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Thread: Visual identification of severe Antisocial Personality Disorder post photos of psychopaths

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    Default Visual identification of severe Antisocial Personality Disorder post photos of psychopaths

    some things > empty eyes (not in the usual sense)
    reddish hue around the eyes
    glistening yet dry eyes
    eyes sunk into eye sockets, deep part esp. in the inner top corner, between the inner edge of the eyebrowrs
    prominent eyelids
    prominent rigid calloused cheekbones and bone structure
    protruding forward UPPER jaw
    bunched up forehead
    wide dental arch
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    "I have no soul and can only feel alive when I'm doing something immoral and fucked up" or "It's okay for me to do this fucked up thing to you because I'm righteous and the least fucked up one here and you're the animal even though I'm brutally hurting you animalistically!"

    I mean idk, lots of liberals like to whine about how cruel and harsh prison can be and how unfair authority figures are but really doing shit like that is the reason prisons were invented in the first place. Even if you burn down all prisons in a revolutionary rage- new ones would still get built later when people in society see others ripping off the armpit hairs of innocent victims and shoving them back in their mouths while cutting off their ears as trophies. It can sound fun from a distance/TV show and like a not big of a deal to people until they see it happening to somebody they care about or they feel doesn't deserve it. Yes we should probably just kill them with Se justice and not Te prison, but barbarism begets more barbarism. Or whatever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    I mean idk, lots of liberals like to whine about how cruel and harsh prison can be and how unfair authority figures are but really doing shit like that is the reason prisons were invented in the first place. Even if you burn down all prisons in a revolutionary rage- new ones would still get built later when people in society see others ripping off the armpit hairs of innocent victims and shoving them back in their mouths while cutting off their ears as trophies. It can sound fun from a distance/TV show and like a not big of a deal to people until they see it happening to somebody they care about or they feel doesn't deserve it. Yes we should probably just kill them with Se justice and not Te prison, but barbarism begets more barbarism. Or whatever.
    Fi is kinda schizophrenic in a sense that it looks at a criminal and thinks "this person is just the result of his upbringing and environment" and feels sympathy for the villain and then some ethical types send love letters to murderers but they kinda also forget that someone like bundy ruined dozens of families. every woman that he killed also had a family who will never really feel peace in their life anymore. I think beta Fi is kinda especially prone to this "sympathy for the criminal" thing, they might even find them exciting due to suggestive Se, like you mentioned once that women are expected to like the beta guy for being nice but then lust for chad who treats them like shit. "he is so rough, I think I can change him".
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    Yes we should probably just kill them with Se justice and not Te prison, but barbarism begets more barbarism. Or whatever.
    do u know the patternw here u get stuck with two horrible options but there's a third one? or when ur conceptualization of the problem is flawed to begin with that makes u stuck.
    im not sure if u mentioned ted bundy recently again but ive been thinking about this comment u made comparing me to him about me being offensive edgelord and using my suffering as an excuse to be an asshole.
    he has the same bite as me almost if i forced my lower jaw forward. his lower canines are in front of his lower incisors just like mine.
    severe impuslvity is immediate mind muscle connection related to trauma. its meant to jumpstart ur body in a sense and keep ur strength stable in very dangerous physical cirumstances. unfortunately this also involes head msucles and it often forces ur cranial bones to collapse on the frontal lobe along with some other specifics and implications making u stuck that way in the cycle. i figured it out and how to solve it, but my point here is that when they say they're justified in something, it's true in that sense. the fcked up shit they do, have u thought about where wills, cognition, personality and all comes from? u cant will what u will exactly. u have different people with different cranial structures and personalities being inclined to do different things. is this out of "choice"?
    lack of soul and empathy, lack of life, lack of meaning, disturbed frontal lobe and cognitive function, boredom, impulsivity, laziness, parasytic lifestyle, demanding and complainig, never satisfied - those are all symptoms of depression.
    the other part is the ghost fairytale. someone dies but their ghost stays here because something in their life is unfinished. psychopaths are zombies in more modern sense. the good in them left the world bc it was met with too bad, so now all thats left is this rage that has to rightfully go somwhere but its uncontrolled.
    in some sense its also repression, and externalization, basically if someone forgives them for what thjey do, they can forgive what has been done to them, they also seek to understand themselves unconsciouslly by torturing someone else as an external observation of something they cant see in themselves, but ofc the brain being fucked up means this often doesnt even work. the desire never gets satisfied, they never make the connection and even if they almost do they probably perceive what's happening to the victims as extension of themselves which makes them repress it further, both in their own self hate as a result of that and then repress as a habit to disconnect from feelings of suffering they would have experienced otherwise through empathy for the victim.
    they cant die bc the world wanted to kill them, so they turned against it instead. the logic is in that, feelings make u suffer, so kill them. thats another way ppl hate themselves.
    maybe through ignorance and bliss, people looking over abusive parents, they betray the psychopaht. every victim a psychopath takes is in revenge against every empath some abuser sacrificed. on the other hand every empath sacrificed may be a "good" person who got lucky to be infused with so much good energy which means they took it from someone else could be a revenge against every victim a psychopath took. sometimes an empath is the psychopath's victim.
    someone so delirious can be repeatedly invalidated by others about how bad they are and dont deserve anything good resulting in repressing feelings further. then they can see every attempt of someone being kind to them as either manipulation or weakness.
    im not done but im also confused and distorted.
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    Fi is kinda schizophrenic in a sense that it looks at a criminal and thinks "this person is just the result of his upbringing and environment" and feels sympathy for the villain and then some ethical types send love letters to murderers but they kinda also forget that someone like bundy ruined dozens of families.
    Yeah. Somebody like Bundy is kind of an extreme example tho because he was a sociopath who was triggered because the woman he liked didn't like him back so then he ended up hating all women or something because of it. The fact that he was objectively handsome made naive str8 women lust for him. And you don't tend to feel unsafe with an unsafe person until they themselves physically make you unsafe- which is the appeal of the 'bad boy.' But what usually happens is the bad boy makes the str8 female feel unsafe even after they thought they could change him to be nicer. I think this happens in a more diluted ways with males that are unhealthy narcissists and "Chads" but aren't necessarily serial killers like Bundy.

    lol you're right and I definitely get what you're saying but I think it's also more complicated. I mean I was technically with a criminal before... and I think criminals are often simply more "inside their bodies" which makes the actual act of sex and lovemaking so much more enjoyable and that is non-idealistic but truthfully part of it. A lot of normal and suburban nice guys with no criminal records just flat out don't know how to fuck. I've tried to give the benefit of the doubt but it's just not arousing. =/

    "Fucking" is a carnal animalistic act. But yeah it's no good because killing somebody else is an extreme act of this physical sensation- its taking what is good about carnal pleasures and throwing the baby out with the bathwater. And of course a man like that can't truly connect or be intimate. When you're younger especially though I think you care more about the carnal rush and being infatuated rather then intimacy. Or you easily confuse the two because you need to be sexed up. I feel so untouched, right now need you so much lol that pop song is Beta to me.

    I don't think it's so much that people don't care about the victim families- but also its like a thing where it feels like the victim family never did anything to help or have compassion for the other person either. It can be difficult to feel sorry for people you never really knew or met even though in theory you should be a moral person and be on the side of the person who got killed. Nobody showed me much empathy or compassion in life tbh ((and especially when I was in pain and needed help but I just got kicked when I was down instead)), why should I always be the bigger person and give it to them when they didn't do it to me? I'm not Johnathon from Buffy. ((sorry I'm playing devil's advocate here and kinda overly defending dark IEI traits but lololol))

    I honestly don't need that false sense of virtue signaling. I just need to be carnally ravaged. But yeah not to the extreme of Bundy/Dahmer etc. Of course that's too over the top.

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    also mods if its possible i want ot change the title to include (not omit the previous) "post photos of psychopaths"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    I mean idk, lots of liberals like to whine about how cruel and harsh prison can be and how unfair authority figures are but really doing shit like that is the reason prisons were invented in the first place.
    Most of the people in prison today are not cold-blooded psychopaths who kill people for fun and look forward to death.

    In the US, nearly 50% are drug offenders according to The Federal Bureau of Prisons:
    In my opinion drug offenses shouldn't even exist outside of driving while intoxicated or otherwise harming/putting someone else at risk of serious harm.

    After that, the next most common type of offense is "Weapons, Explosives, Arson." This seems like a very bizarre grouping to me. Arson damages others' property and potentially puts lives at risk. Simply *having* an illegal weapon doesn't. I don't have stats for this, but I bet quite a lot of them ended up in prison for simply possessing a weapon illegally (something I also don't believe should be a crime in the US as I think Americans should be able to own everything from grenade launchers to full-auto SAWs without permit or registration so long as there's no history of violence or real cause for concern). Anyways, this vague group makes up another 21%.

    That accounts for 66% of the US prison population right there. Since I'm unsure about how much of that is accounted for by arson (the first "real" crime on the list), let's be conservative and say we're up to 50% of people in prison who didn't even hurt anyone or damage any property.

    The next group is sex offenders at 11.5%. Real crime. Pretty simple. These people should be there.

    Property offenses account for 5%. They're the next most common group. Definitely criminals, but hardly psychopaths.

    After that is IMMIGRATION at almost 5%. That's another pretty big group of people who didn't actually hurt anyone. After that though there's more real crimes or the categories are just too small to bother with, so I'll stop there.

    The point is, I think we can pretty easily say that half the people in prison in the US didn't actually hurt anyone or damage any property (I would say they didn't even commit a crime, but that's my own judgement, and this will depend on your personal political opinions). Another sizable group committed property crimes, but didn't actually harm any people and probably wouldn't hurt anyone even given the chance. We really don't need harsher prisons. We need far fewer people in prisons, and a complete overhaul geared towards rehabilitating everyone who there is hope for. I'm confident that if the money saved from halving the population being housed in prisons was instead put towards rehabilitation, we could *drastically* reduce crime in the US. Even among the people who do commit arson, robbery, assault, rape, and/or murder, *most* of those people are not insane monsters beyond rehabilitation. I fully recognize that particularly rapists and murderers are a tricky case, and I'm not saying we can (or even should) save all of them, but just that some of these people may have raped or murdered or whatever else for a complex set of reasons, and circumstances may have been such that a few of them could hypothetically be rehabilitated effectively, and I'd rather we spent money trying to do that than on imprisoning people for doing a line of coke at a party once
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    jackie brucia right

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    rick scott
    so so many of those ppl are actual psychopaths. i used to think they were assholes ofc but they are actual literal psychopaths
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    tooth gap
    pushing the tongue upwards and sideways, the back of the tongue especially, splits the maxilla and creates a tooth gap, this is also a stress reaction similar to clenching teeth
    the skull distors damaging the frontal lobe
    the result is inhibited empathy, increased aggression, impulsivity and hypersexuality

    anrold schwarzenegger (nazi), mike tyson, mel ferrer (she left him because he was a cunt), ted bundy, joseph mengele
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    I have a tooth gap and the reason I believe is because I was given too much milk in a feeding bottle instead of in glass when I was little.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    I mean I was technically with a criminal before... and I think criminals are often simply more "inside their bodies" which makes the actual act of sex and lovemaking so much more enjoyable and that is non-idealistic but truthfully part of it. A lot of normal and suburban nice guys with no criminal records just flat out don't know how to fuck. I've tried to give the benefit of the doubt but it's just not arousing. =/
    This is interesting to me. Could you elaborate about the nice guy vs. criminal types of men?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    "I have no soul and can only feel alive when I'm doing something immoral and fucked up" or "It's okay for me to do this fucked up thing to you because I'm righteous and the least fucked up one here and you're the animal even though I'm brutally hurting you animalistically!"

    I mean idk, lots of liberals like to whine about how cruel and harsh prison can be and how unfair authority figures are but really doing shit like that is the reason prisons were invented in the first place. Even if you burn down all prisons in a revolutionary rage- new ones would still get built later when people in society see others ripping off the armpit hairs of innocent victims and shoving them back in their mouths while cutting off their ears as trophies. It can sound fun from a distance/TV show and like a not big of a deal to people until they see it happening to somebody they care about or they feel doesn't deserve it. Yes we should probably just kill them with Se justice and not Te prison, but barbarism begets more barbarism. Or whatever.
    IIRC you're American. The US has <5% of the world's population but 25% of the world's prisoners. I think that shows something is wrong with the prison system here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    IIRC you're American. The US has <5% of the world's population but 25% of the world's prisoners. I think that shows something is wrong with the prison system here.
    I mean, some people also use it to argue there's something wrong with the gene pool, but based on most of our politicians, why not both?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    IIRC you're American. The US has <5% of the world's population but 25% of the world's prisoners. I think that shows something is wrong with the prison system here.
    or everywhere else
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    I have a tooth gap and the reason I believe is because I was given too much milk in a feeding bottle instead of in glass when I was little.
    doesnt mean thats the case for them
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    Arnold Schwarzenegger's tooth gap isn't attractive but I don't think being Californian makes you a Nazi.

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    Just kidding, everyone in the Bear Republic is clearly a goose-stepping fascist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Arnold Schwarzenegger's tooth gap isn't attractive but I don't think being Californian makes you a Nazi.
    use google to see what i mean.
    besides he did bad stuff to get into office.
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    Evil people have evil seeping out of their eyes. That is pretty much the only thing that is possible to notice.

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    i input my natal chart in midjourney
    it generated a sociopath

    the sun is in detriment in aquarius, because its its opposite
    aquarius is a human, weak, leo is a symbol of strength

    this kind of means i need to ignore and detach from my emotions or just let them be. the sun is the ego. a sociopath is someone with a very fragile/broken ego. moon is about darkness. i have a need to revenge, if i think the person's mistake is irreconcilable with and its their fault. one factor that they can be reconcilalbei s if they are sorry, but in my mind some mistakes require u to make repeated moral transgressions. in my mind i made repeated moral transgressions by going against my conscience, because i would feel bad hurting someone even if i thought they deserved it. men often berate women and feminity because its about that kind of enabling, passivity or so its in their eyes. she has crafted a theory that justifies cruelty but not revenge. this means the only way to go forward is, if the sun (the male) abuses the moon (the woman) and then neglects her. aquarius is rational and detached even if humanitarian. this means i have to watch people do mistakes - abuse others, because thats how they will grow up and how society develops. does it have to be that way, or is it just like that because people dont want to take responsibility.
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    Real evil people look like normal people. There are the guys next door. It seems like their "evil face" appears only after they have being charged and/or convicted. The mask of their soul falls but their faces stay the same. To look evil is an Fe performance, an energy thrown at people and there is no such thing as an evil face. It's just a projection made by people, we call it in France "Délit de sale gueule" (crime of dirty face) and it's discriminatory. There is a reason why Justice is blind.

    However some people can feel that a person is "evil" only by being in their presence like some do in the presence of a demonic entity in a "haunted house" for instance. Not that I believe in those but evil has definitely a "magnetic charge" that could be felt or even let a mark on place like a disgusting smell. I personally experienced it, I had out of the blue goosebumps and "spider sense alert" like at the contact of persons I didn't know before who happened to be "bad persons".

    With that said, It's not because some people have a tendency to fake their smiles in public that they are always fake let alone an evil person : " your smile has all the signs of a fake one therefore you're an evil person (because you're a politician and you're supposed to be an exemplary person !)". Again, there is no such thing like "Evil face", almost all the testimonies of people who have known serial killers depicted them as "normies". To try to make a "protoface" of a typical evil person based on the faces of real criminals will certainly produce a result but it will be at best counterproductive at worst discriminatory imho.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    To try to make a "protoface" of a typical evil person based on the faces of real criminals will certainly produce a result but it will be at best counterproductive at worst discriminatory imho.
    is it discrimination if i as the originator am the same as the ones discriminated
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    ng like "Evil face", almost all the testimonies of people who have known serial killers depicted them as "normies". To try to make a "protoface" of a typical evil person based on the faces of real criminals will certainly produce a result but it will be at best counterproductive at worst discriminatory imho.
    this is because they fake being normies. a psychopath is someone who has sacrificed their inner world to fit the demands of reality and others. they have manipulated their own feelings, so they have gotten rid of genuine micro body expessions of genuine emotions. themselves have also been forced out of their genuine selves by others who have manipulated them, which they mirror back. self repression also feeds the aggression and hostility. it builds up in a violent intensity
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    is it discrimination if i as the originator am the same as the ones discriminated
    Yes it can be, imho if the discriminated claims that for instance all the people who have the same facial features as him or her have APD.
    Last edited by godslave; 10-10-2022 at 04:27 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    this is because they fake being normies.
    Yes of course, normies both when it comes to the features of their faces (less fakable) and how they try to manage people's perception of them. Note that factor 1 psychopaths are more prone to be like that even if most psychopaths are not criminals.

    a psychopath is someone who has sacrificed their inner world to fit the demands of reality and others. they have manipulated their own feelings, so they have gotten rid of genuine micro body expessions of genuine emotions.
    The bold part strangely sounds like an altruistic person to me. I don't know what a micro body expression is, but it seems that the person you describe has obtained super powers ! That's cool.

    themselves have also been forced out of their genuine selves by others who have manipulated them, which they mirror back. self repression also feeds the aggression and hostility. it builds up in a violent intensity
    The bold part is true (yet not systematic) for Factor 2 psychopathy which closely aligns with APD. The self repression part can correlate with factor 1 psychopathy (and the cyclical nature of organized serial killers) but impulsivity is one of the trademarks of APD.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Yes of course, normies both when it comes to the features of their faces (less fakable) and how they try to manage people's perception of them. Note that factor 1 psychopaths are more prone to be like that even if most psychopaths are not criminals.

    The bold part strangely sounds like an altruistic person to me. I don't know what a micro body expression is, but it seems that the person you describe has obtained super powers ! That's cool.

    The bold part is true (yet not systematic) for Factor 2 psychopathy which closely aligns with APD. The self repression part can correlate with factor 1 psychopathy (and the cyclical nature of organized serial killers) but impulsivity is one of the trademarks of APD.
    you have a very superfifical understanding and way of thinking. u need to think twice. someone cant be that altruistic. its not altruism. its a broken self thats forced to comply with others and thats what broke them. people are selfish. a psychopath is someone who knows that very well to the highest degree.
    theres psychopaths diagnosed with APD that arent particularly impulsive, just on the fact they have antisocial tendencies or empathy switch. it doesnt matter anyway. someone with psychopathy has certain characteristics, behavior, way of thinking that make them what they are. mosto f the time u wont find someone who is either factor 1 or factor 2 psychopath becuase in most people who are one they have very high instance of the other in themselves as well. then the definitions are also self contradictory (or too vague in such that u can include both characteristics implicitly in one characteristic) and i have heard other definitions from a psychopath as well. features of the face move with muscle function, and there are neural connections to emotions and thoughts to how ur face moves and sits. their faces are frozen and their eyes are cold. they dont look normie in that sense. this also doesnt givei nformation to others, so their faces are like blank. not impressive. easy to overlook often. thats what allows them to manipulate so easily.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    you have a very superfifical understanding and way of thinking. u need to think twice. someone cant be that altruistic. its not altruism. its a broken self thats forced to comply with others and thats what broke them. people are selfish. a psychopath is someone who knows that very well to the highest degree.
    theres psychopaths diagnosed with APD that arent particularly impulsive, just on the fact they have antisocial tendencies or empathy switch. it doesnt matter anyway. someone with psychopathy has certain characteristics, behavior, way of thinking that make them what they are. mosto f the time u wont find someone who is either factor 1 or factor 2 psychopath becuase in most people who are one they have very high instance of the other in themselves as well. then the definitions are also self contradictory (or too vague in such that u can include both characteristics implicitly in one characteristic) and i have heard other definitions from a psychopath as well. features of the face move with muscle function, and there are neural connections to emotions and thoughts to how ur face moves and sits. their faces are frozen and their eyes are cold. they dont look normie in that sense. this also doesnt givei nformation to others, so their faces are like blank. not impressive. easy to overlook often. thats what allows them to manipulate so easily.
    Ouch !! I felt that uppercut ! And a little bit of humour doesn't hurt. I'm not an expert, I just responded to you with my very limited knowledge.

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    ellen degeners is a psychopath/sociopath
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    I will add a couple more:

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    I got high score on ASPD in the new version of Talanov questionnaire

    SEE classmate and Physics&Chemistry teacher clearly have these signs 👀
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    the ones smiling may be primaries - 3 count
    i only know one of them is condiered primary (The neuroscientsit) other 2 not enough info. also sever4al of those are not "severe" or at least i dont think so. liek they arent involved in murder, one became christian after axing his father's skull but his dad survived, one was involved in drug dealing and went to prsion but has empathy even if she can bei mpulsive and uncalculated and sokmetimes overly angery and other times not assessing that someone is too messed up properly
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