I don't know, I think I usually clash with people no matter their gender or orientation lol but I do think there is a form of almost spiritual affection a gay man and straight man can have with each other. To me it's not all that sexual- but it is more warm and loving, which is better since sex can be so overrated - and yes, then I get all confused and get the typical 'crush on a straight man' thing that annoys me. It doesn't work if the straight guy is a dick- but that is kind of like a stereotype, many straight guys are just nice and protective.

Women don't always suck- but they do tend to withhold their affection more in a Fi way for people due to biological reasons. Try not to take it personal or get pissed at them that they aren't as huggy. It's like this in other mammals too lol - male tabby cats are more affectionate than the female ones etc. When a bunch of guys get together it tends to be more lighthearted and "gay" - if they aren't competing for female attention where they have to str8 male compete to get access to her sweet pussy. Because there is a natural pecking order- and even if you are the submissive non-Chad omega male, you aren't looked down for it and you just know your place. i've seen males in all-male atmospheres be really kind to each other- but it changes as soon as one female enters the room. It's bizarre that this happens but I've noticed it A LOT growing up.

I've seen many women in authority be especially cruel to any guy that isn't some 100% GigaChad - and that's what they are picked on for a lot and people are cruel back to them as revenge. They attempt to gaslight reality to make it where the guy must not really be sweet or innocent or huggy as he appears - but he really actually is for the most part - they are just guilty and butthurt that's not their own preference. Also the sweeter guy can effectively call them out on their manipulations too and they really loathe that- so they must play a game where he must really be some evil misognist that hates women - when in reality it's more like they are just upset that they are every cliche the 'dark interweb' pokes fun of them for. Not 'all women' though, there are still some nice sweet girls that won't look down on you for not being a GigaChad or whatever so it's not a good idea to generalize but I think that's what it is you are describing? Even the alpha males that get to fuck these women don't even like or respect them either though because it's like blah lol. But they are using them and not getting their heart involved with it like beta/omega males do - that's why.

and yeah I mean many gay men know what it's like to be severely bullied so we can sometimes be a bit more understanding to people's vulnerabilities in a sense- not that we're better or perfect angels or anything (yeah right lol), just we often know what it feels like to be the kicked/looked down upon loser a lot you know lol.

but yeah ahh bro don't give me nice warm hugs that feel so good and then push me away and say 'no homo' that is just wrong. If it feels good just hold me longer. =/ lololol.

yeah it's weird, the "gay energy" between males tends to be more loving/affectionate and the hetero-erotic energy tends to be more chokey and rapey- like it's very sexual and heated to me but not very heartfelt, and kind of sadistic- even though I know that quite obviously there are gay relationships that are sadistic/unhealthy and straight relationships that are more loving. To be perfectly honest I've really wanted the more intense str8 rapey energy with another male without losing the affection ((like best of both worlds ya know?)) but it's weird because men usually don't hate each other as much as society wants us to or something lolol. And I guess they cancel each other out- how can really hatefuck somebody in a way where the fires aren't extinguished via pure spiritual brotherly love you know- but that is sort of the perfection I try to reach lol.