Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
I don't know how to address the points in the OP, but it seems something is wrong with heterosexual relationships and flirting in this society.

We live in a very narcissistic era. Social media is to blame for that. Narcissism is inherent in humans but social media amplifies that.

We live in a very shallow era. Again, inherent stuff but social media amplifies it.

We live in an era of ghosting, which has always happened, but personally I find most relationships I have with the opposite sex are very unstable and the women I meet are unreliable in terms of contact. And this is pretty systematic too.

Social media is all about making money, and if you think people like Mark Zuckerberg have your best interests at heart in the way his company runs Instagram or Facebook, you're a fucking idiot. It's all about the money, at the expense of the harm done to society, and there is alot of harm done by social media. I would even argue social media is a threat to civilization. Perhaps worse than climate change even. I know that sounds dramatic but I have no doubt these platforms and they way their algorithms incite us to communicate is destructive. But it doesn't matter to big tech companies that social media is destroying human relationships any more than oil companies care about the planet - they just want to make a little more $.

That said, there are still good people out there. But quality people seem to be becoming rather rare, quality women even more so than men imo.
Dating absoloutely sucks nowadays. I often critique modern women re: their relational ways, especially when it comes to sleeping around in spite of being female and such. Yet at the same time i have just about as many complaints about most men i've stumbled upon (not being interested and/or trying to coerce me into sex when i say i don't approach intimacy casually and won't sleep with anyone until i truly love them.. which is why i stayed a virgin until marriage).

People have their goals completely messed up and the global sexual revolution has most definitely contributed to a sense of everything being seemingly arbitrary and meaningless when it comes to sex, dating and the sort. Sex doesn't almost always lead to babies anymore and even if that happens, there's abortion. Whereas people in the past understood that if a man knocked up a woman - he'd have to marry her in order to not bring shame to both his and her family. There were certain societal structures set that made sense and didn't tolerate degeneracy. And so people were much more careful in choosing their sexual partners and mostly would resort to sex only if a serious approach towards the relationship with the person they'd be sleeping with (especially if female) was present, knowing the potential risk.

I will say that i understand why females seem to be on the receiving end of an abnormal amount of criticism among the so-called "manosphere" however, knowing that many get numbed out of their natural intense pair bonding instincts if they sleep around (which is the majority of women nowadays). There are certain studies no one wants to cite because of them being scared to get called misogynistic but for example the more sexual partners a woman has had before marriage, the more likely it is that she'll incite divorce and so on. But generally speaking we live in an awful climate where not wanting to adhere to that (sleep with just about anyone) makes you a "prude" and alienates most of the dating pool. It's probably the same for men, don't get me wrong. But all i am saying is that women aren't build to fuck and act like men and treat relationships as such.

Men on average will always seek sex due to hormonal and evolutionary reasons (there's always exceptions to the rule, of course) and in spite of acknowledging that they should be responsible too given that they have agency, i feel like it's largely a female responsibility to not turn access to the female body into a casual commodity. And in reality hookups lead to a lot of mental health issues and disturbances in women that then lead to even more problems with their relationships with men. In all surveys i've seen re: people being friends with benefits - women disproportionately state that they wish the relationship could progress into something further than that. And that's a reality a lot of girls don't want to acknowledge because it goes against the popular narrative they've been gaslit into. That they don't "need" secure relationships with men or to have families and et cetera. Supposedly we should all be independent and sleep around since it's more acceptable when men do it and so why shouldn't we too?

It's all very stupid because i don't typically condone promiscuity in any gender. And if you don't like men sleeping around, don't give them access to your body unless they're really serious about you and/or want to marry you. That'd solve a lot of things. But a lot of men in these circles are just as asinine given that they complain about "whores" and modern degeneracy in that aspect, yet sleep with them. A large sense of responsibility when it comes to relationships in general is required of both sexes and it's mostly missing these days. As for the thread title - no truly heterosexual man would end up sleeping with another man, even if they're frustrated with women. Maybe they were bisexual to begin with and in denial. There's always masturbation.