Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
I will respond to your blather this time, in blather-style way (to see if you like it):

When I say "devaluation of women" or that they "have lost value" I mean that the women of this era are not like the women (I presume since I have known no other) used to be. They have nearly completely lost positive qualities inherent to their gender that made them IMO to be commended and possibly superior.

trigger warning for women.

this makes no senes. what are those qualities again. gender is a social construct, that takes biological roots. those are not separate, AND they are inseparable. whatever qualities a gender has, it has been socially conditioned and selected for over time. this doesnt mean its ineherently good.
One more thing, don't say that I have a nasty vibe as if I'm a danger or whatever you are implying, because I'm going to punch a hole in your face ^^
and this is the kind of men who have been selected. abusive, assertive, irrational, presumptive, misunderstanding, resorting to impulsivity and violence so easily. u are entitled to being strong and used to, so u can use that threat, instead of actually adrressing the issues with urself, which is exactly what men did to women in old times, which by default is proof those women couldnt have been healthy. yet, the fact that they've been obedient is somehow revered today, again, by those men who've been used to forcing their way through instead of loving someone.

why do you think someone who's been abused especially, owes someone they don't know, thats a potential abuser, a hug?
"can i have a hug" has the implications of "im a nice guy". if u get bitter when rejected it shows it was about forcing urself on someone else instead of understanding why they refuse.

i dont know anything about daddy or mommy issues, besides it seeming to be an excuse to devalue, mistreat and neglect someone's needs. like people saying "im not your mom" when refusing to love someone. this again can be unfair attitude of women towards men, but also the other way around.

do you know what is a danger? the unknown, fear of the unknown. it implies a danger. by default u are perceived as dangerous by someone who doesnt know u. by following ur mindset i can perceive the implications. u said u would punch a hole in my face, just for me implicating danger. when others see me as potentially dangerous, i know myself to be so in the first place, and my mind is processing possibilites about how to conduct myself without putting whoever im dealing with in unfavorable position, where i push myself over them, e.g. some guy being clingy after he receives the first hug, then feeling like his feelings have been betrayed, if she was leading him on, he becomes fixated on her, bc shes the only one who let him, but doesnt pursue things further with him, he thinks theres nothing wrong with him so she's being negligent of him (which can be true to varying extents), he starts stalking and threatening her. however the story goes. and theres possibility of him groping as they are locked together, which according to some theres nothing wrong with either, because it doesnt "hurt" her.