Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
did you want a virtual hug or did you want someone to tell you you are alright?
To be honest, it was just an experiment. I've had varying degree of success on that IRC channel, in fact I've made several friends and had a romance with one of the girls (note that I was not seeking any of this, I went on that channel to investigate). I'm actually an Oldham "Solitary" person that needs very little interaction (not to mention too that I'm a demi-sexual). I was actually needing a hug though, for once, because I've been through some really strange stuff and this lesbian girl romance didn't end well (and I gave it all and exhausted myself) and I'm still putting myself together. I have a pattern in my romantic relationships, that I fall for girls who are very damaged and then I attempt to fix them, and then they leave me, and I've grown tired.

I'm okay now, thanks for your concern