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Thread: Write a Dating Profile That You Would Resond To

  1. #41
    mbti INFJ lookin4waifu's Avatar
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    “I am looking for the dick of a simp. In return for devotion and love, I will stomp on your micropenis and balls with high heels as you throw money on my face literally or virtually. Xoxo in my thotty thots”
    how to enlarge your dragon, click here

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Dane Horlock View Post
    I think duality is bullshit, yet again, I think most things pertaining to romance and relations are.
    Dude everything seems like a whole big game esp with straight relationships and dating. It's always some weird strategy or some shit you HAVE to do.

    "Oh be feminine" "oh be a man" in gay relationships we don't have that problem we just... Be ourselves and the rest follows in place.

  3. #43
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    Like that person for who they are and not for some weird societal construct. It's performative and stupid. Just say you want some poosy and keep it moving

  4. #44
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    Y'all knew this one was coming so let's say I got desperate and made a Tinder account. I will assume I used a rather (by comparison to most of the dating profiles I've seen in said apps) actually appealing one. No obvious photoshop, no camera angels that are obviously hiding the fact you're north of 250 lbs. or whatever the metric equivalent is, etc.

    As the cover art is 80% of the buy decision when it comes to selling a novel thus is physical appearance in regards to landing a "mate" online (at least if you're going for a male partner). If you've got that as a male and you want a female partner this is where that profile will actually start to matter if she's worth your time. Hell, I can even go theological here. A fat ass, taco toad faced abomination of a female isn't likely to embody even a fraction of the graces bestowed upon Mary. A "virtuous" woman is said to be among the most beautiful and meritorious things in heaven. This comes with an equal curse however (for the heights you could possibly merit in the divine hierarchy are matched by the depths you could sink to). Viscous women are among the most wretched things in the eyes of the lord and, as we are made in his image, us males who strive for virtue.

    As you all know I harp on about attachment issues and this is a primary reason. A "secure" female is searching for an otherwise "secure" male. Most all males are avoidant/dismissive as that fits most easily with our biological imperatives. Here's the real tragedy and I am putting any woman who pushed "him" away on full blast (especially if he gave off signs that he wanted to change not to make you happy but rather to make something "higher" happy like his "own" children).

    If you, the woman/wife he naturally tries to fix his attachment with first blows him off with dueling middle fingers you've condemned both of you to a rather personal hell. If he comes to you and, after a rare instance of sex you only gave into because it was expected and he suddenly hugs you and wants to cuddle? Let him! Again, an avoidant male will try out things like that and what they want is for you to accept that and take it graciously. Assuming they aren't fully beyond redemption you, his woman, are his first, last, and final attempt at disproving his cynicism. Married for 10+ years? Only fuck once or twice a year? Both of ya using contraception?

    I'm actually ashamed to say that Bill Clinton was right about us Catholics. Most of us don't take our faith seriously. If we did the study he funded wouldn't have found 98% of the "Catholics" in his day used the pill/condoms/etc.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Y'all knew this one was coming so let's say I got desperate and made a Tinder account. I will assume I used a rather (by comparison to most of the dating profiles I've seen in said apps) actually appealing one. No obvious photoshop, no camera angels that are obviously hiding the fact you're north of 250 lbs. or whatever the metric equivalent is, etc.

    As the cover art is 80% of the buy decision when it comes to selling a novel thus is physical appearance in regards to landing a "mate" online (at least if you're going for a male partner). If you've got that as a male and you want a female partner this is where that profile will actually start to matter if she's worth your time. Hell, I can even go theological here. A fat ass, taco toad faced abomination of a female isn't likely to embody even a fraction of the graces bestowed upon Mary. A "virtuous" woman is said to be among the most beautiful and meritorious things in heaven. This comes with an equal curse however (for the heights you could possibly merit in the divine hierarchy are matched by the depths you could sink to). Viscous women are among the most wretched things in the eyes of the lord and, as we are made in his image, us males who strive for virtue.

    As you all know I harp on about attachment issues and this is a primary reason. A "secure" female is searching for an otherwise "secure" male. Most all males are avoidant/dismissive as that fits most easily with our biological imperatives. Here's the real tragedy and I am putting any woman who pushed "him" away on full blast (especially if he gave off signs that he wanted to change not to make you happy but rather to make something "higher" happy like his "own" children).

    If you, the woman/wife he naturally tries to fix his attachment with first blows him off with dueling middle fingers you've condemned both of you to a rather personal hell. If he comes to you and, after a rare instance of sex you only gave into because it was expected and he suddenly hugs you and wants to cuddle? Let him! Again, an avoidant male will try out things like that and what they want is for you to accept that and take it graciously. Assuming they aren't fully beyond redemption you, his woman, are his first, last, and final attempt at disproving his cynicism. Married for 10+ years? Only fuck once or twice a year? Both of ya using contraception?

    I'm actually ashamed to say that Bill Clinton was right about us Catholics. Most of us don't take our faith seriously. If we did the study he funded wouldn't have found 98% of the "Catholics" in his day used the pill/condoms/etc.
    Huh, I thought you had a wife or girlfriend or something for some reason. Was I wrong?

    Also, conscience takes priority over dogma according to the Catechism. Why do you assume those 98% are all "bad" Catholics, rather than ones who are following their conscience, which according to church teaching supercedes church teaching?
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 01-15-2023 at 11:41 AM.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Huh, I thought you had a wife or girlfriend or something for some reason. Was I wrong?

    Also, conscience takes priority over dogma according to the Catechism. Why do you assume those 98% are all "bad" Catholics, rather than ones who are following their conscience, which according to church teaching supercedes church teaching?
    Sounds a wee bit heretical. Conscience doesn't take priority over dogma, but there is the issue of bad priests and bad catechesis and the fact that the modernist heresy has gotten so bad and so widespread that it's virtually impossible to not be a victim of it without being a full-blown theologian (I've been boning up on the Catechism recently for this reason. Pre-Vatican II more specifically).

    Any true Catholic has the humility to accept church teaching regardless of how they "feel" about it. In this instance, the church teaches that contraception is a bad thing and necessarily leads to all kinds of evil as it contravenes God's design of the natural order. Case in point: All the really bad shit Pope Paul VI prophesied would happen in "Humanae Vitae" if the pill and other means of unnatural birth control became widespread has happened.

    For example, the concept of the "pump and dump" was a thing formally reserved for outright prostitutes and even then the very act of resorting to their "services" was seen as immoral and shameful. Now it's a hearty recommendation by many men for all women and you get high fives for having a "harem" on the sly. In other words, men aren't giving women and the conjugal act the reverence they deserve. Why? Well, the fact it necessarily used to carry the very real risk of pregnancy and children kept both sides rather serious about that. Now it's just mutual masturbation (and as most women don't even "get off" during it thanks to how their sex drive works it's really just men using women as walking talking onaholes as they ruin both her and themselves morally, spiritually, and psychologically).

    Basically, things have gotten so bad that you can't unconditionally trust your local priest anymore like ya could in ages past and that fact has sadly been used by many to just do/believe whatever they "feel" is right. I'm sorry to tell everyone but personal emotions are a rather sad and shallow standard for determining the truth. 2+2=4 regardless of how bad that makes you feel.

    I digress a bit but I'd add this one to the dating profile. Outright say you won't have sex before marriage and actually stick to that. PUA's (and dismissive women) will see it as a challenge. Actually stick to that and they'll either run away like their lives depended on it (because in their broken minds it actually does) or they'll actually respect you for your convictions and start to open up to you (if they're more secure than not). You can't lose on this one (provided you actually don't fuck until after the wedding that is).

  7. #47
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    @End are you on dating apps other than Tinder? I ask because it’s my understanding that tinder is used more for casual hook ups these days. You might have more luck with Hinge, OkCupid, or even a Christian dating app.

  8. #48
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    @End are you on dating apps other than Tinder? I ask because it’s my understanding that tinder is used more for casual hook ups these days. You might have more luck with Hinge, OkCupid, or even a Christian dating app.
    Yeah, I was surprised that @End is now on Tinder. There should be much better alternatives. A Christian dating app should be his first choice. Even I am on a Christian dating app and I am not even that religious. There are probably other dating services tailored for Catholics also, especially in the States. But maybe he has tried them already, or he doesn't like them?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Djinn, I AM pretty desperate and I HAVE asked ESIs what they like. Most of them say they like ILIs.

    I don’t see the process of finding out what they are looking for as “catfishing”. If they are looking for an ILI, well, I can’t help them. But if they are looking for a set of traits that I have but I’m not mentioning in my profile, then perhaps I can push those traits forward, rather than the facts that I take dancing lessons and owned a Poodle.
    Here’s my thought: both ESIs I know well are very Christian, but the one who is in her late 20s is also slightly sensitive about the way being Christian is perceived, so she doesn’t openly flaunt it. Maybe if you wrote something like this:

    “I just want to be upfront and say that my relationship with God is very important to me. I don't expect you to share my beliefs; I only ask that you respect them.”

    But add your own LIE flair to it? It depends on whether you want to go that route, I guess.

    I will also just say that, as a woman, whenever a guy writes a really niche description of what he’s looking for (especially if it includes traits that past partners may have criticised me for like being too introverted) and it happens to fit me spot on, I will respond even if he’s not normally the sort of person I go for. Because my subconscious is thinking, "This guy will accept me for who I am." At the end of the day, we all just want to be wanted. I think I saw one profile that just said “Golden retriever seeking black cat energy,” and I immediately liked it. So all else failing, maybe just say you're looking for this sort of woman and then write a description of ESI traits. Keep your description of yourself to a minimum (too easy to misinterpret, especially for us rationals who make snap judgements; it's better to let her get to know you through actual interaction) and focus on writing about the future and shared goals you’re looking for with a partner. That, along with a few of the basic dating app photos (one with friends, one doing a sport or hobby, one with a pet, one with your family, and one solo), should be enough to attract her if she sees it.

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