Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
She very strongly strikes me as ESI. Also I definitely see the Se. She grabbed a paper out of your hands and hid it you say. That's certainly not 1D Se like myself lol. I forget that kind of thing is even technically an option available to me. I'm a little surprised you don't see ESI for her tbh given her force of will combined with incredibly strict morality. I also just generally associate "don't analyze me" as a phrase with ESIs though. I can't imagine my duals being offended at my analysis of them.

You yourself strike me as Ti-Fe valuing just based on the way that you write. I wouldn't definitively type someone off of writing alone, but you have that (almost nervous) tentative, light-hearted sound I wouldn't expect from Fi-Te. I'd expect an ILI to come across rather more resolutely... not resolutely... what is the word I'm looking for? Cold? I don't like that either. Maybe you understand what I mean anyway lol

Sorry for my analysis this time around being a little shallow, but I feel mentally more tired today for some reason. Hope it was helpful nonetheless!
My mom is an ESI and I see a good amount of differences between the two, and so does my mom. My mom says that my sister is wayyyy more defensive, competitive, etc. I have socionics discussions with my mom very often and she actually really digs it. She's says she's fascinated by my 'magical' ability to decipher people through these systems, she's even literally told me to write books about it to help misunderstood people realize their identities and how they're 'not alone' (in typical Fi fashion lol). My sister does not even want me to talk about personality systems AT ALL in the presence of her, even when it's never about her. With regards to the paper, she asked me to give it to her so she could see it, and I gave it to her (in my head she was eager to find out more about herself), but then she just went and hid it, and refused to give it back. But now that I think about it she can be pretty forceful. She is very competitive in things, and she does kind of possess this interesting commanding/leadership potential that she gets kind of embarrassed about. Once I told her that she seemed like she would make a very good politician because of her strong beliefs and interest in humanity (this is before I knew about personality systems or socionics) and she just got very defensive about it and said "no". My mom's morality seems to be stronger and more unwavering, but my sister's is pretty strong too. My sister just seems to do it in this far more pretentious and showy way than my mom. Both of them seem to possess this 'girlboss' mentality and attitude, but still, my sister seems to be way more combative and stubborn than my mom, by like 100x, and I know for sure that my mom is a definite ESI, through extensive analysis with her (she seemed pretty open to it).

And with the Ti-Fe valuing you're probably right lol, I always get a little intimidated talking with Te-Fi types because they seem to know their shit and seem very matter-of-fact, serious, and formal, especially if they have Ni/Se imo. Talking with gamma NTs and Te-Fi types in general always makes me feel like I'm stupid and I don't know enough about what ideas I'm throwing at the wall lol , but I know that is probably never their intention to make me feel that way (maybe i'm wrong?? idk )

Another thing that seems to rub me wrong about my sister being an ESE is that she can be super serious and cold/standoffish a lot, which just seems super counterintuitive to the ESEs I have met, but maybe it's just around me since she seems to be frustrated by me the most, even when I'm not doing anything (which is why I wonder if I'm ILE, because if she is ESE, then how can the two fight so much? then I must be ILI or something, but my mom is an ESI for sure and we just don't get along which makes me know I'm ILE, but then I still get confused at my sister's type which leads me into these contradictions of information lol)

Thanks for your ideas and insight, it was really helpful