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Thread: Straight men turning for companionship to gay men b/c women this era suck

  1. #81
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    Okay but I think MOST women are obvious, not some. There are pretty blatant social cues. I will say that my LIE friend is oblivious to them.
    @chriscorey, I agree with you. I’ve been on dates where the woman was pretty obvious about wanting to be wanted, but sadly enough, they were not ESIs.

    I’ve been exploring ESI sexuality for the past few years, and it seems to me (but like your LIE, I’m pretty oblivious) that ESIs are initially like “Hi! I really like you, but don’t expect this to go anywhere, buddy.”
    I’ve asked three ESI’s if they are Aggressors in the sense of, “Do you prefer to be asked, or do you want to do the asking?”
    One said that she wants to do the asking and she hates men who ask her.
    Two said that they want the man to ask them out.
    What I find difficult in dealing with the ESIs I’ve met is they are publicly nice and privately severely judgmental and are almost completely unreadable and unforgiving.

    It doesn’t help that I can’t do nuance in relationships very well. I’m either “I’m treating you like a man”, or “let’s have sex right now”. 1D Fi.

    Anyway, this all results in me making sexually explicit statements which have to be couched as jokes, so my wishes can be placed out there for ESIs to see, but can be claimed to be “just jokes” in case the ESI gets offended.
    Of course, what an LIE’s jokes do to most people is pretty horrible, but most people are not the intended audience for the LIE.

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    Is this a new trend? I don't know.

    Ive had sex with a few married guys. Not proud of that and I don't actively look for it as it goes against my values. Golden rule.

    I've also hooked up with bisexual/straight guys who only want to have sex with a guy when they are high on cocaine. Its like, I oblige and don't overthink it for them. A kiss is not a contract.

    Maybe that's the issue, women over think things these days? High expectations? I can't see how that would be different now as opposed to decades ago..?

    I follow some rich guy who travelled to the Philippines and inpregnanted foreign woman with a baby. He proudly takes care of that baby and baby Momma, but will not marry her. He says he enjoys how woman in other parts of the world treat men with admiration and adoration. I also have a friend who married an Australian woman. I think the bottom line there is that North American woman are high maintenance, (as they should be this isn't a value judgement statement, its an objective observation). Woman in North America are above being criticized. Meaning the act of criticism to save their feelings and standing. I'm not saying they are being criticized for being a woman, I'm saying that being a woman makes them above the act of criticism. For example, if I was talking with some guys about something I knew to be true, and they are wrong, I will tell them that. If you do that to a woman or a girl in my country, she takes it as a personal assault on her as a person, or a woman. ofc, this isn't true at all points in all time, its a general rule of thumb. Everything is on a gradient. I think what is being said here is that NA women have been taught (and this isn't saying something negative towards the "teacher" there is no teacher. This is simply "the way she goes" as things evolve and change and transform), that to adore a man is to give him something of yourself and giving something means you are committed to the long term outcome and this might undermine you as a person and your social standing.

    I worked with a young 23 year old woman who believed that any sex that objectifies the other person is wrong. I'm not sure this is the pinnacle of feminism. So a woman is not an object, but a part of what is sexy is objectifying certain parts of the human body? its like cutting off a part of your nose to despite your face. There is probably room for improvement. I think this is the dellema of this era. How can a woman enjoy sex for its own sake without the political underpinnings of the sex? Doesn't birth control free the sexes?

    Looking over this post it would seem that companionship in this instance is 1. pleasurable sex without strings 2. adoration without strings.

    I'm not sure how the sexes can be reconciled or even if there is a problem that can be fixed. imho the solution lies in going back to an animalism world view between the sexes and also appreciating there ARE differences.

  3. #83
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    I'm not really sure str8 men and gay men get along all that better really. That's not been my experience and sorry it's just a me thing probably but I never was personally invited to the str8 male cool guy table either really and I still remember freshly in my brain what sadistic shitholes str8 men could be... maybe it's true in some small respects as I got older but definitely not growing up. And well, Fe valuing tells you things like 'everybody is an asshole.' However I agree with the sentiment that women are often difficult/hard to live with because they are not socially conditioned to be giving or loving much at all ((or I mean, they obviously are and then rebel too much in the other direction etc)) and the mainstream feminism movement definitely went too far from equal rights and respect/political power to teaching women that it's okay to be evil narcissists because they are women etc. I just watched this show where a bunch of gay men were worshipping Laura Dern but how Laura Dern behaved in that Star Wars movie is definitely part of the problem. I'm not sure it's her fault personally either, she's just an actor acting but still.

    But getting mad that women won't hug you in public- is petty to me because the issue is bigger than that and it isn't reasonable to get mad at somebody cuz they won't hug you. Feminism taught the world that it's okay for men to be healer/supportive classes and it's okay for women to be DPS classes or Warriors but if you take that to much in the other direction you kinda have the same problem you were trying to fight but in reverse.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 01-30-2022 at 05:43 PM.

  4. #84

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    To be fair dude, lots of gay men are kind for desperate for affection themselves.

    But I should be more positive by saying that gay men can empathize with other men in a way that straight men are not culturally allowed to.

    This thread devolved into a discussion of feminism, which is hilarious in my opinion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    I'm not really sure str8 men and gay men get along all that better really. That's not been my experience and sorry it's just a me thing probably but I never was personally invited to the str8 male cool guy table either really and I still remember freshly in my brain what sadistic shitholes str8 men could be... maybe it's true in some small respects as I got older but definitely not growing up. And well, Fe valuing tells you things like 'everybody is an asshole.' However I agree with the sentiment that women are often difficult/hard to live with because they are not socially conditioned to be giving or loving much at all ((or I mean, they obviously are and then rebel too much in the other direction etc)) and the mainstream feminism movement definitely went too far from equal rights and respect/political power to teaching women that it's okay to be evil narcissists because they are women etc. I just watched this show where a bunch of gay men were worshipping Laura Dern but how Laura Dern behaved in that Star Wars movie is definitely part of the problem. I'm not sure it's her fault personally either, she's just an actor acting but still.

    But getting mad that women won't hug you in public- is petty to me because the issue is bigger than that and it isn't reasonable to get mad at somebody cuz they won't hug you. Feminism taught the world that it's okay for men to be healer/supportive classes and it's okay for women to be DPS classes or Warriors but if you take that to much in the other direction you kinda have the same problem you were trying to fight but in reverse.

    I find a lot of generation Z men are actually quite "fruity" as a result of the liberation movements going on right now. In other words, straight young males "play" gay, will compliment each other in a gay way, will physically touch in a gay way. Its the tic toc generation thing.

    I don't see it as a bad thing, but in the eyes of boomers, and older, its seen as the destruction of Civilization.

    Which is hilarious, because "wow, men are being peaceful and affectionate towards each other, what a crime." lmao.

  6. #86
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    Wouldn't straight men prefer women sucking over men sucking? Just saying. Though, sucking in Discord is quite the feat. Are you using some kind of remote controller?

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Is this a new trend? I don't know.

    Ive had sex with a few married guys. Not proud of that and I don't actively look for it as it goes against my values. Golden rule.

    I've also hooked up with bisexual/straight guys who only want to have sex with a guy when they are high on cocaine. Its like, I oblige and don't overthink it for them. A kiss is not a contract.

    Maybe that's the issue, women over think things these days? High expectations? I can't see how that would be different now as opposed to decades ago..?

    I follow some rich guy who travelled to the Philippines and inpregnanted foreign woman with a baby. He proudly takes care of that baby and baby Momma, but will not marry her. He says he enjoys how woman in other parts of the world treat men with admiration and adoration. I also have a friend who married an Australian woman. I think the bottom line there is that North American woman are high maintenance, (as they should be this isn't a value judgement statement, its an objective observation). Woman in North America are above being criticized. Meaning the act of criticism to save their feelings and standing. I'm not saying they are being criticized for being a woman, I'm saying that being a woman makes them above the act of criticism. For example, if I was talking with some guys about something I knew to be true, and they are wrong, I will tell them that. If you do that to a woman or a girl in my country, she takes it as a personal assault on her as a person, or a woman. ofc, this isn't true at all points in all time, its a general rule of thumb. Everything is on a gradient. I think what is being said here is that NA women have been taught (and this isn't saying something negative towards the "teacher" there is no teacher. This is simply "the way she goes" as things evolve and change and transform), that to adore a man is to give him something of yourself and giving something means you are committed to the long term outcome and this might undermine you as a person and your social standing.

    I worked with a young 23 year old woman who believed that any sex that objectifies the other person is wrong. I'm not sure this is the pinnacle of feminism. So a woman is not an object, but a part of what is sexy is objectifying certain parts of the human body? its like cutting off a part of your nose to despite your face. There is probably room for improvement. I think this is the dellema of this era. How can a woman enjoy sex for its own sake without the political underpinnings of the sex? Doesn't birth control free the sexes?

    Looking over this post it would seem that companionship in this instance is 1. pleasurable sex without strings 2. adoration without strings.

    I'm not sure how the sexes can be reconciled or even if there is a problem that can be fixed. imho the solution lies in going back to an animalism world view between the sexes and also appreciating there ARE differences.
    I don't really put a lot of thought into this kind of thing and it's not like I have a specific reason for this, but I've always kinda avoided dating North American women. I just don't feel like I understand them well despite growing up around them. I don't like being around people who feel like they're looking for reasons to be offended or argue and that's largely been my experience with them. I'm sure there's tons who aren't like that at all, but I never had much luck there and have just always been more interested in dating 1st or 2nd generation immigrants or abroad. My current girlfriend is Japanese and this is by far the easiest, most pleasant relationship I've ever had. All we do is support and try to understand each other. We've never argued once. We're both really chill people and willing to compromise quite a lot for each other so there just isn't ever anything to be upset about. I love the affection too. Unlike a lot of Japanese people she actually really likes PDA, which is good cause I do too. Nothing that makes other people uncomfortable, but like, just lots of random hugs and barely ever letting go of each other's hands
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  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Women are supposed to be the feminine gender and are supposedly built/hard-wired to support and give emotional companionship to men. The other day I needed a hug so I went on an IRC channel, and none of the women there gave me a hug, only two gay men offered to give me the hug (and one gave me). Women have really become crap in this era. People are crap, but women have really really lost a lot value-wise. What do you think of this phenomenon

    Lmao this post gets funnier each time I read it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon View Post
    Lmao this post gets funnier each time I read it
    Ah, yes, he didn't get remotely sucked, he got remotely hugged, but I'm still wondering how this works. Mechanical hugs? Telekinetic hugs? Magic hugs? Send someone else as an emissary to do the hugging? In the last case you could probably ask for whatever gender, height, race, sexual orientation, and ability you want. I've never heard of this service, but it's probably to blame for COVID-19.

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