Quote Originally Posted by Ravash7 View Post
Anyways, for any Alphas out there, what are your thoughts/experiences with Gammas?
Bad experience overall. When it comes to NT gammas, that evolutionary logic coupled with Ni makes waay too complex and unnecessary systems. Bending space,
Object Oriented Programing instead of procedural. All of that is so very nonsensical and overcomplicated to resolve simple matters that at times only need straight up, well defined structure. Also,
they are always cheating their way to something.

As for gamma SF, I can't even think about it 'cause I start to get pissed off. I think every disagreement I had (specially online) with someone was against a gamma SF who just wouldn't think
on their own account, always appealing to "authority" (1d Te). Always exposing their first immediate subjective reaction, no matter how disrespectful it was. Always deffending bad plotlines
in books, movies, always sucking up to crappy passive-aggressive characters like Light(deeathnote) or Loki. Some SF subtypes get shit done and that's admirable I think. But it's always like that:
they never really teach you what they know, they get shit done and that's it, they complain when you don't. But none of their duals get shit done, NT duals just cheat their way and overcomplicate everything, and I'm starting to think they overcomplicate sh*t on purpose just to form a little bubble and a cult.

I mean, it's already common sense they are kind of villains, who never seen a movie where the scientist make a new discovery hoping it will do great for humanity and receive credit for it. Only for it
to be stolen by some psychopath SEE who is in charge of the company for some nefarious selfish purpose.

I mean the overcomplicated stuff is already obvious all over socionics, Grigory Reinin is an ILI anyway and his description of ILI is basically a copy and paste of narcissistic personality disorder.
So his dichotomies are only there to overcomplicate stuff even more and gain more adepts to the cult, no wonder they aren't as popular as the original dichotomies.

But I understand and agree with Gulenko that gammas and betas are basically the motor of society, without them, Alphas and Deltas would just do jack sh*t all day.

So thank you gammas for existing but also go f*ck yourselves you delusional gooftards.