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    epic gamer moment banmeplssssssss's Avatar
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    Default "Don't analyze me" - SEE?

    So I've been in the process of typing everyone around me, and mostly everyone except my ESFx sister and IxTp stepdad have been into it. The latter have hated it, they have expressed so much distaste about it when I'm discussing it with them to the point where I feel uncomfortable talking to them about it because they react so negatively to it for some reason. It's almost shocking to me, I'm confused why they're so angry about it, I'm just sharing my thoughts and observations.

    Anyways, that's not the point of why I'm writing this; the point is that I've been confused about my sister's type. I know my stepdad is an IxTp, and we really do not get along well at all (he's very matter-of-fact and pointing out all of my logical incorrectness and whatnot; I had an ISTp friend for a long time and we were super good friends, so I have been led to believe my stepdad is an INTp but he's an ISTP in mbti, so idk), so I don't think that I could be an INTp (i'm stuck between ILI/ILE, trying to see all the parallels and interactions between my relationships with everyone to verify my type), but my sister is an ESFx type, but I really cannot tell what. There are some things about her that strike me as ESE, and some SEE.

    For one, she seems to exhibit a good amount of Si and seems to be very aesthetically inclined, especially her room. Her room looks like how I would imagine an Fe-Si ego type would decorate their room, but maybe it's an SF thing. But she just has WAYYYYY too much Fi to be an ESE. Like, it's off the walls. She's extroverted and she does not strike me as an ESI, but she doesn't seem to have any Se either?? Idk honestly, it's confusing. A few characteristics about her:

    - She values her identity a lot, and hates when people try to tell her who she is (indicative of Fi valuing possibly? maybe she's just Fi in MBTI??).
    - After joking about the end of Avengers: Infinity War and how it was the best part, she told me "umm, I think you need to check your morality haha" (sure she was probably joking too, but something to note still, it doesn't seem like something an Fi-ignoring type would say)
    - She can be so incredibly passive-aggressive for always some stupid reason that it's not even funny, in fact it's kind of unwelcoming since she does it all the time
    - During COVID, she felt the need to fact-check everything, which could be Te-valuing? My ESI mom does the same exact thing
    - She is very committed to social causes, and she has a lot of knowledge on various hierarchal movements in society; in fact one of her key points is how 'the industrial revolution has manipulated America into a massive corporate culture" and half the time I'm so confused as to where she even learned about this stuff and how strongly she takes it to heart
    - She cares a ton about climate change, the world's health, how we 'don't have enough time to fix it, 'we're already doomed'', how society needs to reform itself, politics, etc.
    - Rather than maintaining a fun mood in a group, she insists that everyone's humanity is respected before anything else (personal pronouns like they/them, sexual preferences, etc.) and this has earned her a big title at her school as being an empathizer to all people who are different, like people who struggle with their identity or pronouns or sexuality or whatever
    - When I started learning about personality systems, I showed it off to my family as something they think was interesting, along with describing their types and their behaviors. Surprisingly my ESI mom was incredibly fascinated by it (after deducing the factual accuracy of it), but my sister and stepdad were downright defensive when I started talking about it; I wrote an analysis of everyone in the house earlier before I started talking about it to them, and when she found out she literally grabbed the paper, hid it in her room, and demanded "Don't analyze me!" when I asked for it back
    - Like I said, my mom is ESI; they have the exact same political views, ESI mom claims that my sister 'trusts and cares about facts way more than I do by 10 times', they believe in addressing people with empathy and respect with regards to their personal pronouns and whatnot, they will not hesitate to kill the mood of something to make sure everyone's humanity and morals are respected, etc.
    - She seems way too standoffish, emotionally cold, and way too sensitive to anything remotely offensive to be an Fe-valuer of any sorts

    I get that they didn't want me to do that to them, but I was literally so unbelievably confused as to why someone would be offended by it in the first place, like I'm not kidding, my brain could not think of a single basis of a logical reason as to why she would take such offense to it. I get that they didn't like it, and I stopped when they told me to and I found out, but I did it at first with literally no possibility in my head that someone would be offended by it?? Anyways, I asked my mom about it, and she said to me, "It seems like she doesn't like being put in these boxes of being told how she acts, or rather doesn't like being under the impression that there is some thing she is in that tells her that she is destined to act that way", which in my opinion, sounds a whole lot like what Ti vulnerable would be?? Maybe I don't know enough about Socionics, but socio Ti is all about putting things in frameworks to describe the way the world works and categorizing things and perfecting analysis of objects and whatnot and trusting that the systems must perfectly be adhered to as if they are unchangeable and absolute to, and she seems to really hate that a lot; she seems to put it as the utmost unimportance in her life, avoiding basically any conversation about it possible.

    I mean in my head, maybe she is Ti-valuing because she wants to decide on her own about her own systems?? But idk, it just sounds a whole lot like what I imagine Ti vulnerable would be. She doesn't seem to exhibit Se to me, but she is for sure a sensing type and an extrovert, and while I see some Fe-Si in her, the amount of Fi and Ni she has is so fing undeniable to ignore. I can't really find any arguments for Ni PoLR about her, as for Te PoLR I can't really find any either?? If she is a SEE then she is undoubtedly a heavy Fi subtype for sure, placing much less emphasis on Se, but I am still unsure. Anyways, the whole point of this wasn't to figure out what to do to get along, I've already followed her boundaries and we get along good now, but this is more about what you guys think her type would be based on what I've given?? I've been so confused by it, it's so hard to tell ESE/SEE apart, even though it probably shouldn't be this hard for me to discern lol

  2. #2
    AWellArmedCat's Avatar
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    She very strongly strikes me as ESI. Also I definitely see the Se. She grabbed a paper out of your hands and hid it you say. That's certainly not 1D Se like myself lol. I forget that kind of thing is even technically an option available to me. I'm a little surprised you don't see ESI for her tbh given her force of will combined with incredibly strict morality. I also just generally associate "don't analyze me" as a phrase with ESIs though. I can't imagine my duals being offended at my analysis of them.

    You yourself strike me as Ti-Fe valuing just based on the way that you write. I wouldn't definitively type someone off of writing alone, but you have that (almost nervous) tentative, light-hearted sound I wouldn't expect from Fi-Te. I'd expect an ILI to come across rather more resolutely... not resolutely... what is the word I'm looking for? Cold? I don't like that either. Maybe you understand what I mean anyway lol

    Sorry for my analysis this time around being a little shallow, but I feel mentally more tired today for some reason. Hope it was helpful nonetheless!
    Last edited by AWellArmedCat; 01-25-2022 at 12:21 AM. Reason: Word choice bugged me
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  3. #3
    epic gamer moment banmeplssssssss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    She very strongly strikes me as ESI. Also I definitely see the Se. She grabbed a paper out of your hands and hid it you say. That's certainly not 1D Se like myself lol. I forget that kind of thing is even technically an option available to me. I'm a little surprised you don't see ESI for her tbh given her force of will combined with incredibly strict morality. I also just generally associate "don't analyze me" as a phrase with ESIs though. I can't imagine my duals being offended at my analysis of them.

    You yourself strike me as Ti-Fe valuing just based on the way that you write. I wouldn't definitively type someone off of writing alone, but you have that (almost nervous) tentative, light-hearted sound I wouldn't expect from Fi-Te. I'd expect an ILI to come across rather more resolutely... not resolutely... what is the word I'm looking for? Cold? I don't like that either. Maybe you understand what I mean anyway lol

    Sorry for my analysis this time around being a little shallow, but I feel mentally more tired today for some reason. Hope it was helpful nonetheless!
    My mom is an ESI and I see a good amount of differences between the two, and so does my mom. My mom says that my sister is wayyyy more defensive, competitive, etc. I have socionics discussions with my mom very often and she actually really digs it. She's says she's fascinated by my 'magical' ability to decipher people through these systems, she's even literally told me to write books about it to help misunderstood people realize their identities and how they're 'not alone' (in typical Fi fashion lol). My sister does not even want me to talk about personality systems AT ALL in the presence of her, even when it's never about her. With regards to the paper, she asked me to give it to her so she could see it, and I gave it to her (in my head she was eager to find out more about herself), but then she just went and hid it, and refused to give it back. But now that I think about it she can be pretty forceful. She is very competitive in things, and she does kind of possess this interesting commanding/leadership potential that she gets kind of embarrassed about. Once I told her that she seemed like she would make a very good politician because of her strong beliefs and interest in humanity (this is before I knew about personality systems or socionics) and she just got very defensive about it and said "no". My mom's morality seems to be stronger and more unwavering, but my sister's is pretty strong too. My sister just seems to do it in this far more pretentious and showy way than my mom. Both of them seem to possess this 'girlboss' mentality and attitude, but still, my sister seems to be way more combative and stubborn than my mom, by like 100x, and I know for sure that my mom is a definite ESI, through extensive analysis with her (she seemed pretty open to it).

    And with the Ti-Fe valuing you're probably right lol, I always get a little intimidated talking with Te-Fi types because they seem to know their shit and seem very matter-of-fact, serious, and formal, especially if they have Ni/Se imo. Talking with gamma NTs and Te-Fi types in general always makes me feel like I'm stupid and I don't know enough about what ideas I'm throwing at the wall lol , but I know that is probably never their intention to make me feel that way (maybe i'm wrong?? idk )

    Another thing that seems to rub me wrong about my sister being an ESE is that she can be super serious and cold/standoffish a lot, which just seems super counterintuitive to the ESEs I have met, but maybe it's just around me since she seems to be frustrated by me the most, even when I'm not doing anything (which is why I wonder if I'm ILE, because if she is ESE, then how can the two fight so much? then I must be ILI or something, but my mom is an ESI for sure and we just don't get along which makes me know I'm ILE, but then I still get confused at my sister's type which leads me into these contradictions of information lol)

    Thanks for your ideas and insight, it was really helpful

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ravash7 View Post
    My mom is an ESI and I see a good amount of differences between the two, and so does my mom. My mom says that my sister is wayyyy more defensive, competitive, etc. I have socionics discussions with my mom very often and she actually really digs it. She's says she's fascinated by my 'magical' ability to decipher people through these systems, she's even literally told me to write books about it to help misunderstood people realize their identities and how they're 'not alone' (in typical Fi fashion lol). My sister does not even want me to talk about personality systems AT ALL in the presence of her, even when it's never about her. With regards to the paper, she asked me to give it to her so she could see it, and I gave it to her (in my head she was eager to find out more about herself), but then she just went and hid it, and refused to give it back. But now that I think about it she can be pretty forceful. She is very competitive in things, and she does kind of possess this interesting commanding/leadership potential that she gets kind of embarrassed about. Once I told her that she seemed like she would make a very good politician because of her strong beliefs and interest in humanity (this is before I knew about personality systems or socionics) and she just got very defensive about it and said "no". My mom's morality seems to be stronger and more unwavering, but my sister's is pretty strong too. My sister just seems to do it in this far more pretentious and showy way than my mom. Both of them seem to possess this 'girlboss' mentality and attitude, but still, my sister seems to be way more combative and stubborn than my mom, by like 100x, and I know for sure that my mom is a definite ESI, through extensive analysis with her (she seemed pretty open to it).

    And with the Ti-Fe valuing you're probably right lol, I always get a little intimidated talking with Te-Fi types because they seem to know their shit and seem very matter-of-fact, serious, and formal, especially if they have Ni/Se imo. Talking with gamma NTs and Te-Fi types in general always makes me feel like I'm stupid and I don't know enough about what ideas I'm throwing at the wall lol , but I know that is probably never their intention to make me feel that way (maybe i'm wrong?? idk )

    Another thing that seems to rub me wrong about my sister being an ESE is that she can be super serious and cold/standoffish a lot, which just seems super counterintuitive to the ESEs I have met, but maybe it's just around me since she seems to be frustrated by me the most, even when I'm not doing anything (which is why I wonder if I'm ILE, because if she is ESE, then how can the two fight so much? then I must be ILI or something, but my mom is an ESI for sure and we just don't get along which makes me know I'm ILE, but then I still get confused at my sister's type which leads me into these contradictions of information lol)

    Thanks for your ideas and insight, it was really helpful
    My current boss is ESE and my mom is ESE as well. She doesn't sound remotely like either of them. From everything you've described I would consider Ti-Fe pretty nearly out of the question entirely for her. She's either Gamma or Delta I would bet. Given the rest of what you said, I'm thinking SEE makes the most sense now
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  5. #5
    Aster's Avatar
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    She sounds like she could be SEE from your description.

    SEE with Ni PoLR often jump into things without looking. ESI’s are more opposed to trying new things, or diff perspectives…Which one do you think matches her more?
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    IEEs hate destiny. Tell them that they will never eat ice cream, and two minutes later they have their face in a bowl of ice cream to prove you wrong.

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    Doesn't sound like SEE much. Or at least I still havent' seen a humanitarian SEE yet. Any SEE get to polictics I know seem to twist it to serve their personal goal.

    Just for stereotype, but when SEEs are in position of polictical power, you would have something like: Alexander the great, Napoleon, Benito Mussolini?, Trump. Their Se are all over the place with that weird conqueror mindset.

    - She can be so incredibly passive-aggressive for always some stupid reason that it's not even funny, in fact it's kind of unwelcoming since she does it all the time
    SEE usually would throw their anger right into your face, as I know. And that could make some people scare shitless... They seem to have the most obvious outburst rage.
    Last edited by Tarnished; 01-25-2022 at 02:15 AM.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    IEE makes sense to me. but she doesnt seem aggressive enough for SEE, and SEEs dont have that "everyone should be respected" mentality about pronouns usually. its some weird delta NF thing. not sure what u judge Si by. the room being very aesthetically inclined can be counter to Si. Si homes are boring or stuffy.
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    epic gamer moment banmeplssssssss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    IEE makes sense to me. but she doesnt seem aggressive enough for SEE, and SEEs dont have that "everyone should be respected" mentality about pronouns usually. its some weird delta NF thing. not sure what u judge Si by. the room being very aesthetically inclined can be counter to Si. Si homes are boring or stuffy.
    She's very much a sensing type, and now that I think about it, I don't think she would have Ne. My mom is an ESI and she does the exact same thing with pronouns, imo it's probably an Fi thing.

    There was this night at the dinner table with them where I was talking about the idea of an universal anarchy for fun, and how much of an interesting experience it would be, and they just devolved it into this incredibly serious Ni-Fi discussion of trying to get me to understand all of the potential consequences of these ideas, like how "anarchy is racist and unjust to minorities since the rich white men would dominate the world" or something like that, idk lol. I told my sister later a few days later that she seemed to take it seriously what I was saying, and that I was only joking around. I told her that, in my head, anarchy was like this open field of starting from scratch with no boundaries, as if it was Minecraft or something, and then she just told me, "Well Minecraft is not reality, and there are consequences to things", which seems to be counterintuitive to Ne imo. I talk about a lot of outlandish ideas out loud for fun and she becomes serious about them and she is surprisingly critical to point out all of the potential consequences of things and how my ideas would 'never work', which like I said, doesn't seem very indicative of Ne.

    Maybe I've just gotten my answer lol

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    It seems very SEE'ish thing to think that people define themselves as in feeling relation but dunno it seems Ti types can be very same in logical basis (if I find contradictions I'm roasting back...) or maybe it is a static democratic thing or a process static thing [as they seem quite involved in this process of going inside of their mind].
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  11. #11


    "Don't analyze me"
    Words I say only to those who constantly misunderstand me, to the point where I've given up hope of them ever being able to figure me out. Basically, when I say this, it means that the more you try to understand, the further off you it's better if you just don't even bother to try. Lol, when worded bluntly, it's basically "You suck at analyzing me. Just stop."

    I wonder if your sister relates to this.

    This right here sort of sounds like that:
    She values her identity a lot, and hates when people try to tell her who she is
    Maybe she actually just values being authentic, and seen as her authentic self, and doesn't like being misunderstood.

  12. #12
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    Hm, your relationship with her, doesn't it sound like Super-ego?
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    well what I've noticed about SEEs is they can often be very bitchy/critical about almost everything even if they kinda like it- cuz ILI are their duals after all. And SEEs have this funny thing where they kinda absolutely *have to* be in the Gamma Normie world or something, so talking about psychology/socionics in public with them or idk deeper/nerdier topics is probably looked at as 'uncool' or not Te valuing enough and they often just want to talk about The Bachelor or something- or they would prefer that sort of thing with somebody they had a very close Fi connection with. The many categories and definitions also probably hits their Ti polr. They can still be receptive to it but you'd have to do in the right way with a lot of Ni coated on.

    I read a bit more of the post... yeah ESI or IEE makes better sense as I always viewed SEEs more "warmer" and "friendly" than that at least in a generic way idk. It's like to me even when SEEs are being really bitchy and negative and critical and smearing their tapatalk period blood on people's faces there is this heartedness to what they do and say.... ESI and IEE are often 'colder' than that especially ESIs... /hides. She almost sounds Delta ish with what you said.

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    When identifing types is better not to talk about this openly.
    Maximum, give to who is possibly printed papers with questions for tests. Do not discuss much alike what you think about their traits based on the theory. People may disagree and appears opposing.
    In the final you may say or print short type's description, if you want.

    Between ESF* types check related to J/P as the most noticable difference. Values are lesser clear.

  15. #15
    Local Legend Toro's Avatar
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    None of this is very useful to determine type. This just sounds like a typical teenage girl.
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    This kind of "don't put me in boxes" behavior is most assigned to SEEs for their Ti PoLR.

    I would resist this sort of analysis for a different reason - I don't want dogmatic people to figure my tactics out.

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