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    Ever since NATO's intervention made itself seriously felt, Russian media has basically portrayed the war as a war between Russia and NATO (and with good cause, because Russia really is fighting NATO-trained and equipped Ukrainian troops alongside Western mercenaries). Russian social media aggressively posts videos and photos of Western volunteers. If there is a facing-saving exit ramp for the Russian command, the fact that Russia is taking on the 'entire West', and not just the scrappy little country next-door, surely qualifies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    I've recently had this sense that the only way out for Putin is nuclear warfare of some kind. And if he's cornered, maybe that means nuclear armageddon. Putin doesn't want it, but if he has a choice between dying to his people and dying in a fireball that kills his traitors and the west, I'm not really sure what he'd pick.

    I think that NATO has to find some way to make a deal with Russia. Unless they want to give the strategically useful half of Ukraine to Putin and make him and China think that he ultimately won the war, the best option still seems to be to somehow exploit his political situation.
    I think that implementing some variation of Russia's proposed security framework was a fine starting point.

    Lots of what Russia wants (quoted below) would be a very hard bargain—I doubt that NATO would agree to end its cooperation with its former-Soviet members, for one thing. But, guarantees about Ukrainian neutrality are achievable, and so is the restoration of treaties on arms control and nuclear non-proliferation. American nuclear weapons could be removed from Europe and should have been long ago. A potential nuclear first-strike poses an existential threat to Russia, as it would to any other country, and these and similar security concerns would be viewed as legitimate in other cases, especially where the security of allies are concerned.

    Many have argued that Russia doesn't deserve national security; and many have argued that Ukrainian sovereignty trumps Russian national security concerns, including existential threats to Russia—those are separate discussions. But I don't think it's possible to argue that Russian security wasn't being threatened at all by NATO/American encroachment.

    The Russian leadership is demanding legally binding security guarantees from the US and NATO in two draft treaties. Key demands are, firstly, a commitment to refrain from undertaking any further Eastern enlargements of NATO, particularly with regard to Ukraine or other states within the region such as Georgia. This would entail withdrawing the prospect of membership offered at NATO’s Bucharest summit in 2008. Secondly, the Alliance should guarantee that it will not deploy any weaponry or military forces on the border with Russia. Thirdly, NATO should end its military cooperation with post-Soviet states and scale back its military forces to the 1997 level. This would mean no longer deploying military forces and weaponry in NATO countries that were not members of the Alliance in 1997. Moscow is therefore also demanding that NATO withdraw its multinational battlegroups from Poland and the Baltic states. Fourthly, the US should pull its nuclear weapons out of Europe and, fifthly, cease meddling in Russia’s internal affairs. Here, the Kremlin is referring to support for the so-called Colour Revolutions as part of a US democracy-building agenda.

    Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has also made it clear that Moscow takes a critical view of any NATO accession by Finland and Sweden. The Russian leadership is thus extending its reach beyond the traditional post-Soviet sphere of influence and, by seeking to reduce NATO’s role in Europe, is striving for a dominant position in European security policy. Russia is no longer merely demanding a right of veto in all matters pertaining to European security, as called for in former President Dmitry Medvedev’s 2008 proposal for a treaty on a new European security architecture. Instead, the aim is to drastically curtail the US’s role in Europe, to establish security guarantees for Moscow and to consolidate spheres of influence in Europe on a legally binding basis. Initial talks between the US and Russia on 10 January 2022 showed that such guarantees are unrealistic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    So, the Ukraine situation started because Russia broke an agreement with the western world. Before this time, countries like Germany had apparently, at least from the viewpoint of the west, tried to include Russia into the "modern" or "western" world by making itself dependent on Russian oil. This has created fairly large problems in the war with Ukraine, as Germany is now economically unable to cut off its dependency on Russia. Considering that, I don't think that NATO would be willing to enter another agreement with Russia that restrains their own power against Russia.
    I don't actually know what the post-war fall out will look like, and I don't know how it'll end. I was just communicating some existing diplomatic options that may (or may not) end or pause this war sooner—a war that could have been avoided if they'd been applied beforehand.

    Yes, Europe is dependent on Russian gas imports, and that gives Russia leverage over Europe. But Russia is also dependent on Europe as a gas importer, and that could give Europe reverse-leverage over Russia if Europe plays its cards right.

    Another example: Both Canada and Mexico are entirely dependent on trade with the United States; neither country can afford to seriously challenge American homeland security, and neither country has a foreign policy that's totally free. But their interdependence allows them to pin down American foreign policy as well. The United States is locked into friendly relations because the cost of invading Canada or Mexico, and destroying their industries in the process, would also destroy a substantial chunk of the American economy.

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    Ukraine is on a roll, but it seems like they still have a long fight ahead of them.

    As Ukraine liberates Kherson and regains more territory, we might hear more accounts and see evidence of brutality and abuse suffered by Ukrainians under Russian occupation.

    I wonder what Russia’s next move will be and how it’s mobilization effort is going.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Ukraine is on a roll, but it seems like they still have a long fight ahead of them.

    As Ukraine liberates Kherson and regains more territory, we might hear more accounts and see evidence of brutality and abuse suffered by Ukrainians under Russian occupation.

    I wonder what Russia’s next move will be and how it’s mobilization effort is going.
    It's the rainy season, the ground is muddy, and I wouldn't expect too many major offensives for at least the month of the November. Ukraine needs to prepare for a possible Russian air campaign, and they're getting supplied with air-defence systems to do that. Patchworked systems, imported from different countries, could be hard to integrate (especially with Ukraine's older Soviet SAM systems), but the Pentagon spokesman doesn't seem to think that it's a problem (link). Is he right? You decide.

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    The Ukraine war has solidified my opinion that elaborate geopolitical narratives are mostly nonsense that create self defeating scenarios for the governments which take these narratives seriously.

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    NATO weapon stockpiles appear to be dwindling at a considerable rate.


    Some analysts have also sounded the alarm about the depletion of surface-to-air missiles, and some have suggested giving jet fighters to Ukraine, which it would realistically need if it wanted to defend against Russian fixed-wing aviation.

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    I think Russia will probably fail in their invasion, because they don't have petrodollars. Petrodollars are basically what I called kleptodollars before, but people think petrodollars are about using oil. No, petrodollars are just about destroying resources so the US can have money without having to produce anything. Russia on the other hand actually wants the resources and people of Ukraine. Petrodollars are probably a sign the world is basically post-imperial. Postcolonialists, you've had your way, and you don't like it, because now we legitimately have "postcolonization" rather than pure freedom. Ukraine will probably have independence and also end up being like Slavic Iraq anyway sadly. Iraq is also "independent." I expect a Pyrrhic victory.

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    Well, the United States did freeze 300 billion dollars of Russian assets; a major move that probably hasn't gone unnoticed in most of the world.

    Muhammad bin Salman is probably observing the ongoing women's protests in Iran, and he is no doubt conscious of the possibility that similar protests may happen in Saudi Arabia. Now that finance has been weaponized against a major power like Russia, can he be sure that it would stop there? What happens when president Ocasio-Cortez freezes Saudi assets in solidarity with feminist protests in Saudi Arabia?

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    Good (and long) analysis of the air war over Ukraine:


    The Russian air force dominates the areas under direct Russian occupation, outclassing and outranging the Ukrainian air force, which is incapable of striking inside Russian-held territories. Inside Ukrainian airspace, Russian planes are highly vulnerable to Ukrainian SAM systems (Russian planes fly at a low altitude as a result, but that then leaves them vulnerable to handheld weapons). But Ukraine is running out of ammunition for its SAM systems, and it faces a very real risk of losing air superiority to Russia unless it is resupplied.

    Jet fighters offer one alternative to ground-based anti-air defences, but giving jet fighters to Ukraine has broader implications....

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Well, the United States did freeze 300 billion dollars of Russian assets; a major move that probably hasn't gone unnoticed in most of the world.

    Muhammad bin Salman is probably observing the ongoing women's protests in Iran, and he is no doubt conscious of the possibility that similar protests may happen in Saudi Arabia. Now that finance has been weaponized against a major power like Russia, can he be sure that it would stop there? What happens when president Ocasio-Cortez freezes Saudi assets in solidarity with feminist protests in Saudi Arabia?
    If there's a war on Saudi Arabia, there will be a war of most of the Western world against Israel. And ironically Iran would probably enter on the West's side (or, at least the Iranian people. The Ayatollahs will probably just be made irrelevant, since they would never enter on Saudi's side, but they won't be able to control the people of their own country at all.) In fact, it's looking like a war of most of the world against the state of Israel brewing up for real just like I expected... Except Israel won't really be able to be blamed for defending themselves, not that that makes them automatically the "good guys." It's more that the actions that put them in that position will be blameworthy than their final actions will be blameworthy. They've more or less stopped being a Jewish apartheid state, but it seems like they stopped too late, and allying with Saudi is still blameworthy.

    The Iranian people mostly seem really chill, and likely to legitimately overthrow their own government. Their habit of driving drunk is disconcerting, but not exactly the actions of some kind of theocrats, and most people in most countries, East or West, seem dumb to me anyway, so that's not an Iran-specific problem. Most liberals and many leftists seem like the most Persophile people out there to me, so I expect the Iranian government to just totally lose control of the Iranian people, but also never, ever ally with Saudi since even if Shias don't care about the Sunni-Shia split and I don't think the Ayatollahs are even really feeding it (for all their other flaws,) they do care about being killed by the Sunnis such as the house of Saud who do (not all Sunnis care, but most of the major Sunni centers of power in the Middle East do care. Sunnis in places like Malaysia or, yes, Iran seem to not care.)

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    I heard that Adam is selling weapon scopes to Ukraine and that’s why he’s no longer here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I heard that Adam is selling weapon scopes to Ukraine and that’s why he’s no longer here.
    I hope he's OK.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I hope he's OK.
    Same tbh

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon View Post
    I heard that Adam is selling weapon scopes to Ukraine and that’s why he’s no longer here.
    For real? (sorry, sometimes I have a hard time telling if something written is a joke)

    I worry about Sol, too.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    By making Rus a big threat again, Europe now have to rely on their big bro US again (military, economy), and they can’t make good business with Rus anymore.

    US genius. Biggest winner of WW2!

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    I still don't buy the idea that Putin was attempting some fascist "blood and soil" conquest of Ukraine. The annexation of physical territory is such a dramatic action that, for fairly obvious reason that anyone could have predicted, would cause, and is currently causing, a volatile stand-off with the West that includes the levying of damaging sanctions.

    While it's reasonable to suggest that Putin wants to cement his legacy by restoring something like the Russian Empire, restoring the Russian Empire at the cost of weakening it isn't a logical way to do that. Putin isn't stupid, isn't an idle romantic, is capable of performing a cost-benefit analysis, and would have considered that. Russia itself isn't a 'fascist empire'; it's just a regular empire.

    Some have suggested that Putin's mental health may be compromised, and I guess that's possible. It's an intriguing suggestion, but there is no way to know that for sure (at least for now).

    My guess is that Putin hoped to achieve a quick, bloodless victory with the aim of forcing the Ukrainian government to implement some variation of the Minsk agreement. While an invasion of a sovereign country is still illegal under international law, a bloodless invasion, one with a narrow aim of enforcing a limited diplomatic resolution, wouldn't necessarily be perceived as immoral if it brought peace to Donbass while preserving Ukrainian statehood. And it would be easy to sell that as a fait accompli to the Western governments and electorates that would like to preserve their trade ties with Russia.

    His annexation of Ukraine's four southern oblasts is probably a fallback plan, now that the initial operation has failed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Russia itself isn't a 'fascist empire'; it's just a regular empire.
    If you're a "woke" liberal, every empire is a fascist empire. Of course, that's not reality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    If you're a "woke" liberal, every empire is a fascist empire. Of course, that's not reality.
    Woke liberals do should shoulder responsibility for being so melodramatic. But I also partly blame H!tler. What he did was so dramatic that it still sticks in people's heads.
    Last edited by xerx; 01-02-2023 at 08:31 PM. Reason: fixed error

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Woke liberals do shoulder responsibility for being so melodramatic. But I also partly blame H!tler. What he did was so dramatic that it still sticks in people's heads.
    I blame Hollywood. Most empires aren't fascist, but people are just watching Avengers and Indiana Jones fight the Nazis all the time so that's what sticks in their heads.

    Even more than that, I blame people for being lazy. Hollywood movies aren't even that interesting. Why would you base your entire worldview on them? Yet here we are.

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    I pray for the worst outcome for Russia. I loved the idea of closing their borders and letting them kill each other in the civil war after they lose the war. That would be a hell of a fun. Go to hell evil empire.

  23. #23


    @Leo any reason in particular you feel this way about all Russians? Could most of them be scared, tunnel-visioned people most of the time, not unlike us?

    @Coeruleum Blue any take on evil empires?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    @Coeruleum Blue any take on evil empires?
    Probably all evil empires are fascist, but I don't think all empires are evil. If anyone is evil, it's probably the people promoting literal Nazi Satanism. You know, the US. The US media says the Russians are just scaremongering but the overwhelming evidence is that the US hierarchy is run by Nazi Satanists. I wasn't even looking for anything to do with Russia, I was looking more into the popularity of Satanism among government and military people I knew, albeit usually in the "Satanic Temple" form, and Satanism appears to be really prevalent within the US government as well as the Ukrainian one, in addition to connects with, say, al-Qaeda. Most of the sources reporting on it are left-wing and left-leaning sources such as Vice and Bellingcat rather than Jack Chick and the usual people associated with the Satanic Panic, albeit the people reporting on it are generally more concerned with the "Nazi" aspect than the "Satanist" one.

    On the other hand, even Tucker Carlson is irritated with the amount of PR for actual Satanism within the US military. I find the left's tendency to focus on the "Nazi" aspect also misguided, since these Satanic groups have self-reported that if they lived in a National Socialist world they would be Marxist-Leninists instead and they prefer Charles Manson to Hı̇tler ideology-wise but Hı̇tler is a better recruiting tool due to the shock value. Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it does, after all. All the evil empires out there know who they are due to, you know, their literal worship of evil. "Are we the baddies, Hans?"

    FBI Bankrolled Publisher of Occult Neo-Nazi Books, Feds Claim (
    The “Hardcore” Russian Neo-Nazi Group That Calls Ukraine Home - bellingcat
    Tucker Carlson: Military Forces Soldiers To Study '7 Tenets Of Satanism' PowerPoint In Defense Of COVID-19 Vaccines - National File

    These are mostly left-wing sources with only occasional confirmation from the right. Who's the evil empire? Probably not Russia.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    @Leo any reason in particular you feel this way about all Russians? Could most of them be scared, tunnel-visioned people most of the time, not unlike us?
    Moskovia incarcerated us for 50 years, I pray they get more than they have to.

    Most of them scared of what exactly? No, they are fascists, hateful, resentful poor idiots. Shitting in a bucket is okay in Moskovia. Eating sosiski is default. Oh, the russians come with lots of vodka. Yea, very cool. No, not really. They think that people in the West are as poor as they are and when they learn that that is not true, they get fucking mad. They would trash the shit out of your city and kill all the residents. Devil's empire has to go down, down, down. I mean, it will be the second North Korea. I do not really like the idea, but it will overall be better for my country.

    Russia will not be divided into many small states. it will simply become a large, uninfluential poor ghost state.

    And without Ukraine and Belarus, it's not Russia, it's Moskovia.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    This reinforces my theory that the war is 'over' and has been for some months now. Kissinger being in the group that's in the know has started to change his tune accordingly.
    Kissinger was always a premier ticket taker. However, he was/is a ticket taker with a bit of a brain. Remember what I've said about the PTB and that they are not monolithic. There are factions and they have opinions and goals that may conflict. All this means is that Kissinger's faction got outplayed somehow and now he's being forced to tow the new party line or experience an "accident" if ya know what I mean.

    I do think his former position was correct however. The Ukraine is going to become Russian territory sadly. The only quesiton is how much more money, men, and resources are the Neocon faction of the PTB willing to sacrifice before they finally capitulate to reality.

    My fear is they'd rather nuke the planet into the stone age given their irrational hatred of Russia and it's people but hey I'd be more than happy to be wrong about that and all power struggles are far from definitive until they become so.

    Neocons are winning right now yes. Doesn't mean they'll be winning 12 months from now. The Banksters have a keen interest in not rendering the Earth uninhabitable. Ya can't loan to/enslave the dead after all..

    Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
    Moskovia incarcerated us for 50 years, I pray they get more than they have to.

    Most of them scared of what exactly? No, they are fascists, hateful, resentful poor idiots. Shitting in a bucket is okay in Moskovia. Eating sosiski is default. Oh, the russians come with lots of vodka. Yea, very cool. No, not really. They think that people in the West are as poor as they are and when they learn that that is not true, they get fucking mad. They would trash the shit out of your city and kill all the residents. Devil's empire has to go down, down, down. I mean, it will be the second North Korea. I do not really like the idea, but it will overall be better for my country.

    Russia will not be divided into many small states. it will simply become a large, uninfluential poor ghost state.

    And without Ukraine and Belarus, it's not Russia, it's Moskovia.
    I am an American and not a European so the whole concept of real, true, "ethnic" hatred/animus is essentially alien to me. I mean, there's the whole "race" thing but even then that's just more of a basic bitch us vs. them dichotomy and when ya really dig down you'll find that often doesn't matter to your average American (e.g. plenty of Blacks fought for the South during the Civil War and the Southerners weren't exactly disdainful of their kind nor their aid). The closest we have is the disdain the coastal regions have for "flyover country" that "bitterly clings to their religion and guns" but that doesn't have the weight of centuries of warfare (and the attendant war crimes), linguistic differences, etc. Yet even then we (the flyover country people) would be more than happy to just let bygones be bygones, allow the coastal regions to become their own country as we become our own and we'd just figure it all out after that. I mean, we do essentially hold Florida and Texas so our new nation wouldn't be landlocked so we'd have access to international/global markets so that little hickup would be handilly avoided.

    What I'm getting from you is absolute, blind, near genocidal hatred. Now I get it if you, for instance, got pinned down by Ruskies and you watched them rape and then murder your family right in front of your eyes and then let you live just because hey that's one hell of a laugh ain't it? Hell, didn't even have to happen to you directly. Ancestors and Vendetta's are a thing and that is pretty much how war goes (e.g. I "get" why the Poles will always consider killing Russians or Germans thoroughly dead their idea of a good time despite logical arguments for why they really ought to consider not killing them at a given point in time).

    It's also not bloody likely your revenge fantasy will come to pass. Russia has "the button" as I've mentioned before and if they start to lose in a big way it gets pressed and we are ALL fucked if that happens.

    There's also the sad fact of the world that this is now an outright war of attrition for all intents and purposes (so long as it remains conventional and NBC's don't come into play) and to determine who wins that (sans NBC's getting used) is you compare the population and industrial base of both sides. The bigger one wins and, sorry to say, Russia has Ukraine beat on both fronts by a wide and rather significant margin. Well, unless ALL of Western Europe commits to sending actual regular troops en masse in addition to money and weapon systems. Mercs don't exactly count as there aren't enough of them (nor enough money available if there were somehow) to actually make it matter.

    Doesn't mean the Ukrainians can't and won't pull off a legendary defense on the par of Thermopile, but if the war is fought "Down To the Last Ukrainian" the Ukrainians will run out of Ukrainians far before the Russians run out of Russians. I don't like this, I wish it wasn't so, but I'm a man of facts and those are facts...

    To quote Ho Chi Min: "You will kill ten of us and we will kill one of you but in the end it will be you who will grow tired of it"

    Only in this case the Ukrainians will do that to the Russians and then they'll suddenly find out that there's no more Ukrainians to kill. Ten Ruskies for every one Ukranian (very optimistic scenario for the Ukies I'll add) and they'll run out men way before the Ruskies do. Again, grim, harsh facts.

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    America: No, Russia! We're not Nazis and we don't support Nazis in Ukraine, which don't exist! What do you think this is, Indiana Jones? You are a paranoid sillypants!
    Also America: We hate the Jews and we're going to fill our government with Nazis like we have for many decades as well as support Ukrainian Nazis after we supported Nazis at home during WWII.

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    Well well look at what the winds of change have brought...

    “The idea of a neutral Ukraine under these conditions is no longer meaningful,” Kissinger, 99, told the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday. Kissinger, long an opponent of Ukraine’s membership of the organization, has softened his stance on the issue in recent months.
    This reinforces my theory that the war is 'over' and has been for some months now. Kissinger being in the group that's in the know has started to change his tune accordingly.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

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    This is strangely reminiscent of what happened in Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza (2012): the media kept announcing a possible Egyptian intervention to mediate a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. In reality: they announced it much later, when arrangements and time limits had already been decided, more likely even before the short-lived military campaign started. Why? To boost Morsi. They played an deal settled probably months in advance as his last-moment achievement. The powers that be would not have handed him an opportunity and then risk him missing it and lose face in the process. America 'warms' up to the idea of helping Ukr. here means Crimea is probably a done deal. Russia has already surrendered it. We tend to think what we see is what it actually is but it's about public 'entertainment' and muscle-flexing. Similar to Netanyahu's visit to Moscow some years back to ask for Putin's assistance in the Middle East. The meeting decided nothing, initiated nothing; he had already got what he wanted from Putin but the image Moscow needed was Bibi going up a set of stairs to beg an important player in the region as the president of Russia waiting for him at the top.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    This is strangely reminiscent of what happened in Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza (2012): the media kept announcing a possible Egyptian intervention to mediate a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. In reality: they announced it much later, when arrangements and time limits had already been decided, more likely even before the short-lived military campaign started. Why? To boost Morsi. They played an deal settled probably months in advance as his last-moment achievement. The powers that be would not have handed him an opportunity and then risk him missing it and lose face in the process. America 'warms' up to the idea of helping Ukr. here means Crimea is probably a done deal. Russia has already surrendered it. We tend to think what we see is what it actually is but it's about public 'entertainment' and muscle-flexing. Similar to Netanyahu's visit to Moscow some years back to ask for Putin's assistance in the Middle East. The meeting decided nothing, initiated nothing; he had already got what he wanted from Putin but the image Moscow needed was Bibi going up a set of stairs to beg an important player in the region as the president of Russia waiting for him at the top.
    So... Basically, politics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    So... Basically, politics.
    Yes, but it still surprises me how extremely early in the case of Crimea given that we're 9 months prior its supposed liberation.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    The Ukraine is going to become Russian territory sadly. The only quesiton is how much more money, men, and resources are the Neocon faction of the PTB willing to sacrifice before they finally capitulate to reality.

    My fear is they'd rather nuke the planet into the stone age given their irrational hatred of Russia
    I'm not sure I see this happening in the near future. The opposite, rather: cultural derussification of certain areas to the dismay of old russian imperialists. The elites in Russia also have a say and it's them that handed over Crimea. They wouldn't want to unleash a nuclear war that would cause self-liquidation, economically and physically.

    Europeans are into this because they don't like the possible scenario with Russia as a decisive player. Remember Russia stopped gas supply to Europe, imagine nordstream 2 running and Russia decides to invade Poland. Why would they leave a door open to crippling economic encroachment? There's an interesting piece of work going around by a couple of Polish authors that collects the Russians' policies and moves in their foreign policy the last 10 years. It leaves the European elites with their neck exposed to the Russian elites. Letting that happen is acting irrationally.
    Last edited by Rusal; 01-20-2023 at 04:48 AM.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

  33. #33
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    Ukraine refugee immigration will lead to a renewed neo-nazi movement in the UK.

    I trust Eastern Europeans a little more than white South Africans (which I don't trust at all).

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    Quote Originally Posted by leckysupport View Post
    Ukraine refugee immigration will lead to a renewed neo-nazi movement in the UK.

    I trust Eastern Europeans a little more than white South Africans (which I don't trust at all).
    It's all bankrolled by the FBI in the first place. They're the Nazis.

    FBI Bankrolled Publisher of Occult Neo-Nazi Books, Feds Claim (

    The “Hardcore” Russian Neo-Nazi Group That Calls Ukraine Home - bellingcat

    The FBI’s shameful recruitment of Nazi war criminals | Reuters

    However, none of them seem particularly committed to the ideology of Nazism. They mostly seem committed to the ideology of being evil and they would be communists if that would lead to more death and suffering. SIEGE prefers Charles Manson over Adolf Hı̇tler.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    It's all bankrolled by the FBI in the first place. They're the Nazis.

    FBI Bankrolled Publisher of Occult Neo-Nazi Books, Feds Claim (

    The “Hardcore” Russian Neo-Nazi Group That Calls Ukraine Home - bellingcat

    The FBI’s shameful recruitment of Nazi war criminals | Reuters

    However, none of them seem particularly committed to the ideology of Nazism. They mostly seem committed to the ideology of being evil and they would be communists if that would lead to more death and suffering. SIEGE prefers Charles Manson over Adolf Hı̇tler.
    You're close to a dark and profound truth that I happened upon years ago and called by name when I did. Gnostic Luciferianism. That is to say the name of the "faith" of our (or at least the Western) ruling elite. You could phrase it in other ways if you're into the occult/Hermeticism, but I think my way puts it best (yes I am kinda doubling up with that title, but some anvils need to be dropped folks).

    Here's a good video recommended by an author I admire that spells things out in understandable terms for the "normies" who ain't got time to do a deep dive on the terms I mentioned:

    In other words if SIEGE is a given devil of yours and if they think Funny Mustache Man's way was less evil than Charles Manson's way somehow than no wonder they think the latter is a total Chad and the former is a virgin little bitch. Gnosticism. Not even once. Sadly we're all currently ruled over by such people.

    To those who think China or Russia are viable alternatives I'd tell you this. Empire is empire. Imperial powers are imperial powers. The French, British, Dutch, etc. all wanted the same things and had no problems with the means. Their only problems were with each other. They all wanted the crown for themselves and merely resented the fact they didn't wear it when they didn't and defended it at all costs from the competition in the event they happened to be the one wearing it.

    Crown Xi or Putin emperor of the world and nothing would really change save for the Lingua Franca. Though the momentum of English has been built over two whole dynastic cycles so it's likely going to become a significant part of "Galactic Standard" if ya catch my meaning. Best language to learn for the next century at least . Especially the American variant .

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You're close to a dark and profound truth that I happened upon years ago and called by name when I did. Gnostic Luciferianism. That is to say the name of the "faith" of our (or at least the Western) ruling elite. You could phrase it in other ways if you're into the occult/Hermeticism, but I think my way puts it best (yes I am kinda doubling up with that title, but some anvils need to be dropped folks).

    Here's a good video recommended by an author I admire that spells things out in understandable terms for the "normies" who ain't got time to do a deep dive on the terms I mentioned:

    In other words if SIEGE is a given devil of yours and if they think Funny Mustache Man's way was less evil than Charles Manson's way somehow than no wonder they think the latter is a total Chad and the former is a virgin little bitch. Gnosticism. Not even once. Sadly we're all currently ruled over by such people.

    To those who think China or Russia are viable alternatives I'd tell you this. Empire is empire. Imperial powers are imperial powers. The French, British, Dutch, etc. all wanted the same things and had no problems with the means. Their only problems were with each other. They all wanted the crown for themselves and merely resented the fact they didn't wear it when they didn't and defended it at all costs from the competition in the event they happened to be the one wearing it.

    Crown Xi or Putin emperor of the world and nothing would really change save for the Lingua Franca. Though the momentum of English has been built over two whole dynastic cycles so it's likely going to become a significant part of "Galactic Standard" if ya catch my meaning. Best language to learn for the next century at least . Especially the American variant .
    Not I.

  37. #37
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    Man, I wish every single ruski child, waifu and babuska is made into a sasiski and sent to combat hunger in Africa. Men will die in Ukraine.

  38. #38


    @End, care to share how you define gnosticism and/or gnostic luciferianism?

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    If this war has affirmed anything, it's that defense in modern war is stronger than offense. Using old Soviet-era GBAD, the Ukrainians have been able to hold back the quite excellent Russian air force (technically, its aerospace force, ever since Russia merged its air and space forces).

    Russia's Su-34 fighter-bomber is just as good as anything in NATO arsenals, so it isn't a matter of the Russian military being bad.

    As for Russia itself, its modern SAM systems (see S-400, S-500, etc.) are even better than its old Soviet ones, and it has one of the best integrated air defence systems in the world.

    Given sufficient time and resources, any small country now has a path to full independence (and ought to be taking notes from Ukraine).
    Last edited by xerx; 05-21-2023 at 10:00 AM. Reason: clarification

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    Damn... I expected to hear some truth from Tucker, but not the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You would expect someone like Jon Stewart to come out and say these things first, but no, it's the conservative, occasionally serious and insightful, (ex) Fox news guy...

    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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