Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
It came from plenty of videos and interviews made on this topic. Zelensky's government wasn't actively controlled by them, but it was in the least turning a blind eye to activities of these groups that nationalistic Ukranians decided to use to target, kill and maim people of the independent republics of LNR and DNR.

These white supremacist guys are marching out in the open on the streets and it seems to be well tolerated.

There's also the pesky fact that Poland wouldn't accept refugees from Middle East, since they are Middle Eastern, but their doors are wide open to Ukrainians since they are white - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/25/w...es-poland.html

The West with its colonial past is of course also happy to turn a blind eye to this and continue funding these white supremacists indirectly. Supporting terrorists and extremists is nothing new to the gov of United States, as long as these groups are against whomever they deem an enemy.

AZOV can claim whatever it wants and can use the symbols it wants, but follow the money trail, their leadership and their actions and you'll notice how things usually are not how they're presented.