confused.

    (In person)
    Me: I am enjoying this experience with you.
    Him: I want this to be more than an experience...
    Me: ....

    (On a date)
    Him: We aren't dating.
    Me: ...

    (Over the phone)
    Him: I really really like you. I even thought of having a relationship with you. After that one date, I could see us in one. Depending on how things go, maybe we can be in one in a year a two.

    Me: uhhh possibly. I don't want to label or force the connection.

    Another part of the conversation
    Him: We would have such cute kids.
    Me: lol, yea

    (Over the phone)
    I called him out on the relationship talk stuff
    Me: I never contacted you during the 6 months after we first hung because you talked about wanting a relationship with me.

    Him: I think you misunderstood me. I don't want a relationship. I don't think I will ever be another best friend and I have a marriage pact if we're still single at a certain date but god, I don't want to marry her.

    Me: I don't know if I will be in one either.

    Him: You will. You're much more stable than I am. I am chaotic. You have more family support than I have.

    Me: I guess. You're overestimating how close I am to my actual family.

    After the initial intensity, it seems like he doesn't want much to do with me but he hasn't come out and said it.

    My psychology bachelor is tells me it's a completely different interpretation. You tell me he has been hurt repeatedly? He has trust issues, big ones. Yes, he does desire to date you, but he doesn't dare let his feelings for you roam freely, afraid of being hurt again. He's slowly building a wall around his feelings again and the longer you wait to pierce through this wall, the harder it becomes. You said that you're unable to give him all the psychological support that he needs, that's a fair concern. The two of you should go into couple's therapy if you want to help him. Even if you would be an expert psychologist with many years of experience yourself, psychologists should never treat those who they're close with. Nothing good comes from it if a surgeon starts operating his own leg and nothing good comes from it either if a psychologist tries treating themselves or loved ones. This is why you need an external person to help him cope with his issues, because they can keep an impartial perspective.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    There is an illuminating convo between Morty and his GF Jacquelyn near the end of this clip about honesty. It's one of my favorites.

    Morty: Jacquelyn, I I-I-I wasn’t who I said I was.
    Jacquelyn: You weren’t a 14-year-old boy from the Midwest who ran away from his family and capitalized on his lack of conscience by becoming a stock broker?
    Morty: Oh. I guess I was pretty up front about that, wasn’t I?
    Jacquelyn: You were up front about everything. You were my soul mate.
    Morty: Well No-Not anymore. I’ll, um Y-You can keep the apartment,
    Is this your 1D Fi trying to express itself as feeling helpless in dating, like a 14-year old? Looking for love, but not knowing how to, so you instead throw an apartment and money at them in the hope that they will love you back?
    Last edited by Armitage; 04-10-2022 at 08:19 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    The thing is I hardly know the guy... I am afraid of pushing too hard at this point. My gut is telling me to back off but reach out later. His birthday is in the summer and if he doesn't reach out again until then, I will reach out then.
    You're pushing too little, he's holding his hand out for you to grasp it. That's why he immediately replies to anything you say. Take his hand and discover the world. Don't let your Ni take you astray by waiting, engage your Se. Act now! You have time to reply here and in Discord during the wedding, so you also have the opportunity to simply ask him: "Would you like to go out with me again?"
    Don't wait until freaking summer, I've squandered opportunities myself that way. I myself wouldn't call Von Clausewitz Mr Love, but he had one solid piece of advice: Don't let the perfect plan become the enemy of the good one. You want to wait for the "perfect opportunity", but perfection doesn't exist, only us flawed humans. So don't wait for the perfect moment, because it will never occur, take the present. There's no better moment than now. Please, just ask him out, you'll both be happier for it. You'll be able to continue living again, instead of letting your head spin with all the possible scenarios. Don't let fear lead you, because fear is the mind killer. Be brave and text him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    You're pushing too little, he's holding his hand out for you to grasp it. That's why he immediately replies to anything you say. Take his hand and discover the world. Don't let your Ni take you astray by waiting, engage your Se. Act now! You have time to reply here and in Discord during the wedding, so you also have the opportunity to simply ask him: "Would you like to go out with me again?"
    Don't wait until freaking summer, I've squandered opportunities myself that way. I myself wouldn't call Von Clausewitz Mr Love, but he had one solid piece of advice: Don't let the perfect plan become the enemy of the good one. You want to wait for the "perfect opportunity", but perfection doesn't exist, only us flawed humans. So don't wait for the perfect moment, because it will never occur, take the present. There's no better moment than now. Please, just ask him out, you'll both be happier for it. You'll be able to continue living again, instead of letting your head spin with all the possible scenarios. Don't let fear lead you, because fear is the mind killer. Be brave and text him.
    i have said exactly this to ppl but now im not sure if it was right. i think one needs to be mentally prepared on both sides. gut isnt always wrong. maybe she needs to process everything first
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    OUCH but 80% is probably right. When he reached out to 6 months later and I responded, he goes, "I couldn't forget about you but I was afraid you were going to reject me so I didn't reach out". He genuinely wasn't angling for sex. So I tried to show interest in subtle ways and that I like him but he started to pull back and become distant. I think I took that too personally and tried to push him away. Now I feel confused.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Is this your 1D Fi trying to express itself as feeling helpless in dating, like a 14-year old? Looking for love, but not knowing how to, so you instead throw an apartment and money at them in the hope that they will love you back?
    Lol. How did you know this?

    Except I don't feel helpless in dating. Not at all. I don't think I ever felt helpless on a date. Clueless, yes, but never helpless.

    Anyway, the apartment was an afterthought. Really, what impressed me more is that Morty, an obvious Fi-dom, became a conscienceless stock broker when the dominant part of him was extracted. (That's what the injection restored, if you haven't seen that episode.)
    Plus, he was able to have what was obviously a mutually happy relationship with a woman by being completely up-front with her, while still being without a conscience.

    There is hope for me yet.

  30. #190


    pov: If it's not a hell yes, then it's a hell no

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    pov: If it's not a hell yes, then it's a hell no

    I'm at a point where "hell yes" has gotten me into trouble, and "hell no" has allowed some great opportunities to pass me by, so now I'm a "hell, maybe." I proceed cautiously.

    I was completely inexperienced with women when I moved from high school to college, but there was a woman whom I'd known in HS attending a college nearby. She was a classy "hell yes", so I contacted her (I barely knew her) and invited myself to her campus for a visit. I now look back on that visit as one of the most cringe-worthy things I've ever done.

    We smoked weed and laughed a lot, but she was about six lightyears more developed than I was.

    Now, I proceed cautiously.

  32. #192


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    We smoked weed and laughed a lot, but she was about six lightyears more developed than I was.
    Sounds like a good time overall

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    Sounds like a good time overall
    Well, I think the best thing I can say about it is that no one got hurt. No one, and no thing, other than my self-assessment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol. How did you know this?
    There's no hiding things from identicals. Besides, your Fi is constantly trying to bypass your Te guardian anyway possible to ask for help, because it's starving for attention ever since you were "raised" by your mother.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Except I don't feel helpless in dating. Not at all. I don't think I ever felt helpless on a date. Clueless, yes, but never helpless.
    That's better, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Anyway, the apartment was an afterthought. Really, what impressed me more is that Morty, an obvious Fi-dom, became a conscienceless stock broker when the dominant part of him was extracted. (That's what the injection restored, if you haven't seen that episode.)
    Plus, he was able to have what was obviously a mutually happy relationship with a woman by being completely up-front with her, while still being without a conscience.

    There is hope for me yet.
    I know that you have a conscience in the sense that you do care deeply about those close to you and want to make them happy in any way that you can help them. What you lack instead are ethics on a societal level, and yes, that does make you competent at your field of work, because I would feel troubled about working as a weapons manufacturer, but Americans look at it differently anyway than Europeans do.
    Last edited by Armitage; 04-16-2022 at 11:30 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    The fact that you're mentioning it here and how saddened you are about this distance and that he replies quickly to anything you say and keeps you around, while throwing others, show to me that you both want to grow closer to each other, but that you are both waiting for the other to initiate. Take the initiative and ask him out for another date, in order to break this stalemate. The evidence is out, he wants it too, otherwise he would not be this responsive to you.

    My psychology bachelor is tells me it's a completely different interpretation. You tell me he has been hurt repeatedly? He has trust issues, big ones. Yes, he does desire to date you, but he doesn't dare let his feelings for you roam freely, afraid of being hurt again. He's slowly building a wall around his feelings again and the longer you wait to pierce through this wall, the harder it becomes. You said that you're unable to give him all the psychological support that he needs, that's a fair concern. The two of you should go into couple's therapy if you want to help him. Even if you would be an expert psychologist with many years of experience yourself, psychologists should never treat those who they're close with. Nothing good comes from it if a surgeon starts operating his own leg and nothing good comes from it either if a psychologist tries treating themselves or loved ones. This is why you need an external person to help him cope with his issues, because they can keep an impartial perspective.

    Is this your 1D Fi trying to express itself as feeling helpless in dating, like a 14-year old? Looking for love, but not knowing how to, so you instead throw an apartment and money at them in the hope that they will love you back?
    All this time I was doing the cat thing by leaving a dead bird on her doorstep & ringing the doorbell.

    Te-leads really are the cupids of the socion

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