This is my personal experience with Russians:

One Russian guy I knew would always talk about how much he:
1. Hated Putin
2. Supported the state of Israel being a Jewish ethno-religious state (even Hannah Arendt would have strongly opposed that)
3. Supported the Hindutva nationalist movement in India
4. Identified as Russian Orthodox and also Hindu (how? Well, I know some Hindus think that Jesus is Krishna, but still odd. And they both share the bowing before idols hobby.)

When I hear that anti-establishment Russians are like that, and Iran enters on the side of pro-establishment Russians, I get a different picture than probably you get. I get the picture that the real purpose of this is a religious war and it's down to Israel vs. Palestine again.

And no one should be surprised when everything is a religious war. What does y equal as x approaches infinity? Or in layman's terms, what happens to your soul?