What do you think of potential of beta quadra types in scientific fields?

Of course it would depend on what kind of area in the vast world of modern science,

but I think beta quadra functions correlate quite well with some major qualities required to be a scientist.

For example, Ni and Ne would be important as a tool to find meaning behind the data and find links between different concepts. This would be the role of Beta NFs.

Ti and Te is also very crucial, to systemize theories and gather factual data. This would be the role of Beta STs.

Which is why NTs are very suitable as scientists since they are strong with all those functions.

But again Beta is kinda unlikely to be interested in science for the sake of itself, for their value is to affect the society with powers that have meaning in the real world, while science is very theoretical and often unpractical in some levels of research.

What's your opinion on this topic? Is there any notable scientists in the history or famous scientists today, or the acquaintances you know that are beta?