Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
But Duals work together seamlessly and provide each other with the best support.
Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Maybe some duals can.
IR theory is about average, most of cases. Understanding of IR theory needs correct types (your and other people), significant and lesser formal interactions. Good to have more examples to reduce influence of other factors.

Duality gives the best support from the point of activating your weak regions and giving you more of field for self-expression by your strongest interests of ego. When you communicate, cooperate with such people and tune friendly to them, - this improves your psyche state, makes you feeling higher inner energy, self-esteem, more positive life perception. Also duality the most allows to study your weak regions by coping behavior and traits of duals.
Here we take a common case, where a stronger function in a type supposes better its strenght than in you and above average in a society.

In more practical side. Among types duality predisposes to give the general help and support the most. But as types is one of factors for relations, so concrete human with duality type mb worse than other with non-duality. A human with lower IQ, higher egocentrism and other opposing factors to your needs may be lesser supportive, what may overweight better IR factor.
Also. Stronger function in a type means better concrete skills but this also depends on IQ, education and experience, besides functional strenght and functional value. Concrete relations depend on skills much, not only personality potentional.

> I think I prefer the typical EIE to the typical ESE.

It's about the experience and its perception. Types and hence IR could be other (mistakes in types are often), lack of examples and surface interactions arise influence of external factors.

> dual relations are prone to falling into stagnation

Difference in personality of duals predisposes to keep the interest and what people may give each other. This difference is higher than semiduals have.
A stagnation happens in positive sense - more pleasant relations have lesser activity for changes inside. While same people may do more activity together for external tasks, instead of opposing between them. May more change/improve each other as persons, as such people trust higher and differ much by types.

Semiduality, in average, means you'll have not satisfied hunger for 3rd by strenght (in Jung model) function and lesser acceptance for your 2 valued functions.
For example, LII (doubt in your T) will not get good support for S, his interests to Ne and Si will be lesser accepted. There will be boring and some opposing situation about N.

> Another reason I like EIEs compared to ESEs is that it's easier to talk with them and understand them.

Initial and surface contact is easier with people having similarly strong functions. The problem of different values also becomes more meaningful after a time and on closer personal distance, - as it's lesser noticable than functional strenght.
To cooperate surfacely like pals and colleagues similarity of types helps. For more personally meaningful relations, as friendship, helps functional difference, not similarity. Not situational, but general support what people seek more relates to their weak functions.