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Thread: Straight men turning for companionship to gay men b/c women this era suck

  1. #41
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Incels: "women have lost their value, and I am a misogynist because a few of them didn't hug me when I was sad."
    you're evidently not searching for ways to change your misogyny, in spite of saying you don't want to be one (if you were, this thread would say something more along the lines of "how do I stop seeing things this way?"); this thread's original post isn't searching for ways to stop being one, but rather, it inquires for whatever is going to provide you with more confirmation bias and validation of your toxic views of women (paraphrased OP: "why are my sexist views valid/accurate?"); it postulates based on traditional, but sexist, feminine roles ("built to support men and be companions for them" and according to you, if women don't do that, they're "bad"); you make passive-aggressive comments toward anyone who offers a little insight into where or how you're going wrong, aka how you are forming these views.

    If you're going to be a dick, at least be honest about it and don't claim you're a victim to your own perspectives; that's ridiculous, given that your actions obviously paint a different picture. The statement that you don't want to be a misogynist is merely revelatory of your cognitive dissonance. You create that distance from your own beliefs so that you don't have to feel responsible, but just so you know, everyone else around you sees through it and knows you're accountable anyway. You're only fooling your own self.
    im not tagging u bc i what i may be saying could be irrelevant depending on what u meant exactly, + missing each other.
    ive been oscillating to what im supposed to do since forever. do i trigger someone by saying what i would or let things get worse by not doing it?
    accountability. now i am taking the opposite stance, of a similar conversation we had, it was about you saying people need time to understand, and me that there isnt always time, as well as other factors. people get stuck in their cognitive limitations, of course u should have a growth mindset, but at the same time u cant blame/hold accountable for everthing in their issues, this doesnt mean just every issue, but the issues within the issue that are interrelated.
    his expression of the thread may show he is searching for validation, but that can also mean understanding and being understood. the decision to make the thread could be to seek understanding in the first place. this doesnt mean he would be capable of expressing his issues the most sensible way.

    there are issues with people on a fundamental level thats not understanding or caring enough for each other, which is the same thing, which is now lets say you reducing his arguement to simply a few women not hugging him when he was sad. its not just a few, its none, and the issue is way broader than that. there should be accountability on men for being low, but also on women. cognitive dissonace, yes, but better be dissonant, because thats naturally and implicitly the process of integration and change. any attempt at changing, thinking about, expressing perspectives can a be seen as being two faced/manipulative. why doesnt he want to feel responsible? bc he's struggling a lot with understanding it and controlling it. understanding and control is not something u can force, but have to carefully account for by all factors, that are externally pushing him there, thats not fair to be blamed for.
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Men: objectifying women and acting entitled to their bodies all around the world, generation after generation; so heavily that in Africa there is a problem with mothers ironing daughters' breasts, and so prominently that it is still normalized in media all around the world, in present day societies

    Women: preyed upon (used via deceit) for sex, pressured into having it, and so forth, so much throughout their lives (especially targeted if considered to be attractive) that they go around guarded, defenses up, untrusting of mens' motives when it comes to physical contact, etc.

    Incels: "women have lost their value, and I am a misogynist because a few of them didn't hug me when I was sad."

    Have you said some douchey things around them due to being prejudiced against females? I mean, it is your pattern to play the victim card unjustly. Hell, you're even playing the victim card about the presence of your misogyny. Examine your own language, speech patterns: there's no responsibility taken, you consistently use phrasing that distances you from accountability; you're evidently not searching for ways to change your misogyny, in spite of saying you don't want to be one (if you were, this thread would say something more along the lines of "how do I stop seeing things this way?"); this thread's original post isn't searching for ways to stop being one, but rather, it inquires for whatever is going to provide you with more confirmation bias and validation of your toxic views of women (paraphrased OP: "why are my sexist views valid/accurate?"); it postulates based on traditional, but sexist, feminine roles ("built to support men and be companions for them" and according to you, if women don't do that, they're "bad"); you make passive-aggressive comments toward anyone who offers a little insight into where or how you're going wrong, aka how you are forming these views.

    If you're going to be a dick, at least be honest about it and don't claim you're a victim to your own perspectives; that's ridiculous, given that your actions obviously paint a different picture. The statement that you don't want to be a misogynist is merely revelatory of your cognitive dissonance. You create that distance from your own beliefs so that you don't have to feel responsible, but just so you know, everyone else around you sees through it and knows you're accountable anyway. You're only fooling your own self.
    Your perception and judgment is very off point. Take a look at this thread and the very intelligent responses it's getting, and try to learn something.

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I kind of agree. I think that feminists are complicit in creating a man-hating society, although not nearly to the hegemonic extent that conservatives love to claim (you may disagree, but I feel it obvious that men's failures are mostly attributable to the corrosive effects of capitalism).

    I say this because I understand why second wave feminists would hate men. A lot of them (by their own testimonies) were raped, sometimes by husbands that they were forced to have sex with. Those women learned to hate men and tried to imprint those feelings onto their granddaughters. I can guess this because that's what I'd be tempted to do.

    Another fact is that avant-garde lefties, which are especially likely to be feminists, are artsy, intellectual bohemians. And artsy intellectuals can be somewhat narcissistic, crave relations with other selfish narcissists, and will consequently frame male-female relationships as competition rather than cooperation. This is NOT true of other feminists, who are very sincere in simply wanting an egalitarian society. But the existence of that avant-garde strain of leftism, especially in academia and entertainment, is nevertheless conspicuous.
    There is a lot of personal, emotional resentment of “men” as an overgeneralization in some feminists. That forms a bias, and in some of them, that is what causes them to go too far; in some, it stems from a desire for revenge. However, doing “pendulum swings” is human nature. In just about every cultural wave, every cultural movement, there is an observable pattern that it requires so much push-back just to get people to budge, that an excess of force is applied; and not only that, but the residual feelings produce that as well. The same has happened with racism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc. Thankfully, narcissists using feminazi (which I think is honestly an accurate term for those who are over-the-top about it) male/female roles in power dynamics are the minority, especially considering there are statistically more narcissistic men than women. Women are more often borderline than men, however.

    With that said, the media has repeatedly been met with criticism in its recent attempts to aggrandize women in various movies, shows, etc., even if there was really only one line in the film that was like that. Cruella is one of many, widely criticized for the line, "I am woman, hear me rawr." The majority of certain cultures are sick of inequality, but others are still fighting against heavy doses of it.

  4. #44
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    I think it is easier to feel dissatisfied these days because it's implied that there is more out there and you should want it for yourself - now.
    All I'm certain of is that I feel pressure and an urgent pace; even when it comes to the amount of movies I have not seen yet from my childhood-teen years let alone now where there are so many TV series being discussed that I can't possibly keep up. There's not enough time in a day to do and be everything that is proposed to be worthwhile.

    Personally I have to slow down and ask myself "am I appreciating what is here right now around me, what I already have? Or am I zooming ahead thinking about what could be better?"
    Technology makes it easy with a click to escape your current reality and relieve some emptiness inside, without need for commitment.

    When it comes to how we treat others, I believe that an individual has to keep themselves in constant check of what it is they're providing to the relationship so that they know in their heart that they are not just there to take.

    The give/take seems particularly important when insecurities are expressed by a person you are bonding with - you must make a conscious choice to not exploit that person's vulnerability for your own benefit.
    It's your own responsibility to facilitate more healthy behaviours and this has a flow on effect to become the society you're living in. Demonstrate the importance of treating someone thoughtfully and with kindness rather than exploiting them for their weaknesses.

    My critique of dating apps is their commodification of people based on their appearance and a description/blurb that reduces them and makes traits that fall outside the blurb unpalatable. If your current date seems challenging or makes you feel too exposed or self-conscious it can be easier to drop the person and browse alternatives than to endure difficulties for a while, even if by doing so you might gain the satisfaction of solving a problem together. The work it takes to see past a disagreement and understand where someone is coming from could bring you close together because you show dedication toward improving each other's state of mind.

    Final thought: trusting your feelings with someone and feeling confident that you won't be easily replaced makes for more generous, pleasurable sex.

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Your perception and judgment is very off point. Take a look at this thread and the very intelligent responses it's getting, and try to learn something.
    No, it's not off — but of course you would think/say that. Most people don't want to admit to their cognitive dissonances, that's why they're even there in the first place.

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    since it tends to emphasize violence done to women as women more than it does violence done to men as men (which, if you count all types of violence, men are more often the victim of, actually).
    There's a difference between being a victim and happening to be a man, and being a victim because you're a man. Crimes and injustices against women are occurring because they are women, because of gender inequality. Besides, crimes against women are actually more commonplace, so that's wrong.

    Men have not been sold to women, and aren't still facing this issue today.

    As far as Gendericide goes, it's Femicide that is a problem.

    (The only reason there's been a female elected as president there this year is because the other candidate backed out, so she's probably in a lot of danger and will face many gender issues)

    And of course they harbor personal feelings against men as a whole after these crimes are committed when it is the men killing women because they are women (and women aren't even able to be in those gangs of men that are killing women). I'm not saying it's right, but can you blame them after what they've endured?

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I kind of agree. I think that feminists are complicit in creating a man-hating society, although not nearly to the hegemonic extent that conservatives love to claim (you may disagree, but I feel it obvious that men's failures are mostly attributable to the corrosive effects of capitalism).

    I say this because I understand why second wave feminists would hate men. A lot of them (by their own testimonies) were raped, sometimes by husbands that they were forced to have sex with. Those women learned to hate men and tried to imprint those feelings onto their granddaughters. I can guess this because that's what I'd be tempted to do.

    Another fact is that avant-garde lefties, which are especially likely to be feminists, are artsy, intellectual bohemians. And artsy intellectuals can be somewhat narcissistic, crave relations with other selfish narcissists, and will consequently frame male-female relationships as competition rather than cooperation. This is NOT true of other feminists, who are very sincere in simply wanting an egalitarian society. But the existence of that avant-garde strain of leftism, especially in academia and entertainment, is nevertheless conspicuous.

    If men want better opinions of themselves, they should try being better men.

  8. #48
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    There's a difference between being a victim and happening to be a man, and being a victim because you're a man. Crimes and injustices against women are occurring because they are women, because of gender inequality. Besides, crimes against women are actually more commonplace, so that's wrong.

    Men have not been sold to women, and aren't still facing this issue today.

    As far as Gendericide goes, it's Femicide that is a problem.

    (The only reason there's been a female elected as president there this year is because the other candidate backed out, so she's probably in a lot of danger and will face many gender issues)

    And of course they harbor personal feelings against men as a whole after these crimes are committed when it is the men killing women because they are women (and women aren't even able to be in those gangs of men that are killing women). I'm not saying it's right, but can you blame them after what they've endured?

    I know the nuance feminists speak of when it comes to being a victim as a person of one's gender vs being a victim because one is a member of one's gender. You're not really teaching me anything new here.

    I don't really agree that all instances of domestic violence, rape, or sexual assault against women are done because the victims are women, because what the hell do we know what the motives of these crimes are? Are you inside the heads of the perpetrators? Not any more that you are inside the mind of a man who sexually assaults or rapes another man in prison, of a man who beats up or assaults another man, etc. I'm not denying that women, in some parts of the world, are victims of crimes against them because they are women (as in the example you mention of being sold into slavery and other such acts because they are women). But it seems that the media confuses a crime against a woman vs crimes commited against women because of the status women hold in certain societies.

    Also where are you getting that women are more often victims of (violent) crimes? The link you give concerns only domestic violence, not all forms of violence. Not that I think this is worth debating because 1) I'm not trying to figure which gender is more oppressed and 2) Not all crimes committed against women are commited because the victims are women, so I don't see how it's relevant. My remark which you quoted (and which was taken out of context) was simply to point out that violence against men tends to be ignored by the media as banal while violence against women (whether we know the motives of the crime or not) is often depicted femicide.

    I hesitated to post this because I know this going to be controversial, and I'm probably going to start a ruckus by doing so. But this subject needs more nuance, I don't blame women who have been victims for their anger, but I do blame the media for being incoherent in trying to favor a narrative and cropping out what doesn't fit into that narrative.

    Edit: I realize I may sound hostile and dismissive in this post. That isn't my intent. Apologies, Noir, if it comes off that way.
    Last edited by Ave; 12-04-2021 at 05:01 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    This is extremely accurate.

    And media encourages these behaviors too, i.e. casual short term sex among young women, and holding negative views towards/from both sexes.
    Biggest lie feminists ever promoted to women is that fucking like men would make them happy.





  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    To be honest, it was just an experiment. I've had varying degree of success on that IRC channel, in fact I've made several friends and had a romance with one of the girls (note that I was not seeking any of this, I went on that channel to investigate). I'm actually an Oldham "Solitary" person that needs very little interaction (not to mention too that I'm a demi-sexual). I was actually needing a hug though, for once, because I've been through some really strange stuff and this lesbian girl romance didn't end well (and I gave it all and exhausted myself) and I'm still putting myself together. I have a pattern in my romantic relationships, that I fall for girls who are very damaged and then I attempt to fix them, and then they leave me, and I've grown tired.

    I'm okay now, thanks for your concern
    Well, I think it's good that you are aware of it, at least. I suppose you know what to work on, then.
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    Quote Originally Posted by serenaeva View Post
    Biggest lie feminists ever promoted to women is that fucking like men would make them happy.
    I meant to reply with my thoughts to your other post, but this one sums up your thoughts better.

    I don't know if we can generalize by saying men have to fuck a certain way and women another way (or the same way). Everyone is different, and that's the scary part, discovering yourself, and that the prescriptions of others may not work for you.

    I think men want to have more sex simply because society rewards their ego when they "get laid". And the reason women don't (or don't want it to be known if they do) is because they are more often shamed for it. The reality is that women in our day and age have less to fear from getting pregnant (due to the existence of contraception) and more from the taboos associated with women's sexuality and shaming (in western society, much less than in some others but old attitudes die hard). The biological instinct is to have sex, because our instinct is to breed. Biologcally speaking, we are animals, not spiritual beings with a moral conscience.

    Edit: That said though, we are not purely machines of breeding. Sex is spiritual too, not just biological. So no matter who you are, sleeping around might not be the best lifestyle because the attachment formed without a relationship to back it up can be unhealthy and lead to trauma. That said, if a person wants to sleep around with a billion partners, I think that's their choice and won't shame them for it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by serenaeva View Post
    Biggest lie feminists ever promoted to women is that fucking like men would make them happy.
    Different types have different likes.

    Fucking like men sometimes made me happy, but there was no guarantee.

    I think it worked best with LSIs (fun) and ESI (love, much to my surprise).

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    Women are generally nice until you express romantic interest in them if you're not their type, which is fair.

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    I’ve always thought that a woman should feel honored that I want to have sex with her. Really, not many women qualify for sex, so they should take my interest as a compliment.

    What I see though, instead, time and time again, is that women automatically assume that the thing uppermost on my mind is having sex with them, when it really is not.

    This happened recently with the ESI-Se artist whom I’ve known and worked with for ten years. Yes, I’m probably in love with her. Yes, I could probably have sex with her if she suggested it. But she’s a lesbian and she’s not going to suggest it, so I simply put it out of my mind.
    However, we were recently talking about something, I can’t remember what, but she reacted as if she thought I was trying to get into her pants and I honestly wasn’t.

    Personally, I think that it is normally so hard to have sex with a stranger (just think about that for a moment) that, in order to reproduce at all, both men and women tell themselves stories about themselves.

    Men assume that all women want them, and women assume that all men want them, and these assumptions make it possible to get out of bed in the morning and face a new day of 99.44%* failures.

    If we didn’t have these necessary delusions, we’d have gone the way of the Dodo long ago.


    For those of you who like math, I calculated my actual daily failure rate for getting laid by a new woman, and it’s 0.99991945 chance of failure.

    However, I haven’t given up. Now, that’s delusional.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-04-2021 at 06:25 PM.

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    Women are generally nice until you convey that you want to sleep with them as a non-studly man, which is fair
    Yeah and well studly Chads that are too pervy get in trouble for it too but it's one of those things where a woman can pretend to be against it in public but in private it really turns them on- they just have to successfully manipulate both sides for their own advantage. I'm not accusing them of anything- I'm just saying, it would be really easy to play that game. Especially because in an official Te way people are taught that just because the victim was turned on doesn't mean it wasn't wrong- so that itself could be manipulated quite easily lol.

    Have you ever seen how 'out there' actor Armie Hammer's messages were? ((it's like jesus- and I thought I was pervy lol)) Lol if an uglier man said that - it would be, like way beyond creepy- but it already is quite creepy especially if he was being literal of course.

    And although he was being so dark and serial killer ish in those messages- he was still mostly asking for consent in all of them so it still had this innocence to me in a way even though it was objectively really fucked up what he said- I think it might be assumed that a less objectively attractive man wouldn't even ask.

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    I’ve always thought that a woman should feel honored that I want to have sex with them. Really, not many qualify for that, so they should take it as a compliment.
    Yeah I think this is why women get rightfully pissed at you and you don't have anybody and why me, betrand and asheelsha have wanted to campily hit your head with a shovel while making a witty pun. Not to be mean and I wouldn't literally do that to you because I respect you but obviously- sex isn't about honor, but about mutual pleasure. And if you do all this patronizing nonsense while still claiming the 'nice guy' card- that is just double whammy shovel time.

    What I see, though, time and time again, is that women automatically assume that the thing uppermost on my mind is having sex with them, when it really is not.
    Yeah but you're not supposed to take it personal - it's cuz women really do have a harder time dealing with pervs compared to other people. I mean all the pervs they don't want, of course. Sex is not the enemy ala Garbage. And it's not to white knight women- it's just how sexuality is naturally designed- in a biological darwin way, the man has to make the first move- but the dark side of that is all the men who make the move that u don't want. So that's why they assume that and I can't really blame them.

    "smile sweetheart- I'm a nice guy. You should like nice guys." VOMIT.

    That's why they go for Armie Hammer cutting off our toes because well, look how honest he's at least being. I'm j/k btw I'm not into that either but I do see the appeal in a weird way. It might sound so backwards- but cutting off my toes and putting them in your pocket is better than condescendingly looking down at me and thinking sex is about honor lol.

    Men assume that all women want them, and women assume that all men want them, and these assumptions make it possible to get out of bed in the morning and face a new day of 99.44% failures.
    Yeah I agree - that's why GLBT rights should sometimes be less about giving rights to gays and more about making society less heterosexist even though obviously without heterosexuality the world would perish etc lol. The forced assumption we all need to be so straight all the time 24/7 is just dumb and suffocating - even and especially to straight people. As natural and beautiful being straight is- to always assume that male and female energy always fits like a perfect puzzle piece is just lol to me. But I miss Sol cuz he was like my polar opposite!

  17. #57
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    And if you do all this patronizing nonsense while still claiming the 'nice guy' card- that is just double whammy shovel time.
    my guess is, could be an example of loose language used by a thinker. this "patronizing" is perceived. he doesnt mean it in this way. most women AFAIA feel flattered in the beginning but then they learn more, it gets old, and they are faulty humans who take assumptions without considering all variables necessary to the whole picture.
    honor like deserving, because of what sex would mean to him and what the woman would be in relation to that meaning. like he sees something valuable in her, that she should feel good about, not the idea that she's allowed privelege to have sex with an alpha male.
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    Quote Originally Posted by serenaeva View Post
    Biggest lie feminists ever promoted to women is that fucking like men would make them happy.
    Fucking helps relieve stress in men. Going out and trying to use and conquest and manage chaotic relationships with multiple women isn’t exactly a recipe for happiness for most men either. Most men shouldn’t be fucking like men are told they should either, nevermind women.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    my guess is, could be an example of loose language used by a thinker. this "patronizing" is perceived. he doesnt mean it in this way. most women AFAIA feel flattered in the beginning but then they learn more, it gets old, and they are faulty humans who take assumptions without considering all variables necessary to the whole picture.
    honor like deserving, because of what sex would mean to him and what the woman would be in relation to that meaning. like he sees something valuable in her, that she should feel good about, not the idea that she's allowed privelege to have sex with an alpha male.

    Yeah. This.

    OK, I'm going to elaborate at my peril.
    @VewyScawwyNawcissist, you got it exactly right. I think that the idea of it being an honor for a woman to have sex with an alpha male, whatever that is, and I doubt that I'm that, TBH, is laughable.

    I mean, maybe on some days I'm an alpha male for a few brief moments, but most of the time I probably average a solid B+, with extended periods of F- in there. But whatever.

    Instead of feeling honored, I think a woman should feel flattered. I know that I feel flattered when a woman seems to want to sleep with me. Not honored or anything. That sounds too aristo. Nope. Just flattered that she's interested. Because I've seen me in the mirror every morning. Lol. Not honored.

    *EDIT* @Shazaam saw something that looked to him like patronization in my writing. He's not the only person who has said this. He might be right to some degree. I'd like to think he's wrong, but I suspect he could be right.
    If he is, then I have to ask myself where this impression comes from, and I'd say it could be the result of me not wanting to say exactly what I think because I don't want to piss people off without a good reason. And so I tend to agree with stupid stuff a lot and I just say, "Yes, yes, sure" and this could sound patronizing but what IEIs want to hear is the SLE unvarnished truth. And IEE's like Bertrand and ESIs like Ashlesha want to hear the unvarnished truth from their Duals, too. And I don't usually do unvarnished truth. Especially not to a crowd. So that could be the source of my offense.

    I still don't want to sleep with every woman I see, though. And that's the unvarnished truth.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-05-2021 at 12:14 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    With that said, the media has repeatedly been met with criticism in its recent attempts to aggrandize women in various movies, shows, etc.
    I don't like it when they turn the female protagonist into a Mary Sue. It let's them apply the 'socially progressive' label to cover up for bad writing.

    Other than that, more representation of women (and minorities) doesn't bother me. If anything, my impression is that inclusiveness is being driven by how our wider society is coalescing, less so by a grand conspiracy to shove liberal values down everyone's throats. While writers as a class do tend to be more liberal-minded, and that this is reflected in their work, they can only get away with so much. Self-righteous schlock does exist, though, but it sucks and no one likes it.

  21. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I don't like it when they turn the female protagonist into a Mary Sue. It let's them apply the 'socially progressive' label to cover up for bad writing.

    Other than that, more representation of women (and minorities) doesn't bother me. If anything, my impression is that inclusiveness is being driven by how our wider society is coalescing, less so by a grand conspiracy to shove liberal values down everyone's throats. While writers as a class do tend to be more liberal-minded, and that this is reflected in their work, they can only get away with so much. Smug, self-righteous schlock does exist, though, but it sucks and no one likes it.
    The problem with that line is the fact that being woman has nothing to do with “rawring.” People are sick of gender-related labels, and they're ready for the balance: simply “rawring” because it's the person she is, without it being attributed to gender. People commented things like, “I am man, hear me gag.” However, it was both men and women who were critical, calling it “cringeworthy.”

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    If you believe evolutionary psychologists (which is a bit of a risk), women prefer 'alpha males' when engaging in casual sex, 'beta males' when looking to settle down and raise a family.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    If you believe evolutionary psychologists (which is a bit of a risk), women prefer 'alpha males' when engaging in casual sex, 'beta males' when looking to settle down and raise a family.

    That makes sense to me, and is the way I operate, also.

    Quality gene capture is a bonus, but you don't want to buy a house you can't afford.

  24. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    If you believe evolutionary psychologists (which is a bit of a risk), women prefer 'alpha males' when engaging in casual sex, 'beta males' when looking to settle down and raise a family.
    This is actually untrue, despite it being seemingly intuitive knowledge to many people, as the alpha/beta theory has been long disproven to exist even in wolf hierarchies, which was where these archetypes actually originated from. Women also no longer have a preference for this archetype in modern society. It was an ideal that men used to strive for, and we've since redefined it as "toxic masculinity." Perhaps this is because it was never natural to begin with.

  25. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Quality gene capture is a bonus, but you don't want to buy a house you can't afford.
    What? We're talking about people/relationships here. Nobody wants to capture the genes of one man then marry another. The alpha archetype is also not "unaffordable."

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    I was going to write more, but I had to use the toilet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    This is actually untrue, despite it being seemingly intuitive knowledge to many people, as the alpha/beta theory has been long disproven to exist even in wolf hierarchies, which was where these archetypes actually originated from. Women also no longer have a preference for this archetype in modern society. It was an ideal that men used to strive for, and we've since redefined it as "toxic masculinity." Perhaps this is because it was never natural to begin with.
    Yes, you are correct. The wolf hierarchies study was disproved. The 'alpha male' was only bigger because he was the father of the pack (which is a nuclear family), whereas the 'beta males' turned out to be his young children. It makes perfect sense for a father to be bigger and more dominant than his puppies. The scientist who made that study spent years trying to correct this misconception.

    Evo-psych is a pretty mixed bag. There was a MAJOR evo-psych claim that women were attracted to muscular alpha males during ovulation (at their peak fertility), whereas they preferred more family-oriented males during the rest of their period. That finding caused ripples because of how provocative it was. It has also completely failed to replicate.

    But the most damning thing of all is this: evo-psych glosses over the question of free will, which is nevertheless still an open question. I see it as a perfect complement to our culture of mass advertising and mass control.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Instead of feeling honored, I think a woman should feel flattered.
    Do you feel flattered by the sky when it wants to rain on you? No, because it’s a force of nature that’s going to drop its load all over you, and most everyone else, indiscriminately. That’s how women feel. Unless you’re an A-list celebrity with actual thousands of women paying vying for your time, they won’t be flattered by your wanting to sleep with them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    the solution is not to "cancel" this person
    I never suggested it was. I support your right to say whatever you please. Me stating my opinion in response to you isn't cancelling you in any way.
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Assuming, labeling, and acting like an automaton.
    I did not assume anything about you. I also didn't label you. I'm not sure what acting like an automaton means in this context, so I may or may not be acting like one. I'm not sure lol
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I'm still waiting for some woman to pop up in this thread and say "I'm not crap!", and as you can see, that doesn't happen. Why would that be?
    Because no one needs to defend their worth to you
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Btw save your hugs and your hypocrisy for someone who can stomach them
    Will do. Still, I'm sorry that you feel this way, and I only hope the best for you
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    For some reason, if you were talking to a woman complaining about how callous men were, I suspect your response would be different.
    Feel free to call me out if I do so at some point, but I don't believe that I'm a hypocrite in this way
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Do you feel flattered by the sky when it wants to rain on you? No, because it’s a force of nature that’s going to drop its load all over you, and most everyone else, indiscriminately. That’s how women feel. Unless you’re an A-list celebrity with actual thousands of women paying vying for your time, they won’t be flattered by your wanting to sleep with them.
    @mysteryofdungeon, this is surprising to me but I think you're right and it's absolutely true. It certainly "feels" true.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Women are supposed to be the feminine gender and are supposedly built/hard-wired to support and give emotional companionship to men. The other day I needed a hug so I went on an IRC channel, and none of the women there gave me a hug, only two gay men offered to give me the hug (and one gave me). Women have really become crap in this era. People are crap, but women have really really lost a lot value-wise. What do you think of this phenomenon
    Are you sure there were even any women in this channel? Lol

    Rather than irc try going to a Sephora and go around asking for hugs next time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    Did the gay men know you and the women didn't? Who knows. I wouldn't generally expect anyone to do that.

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    Why make things so complicated?

    No. I'm not gonna fuck a dude. If some women don't fit you, just find another, or stay single and find a doll, if it please you....

  34. #74
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    If you're so negative of people how do you expect them to like you.

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    I kind of agree. I think that feminists are complicit in creating a man-hating society, although not nearly to the hegemonic extent that conservatives love to claim (you may disagree, but I feel it obvious that men's failures are mostly attributable to the corrosive effects of capitalism).
    I think society is simply 'man-hating' because many if not most males were just cruel abusive jerks when we were kids. ((I'm not sure rape has much to do with it but maybe it exacerbates it - most sexual abuse isn't gender related to me much, one of the things they teach you as a sex police cop is to not make assumptions about gender and to check all your blind spots)) But the feminists don't really forgive or let people grow up either I don't think- or 'blue pill' society too often assumes that just because a person is female they will be this caregiving empathetic mary sue saint when that is obviously not true either. And they really don't have too much motivation or desire about the systems in place that cause usually lower class redneck males to be jerks to other people to begin with, they look it at is a gender thing when in many cases it's more of a class/systemic issue.

    Most American feminism in the liberal cities is "You are a hateful bigot because you're not feeding me my narcissistic supply!" - but the reason it started in the first place, most men only have themselves to blame for it. If you light fire in cat's anuses and act like a sexist jerk to women and unfairly bully gay guys- people are naturally going to be a 'SJW' with you out of retaliation. lmao.

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    @xerx, I would never have guessed that. When I started reading your texts, I thought you were an 80 year old grizzled fart with a history of political activism. Someone like this:

    I still picture you as skinny and grizzled. Lol.

    I get what you mean about unwanted attention. If you are a male in US society, you are expected to make the first move, and some highly desirable women want a partner but they absolutely will not make the first move. That leaves men in a position of either being celibate or taking the risk of offending a woman.

    Most of the women I date want to be wanted, but I’ve approached some women who did not feel towards me the way I felt towards them, and all I can say is that, after feeling like an idiot, I left them alone.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-11-2021 at 04:48 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @xerx, I would never have guessed that. When I started reading your texts, I thought you were an 80 year old grizzled fart with a history of political activism.

    I still picture you as skinny and grizzled. Lol.

    I get what you mean about unwanted attention. If you are a male in US society, you are expected to make the first move, and some highly desirable women want a partner but they absolutely will not make the first move. That leaves men in a position of either being celibate or taking the risk of offending a woman.

    Most of the women I date want to be wanted, but I’ve approached some women who did not feel towards me the way I felt towards them, and all I can say is that, after feeling like an idiot, I left them alone.
    You can't tell the difference when a woman wants to be hit on and when she doesn't? None of the men I know have this problem.. But... they are Fe base mostly. But then again, the SLI could tell too. My SLE brother knows... and so does my ESI brother.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    You can't tell the difference when a woman wants to be hit on and when she doesn't? None of the men I know have this problem.. But... they are Fe base mostly. But then again, the SLI could tell too. My SLE brother knows... and so does my ESI brother.
    Some women are obvious, but not all. I’ve been on several dates with women who did not want to be hit on, but they liked going out with me.

    Picture your stereotypical female ESI. Tell me when she wants to be hit on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Some women are obvious, but not all. I’ve been on several dates with women who did not want to be hit on, but they liked going out with me.

    Picture your stereotypical female ESI. Tell me when she wants to be hit on.
    Okay but I think MOST women are obvious, not some. There are pretty blatant social cues. I will say that my LIE friend is oblivious to them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @xerx, I would never have guessed that. When I started reading your texts, I thought you were an 80 year old grizzled fart with a history of political activism. Someone like this:

    I still picture you as skinny and grizzled. Lol.
    I can see how I give the impression of being an ultra-lefty. But I only do that for fun; what I really am is a nihilistic computer hacker. If I live long enough, I do intend to become the grizzled old man who lives alone — the survivalist guy who remembers the pre-revolutionary era — from dystopian and cyberpunk novels.

    I get what you mean about unwanted attention. If you are a male in US society, you are expected to make the first move, and some highly desirable women want a partner but they absolutely will not make the first move. That leaves men in a position of either being celibate or taking the risk of offending a woman.

    Most of the women I date want to be wanted, but I’ve approached some women who did not feel towards me the way I felt towards them, and all I can say is that, after feeling like an idiot, I left them alone.
    Yeah. And it's not just true in the USA.

    Women's sexuality does pivot around being wanted, but they also don't want that attention from ungraceful and opportunistic randos. And because that requires testing the man's sincerity, a good strategy is to be initially noncommittal. You need to be charming (and very discerning of compatibility) to pull off a cold approach. I'm just saying the obvious here.
    Last edited by xerx; 12-11-2021 at 07:17 AM.

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