View Poll Results: Do you have mental health problems?

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Thread: Do you have mental health problems?

  1. #41
    roger557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    That's a morsel of your belief, more accurately. None of that is scientific, and in fact, there's a lot of empirical data that offers quite different explanations than this.

    Alcohol tends to overall worsen psychotic symptoms, btw. So does marijuana.
    You know, some people make their own opinion of things instead of parroting the "scientific data"

  2. #42

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    Yes, I have mental health probems. But I don't go with the psychiatric diagnoses as much as I just like to say I'm mentally unstable and sometimes very non-linear in thought. I think the NEO FFM or whatever it's called is better than the DSM. The DSM is really one of the world's worst diagnostic manuals IMO and the tool in assessing (or attempting to assess) thoughts that should be the most examined, analyzed the fuck out of really and diagnoses from it not believed in or at least questioned just because it's popular (like how "OMG, I think that guy acts so ADHD"... calling people ADHD or even bipolar has become a cliche sorry I couldn't do the mark over the e) or because a doctor said you had that disorder. And even if you believe in the DSM diagnoses, they should maybe be thought of as having advantages, not just being disorders. For example, being hyper under ADHD is a good thing... that's better than being lethargic, people are usually attracted to more active people. Having Histrionic Personality Disorder most likely means you have well above average social skills and that you have ability to adapt, that you've developed tools. If you have HPD without Narcissistic PD, then if you go to a place with ugly architecture but you're a non-judgmental person (you would think attention from anyone is good, you want everyone to love you), you'll be focused on and able to attract the people around while not being bothered much by the location, it's ugly architecture.

    Anyway, more on topic about my mental health problems... extreme neuroticism and feeling like i've lost touch with reality is not easy especially when I'm not only a logical type but have logic as my base function. I still can't decide for certain if I'm LSI-Ti or LSE, but I've ruled out all other types. I lean towards being LSI-Ti, but my thoughts have never been organized and i don't feel like Ti is working for me (and especially not Te), but Se works for me somewhat well, but then my mom doesn't pick up on how strong willed a person which would go against Ausra Augusta definition of Ti. And a big question is... do LSEs of either subtype live in their heads and be constantly introspective? is it possible for them completely live inside their heads and ignore the outside world for so long? Are LSEs ever fine with not being in charge like I've usually been fine with not being in charge? I know that neither LSI-Ti nor LSE is very self-controlled; i uncontrollably explode like an Ej is said to do, but a lot of that is due to drugs; it sounded like Dr. Dre uncontrollably exploded and he's an LSI-Se and they're more controlled than LSI-Ti.

    There were times in my life when my behavior resembled Judge Claude Frollo's courting behavior from Disney's the Hunchback of Notre Dame really, although unlike that most feminine and darkest one of all the Disney villains i never thought of hyper-sexuality as a sin and I was both physical/sexual and emotional in attraction, although still more physical/sexual, about 70-30. Judge Claude Frollo was an LSI, although one who was far less sympathetic to smart, independent women and women who disobeyed one of us than I am and most LSI are.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 01-14-2022 at 02:31 AM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  3. #43
    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Honest answer?

    I struggle with mental health issues. I’ve talked about them on here. Most people don’t really realize the extent of it until they are close to me. I don’t mind causally mentioning it cause I’m not afraid to say that I struggle. However, the extent of it is much darker then I like to admit. I’m severely critical of myself and struggle with depression, social anxiety and chronic low self esteem. I don’t like people getting close to me in the thick of it. I feel like a crab in a bucket and I don’t want to drag someone in. So I just isolate myself.

    Ive learned to cope for the most part. Stress and life events can make it worse. When I make a mistake, I feel the need to intensely criticize myself..sometimes to the point of tears. It’s the only way I know how to cope at times, attacking myself.

    Things are going to get better. I’m getting help and am making steps. I think the mail goal is improving my self esteem. I hope to be more secure in my esteem In the future.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    I would be able to tell you don't have NPD without you saying it's an unofficial take, based on the bolded alone. Narcissists view people as objects and have what is called "cold empathy," which you can just Google if you're interested.

    Why do they deny it? Are you self-diagnosing the rest?

    I'm not trying to add to the invalidation you feel, just wondering why it's happening. People can be idiots about mental health as well (in fact, the vast majority of people are). I've dealt with shit like this, too. It's nothing personal against you, nor me, nor anyone else...mental illness is just very stigmatized. Someone told me I don't have bipolar "because those people are batshit crazy." I'm formally diagnosed and am successfully being treated by bipolar medication to the point of being symptom free (or, in other words, the fact that bipolar treatment works just confirms I actually have bipolar, lol), so it makes no sense to argue that. That was coming from someone who thought I didn't know what "self-esteem" means because I responded to a comment made about low self-esteem, "I know quite a bit about psychology." She doesn't even know enough to realize self-esteem is part of what the field covers. That's the #1 common denominator in every person I've encountered that is critical of the psychology field as a whole and/or stigmatizes mental illness: their knowledge base about it is founded on stereotypes, rumors, biases, and beliefs they never bothered to confirm with science before accepting them. In other words...knowledge deficits.

    Btw, autistic people have heightened affective empathy, but lack cognitive empathy (thus the difficulties with fitting in and understanding social dynamics); NPD has cognitive empathy, but lacks affective empathy (thus why they see people as objects).
    As for possibly being a narcissist: I dunno, all of the supporting and contradicting evidence is pretty convoluted. I definitely exhibit a lot of the traits internally. Within the family I was raised, I was referred to as a narcissist (which fair enough, to a great extent, was probably them projecting onto me) and in my genetic family (not the one I was raised in) there is an extreme prevalence of NPD (among other things). It's also worth noting that I went on a spiritual journey a few years ago which left me with a unique perspective on things like life and love etc. which has affected how I view and handle my mental conditions. It has definitely stumped my disorderly egoic preoccupations, and I don't know if it would make sense or if I could easily explain it to somebody who has not experienced it themselves. Prosocial psychopaths exist, so is there any reason prosocial narcissists couldn't? I still am not sure if I can genuinely love others and I do tend to "use" people, but I don't want to stop trying to honestly love because I think I am capable of it deep down. Maybe I just love differently, although in a way no less valid? Lol, on a side note, I had come up with a silly philosophy for narcissism that a narcissist could live a fulfilling life by being superior (since superiority is something they want) to other narcissists by not being a shitty person, i.e. a typical narcissist.

    Buuuut, it's hard to ignore what you point out here. It definitely makes me think...

    And no, I didn't self-diagnose. Well, except for one of the conditions I mentioned (autism), but funnily enough, that's the only condition everybody agrees on me having! And the self-diagnostic process wasn't a typical one at all. It took 7 years of studying and successive revelation with the help of psychologists, other autistic people, and other people familiar with autism before I finally realized I am. It's practically not even a self-diagnosis, lol. Hell, there should have been red flags when I was befriending only the autistic kids at school and I learned I have a genetic history of it. But yeah, I believe some people deny me having conditions I have been diagnosed with because they are too cowardly to accept that their selfish ideas of me don't align with reality. That includes realizing all of the negative things that they think of and feel for me may not have justification, just like their cognitive dissonance and destructive attitudes.

    Regarding empathy, I dunno, that's kind of complicated. I generally seem to have better cognitive empathy than most autistic people (it's still a fucking exhausting and often emotionally taxing mental exercise though), and my affective empathy can be... dodgy. Yes, my affective empathy is quite strong when I feel it, but it often feels invasive and I don't always feel it when others think I should. This topic isn't really my expertise though. I'm especially curious as to what thoughts you have on comorbidity of the conditions I listed.
    Last edited by Djinn; 01-14-2022 at 04:47 AM.

  5. #45
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    Depends on who you ask...
    Bound upon me, rush upon me, I will overcome you by enduring your onset: whatever strikes against that which is firm and unconquerable merely injures itself by its own violence. Wherefore, seek some soft and yielding object to pierce with your darts.


  6. #46
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    No and I feel like the odd man out here with all the nutjobs.

  7. #47
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    I had a very difficult childhood, and it negatively affected my mental health. I also had problems with physical health, and I turned to psychotherapists and therapists. Now almost every inhabitant of the planet has mental health problems. And everyone has their method of treatment. For example, ayurveda helped me a lot. After such treatment, I became interested in Buddhist practices and yoga and could finally live a full life. But everyone has their recipe for healing.
    Last edited by Maggawyld; 03-30-2022 at 07:35 AM.

  8. #48

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    I suffer from severe depression and anxiety.

    I'm taking medication for it and I just found a therapist who I think is going to be a good fit.

  9. #49
    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    I just realized I have had depression since I was 3 years old.

    My menta health is currently the best it's been since I was a toddler.

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    This thread makes me wonder how many people try and treat themselves using Socionics.

  11. #51
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    Yes, though I only ever realized the true extent of my issues after falling in love with someone who saw the real me. Along with Autism I have severe dissociative amnesia from either BPD, C-PTSD, or drug abuse, or all of the above; Panic disorder, general anxiety disorder, and an overarching apathy about everything that seems to be uplifted by 150-225mg of Venlafaxine a day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diametric View Post
    It seems like at least 80% and then they attribute mental illness symptoms to their sociotype. Showing cluster B tendencies = EIE, showing antisocial tendencies = ILI or LSI.
    Makes sense. I think people should really just use any typology as a benchmark for where they are in life.

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    Yup, most of them stem from my poorly developed prefrontal cortex

  14. #54
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    One of those guys diagnosed with problems, but if I'm managing it well, I don't. Someone tried to break me recently, but like I'm good right now.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  15. #55
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    I have bipolar, which means that every once in a while I go completely nuts and do a whole lot of things that are severely embarrassing afterwards. The first time it happened, I went outside barefoot in the middle of winter and apparently scared one of my neighbors by walking up to her and staring at her before going back into my house. She was so alarmed that she actually called the police. When the policeman came to my house, which was after my mother had gotten there, I made him and and my mother hold my hands and wouldn't let go of them until my friend pushed me into my mom's car. When I got to the hospital, the same friend had to shove me into a wheelchair before I went on a ride through the hospital, looking about as good as I could after going nearly a week without a shower or a bath.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alomoes View Post
    One of those guys diagnosed with problems, but if I'm managing it well, I don't. Someone tried to break me recently, but like I'm good right now.
    @Alomoes, you seem pretty emotionally stable to me.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    I have bipolar, which means that every once in a while I go completely nuts and do a whole lot of things that are severely embarrassing afterwards. The first time it happened, I went outside barefoot in the middle of winter and apparently scared one of my neighbors by walking up to her and staring at her before going back into my house. She was so alarmed that she actually called the police. When the policeman came to my house, which was after my mother had gotten there, I made him and and my mother hold my hands and wouldn't let go of them until my friend pushed me into my mom's car. When I got to the hospital, the same friend had to shove me into a wheelchair before I went on a ride through the hospital, looking about as good as I could after going nearly a week without a shower or a bath.

    I had a friend who was bipolar. He was a brilliant guy, ILI, I'd say. He, also, did some very unusual things. When he'd find himself doing things which most people don't do, he'd call his shrink and the shrink would drive him to the hospital.

    Most of the time, he was completely normal, but every once in a while his medicine dose would be off a bit from what he needed and he'd go slightly off the rails.

    He was one of the smartest guys I knew. Set the grade curve at the university, started several companies, got fairly wealthy, but he couldn't convince an SEE to marry him. I think that was the thing that bothered him the most.

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    It's interesting to hear your perspective on mental health and diagnostic manuals. I agree that labels from the DSM can sometimes be overly used or misapplied.
    Regarding personality types like LSI-Ti or LSE, they can provide some insight into our tendencies, but they don't define us completely. It's okay to lean towards one type or another, but don't feel pressured to fit into a box. We're all a mix of traits and experiences.
    As for finding relief from mental health issues, there are various approaches, and it's essential to explore what works best for you. Kratom might be an option, but for this, you need to explore the best kratom vendors.
    Last edited by carrgordon; 01-09-2024 at 09:42 AM.

  19. #59
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    Actually I have recently had something happen to me that unblocked some memories i had forgotten (an accident involving a friend...). Since then i have had some physical changes in my perception of reality, i feel smells much more strongly, colors are stronger and I notice other peoples emotions a lot more. I also notice more when say a woman stares at me because she likes me, like i get a physical feeling.Actually my strenght has increased too and I got back my photographic memory, and i got better at sports.Not sure what this is. Slight physchotic episode? I wonder if SF types constantly feel reality this way.
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Actually I have recently had something happen to me that unblocked some memories i had forgotten (an accident involving a friend...). Since then i have had some physical changes in my perception of reality, i feel smells much more strongly, colors are stronger and I notice other peoples emotions a lot more. I also notice more when say a woman stares at me because she likes me, like i get a physical feeling.Actually my strenght has increased too and I got back my photographic memory, and i got better at sports.Not sure what this is. Slight physchotic episode? I wonder if SF types constantly feel reality this way.
    Something of self-preservation instinct perhaps, but not in the same way Enneagram describes it , you become aware of your surroundings so that you aren't exposed to the same danger again

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    Something of self-preservation instinct perhaps, but not in the same way Enneagram describes it , you become aware of your surroundings so that you aren't exposed to the same danger again
    So you think I will go back to how i was previously? Damn i kind of like this state even though it's a bit more dangerous.
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  22. #62
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    No real problems.

    I asked my doc about ADHD and i missed it by 1 point on a test scale, he is a general with ADHD specialty. I'm a little scattered so i made the query, and the test revealed just under the radar.

    He declared i don't have the impairment of it, which is executive functioning problems that usually require a schedule to track time and organize events daily to get it done. In essence it is a working memory impairment usually with some emotional dysregulation.

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  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    Something of self-preservation instinct perhaps, but not in the same way Enneagram describes it , you become aware of your surroundings so that you aren't exposed to the same danger again
    Today is already tapering off. Wonder how it works exactly.
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  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    So you think I will go back to how i was previously? Damn i kind of like this state even though it's a bit more dangerous.
    I have an explanation for this, but it's my own theory and I haven't tested it enough to prove it because I'm not really interested in developing my own ideas about Socionics , do you want to hear it?
    Last edited by Biscuit; 01-06-2024 at 11:25 AM.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    I have an explanation for this, but it's my own theory and I haven't tested it enough to prove it because I'm not really interested in developing my own ideas about Socionics , do you want to hear it?
    Definitely. By the way, it tapered off almost completely, just a slight slowing of perceived time is still there.
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  26. #66
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    It’s deleted from my build
    Deleted erased blocked banned

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Definitely. By the way, it tapered off almost completely, just a slight slowing of perceived time is still there.
    Update: now the whole thing has stabilized in an increased sense of smell and colors and an increase in strenght and libido. No anxiety or negative symptoms but I am somewhat more risk seeking.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  28. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Actually I have recently had something happen to me that unblocked some memories i had forgotten (an accident involving a friend...). Since then i have had some physical changes in my perception of reality, i feel smells much more strongly, colors are stronger and I notice other peoples emotions a lot more. I also notice more when say a woman stares at me because she likes me, like i get a physical feeling.Actually my strenght has increased too and I got back my photographic memory, and i got better at sports.Not sure what this is. Slight physchotic episode? I wonder if SF types constantly feel reality this way.
    It could be that your version at the time of the accident was also unlocked, along with the memories. Apparently that's how DID therapy works.

  29. #69
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    Reject delusion, accept reality. Grow the fuck up. Take care of yourself, your mom and your kids. You will soon be gone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    It could be that your version at the time of the accident was also unlocked, along with the memories. Apparently that's how DID therapy works.
    Yeah that's what I was thinking too. I don't think I was dissociated but somewhat numbed ...
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  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Definitely. By the way, it tapered off almost completely, just a slight slowing of perceived time is still there.
    My theory was that a group of functions are activated after accents, it's not necessarily strong or valued (i.e. there is no rule about it) , if these functions will appear again or not depends on the extent of their activity before it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    My theory was that a group of functions are activated after accents, it's not necessarily strong or valued (i.e. there is no rule about it) , if these functions will appear again or not depends on the extent of their activity before it.
    Basically in my case an increase in or perhaps a return to its baseline.
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  33. #73
    numa numa yay kuno's Avatar
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    I have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by kuno View Post
    I have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
    Like this?

    His unconscious is distinguished chiefly by the repression of intuition, which thereby acquires an extraverted and archaic character. Whereas true extraverted intuition has a characteristic resourcefulness, and a 'good nose' for every possibility in objective reality, this archaic, extraverted intuition has an amazing flair for every ambiguous, gloomy, dirty, and dangerous possibility in the background of reality. In the presence of this intuition the real and conscious intention of the object has no significance; it will peer behind every possible archaic antecedent of such an intention. It possesses, therefore, something dangerous, something actually undermining, which often stands in most vivid contrast to the gentle benevolence of consciousness. So long as the individual is not too aloof from the object, the unconscious intuition effects a wholesome compensation to the rather fantastic and over credulous attitude of consciousness. But as soon as the unconscious becomes antagonistic to consciousness, such intuitions come to the surface and expand their nefarious influence: they force themselves compellingly upon the individual, releasing compulsive ideas about objects of the most perverse kind. The neurosis arising from this sequence of events is usually a compulsion neurosis, in which the hysterical characters recede and are obscured by symptoms of exhaustion.
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    Sincerely yours,
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  35. #75
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr drapetomaniac View Post
    Like this?

    His unconscious is distinguished chiefly by the repression of intuition, which thereby acquires an extraverted and archaic character. Whereas true extraverted intuition has a characteristic resourcefulness, and a 'good nose' for every possibility in objective reality, this archaic, extraverted intuition has an amazing flair for every ambiguous, gloomy, dirty, and dangerous possibility in the background of reality. In the presence of this intuition the real and conscious intention of the object has no significance; it will peer behind every possible archaic antecedent of such an intention. It possesses, therefore, something dangerous, something actually undermining, which often stands in most vivid contrast to the gentle benevolence of consciousness. So long as the individual is not too aloof from the object, the unconscious intuition effects a wholesome compensation to the rather fantastic and over credulous attitude of consciousness. But as soon as the unconscious becomes antagonistic to consciousness, such intuitions come to the surface and expand their nefarious influence: they force themselves compellingly upon the individual, releasing compulsive ideas about objects of the most perverse kind. The neurosis arising from this sequence of events is usually a compulsion neurosis, in which the hysterical characters recede and are obscured by symptoms of exhaustion.
    For some reasons, that made me think of Enneagram and Naranjo's...

    So I was searching for one of those famous pictures that correlate unhealthy Enneatypes patterns to mental health disorders and I serendipitously stumbled upon this paper :

    Is Enneagram Personality System Able to Predict Perceived Risk of Heart Disease and Readiness to Lifestyle Modification?

    @kuno has recently evoked something about cardiology so I found the timing of this study finding quite synchronic. So I took a quick look at it (for the record, I jumped directly to the conclusion out of curiosity and then looked for interesting data) and found some interesting stuff.

    On the other hand, unlike the performer personality, the romantic imaginary type and the mediator negligent type have fewer tendencies for any action. Lack of understand of the disease as a serious threat by these types probably not likely to affect the level of readiness to lifestyle modification.
    I don't to sound like a "cross-typology correlationist" but that sounds like Low Te.

    The absolutely unbiased study also discovered this :

    Main findings

    • There is a direct relationship between the “giver” and “performer” personality types and readiness to lifestyle modification. However, there is a reverse relationship between the “challenger” personality type and readiness to lifestyle modification
    • Only the “performer” and “challenger” personality types can predict readiness to lifestyle modification
    • There is a direct relationship between the “loyalist” personality type and perceived risk of heart disease. However, there is a reverse relationship between “challenger” personality type and perceived risk of heart disease
    • Only the “loyalist” personality type can predict the perceived risk of heart disease.

    The way it is framed is interesting.

  36. #76
    numa numa yay kuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr drapetomaniac View Post
    Like this?
    Yes, exactly like that!! I still have that tendency to expect the worst in most situations. It’s quite exhausting. It’s part of why I suspect myself to actually be a 6 in the enneagram system.

    When I was a child, I used to have very specific rituals to prevent bad things or bad luck from affecting me or my loved ones; my brain used to interpret the bad omens and premonitions I’d have as visions and signs from God, but as I got older, I found out this wasn’t true and that I was simply mentally ill, so I felt angry and betrayed by the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    For some reasons, that made me think of Enneagram and Naranjo's...

    So I was searching for one of those famous pictures that correlate unhealthy Enneatypes patterns to mental health disorders and I serendipitously stumbled upon this paper :

    Is Enneagram Personality System Able to Predict Perceived Risk of Heart Disease and Readiness to Lifestyle Modification?

    @kuno has recently evoked something about cardiology so I found the timing of this study finding quite synchronic. So I took a quick look at it (for the record, I jumped directly to the conclusion out of curiosity and then looked for interesting data) and found some interesting stuff.

    I don't to sound like a "cross-typology correlationist" but that sounds like Low Te.

    The absolutely unbiased study also discovered this :

    The way it is framed is interesting.

    I’ve frequently predicted the risk of heart disease in the past (I’m a hypochondriac), but often times the doctors have found my heartbeat to be normal. 2 days ago, I was sure that the doctors would detect that my heart rate was abnormal, because I knew something was wrong in my chest and that I wasn’t imagining it this time. And I was right. I hate when my “evil premonitions” turn out to be correct.

    I still have negativistic and fatalistic predictions all the time, but I no longer have the same compulsion to carry out certain rituals to “ward off” the evil like I did when I was a child. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s partially because I stopped believing in God, so now I no longer believe any “voice in my head” telling me to do something (or else bad things will happen) is a sign from God; now I know it’s just my OCD.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kuno View Post
    I still have negativistic and fatalistic predictions all the time, but I no longer have the same compulsion to carry out certain rituals to “ward off” the evil like I did when I was a child. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s partially because I stopped believing in God, so now I no longer believe any “voice in my head” telling me to do something (or else bad things will happen) is a sign from God; now I know it’s just my OCD.
    I resonate with a lot of this. I think it's my older brother who first came up with the idea of conjuring premonitions and bad dreams by just talking about them. He would say "If I say it, then it will not happen".

    I worry a lot when there are children in the environment. Everybody in my family knows about that overprotective traits of mine when it comes to children (esp toddlers). I would notice every potential danger in the environment and have visions (flashes rather than voices) of what might happen if I'm not vigilant.

    Losing faith hits home too, I think that's what has impacted my psychology the most this past 10 years or so. It was a long process, to mourn God.
    Last edited by godslave; 02-04-2024 at 02:55 AM. Reason: lapsus calami ! (I wrote "came out" instead of "came up" )

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    I used to. Now I am confident that I am mostly healthy. If you think you suffer from them I highly recommend you learn about Attachment Theory. Most all Mental Health issues stem from insecure/broken attachment. Fixing that will either cure you or go a long way towards reducing your symptoms.

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    i have schizophrenia and i'm thinking maybe i should get an Autism/ADHD screening. what's more, i have a history with depression, which now is mostly sorted out due to me being on prozac.
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

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    I don't believe I do. Looking back, it seems that all of my past unhealthy states have been completely situational, such as being stuck in toxic environments and poverty, but the further removed from those situations I am, the less affected I am by those states.
    “You will take pleasure in all that is, though your bodies will break and your souls be forfeit. You will do this, and do this gladly. For I am Slaanesh, most jealous of the Gods, most demanding of lovers, and My thirst for you shall never be stated.”

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